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Google Play: Adam Lambert Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 17, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here is the Google interview that Adam did a few months ago.

Thanks Merrick !


Anonymous said...

Another great interview from Adam. He is one of the most articulate, smart, honest and witty individuals in the music business today. Most of the other performers can't even put one or two sentences together, "you know what I sayin' ". I love his insight behind the specific songs he mentions and the reasons for writing them. This new album does seem to be an authentic representation of who Adam is as far as we know him from all previous interviews he has done over the last several years. To me, this is the album of the year and I hope Adam gets acknowledged for it with numerous music awards.

Anonymous said...

Just read somewhere that JLo may be leaving AI at the end of this season. I am sure if they wave enough dollars in front of her, she will stay. But my point is, I would love to see Adam as a judge on some music/talent show. He would be great on the Voice, but having come off IDOL and that whole Adam Levine nonsense about WWFM and not knowing it, just doesn't make this possible. On the X Factor with Britney and Demi, I don't see that they add anything special to the panel. Does Simon believe they will bring in younger viewers? And what happened to the winner from last season, Melanie? Haven't heard a thing from her. These shows get so much attention with lots of dollars paid out to judges,etc. and then you hear nothing about the winners. Maybe we are just inundated with these reality talent shows and don't really care about the performers once the show is finished. As we see,Adam did not have to win on IDOL to become a successful music artist. He is an international star and hopefully Trespassing will bring him the accolades and awards that he deserves.

Anonymous said...

If you wanted to send someone an interview that's short and perfectly sums up Adam and his new album, this is it.

OT -- (while there's a lull in conversation before Adam's Idol appearance tonight) a suggestion for enjoying Adam videos even better:
If you are tecky, you may have already done all this, so this is not for you. This is for those of us who aren't. If you have a large flat screen TV, and especially if you have good speakers hooked up to it, you can enjoy a fantastic concert experience--like the I HEART CONCERT from Tuesday night. If you have an Apple computer, you can use an Apple TV box hooked to your TV which is really easy to use. Otherwise, you can use your DVD player. All you need to do is set up an account on YOUTUBE and VIMEO (you can even use the same password to make it easier). Then, once you've entered this password into your TV or DVD youtube or Vimeo app, your TV will remember. All you have to do then is to "like" a Vimeo or "favorite" a youtube video while you're on the computer, and these will be sitting on your TV for your future enjoyment.


coloforadam said...

Gee, just my favorite interview ever!! Love how he puts thoughts together - honest, upbeat, intense but soft - BUT........

I kept wanting to fluff his hair ... with my fingers. (sigh)

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......when I hear Adam talk like this about his (and thousands of others I'm sure) experience, it makes my heart hurt.
I have been so extremely lucky in my life, no major obstacles to overcome, never been bullied, just the usual mild teasing everyone overcomes, I've never been "tested", I don't know how brave I would be.

I understand the "It Gets Better" campaign more. There are so many people who need a helping hand or sympathetic shoulder or confidence building. Adam was fortunate to come thru his dark days with family, friends and a basically sunny nature. I hope people who aren't that fortunate can find someone to reach out to for help.

I think we have been learning even more lately about the real Adam. I admire him on many levels, the voice the good looks the humor are the icing, UNDERNEATH he's a strong person.

Anonymous said...

@12:04- very well said- totally agree, adam would be perfect as a judge on Prime time (voice, idol) I know adam levine's fan-base and sales skyrocketed since he's been on the voice (I do love him as a judge.)Britney, can't take her serious at all (hate her duck autotuned voice) Ya, this is definetly to get the young viewers for sure. Oh well 3 more hours to go till adam performs- I hope idols ratings go throught the roof tonight.

Anonymous said...

That man....that man....he is just too wonderful and brings so much joy to our lives.
Oh, that man!

Anonymous said...

I agree about this interview; honest, clever, sweet, handsome... :) It's always pleasure to watch him talking about the album, he is so in to it.

I am excited to see if there's a link for AI performance when I wake up :) We have it on tv next week, it will be nice to see the whole show, but I hope to see the highlights (Adam) before that...


Anonymous said...

OT: Just checked out i'tunes, tell me donna summers (WTF) isn't #1- sorry but I thought she stopped singing 10 years ago. How can she beat out adam ????? I'm not taking i'tunes seriously at all anymore, glee- the idol cast, garbage (who the hell are they)? all these people never heard of. Adam belongs up there with the top artists today not these mediocre crap!!

MotoMoto said...

Adam is so gorgeous its unreal and I have seen him do so many interviews but I am still enthralled by him each time *sigh*

@12:04 Jlo just wants more money and I don't think she is worth it personally...these judges don't offer constructive criticism and just give praise to contestants. Well the winners go into the real world and after some time become irrelevant so so much for the judging.

Anonymous said...

OMG I take back my comment about donna summers being #1- I just found out she died thursday. Feel bad now! She was an icon in her day for sure!

Anonymous said...

1:57 wow I didn't know Donna Summers. died either. What an icon. My mom loved her.

Anonymous said...

I get so lost in those eyes . . .

Anonymous said...

Forget about the straight jacket BB you are over thinking again . . remember "Crawl Thru the Fire" when you wanted to set your hair on fire....

Anonymous said...

I agree with the money thing for JLo, but she is quoted as having said "I want to spend more time with my family." This easily translates into "Have you seen my new boy toy? Yes, he is half my age but as a dancer he can really move, if you know what I mean. And
after all I am The Most Beautiful Woman in the World and I get what I want."

Anonymous said...

LOL! How right you are.
Add to JLo's credit now as The MOST POWERFUL celebrity in #1.Oprah is only 2nd place. And Lady Gaga is somewhere in #5.

Catharine Sloper said...

Since I actually have been diagnosed as "crazy" I actually enjoy Cuckoo on a deeper level than most. I posted this on my facebook where most of my friends have mental illnesses of some kind of another or were misdiagnosed as such and I put a caption underneath it saying "He is one of us!" And that is actually a compliment. I love this song more than any other because I feel Adam would understand us if he met us because he has gone through so much himself. I admire Adam for fighting for his place in the world and for being so strong and honest while he does it. I feel like if he can do it, then I can try to do it do.

Anonymous said...

Just loved this interview. He was so laid back and honest and just his pure himself. Aww!

daydreamin said...

About darned time. I've been looking and asking for this interview since he did it (so close to my house!) back on January 19th. Love to watch the game playing/dancing and the scans of the boots!

Anonymous said...

I just love to listen to any of his interviews!!! He's so well 'grammatize' if there's such a word. He speaks from xperience, emotions and most importantly he's very honest! That's what makes him interesting :)