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Adam Lambert at dress rehearsal for NewNowNext

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 5, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, April 05, 2012

@Wildaboutmusic: @adamlambert at dress rehearsal for @newnownext right now


Anonymous said...

Love the black and yellow stripes as a backdrop. Tresspassing!

daydreamin said...

Here's the Ustream for the NNN Awards (Adam hasn't shown up yet):

daydreamin said...

Another picture where the person taking the picture talks about Adam practicing Tresspassing!:

Wildaboutmusic 22 hours 52 mins ago Twitter
Watching #AdamLambert reheasrse. The title track of his new album is very cool -- Queen meets MJ.

daydreamin said...

Just heard that a relacement spot was found for Sonisphere!! Haven't heard where yet.

Here's a picture of where Adam will be sitting:!/JayBriWorld/status/188064737077100544/photo/1

Kelley Osborne is on Ustream right now.

Anonymous said...

Just seen Adam on red carpet!!!!

Anonymous said...

yup, I think the next single is going to be Trespassing unless those tweets are just to throw us off. I was going to tell you who got kicked off AI but forgot many haven't seen it yet. I was sort of surprised.

Anonymous said...

5:26 oh yeah, I didn't catch on to the Trespassing backdrop until I read your comment, how cool,and Adam's outfit....thud.

daydreamin said...

Adam in his seat:!/heartNNsoul/status/188083677874503680/photo/1

daydreamin said...

Adam On the Red Carpet:

Anonymous said...

Saw Adam on the red carpet, looking understatedely gorgeous! And so sweet (as we all know)! Read an interview today where he said he wanted to sing "Trespassing" tonite because it really fit the show. But...said they still haven't decided on the next single. I still think it's gonna be NCOE. The Bruno Mars connection will boost sales and radio play. And I bet he sings it on Idol. So much Adam to come, it's so exciting!!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...


Where did you hear about a replacement venue? For Sonisphere or for the Queen/Adam concert??? I assume you are talking for Queen.

lorraine said...

More than excited to hear Adam sing Trespassing on TV at last!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who the backup singer is??

glitzylady said...

The back-up singers are these two ladies..And Brian London is Adam's new musical director..He tweeted this:

Brian London
‏ @brianlondon

Welcome to the family! The new singers 'The Girls' @KeishaRenee and @SincerliOctavia! @adamlambert

daydreamin said...

Anon 7:38 I heard it on twitter but haven't heard any more so maybe it's premature...

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ADAM again owning that red carpet and stage! He just keeps blowing everyone out the water.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Kevin?He seemed to be the perfect musical director for Adam.Whoever it ends up being,Adam will still SHINE!Can't wait to see the actual awards show on Mon night on Logo!

Anonymous said...

Yes I too like Kevin . . .what's up with that

Anonymous said...

Can these singers move like Adams former dancers

Anonymous said...

I rather have Kevin on vocals and his former dancers....
these girls don't say "Rock God" or "Pop God"....maybe management should poll see what we can come up with..I hope these are not his singers...they are good ..but don't think younger fans will like.....

Anonymous said...

I like the back-up singers, but they may be just for this performance.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE back up singers. The whole look and vibe and with Brian London on keyboards really has given this song some welly! Adam loves to keep changing and mixing things up - LOVE him. Brian said that he had introduced Kevin to Adam and all was ok so I would expect to see Kevin out again at some point.

Anonymous said...

I like Kevin, but think Brian Rogers may have a broader network of musicians and artists to give Adam maximum exposure. Adam is a powerful performer that needs backing more than equal to the task. Queen is a classic example of what Adam needs to back his massive vocal ability. A little brass wouldn't hurt either IMHO. Adam needs more than a competant, adequate band. He needs a great polished,seasoned band and musical director to meet Adam's enormous capabilities. Queen would push Adam to his ultimate as an example.