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Jesse J mentions ADAM LAMBERT on 'Dare Jessie J - Episode 3'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 15, 2012

SKIP TO 0:45


Anonymous said...

I can't understand her very well but I did understand the Adam lambert part sort of.

Anonymous said...

At least she mentioned him. He's given her lots of praise.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Adam's losing by a little to David Cook in the IOTM poll. I just voted a bunch. Please vote if you like. I'd hate for it to look like we forgot about him.


Anonymous said...

DRG I didn't forget about Adam but I forgot about that poll on purpose. THey have not had the respect to reset that poll in months, getting free hits. Maybe if the hits would slow down to that site they would make it a legit poll.

Anonymous said...

You're probably right.

Anonymous said...


This coming Tuesday 4/17, in order for NCOE to chart on top no. 1 singles on iTunes "BUY THE SINGLE FIRST, then pre-order the album!"

Anonymous said...

12:42 wow thanks for that goodie info, I would have probably done the opposite!! Hope the word gets out.

Adamluv said...

That "more make up than me" comment is getting old real fast. Or was she talking about the man in the picture?

Anonymous said...

Well at least she knows Adam's name and general look and mentioned him. Need to clue her in that he doesn't wear that much makeup now, just his gorgeous self.. but cool to hear his name mentioned =)

Anonymous said...

Take a look at this new GORGEOUS picture of Adam in a Russian magazine:!/christy0907/status/191643938489241600/photo/1

Anonymous said...

FB picture of Adam in a Russian magazine:


Anonymous said...

24/7 Post this picture, PLEASE:


Anonymous said...

Wow that picture of Adam in the Russian magazine is gorgeous. Oh is he walking on water haha!

Anonymous said...

This photo is delicious.

Anonymous said...

Adams Current Glamily according to

Octavia Latrice‏@SincerliOctavia
The Glamily....



Anonymous said...

Adam's tweeted:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
The is the truth. Saaaang.

GGD Gal - Jessie's fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Translation of the article in Russian magazine about Adam with that gorgeous picture of him as if he is walking on water:

Adam Lambert takes off mask

In March comes Trespassing, second album, the musician, has consistently included in the top 50 most influential gay people of America.
Adam! January 29 you turned 30. What do you feel about this?
Part of me is shocked - as, 30, can not be! On the other hand, I like going on with me the changes. I became more whole and happy than before.
How does it impact on the new album?
My first CD For Your Entertainment was a theater that emerged from the imagination of the life of rock stars. Tresspassing on the material more life, not contrived, from the heart, not from the head. For example, the album has more to do with gay themes. I think now I'm completely honest in this matter.
It has something to do with your personal life?
Yes, now I have a constant friend, Sauli Koski, he is from Finland, and together we will stay. Previously, the fate was pushing me to people who needed help, to pull out of the rough and tumble - or maybe, I myself was searching for just such. Fortunately, now it's all in the past.
Have you worked on the new album with Pharrell Williams, co-author of hit Britney, Christina and Lady Gaga. How did it go?
When the label called and told to go to Miami to record with Farrell, my first reaction was: "Oh no, I'm still not so cool!" But all went to cheer. In general, the new songs were recorded quickly and happily, ideas were rife.
Should we expect a very special new sound?
I think the main thing that I expect from my fans - this is my voice. The primary text and music, arranged - just fun. As for the vocals, that I put on the full.

Translation by @Kathryn17:

Link to the picture by @glamstarky:

Anonymous said...

O.K. so Jessie J had one major hit single (of course, they play her music on the radio)Sorry, to me adam is by far a bigger star so I don't care one bit if she mentioned him. Don't be mad at me- I just feel it should be world news (so to speak the other way around)

Anonymous said...

Great that Jessie J mentioned Adam, albeit briefly. Adam is a big fan of hers and I love her song "Domino".

Anonymous said...

Jessie J is a big star in the UK and has just completed a full tour of Australia. She is refreshing and talented and a SONY artist.

Anonymous said...

Well, Nile Rodgers was here on the same day as Jessie J. Love her but Nile had to take preference that evening.

Anonymous said...

The gay themes mention on the album is a bit scary, sorry to say, but to sell billions making that statement in this age and time wont get it. He is what he is, but sometimes saying to much is to much!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12;16 somewhat- I am a fan of Adam's, love his music--so talented! It is just crazy, how awesome he is; I am glad Adam is honest and proud about being gay, but, if he wants to appeal to a broader audience, he might want to slow down on the gay themes---although if you really listen to the words of his songs , they connect whether you are gay of straight. His management company probably knows what they are doing anyway.