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Kelly Osbourne on NNN Awards & ADAM LAMBERT via The Talk

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 2, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 02, 2012

Thanks GaleWhittington!


Anonymous said...

Oh! Miss Kelly and Mom Osbourne both smitten with our Adam......

I remember when Sharon grabbed Adams behind and everyone just laughed with humility indeed...

How can't you love this guy hmmmmm???:))


Anonymous said...

wow they even showed his picture!! cool to say the least.

daydreamin said...

Did you guys ever see the answer to the last thing Adam does before bed?

Anonymous said...

Those Osbourne girls LOVE Adam!

Anonymous said...

No..what is the last thing he does???

Anonymous said...

I just read this article and was very suprised!


Anonymous said...

Administration.....JAK here...

Thank you for returning RECENT POSTS...saves me several steps in getting here.

Anonymous said...

I would have jumped out of my seat when I heard that Adam would be performing!

Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam -- THIS performance on NNN awards will be seen worldwide and people will partly judge your next CD on this one performance. PLEASE, PLEASE be GREAT, GREAT and INCREDIBLE like we, your diehard fans, know you are. Break a leg that evening and remember that vids of that performance will be all over youtube right afterwards for ALL your fans to see in so many different countries.

daydreamin said...

He plugs in his cell phone and then sets his alarm if he needs to get up early. I guessed right!

daydreamin said...

HAL that article is written by my friend Renee whom I met up with and went to dinner with (there was a group of us) after the 101.3 m&g. She is referring to my question to Adam in which he replied to me that he would be on idol in May and he said the song would be the new single.

On a side note if u watched that 30 minute show posted by admin here Renee was thrilled that when the DJ's asked if there was something that stood out that a fan did he mentioned Renee's articles and how great a writer she is. She had no idea he was reading them.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin I love Renee articles. She is Adam's big fan and writes great reviews. I was suprised to read about new single.

Anne Marie said...

Administator Thank you for fixing RECENTS POSTS.
I was getting tired of jumping thru several hoops to get here. You are mot quite finished, now it is printed black on grey. I don't know what it says, but I can now click on it and bring it up.

Anonymous said...

No one applauded when she announced Adam Lambert and they showed his really cute picture! What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

I think the view is on ABC so I am happy they took the time to show his picture. Thanks ABC.Kelly is so cute I can't wait to watch the show.

Anonymous said...

I believe they tape that show two days from now.

Anonymous said...

Kelly was on The Talk show, not The View.