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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Congrats to Adam Lambert for having reached 5 million views for his "Better Than I Know Myself" music video on YOUTUBE!


Anonymous said...

JAK here........YAY !
................Oh, HAPPY DAY !

Anonymous said...

I love that mv, 30 of the views are mine alone.

Anonymous said...

I love this mv a lot. Wished radios played this song on rotation. Good news, at least BTIKM moved up on HAC from #23 to #17 for the past week. We shouldn't give up and request our radio stations to play this single and vote for it on VH1 Top 20 MV Countdown.

Anonymous said...


P L E A S E do something about the black text on the grey background. Very hard to read!!!

Anonymous said...

I have not heard BTIKM on the local NYC radio station I listen to and Adam did a promo there about a month or so ago too. I still hear WWFM which I just love and will always want to hear that played. Let's hope that whatever his next single release is that it will get air play quickly.

Anonymous said...

should be 50 million

Anonymous said...

Whoa whoa whoa!! Adam...Excellent job!! 5,000,000 views! That is a whole lot of views! You are sailing mighty high wave after wave!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this clip - I'm in awe of it and no matter how many times I watch it, I always see something I hadn't seen before. Adam is such a fine actor. He deserves to be in movies one day if that's what he'd like to do. In the meantime, I'm adoring his singing and his speaking voice to the max.

fefa said...

yay! finally lol :3
now we need more!!! xD

Im fine! i dont need therapy! lol im just.....just.....just...just ....just...okay who am i kidding! this man its just to much for my young self haha i do need that password maybe SG can tell me via twitter or something lol he just getz me going.....i travel to another dimension just thinking about him lol
BTW i think adam should really hold him self because he is gonna be hit soon with a huge wave of success and fame and also love from his glamberts haha and if he cant hold him self ill be more than happy to help him lol! :)

Anonymous said...

The password is Cuckoo; but the person in charge will ask a certain question first before you give the answer. Don't hesitate or they'll know you are new and may bully you! LOL! The question is best left to SG to explain; she is a lot smarter in that field than I am. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

That's great, really it is, but why haven't I heard it once on the damn radio?? Sorry, that's what matters- airplay!!!

fefa said...

ohhh!! lol okay...not hesitate... got it lol wish me luck...once SG tells me im going straight to it! but i dont think is gonna work! lol....(have to go with a positive mind :3)

BTW about this 5,000,000 times viewed video.....i agree with a previous comment...i always find something new in all his videos (up to this date i still find new thingz on IIHY and WWFM and FYE)i love that! theyre mysteries for us to solve lol
ex. in this video i didnt even notice how amazing his legs look (i know im sorry i cant help it xD) also i noticed that when he does the make up scene....the one where he getz it all over his face...well after a couple of seconds his face like by an act of magic is clean again lol! also noticed that the ummm how do u say this in eglish....uughh the...the yellow thingy on the fence at the end...iss exactly like the one in the CD cover.....and did u guyz notice that adam is so awesome he can actually set metal or steel (dont know which :3) on fire!! lol cause im preaty sure that chair is not made of wood lol

daydreamin said...

Anon 8:31 it just depends. Some stations play it on regular rotation like 2 of the 3 I usually listen to. The other litterally just started playing it once per dau one week ago in the middle of the night and WWFM once in the late evening.

Someone just told me they finally heard BTIKM at 7:15pm...a decent hour! The program director had a long conversation with a friend of mine who called to request it and he seemed rather preturbed by Adam random. He needs to get over it cud we're to stay. Hey he is playing it during the day now. Maybe he was won over by Adam in their studio last week LOL!

Anonymous said...

When you said the metal chair caught fire, I had to play the video again and whenever I watch Adam's video, I can't stop it half way. Hey the metal chair didn't catch fire, sort of warped a little. That yellow tape is called a police cordon-off tape or no-trespassing yellow tape. I know you always watch his legs but the part where he wiggles his body a little bit sets me tingling and also his face, side profile, lying down, so handsome and the way he coughs, so touching. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you the question you need to know via twitter BUT in order to do that, first I need to know your name on twitter, don't I!??LOL!!

The question you need to know is:
What's inside Adam's pants?

The answer is obvious: Cuckoo!!

You know...the bird...LOL!!So now you're....and ready to go!! oooppps I miss one word.....hahaha!

YOU told me to tell her!Remember that was the password to the secret club of FYE!!Now she may turn like one of us....God help us...


Anonymous said...

You know, seriously, I could not have said what you just said and that's why I directed Fefa to you. And hey no need to be so explicit; no need to explain! think Fefa has been living under a very large rock! You see I was right to appoint you head of the sexology department. By the way, at first I thought I just made up the word sexology; but curiosity made me check it out and yes it's a very important division of medical science, part of which deals with our password! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


It's a durty/hard work but someone has to do it....

I knew about the word sexology, it's almos the same in spanish.I'm always update for that kind of things.....LOL!!!


fefa said...

I just woke up and this is what I read lol thankz for explaining me better! :) and those moments u said i also love them! but if i start writing all of my favorite would be better to watch the whole video istead of reading my pots xD
BTW now i see why u wanted SG lol you never say thingz like that hahai dont think it was explicit I think is really clever! lol now everytime i hear CUCKOO i wont be able to.think in something else!! lol

lololol what an awesome question and awesome answer haha :3
im @fefa14100 on twitter
BTW u explained very well it was really funny lol "the bird" its what makes me laugh specially if u say it in spanish lolol and i think im already like u guyz im just gonna be official now! xD

I wanna thank u both for being so nice and cool with me :3 when i first became a glambert i thought i was weird 'cause i didnt see anyone else loving adam as much as i is really nice to meet people like me! yay! lol like adam saids:"a weirdo hanging out with more weirdos" or something like that haha :)

Anonymous said...

Don't give up on your radio requesting! Just keep it respectful and reasonable of course. I truly don't think BTIKM is dead yet! And fans, definitely "hit" the sites who have had Adam there for a promo and have those vids up on their site!! "Hit" the crap out of those, because those stats are made note of.

Anonymous said...

SG left out something...ah you see I always have a trump-card; she who laughs last laughs best. Here goes Fefa... In my Cantonese dialect, Cuckoo is exactly how we say "the bird"! LOL! By the way, the real Cuckoo bird is known as a cheater bird. It goes to another bird's nest (warbler), removes the eggs and lays her own eggs in the warbler's nest! So when the baby cuckoos and warblers hatch, mother warbler bird, like a saint, feeds both kinds of birds. :)

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you like my explanation. I just thought you need all the details so you can't get confuse.This club is really strict!!LOL!!
I'm sure now you gonna ask your mom for a Cuckoo watch...but don't tell her why...ssshhhh

Thanks fot the twitter name, I'm gonna follow you right now!
I have a lot of fun with you two!!Always good to know there's more crazy Glamberts out there!!;))


COME ON!! Join Twitter!!!


Anonymous said...

1. Tresspassing
2. Cuckoo
3. Shady
4. Never Close Our Eyes
5. Kickin In
6. Naked Love
7. Pop That Lock
8. Better Than I Know My Self
9. Broken English
12.Outlaws of Love
14.Take Back

Official List for Trespassing

fefa said...

yeah join twitter!! is easier, fun and more addictive that what you think! :3
ohhhh i knew a heard cuckoo somewhere! i watched something like that once on animal planet haha but somehow i didnt thought of it when i heard this title for a song :) thanks for the info :3

u bet im going to buy one lol! or maybe just a fake cuckoo bird!

oohhh thankz for that! but thatz for the deluxe version right? cuase it haves 15 tracks......
or is the same order in both and the last three are the ones in the deluxe? thankz in advance :3

Anonymous said...

I think I'm looking forward to what Nirvana sounds like...must be surreal and serene; whoa, Adam is trying to achieve nirvana. :)

Thanks KRW!


Anonymous said...

So excited about these other song titles we haven't heard yet! There 's still lots of Trespassing to discover for the first time!

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, he probable really listened to it and said Hey that is pretty good!!

Anonymous said...

I pre-ordered several copies way back when, but not the deluxe. Want the deluxe, too!