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Adam lambert in San Francisco (April 1st, 2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 1, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 01, 2012


Anonymous said...

So much fun to listen to Adam...he is easy -going, honest, and witty. I think he has been asked practically every question imaginable, so it is difficult to come up with something new, but he always has some kind of answer even if it is silly. I wish Tommy would stop yawning; I have seen him do this several times on other promos as he is sitting there while Adam answers questions. Is he that bored, that tired?

Anonymous said...

bagels or bread?

Urethra_Franklin said...

spit or swallow?

too much???...............

Anonymous said...

OT but good! BTIKM #17 on HAC up from #20 last week. Keep up the daily requesting everyone. the song aint dead yet!

Anonymous said...

Also BTIKM is #33 on Ryan Seacrest top 40 HAC countdown,first week its been on. Going to try that chocolate coconut water,sounds good and I love chocolate like Adam!I am with Adam about yoga, but I do love pilates.

Anonymous said...

thanks for all those good numbers you guys. Keep up the polite requesting. It's all in the airplay.

Anonymous said...

Adam is 1,000,000 times more entertaining in an interview than 99.9% of most guests on talk shows. I hope to God he gets to do more TV and get to show people how interesting, smart and witty he is. He can hold his own with any TV host. He as quick as any of them.
DRG (voting on VH1)

Anonymous said...

Chocolate coconut milk ..... hmmmmmm, definitely need to try it. Yoga .... tried it a few times but no, not for me.

HK fan said...

@ Uretha
maybe just a tad too much :)

glitzylady said...

I have a guess...

Anonymous said...

Yuk !

Anonymous said...

Please request BTIKM on Ryan Seacrest's show NOW!!he says he wants them now!

Anonymous said...

Vote on Ryan Seacrest's show AND VH1!

Anonymous said...

Check out couple of more videos related to this radio promo at this youtube channel:

Anonymous said...

Administration...can you please tell us why some of us are not able to have a list of RECENT POSTS show on our screens? Do you know what's causing this? A few of us have been able to find various ways of getting to the comments, but I'm sure there are many who haven't been able to, so help would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Heard BTIKM on my car radio for the first time this weekend, sounded so damn good coming outta that speaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep requesting, totally not dead yet!

Anonymous said...

Just requested Adam's song at Ryan Seacrest. Quit pickin on Tommy.He and Isaac promote Adam like crazy. They are both super talented. Different subject- I hope Adam brings back some of the Glam . I miss it. When the tour comes, I'm staying with the glam for concert wear. Yes Adam, I will buy your cd 10 times for sure.

Anonymous said...

Fans. You can find all recent posts on the Blog Archive shown on lower right of the screen. Just hit the down arrow and you'll see the weeks listed. Just hit the week you want.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam will have a new look for this next tour. Whatever it is, it will be fabulous! He may do a LITTLE glam during the concert, but I don't think it will be bis main look. He's gonna look awesome, no matter what. I think the show will be bigger and better and SO exciting!

As for Tommy, he has to sit there like a bump on a log while Adam answers questions. Nothing much else for him to do until Adam sings. It would be better if he didn't yawn, etc., but it really doesn't bother me. I'd rather have him be there than have him sit in another room until it's time for him to play. I like looking at Tommy. I think he's cute and has a totally different personality from Adam. He's not very smiley, but that doesn't mean he's mad or bored. He's just stuck there waiting. I like when he's asked a question or when he reacts to a question directed to Adam. I like the guy. He's really going to come into his own on this new tour.

Anonymous said...

Guys are waaay too sensitive how is it picking on Tommy when it stating a fact that he is yawning and has done so repeatedly even minutes into the interview when they have just sat down. Saying he is cute (which he bloody is) is acceptable but anything negative that's factual is not?? Glamberts know him and love him thus its not a big deal if he yawns or looks bored but what about non fans like the Amazon M&G when he did the same thing, to me it doesn't look professional.

In the grand scheme of things its not that big a deal but he should do better because if Adam can answer the same questions over and over again with a smile and with energy, Tommy can TRY to look lively for a couple of minutes.

Happy that Adam is home and can relax and recharge for the next round of promos!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahhaa, I have also noticed that Tommy is always yawning:) I think that it´s a little bit boring to hear this same questions and answers again and again :)

Anonymous said...

Please vote for BTIKM on 102.9 KDMX Dallas on the top 5 at 5. It is on the right of the home page just click on the song and hit request. As many times as you like.A couple days last week it made it, but not the end of the week. Now they have Taylor Swift's new song and Katy Perry's to compete with, Thanks for helping. Five o'clock is when a lot of people are listening to the radio driving home from work.

Anonymous said...

8:25 -- We are not picking on Tommy. He's as great person. But I agree with 1:53 that his yawning during Adam's interviews sends a bad message to people viewing these videos. Adam should talk to him about what he does to keep fit (lots of water; exercise, etc.).

Anonymous said...

I agree about the yawning sending a message. Would your boss appreciate your yawning while he was talking? It's part of the job to look alert and interested. Fake it Tommy!

Anonymous said...

maybe he's tired and not getting enough sleep with all these promos they are doing. leave the poor guy alone. he's soooo cute. if he yawns big deal!!

Anonymous said...

like to see video of national anthem

Anonymous said...

You try going non stop, city to city and sleeping in hotels every night,getting in late and getting up early. Sometimes you just can't sleep. You have to pick yourself up and go again. Lack of sleep will do you in. Some people can take it better then others. Some of the interviews were early and running quite late. And off you go again to another city. Tommy your doing just fine. Probely doesn,t even know he is doing the yawning.