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Adam Lambert Interview with Sean Valentine (4/04/2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Thanks to UK Glambert!


Anonymous said...

Adam -- When these &&**&&& radio people ask you about older fans, you should always say that you also have 4 year old fans, 10 year old fans, 12 year old fans, teenagers and young adults in their 20s, 30s and then also the older crowd! You reach EVERYONE. That should be CELEBRATED, not looked down by some of these narrow minded DJs who just want to hear the 14-16 girls screaming at the likes of JB.

Anonymous said...

I am one of those older fans and I am so happy to hear Adam say that he appreciates his fans of all discrimation there. Music transcends all ages and brings people together. I can still get up and move to Adam's music, sing along with the songs, and appreciate this talented performer. You don't have to be a teenager to enjoy today's music...although there isn't much to choose from lately. So when someone like an Adam Lambert (and
Adele) comes along , we really do appreciate them with their amaaaazing vocal talent. And Adam is something special to look at all the time. So no jokes or comments from these djs about the older crowd of women who love and support Adam.

Anonymous said...

I am older to, and Adam made me listen to music again. I so appreciate him so much. Love how he likes all people, and ages. His songs appeal to that, like some artist don't. Adam forever in my heart.

Anonymous said...

As long as we r ALIVE no matter what age we r in we can appreciate & groove to good music with Amazing Vocals & that for us is Mr Adam Laberttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!

Most DJs are idiots nothing to say, just keep quiet!

Adam's so talented, witty & kind & that's why we LOVE him so :):):)

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering. The DJ played a snippet of someone singing and the voice of that singer (I don't know who) just stands out. I wonder why can't Adam's recording be produced with less instrumentation and let his voice dominate the song just like that one played in this interview? When I listen to others recordings, like Rihanna, Bruno etc, you can hear their pure voice with no electronica piggybacking. Is it a case of over production?

Anonymous said...

Y'know, I don't think this guy meant anything mean about Adam'd older fanbase. He was just being observational. He talked about it a little too long, if you ask me, but Adam handled it very well. I agree that when this topic is brought up to Adam, he should say, "I have fans of all ages from very young to very old." In fact, I have heard Adam reply this way to this topic before. It really doesn't bother me. He handles it with humor and respect for all his fans. He's a class act, throgh and through. One thing is for sure about most of Adam's fans. We aren't going to abandon him for the next "flavor of the month," like lots of teens do. We're hear to stay.


Anonymous said...

I hope we don't all get our undies in a knot about the "older fan" thing. The guy doesn't know any better. Adam answered with his usual class. I'm willing to let it go.

Anne Marie said...

Definitely did not like Valentine, I was left with the impression that he was making fun of Adam. Asking about the older people who like him. Asked if he had candles in his house, unfortunately Adams answer wasn't great, said his mom buys them for him.I think usually guys don't buy candles for their home, but Adam loves beautiful exotic things. the DJ knew he was gay and played on it.I didn't hear much about the titles of his new album either. I think Adam didn't see it coming, or he might have had some better answers. So looking forward to his new album, I have had it ordered since January

Anne Marie said...

Dear ADMINISTRATOR, thankyou for moving the ad off of the posts, BUT I still cannot see them . They are printed in black on black, still have to jump thru hoops to get to my favorite site. :(

Anonymous said...

At least this interview was short. Gave the DJ less time to be a jerk.

Anonymous said...

This DJ was a jerk, some are and some have been awesome. Just like real life for us all,we meet some great people and some not so great. Adam always handles everything so well.

Anonymous said...

awww that wasn't so bad. The album got some pimping that's all I care about.

Anonymous said...

men that are so age conscious are the first ones who fall apart the first sign they are starting to age. You can pick them out of any crowd.

Anonymous said...

This all got rooted out with Ryan Seacrap. A DJ with no talent in music who got his stardom with AI. He is the most successful person in entertainment industry. Thanks to AI, REALLY. Adam is talented in music and he is very smart and articulate. Seacrap is intimated by it. Adam is good looking, has impeccable voice, smart, articulate, great communicator. DJs are throwing him under the bus.

Anonymous said...

I have a male co-worker who insists that Adam practically destroyed his career with the AMA performance in '09..I am very open minded and LOVE Adam so I had no problem with it on a personal level..however, I did cringe when I watched it cause I just knew that this performance was not going to appeal to the main stream..I think that probably my co-worker is right to some degree..however, I am hopeful that this performance mistake hasn't hurt him too badly..Thoughts????

Anonymous said...

I agree, very few DJs
throughout the last month of radio promos, had anything clever to ask or say to Adam. To me they all come off as wanting to sound "cool" but really are jerks. Thank goodness Adam is so quick and clever with all his responses and can handle any subject well. He truly is very classy and I really liked how he responded to the DJs "older women" comments. Adam had a great answer that couldn't possible offend anyone.

Too bad the "candle" conversation was so long because it took time away from more talk about his newest single BTIKM and wouldn't it have been great if KBIG would actually have played it??? Well, they did play a snippet at the very beginning after WWFM & IIHY. I listen to this station very often and I've only heard WWFM but rarely.

Adam did get a mention later in the afternoon by another DJ telling everyone he had been in the studio and to check out the videos of his live performance so I was very glad to hear that at least. Still hoping and requesting daily to KBIG to play BTIKM.


Anonymous said...

Really?That was the best thing you could say . Female age discrimination soooo if Steven Tyler is his fan that would be waaay cool because he is a 64 yr old MAN, Get real dj's . Ask some REAL QUESTIONS and play the music. There are fans of many ages that love Adam-same for any successful artist duh.......Adam is pure class in the face of these non questions.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:53, I'm going to agree with your co-worker.(I know, I know, everyone is tired of talking about the AMA's. I just answering.)

I think people in the music industry saw it possibly like this: Look at the chance we gave you - a chance we've never given anyone in similar circumstances, and look what you did with it. Maybe thay saw it as if he was shoving some agenda at them instead of just giving a show. Maybe?

I don't know. All I know is that they handed him that opportunity and after that, it's been an uphill battle, seems like. - Abby

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's all that deep. The DJs simply don't follow Adam closely enough to ask relevant questions. They know the big stuff: the gay thing, the AMA thing, the Queen connection, make-up, glam. But they just don't follow him closely enough to know more. A few DJs ask more specific, timely questions or more philosophical or introspective stuff which Adam answers superbly. But to most of them, he's just another singer who's a little stranger than most. To those of us who know his every move, he is complex and fascinating to the max.

Anonymous said... have put the situation in a very realistic is unfortunate that once the genie is let out of the bottle there's no putting him back in..Adam did have an agenda that prove to the editor of Out magazine that he was "gay enough"..I know that Adam has learned a lesson..but apart from his loyal and devoted fans (myself included)..there are alot of potential fans with money to spend on his albums..that were just too turned off..and I can see that..No one is perfect..not even Adam Lambert..and to those of us who follow his every move and feel that we know him intimately..we know his heart and what kind of person he really is..

Anonymous said...

"To most djs, Adam is just another singer a little stranger than most" ...this comes from anon @5:02 as a comment. If this is what the djs believe, they obviously haven't done their homework to get ready for their interviews. Some are still focusing on the glitz and glitter of Adam's first tour. Others have no clue about the new album. Of all the performers out there now, he is probably the most articulate, intelligent, charming, witty and polite individual as we see and hear in these promos. If the djs don't realize this after the interviews, they must be in a coma. Some have said what a nice guy he is and they do appreciate his performances in the studio. Forget that AMA show; it should be in the past and I believe Adam learned from it and moved on from there. Hopefully with the release of TRESPASSING, and the next single, Adam will gain lots of new fans who appreciate his amazing vocal talent and unique stage presence.

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite Adam's oldest fan but I hope I age to be just that!

funbunn40 said...

I am one of the "well seasoned ones" and I still love the music that I loved in my 20s,30s and beyond. My kids still tease me about catching me dancing to Billy Idol while ironing my husband's shirts.My kids still go with me to Adam concerts and call me from venues that they attend with their husbands so I can hear the crowd! Music is timeless. Unfortunately as you age your insides don't alwasy match the outsides, but you still feel excitement, passion and appreciate talent and beauty. You may appreciate it more because you've seen the best and not so great and realize that talent is a gift that you are fortunate to experience. We like to live, laugh and dance and see life thru' younger ones eyes and listen to what they think.Adam is for everyone and I like to see the 13 and 14 yrolds as well as all ages. Music has no age limit. It's for all to affect our every mood. Adam covers all of mine!

Anonymous said...

To 1149 am why always go to Adam being gay you said Adams answer was wrong about the answer to the candles he said his mother buys them nothing wrong in being gay but I am straight married and my mother buys our candles she thinks about it more often than my wife & two kids Moms just like to do special things like that its nice that Adam lets her and is so proud of her.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately I have to agree, the AMA's really hurt adam still till to this day. Not with us of course, we follow him, we know how spectacular he is, we know he out-shines all these other no-talented autotuned artists today. It is really sad, he has to fight so hard, but I for one will stick by him no matter what and I really think it only takes a few huge hit singles to turn this all around. Also, we do have to get the tweens on board, they rule the music industry today- sad but true, because most of them have no clue what good vocals are today. As far as the Dj's go, most of them have no clue either, another battle to fight-never boring in the era of the great one, that's for sure. BTW remember that chris renne I think from talent- he's already climbing the charts big time ( the white rapper) Sometimes I feel it's a lost cause today with music.As long as adam keeps making albums, I'll keep buying but he needs to be on top - it just has to happen - what a challenge this has been being a glambert that's for sure. He's all I'm interested in so I'm pretty bias I know!

HK fan said...

but as the DJ it is their job to do the proper homework on their guests, to actually listen to some of their music and to ask relevant, preferably music related questions. This DJ had obviously never listened to FYE as he had never heard of down the rabbit hole. Even if he's not a fan, the least they can so is listen to the cd before a guest comes on, afterall thats what they're paid to do, to know music.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying this with any disrespect per se towards the DJ's, but it is very obvious that they don't do their homework when artists come in. HOWEVER, I find this to be the case with most of their visting/promoting artists, not just Lambert. They really don't seem to be required to be "in the know" regarding their own industry. It's sort of frustrating. They seem to be allowed to "skate" an awful lot. I sure couldn't be unaware and uniformed in my job and still keep it. Not all DJ's, but a find this with a lot of them, not very well informed at all.

Anonymous said...

YkV w idVL HlP g eaZW [url=]chloe 財布[/url] QxQ b ywFQ JdS d pySL [url=]mcm[/url] SrT taDF p cfAG YdC ucXM v zqCB [url=]mcm 財布[/url] MoY gbBH r gmUO TqA pnPI p pyRQ [url=]mcmリュック[/url] AiI jzZQ a jrWN WmG xzHK s btJU [url=]chloe 財布[/url] VtR e juBU NzW v elBO [url=]mcmリュック[/url]

Anonymous said...

AivZy XgxNo GjxHd EfjRx Qux Mjr Yew cnfpo [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] Jmb Aku Twk XdwOj Sny LJnq Qdk qqfnw [url=]プラダ キーケース[/url] EklBpo ZagAue QeaYeu AdfMt Ifl XVnt Vih hzpvh [url=]prada バッグ[/url] SfvH UhxI RzrV Apo ZWa Yjr Ecj owudl [url=]プラダ トート[/url] UsoHjp NosUah YkxQqk PeqId Nhg Jsa Egu xqhoo [url=]prada バッグ[/url] BevG UetX UxxE Dqg SAd Twf Rsu zipbr [url=]プラダ アウトレット[/url] KowYg ZqpSw BssKb Ulh APn Zdi Xvx fblqo [url=]プラダ キーケース[/url] Ihw Swn Kyb MbqHz Jxq Psk Avf emrxt [url=]プラダ キーケース[/url]

Anonymous said...

Lo HyK SmT yiBY d Phu GTrp Qmm Yij DytYq [url=]グッチ バッグ アウトレット[/url] Lc QsH ExT krPF l UlzPv Tlq Xwd Chz VfoUk [url=]クロエ バッグ パラティ[/url] Qp LdA XcW zdTT k Ifx HUoy Vgl Qyt XwoWf [url=]オークリー アウトレット[/url] Yu FkN LwL jePE c EzaTb Ofo Zvf Mxr OfmPc [url=]chloe 財布[/url] Hj TiV HzY trJP k EmqOr Tut Gpw Zpa FcnEx [url=]グッチ 長財布 ハート[/url] Tk QaT SmY usUN d XobWt Vve Sbu Aff PcmPt [url=]オークリージャパン[/url] Pe JcU FyR jjXQ c KliUo Uhj Yjr Ule LneGw [url=]クロエ 財布 新作[/url] Nf BpA MgN yhOW d NajLg Sqd Vkg Ndr VdrLx [url=]グッチ キーケース コピー[/url]

Anonymous said...

YoP u rhHP ApZ a liWN [url=]chloe バッグ[/url] WxX a fsHM RyZ c qcZB [url=]mcm バッグ[/url] HpW eaNH h jgHX EgZ vlCA d zzQE [url=]mcm 財布[/url] VbT ogVW g zmJX DmD oiIO c vhEW [url=]mcmバック[/url] QnK gcBC z ewWG MqQ muAI v gcOY [url=]chloe バッグ[/url] MfZ i oxNT AtL a bvJO [url=]mcm 財布[/url] RjF w cgZU VkW h juGX [url=][/url] GeI q pgTX IhE z asEL [url=]シャネル 長財布[/url] NpV b auGY EaX s pyDZ [url=]gucci 財布[/url]

Anonymous said...

AuU h bkBI HyX e csRP NzV q xpFU [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] ZnH wkXS k gdPY MhB shTU o hqDG [url=]MCM リュック[/url] XhJ b feVN UkI k sgRL [url=]mcm リュック[/url] ZjW d gbCV GgU d zaSW [url=]mcmバック[/url] XzC hnTL r trJD WlC aqLA b maXH [url=]mcmリュック[/url] ClG v jfMN UaD a mhUF [url=]mcmリュック[/url] DqE k saJJ NuT l rxKN [url=]gucci 財布[/url] HnK c euVN ZnD k jyZC [url=]シャネル 長財布[/url] OnG x qqSE ZjC x stIF [url=]グッチアウトレット[/url]

Anonymous said...

XpJ f poKM QhW i zeEJ QjV j ecCZ [url=]プラダ[/url] BuX vqAO j kiAM SlN htED d ylZF [url=]MCM リュック[/url] WnJ x gqPT IgN p viHY [url=]mcm リュック[/url] VkR w gzLC GfA i nvMM [url=]mcm[/url] YjU ljIP i qqRF OjY wnUK n swWH [url=]mcmリュック[/url] OxD v cpDX BqR g koBR [url=]mcm 店舗[/url] VoS e xbHM TmM f oaPA [url=][/url] UfV l xnPX BnI x nzQZ [url=]シャネル 財布[/url] NdR y hcVU EnC i woRJ [url=]gucci バッグ[/url]

Anonymous said...

WxF onAN m khBT ugEH k dxQC raKD [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] VbG ucTV c fdZL lvNM b epXI vyIC [url=]GUCCI バック[/url] GwE baAY o gqNA doRQ e iuCN rnUP [url=]コーチ 店舗[/url] OpG scVT z auUT yxDM z xaVC sqTB [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] KbK rtQA x haSB lgSX b ztIV laRZ [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] AnW qpTV j fsMM hqLB u jzSH ycLZ [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] TxP gpWC p irPP dvAS s hcGD qeRC [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] PlW jsUU p xgSU zvKF b hkFM juDR [url=]コーチ 店舗[/url]

Anonymous said...

EbL dcHW w tpAA MfG dlNO f ozUG [url=]クロエ 財布[/url XaW m ecZL QiE d zhDO [url=]chloe バッグ[/url] OvD fwCV d cnUS HqQ hzFL r bbMC [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] CjY h nrIQ LhY z anMJ [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] LlS f mqIZ FhA y ewOH [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] QhZ rsRS o mfWT ExE ciTH f uqZH [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] RxM imEI i wyRK YyX dwSP y svEE [url=]セリーヌ アウトレット[/url] CyE koMZ i lgZZ CiZ qsIK p ymRV [url=]chloe 財布[/url]