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Adam Lambert and QUEEN in Moscow (VIDEOS)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Queen + Adam Lambert - Fat Bottomed Girls, Moscow, 3 July

Queen + Adam Lambert - Don't Stop Me Now, Moscow, 3 July

Queen + Adam Lambert - Keep Youself Alive, We Will Rock You (fast), Moscow, 3 July

Show must go on

Seven Seas of Rhye - Keep Yourself Alive - We Will Rock You

Fat Bottomed Girls

Don't Stop Me Now

Under Pressure

Queen + Adam Lambert -


daydreamin said...

Sorry, OT but I was at the movies today and everytime I walk to/from the theater to restroom and back, they (AMC Theaters) was playing either BTIKM or NCOE and then they were playing NCOE VIDEO as I was exiting the theater!!! Even a radio station that I hadn't heard play Adam's music before was playing and advertising Trespassing as his new album released May 15th!!! It was all over the theaters!!!!

Woo Hoo!!

Now going back to watch more Moscow video's!!!

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - lucky gurl there in San Francisco!!!!!! That's the kind of news I like to read.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, that is awesome! Where do you live?


Anonymous said...

I just watched some of the vids fromthe Moscow concert. To me, it seems that Adam was looser, freer, taking a few more liberties with the songs than in Kiev. He certainly did seem to be enjoying himself up there. Didn't he sing Who Wants To Live Forever? That is my favorite from the Kiev concert; it gave me the chills. I'll go back to watching the rest of the vids tomorrow. I am bleary eyed from watching the ones from Kiev again and now we have these. I think I have overdosed on Adam Lambert and Queen,but it is a good way to end the day.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are rocking me into the night..and that black tank and bare feet, well you just don't realize what you do to us, that's why we love you so much! I'll have some sweet dreams tonight..

@Daydreamin, that is fantastic news about AMC and the radio..still waiting to hear him on the radio in my area..I've heard him several times at the mall..but no radio yet..


Anonymous said...

I don't really know what Pandora is but my daughter heard Adam sing two songs on there today. One was WWFM and she didn't know the other one so I am hoping it was NCOE. Ok back to the tank top.

Anonymous said...

@8:07PM Have to agree with you.Seems that Adam just enjoyed himself and forgot that he performes with Rock Legend! Don't like his moves and I think Bryan doesn't like them."The Show Must Go On" was terrible! Adam continues to make the dramatic faces.But they are stink and don't fit to most of these songs! This show was awful! I don't think Bryan and Rodger were happy after this concert as they were after Kiev performance! I hope Adam will get good friends who can give him advise about some of his performances.
Okay, I am troll!

Anonymous said...

The only one missing is who want to live forever. There are some awesome videos on that one also. Thanks for posting these. Oh I love adam showing alittle skin for a change- nice surprize lol

Anonymous said...

I thought the sound wasn't as clear, when filming this. But good job any way. Thanks for sharing,to those who could not make it.

Anonymous said...

ohhh when I saw that tank top I started to get that old time feeling about GNT.

Magiclady said...

Where is "Dragon Attack" my favorite?

I have to say I went back to the Kiev video and I think the string of songs "Dragon Attack", "I Want To Be Free" and "Another One Bites The Dust" show exactly what I love about Adam. He starts out down and dirty, then shifts to that beautiful smile and you can see the love on his face, then back to sexy and slinky on "Dust". What a chameleon and Gawd that face!(and the body)...

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Kiev was Queen featuring Adam Lambert....Moscow was THE ADAM SHOW! For those who have been saying Adam needs to find a better band...I think he found one! About now I imagine Roger and Brian are wondering what they have unleashed. He is supersonic and there is no stopping him, he's on his way to Mars......His Show Must Go On performance was channeled from Hamlet via John Barrymore (I'm probably the only one old enough to "get" that).

He played with the audience during Another One Bites the Dust and they were willing participants.
During Fat Bottomed Girls he had things "well in hand"!

He was outrageous and having the time of his too, I've been doing my happy dance for a couple hours...I'm wondering what's in store for London and why wasn't he in the cast of MAGIC MIKE?

When Simon said he was "theatrical" he was oh so right! He almost has to be seen to be believed and now he's being seen....Thank you Queen, I hope you guys survive Poland and then the UK....

I can't wait till we have decent videos of all the setlist...Moscow was smoking hot! Midnight here and I'm going to have to listen to my Darren Hayes bedtime music to calm down enough to sleep.
zzzzzzz -o- zzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's performance was stunning! His vocals, his moves, his drama all adding to the theatricality of this performance. I think I heard Brian May say in an interview that Adam had the theatricality that suits their music...they knew a good thing when they found it! Adam is amaaaazing!


Anonymous said...

Adam was remarkable! Truly outstanding in these videos! He rocked like no other. I love Brian and Roger and thank you 24/7 for having the best HD close up vids posted! Adam Is The best vocalist, live performer, and showman this world has ever known. I am telling you - he is the most talented man on this earth. Period.

Anonymous said...

As good as Adam is, I thought he was looser at Moscow, alittle bit too lose, May have had a little drinky before the show. This is his big chance, he has had a history of shooting himself in the foot He was so good at Kiev, don't mess up now Adam, still luv ya.

Anonymous said...

This was a great show!! I wish I could be there in London for the other three shows. Oh why was I born a poor girl.

Anonymous said...

Let's try to be positive. If Brian and Roger think he was overboard, they'll let him know.

Anonymous said...

JAK, you crack me up!!

Anonymous said...

I also was born poor and naked as well!.....JAK.... :)

Anonymous said...

@JAK Queen isn't Adam's band and never will be. Also, Adam doesn't need the band. He is solo performer.
FYI it doesn't have to be Adam's show! It is Queen+Adam Lambert show. And these shows aren't just a pup queeze for Adam. These are final tests for his future. And it seems that Adam isn't ready fo these tests. He lost Moscow performance completely. How come nobody wants to agree with reality right now? May be you wait until Bryan & Rodger will break contract with Adam? It woudn't be me surpirse for me.

Anne Marie said...

I think Adam was born with full leather attire, LOL

Anonymous said...

He has some more shows to do, but they might not ask him again. Those shows are all sold out, at least the UK ones. They should review the performance each time, and see where they can improve or not. Anne Marie

V Camilleri said...

I am shocked that there are still tickets to the OC concert in Costa Mesa. I figured they would have sold out a month ago. I am going with 3 others and we got really good seats. I am just counting down the days. So excited.

Catharine Sloper said...

It was great to watch these videos from Moscow although the quality wasn't as good as Kiev. Adam rocks the world!

funbunn40 said...

@ daydreamin, Great news! It's about time! Target was playing the Never Close Our Eyes video when I bought the last two copies of the deluxe album. There were several of the standard cd albums. I think they won't sell, as the deluxe one is a better buy.Going back to watch Moscow videos too!

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with Dragon Attack. I checked out Freddie's version and that is fast one. I love the version Adam is doing. Sorry I got familiar with Queen because of Adam. I am in love of all of Adam's performances with Queen. But that Dragon Attack is so sexy.

Anonymous said...


@BatinaDaria: I am a very strong person and never cry…..cried until today!!!! I WAS WEEPING LIKE A BABY!!! ALL THE FUCKING TIME DURING MOSCOW QUEENBERT!

@BatinaDaria: The strongest and thoughest guys cry at Queenbert)

funbunn40 said...

As much as I love Adam,I think he did get carried away with the grimacing faces. Maybe a lot of adrenaline and trying a little too hard for rock image. I prefer that big, heart melting smile. I just think he needs to rein in the facial sneers a little, but loved the leather, tank top and Who wants to Live Forever blew me away! The Show Must Go On is beautiful, but his EMA performance of it is my favorite. Every note spectacular. Europe is getting a good taste of a real superstar! I think these concerts will finally give him some credibility.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but we're seeing the real Adam! How he is during his own tour. Kiev he was more restrained but was still very good not so much the sexy Adam we usually see. I really don't know how you can read what Brian and Roger are thinking about his performance in Russia? Yes I agree Adam can do with a little less "fish face" but I don't think he realizes he's doing it to that degree. I noticed a professional camera at front of the stage so this is being filmed.

Kiwi said...

I'm a little surprised at some comments here. Adam has always been a wild child. That's what I love about him.Much prefer this to the suit and tie, even though I love all Adam.I saw him live in New Zealand, when he did "Enter Sandman" .Crazy, suggestive, fantastic! (and I'm a grandma)

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites is when Adam sings " I want to break free"
Adam's so happy singing with his mega smile!
And when he sings "I want to fall in love" :):):)
makes me smile 2222222222222 cause I'm falling in love with ADAM!!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

No one wears a suit and tie as well or better than Adam .... NO ONE!! I'd love to see him in a top hat and tails. What a right, royal British gentleman he'd look!

funbunn40 said...

My grimace comment was meant for the Kiev concert. I just saw the Moscow one and he was so much better, every inch the rock star. His voice was also more audible and I really liked the physical interaction with Roger and Brian. Adam seemed much more comfortable on stage with this performance which would be understandable. Brian and Roger are magnificent musicians, the caliber that Adam deserves. I hope there will be many more collaborations and possibly a video or album. Adam's voice seemed better than Kiev, but it may have been the sound system was fine tuned in Moscow. Queen is better than ever. Adam will gain much from these performances. He is an authentic rocker. Now back to watch Who Wants to Live Forever for the 5th time..

daydreamin said...

Some great HD videos coming in from Moscow but still not great but good sound:

glitzylady said...

So...About the more "animated" Adam in Moscow: some thoughts.

I read a lot of comments re the Kiev concert in a LOT of places yesterday (I have the week off from work, so had some spare time..). I don't know if Adam read some of the negative and/or "constructively critical" comments, after the Kiev show, but it's possible he did, (he cruises twitter all the time..and guessing he might have looked at some Queen sites, such as Facebook..) and perhaps decided to step it up a notch..(Just guessing here..I don't really know obviously..) Some die hard Queen fans suggested (among other things..) he "wasn't putting enough into" his stage work..Or he just decided to "Break Free" ; )) a little more, and let 'er rip, to take it to the next level of performance art and rock embellishment in a few places, which I thought were entertaining really...He looked like he was having a ball up there!

And..the thing is too, coming from theater, he knows that from a distance, its harder to see facial expressions..although theater doesn't have giant screens so that those in the furthest away from the stage seats can see even from far away..This Olympic Stadium is HUGE and in order to convey emotion, a little exaggeration seems appropriate. We're seeing him up close and personal in a lot of these vids..many others in the audience are not... .Guessing he'll find a balance in his performance style to fit the audience (as he often does..) , as the current frontman for Queen. .. It'll be interesting to see what others say about the Moscow performances in the days to come.. I personally thought they were quite fine, at least from what we could tell from the vids. The only one I went "Whoa! Baby!" O_O about was the "Fat Bottom Girls" song..but he was being "illustrative" I think ; ))))))))) And as someone said, a little naughty Adam is okay with me. I suspect Roger and Brian probably thought he was quite fine as well, as they've undoubtedly seen enough of his work, through internet video, to know what he does on stage....

I also just want to remind everyone that the vids we are seeing, while fairly good to fairly bad quality, depending on which ones, who took them, etc..., are fan vids and not the professional HD TV Live Stream we saw Saturday, so its VERY difficult to compare Kiev versus Moscow, sound and voice quality-wise especially..Not to mention there are distractions of the fans singing along LOL!!! Yikes!! ...Wishing ALL of the Queen shows were professionally filmed and live streamed!! #WishfulThinking

I'm just SO excited for Adam and can't even begin to imagine what this is like for him...He's definitely "Under Pressure" every time he steps out on that stage..but oh the joy he must feel, to be there with legends. May it be a long and fulfilling side career for him..along with his own solo career of course. .

Anonymous said...

Adam "wasn't putting enough into" his performance??? What a load of bollocks!! I think people are clutching at straws there because from what I'm seeing, he's putting a helluva lot into it!!

Most of the videos I'm seeing aren't great, especially the sound but hey! They're so much better than not seeing anything of the concert/s at all.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:44 PM
I agree with you about the "load of bollocks" re the comments on Queen's facebook pages about "not putting enough into his performances". These were die hard fans who had to find something wrong with Adam's performances so they'd have something to b**** about...

I also want to clarify that I so appreciate the fan vids..its just that so many make comments comparing the Kiev versus Moscow vocals..and there is really no way we can compare them..nor do I want to!! I just love being able to see and hear him at all!!I just want to ENJOY!!! Since I can't BE there!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, some of the videos are taken from a distance so we don't get a good view of the stage and the sound isn't so great but like glitzylady, I really appreciate any videos that are uploaded on YT. We've been well and truly spoilt by Kiev.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the way so many of you seem to have a need to nit pick over Adam comparing every little thing he does. Your either a fan or your not. Adam is doing a FANTASTIC job, up there on stage at both Kiev and Moscow putting his heart and soul into each performance, for god's sake leave him alone and if you really love this guy, then support him and stop being so dam critical.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:05. I would also like to say that no one in the biz today has the vocal range, showmanship and talent Adam has. He is trying different things out. That is what these first three shows are about until he gets to London where there will be more publicity. He did an outstanding job. Stop the uber nit picky ridiculous critiques. Simply support our original, incomparable, rockin' man. Outstanding performances in Kiev and Moscow. Both!

Kiwi said...

Well said anon 3:05. Stronger words than I used but the same message.My earlier comment wasn't about the facial expressions, but the odd comments about 'Adam needs to tone it down or Roger and Brian won't continue with him'...the talk about cancelling contracts was just weird! I just love that he's different! He has me loving music again after many years of ho-hum!

Anonymous said...

first of all..I am an Adam Addict..anyway..I agree with some posters here that the Kiev concert was better than take is that Adam was just jacked up a little (and he probably did have a little drink b/4 show) is a grueling "Fat Bottomed Girls"..I think he gets sexually turned on when performing and he just needs to adjust his package..oh I need to calm down...hope they bring this show to the States...and yes, the Queen boys know what kind of performer Adam is..if they think he crossed a line..they will let him know..but Adam can cross any line of mine he wants whenever he wants!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

While watching the Kiev performance, I felt like I was watching an opera -- all of those full, sustained, GORGEOUS notes and intense drama. Adam's range and phrasing is breathtaking. To sing like that every night without harming the voice, opera singers have to train their voices regularly just like athletes train their bodies. I hoped that Adam was still training his voice so we can enjoy it for many years. Tonight, I smiled a lot during his more playful performance. I loved the way he relaxed and flirted and flitted with the audience. He didn't demand quite as much from his vocal chords. Whew! Then I remembered how Freddie used to do similarly. He would sing a big vocally demanding song and then strut around and play with the audience. AND WE LOVED IT. I like Adam's playfulness even more because his is more sexual. I recalled many of Freddie, Brian and Rodger's videos were VERY comedic and fresh while others were classic. So, I think they are probably VERY happy with how perfectly Adam fits in with their style. In fact, I'll bet they are encouraging him to take good care of his voice so that he'll continue to be available to them. They have already said that performers like Adam happen along rarely. Beverly

Anonymous said...

Radio Gaga .... Moscow

Anonymous said...

Well said 3:58. Thanks for the insight. Completely agree.
I do hope he is taking care of his voice like he did on the extensive GN concert tour. Support for Adam and all his magnificence is what we should focus our comments on.

Anonymous said...

Damn this is incredible. Adam is a superstar!

Anonymous said...

Is this Adam Lambert AND Queen.
He owned the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Whoever grace us with these videos deserves an award. Thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Radio Gaga .... Moscow

Radio Gaga is my fave Queen song.

Roger wrote it.

Anonymous said...

I think Freddie owned it when he was alive. :)

Anonymous said...

'Tone it down' 'overboard' are you guys crazy! This IS ADAM, he's in comfort zone and rocking it like he owns every single moment. Kiev missed this and of course being an outside venue lacked the brilliance of Moscow. This is stuff of legends, totally breathtaking! Fantastic audience too, including lots of guys.
This made my 4th of July and I'm not even in the US to enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

ADAM owns this concert, he is incredible. (and I love Freddie)

Anonymous said...

Brian, Roger and Adam have to hit Australia soon.

Anonymous said...

This concert was incredible! Beat kiev hands down. If Adam was too out there for you then you'd better-er not watch Adam overseas.

glitzylady said...

Gotta add just a little (!?) more the comment section here even tho I've already posted a couple of comments up-thread .

Personally, I cannot get enough of Adam's performances, both "solo" and here with Queen, and I am so fricking thrilled that he is performing with Queen, that I can barely contain myself. In fact I CAN'T contain myself!! LOL!! Seriously. I am also truthfully more than a little jealous of the audiences in Europe who are among the lucky few who are able to experience this "new" Queen band for themselves. I know, the official "word" from Adam, Roger, and Brian, is that they don't know if there will be a long term association with Queen and Adam, or when the next show(s) might be, but I suspect we'll be seeing more of this present "Queen" configuration occasionally, well into the future. I hope so anyway. I think Freddie was so talented and of course, irreplaceable, but I ALSO think Adam is the PERFECT singer/performer to sing this music that so many of us have loved over the years, and still do, and to this day.

I'm DYING to go to London for a show (or 3) but the timing for the shows didn't work out for me : (( am hoping and sending out positive pleas to the Universe that Queen and Adam extend the "tour" at some point to include a venue that is accessible to me and many others..hopefully somewhere in the western US/Canada, with a stop in NYC, and possibly a few more in between. And eventually other countries throughout the world.....Of course Adam has his own career, and tour, to consider, but I see this Queen association as nothing but a positive thing for him..

There are only a few really off the wall comments here in this thread...The rest of us are just excited for Adam and as we occasionally do : )) , like to discuss his work. I see very little actual criticism, just "commentary", and mostly just a "whole lotta love" for him..He not only exudes talent from every pore, but also radiates happiness here, and in fact, a joie d'vivre, that is so obvious and even contagious in these first two concerts. I love the joyful Adam, the playful Adam, the little-bit-naughty (but certainly not "over the top" IMO) Adam that showed up during "Fat Bottomed Girls" at the Moscow show..and of course the serious and emotional/emotive Adam that completely floors us with his incredibly beautiful voice in "Who Wants To Live Forever"...Brian May and Roger Taylor see the many facets of Adam Lambert and are completely in love with him, as am I..not romantically of course, but with his Voice, his personality, his talent, his showmanship..his humbleness..his gratitude for this amazing opportunity. . Lets not presume to tell him OR them what to do: they know what they like, and what they like is Adam Lambert. Me too....

Anonymous said...

I loved every second of every performance Adam did in Kiev and Moscow. There is never a performance of Adam's that I am not in raptures about. I thought Adam appeared a bit more relaxed in Moscow but that is to be expected as Kiev was the first. I loved the audience in Moscow....they were bloody amazing. And just think how the London concerts are going to be.....bloody incredible !!!!! You go Adam...just be yourself. Brian & Roger must be so proud of you. ADAM.....U ROCK !!!!

glitzylady said...

Some really great pics of Adam and Brian May out there..Here's one:

Picture of Adam

One more of Mr. Tamborine Man at the Moscow concert. during "Tie Your Mother Down"

And this one...

Anonymous said...

Adam was amazing at both concerts. I think the videos are great. Is there ever a time he isn't amazing performing live??? I have seen him perform live in the states 4 times and he was out of this world!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or did Adam appear to be angry during his performance of Show Must Go ON, in Moscow. These songs are extremely demanding, Adam can sing them all extremely well, but I just hope he is not straining his voice too much, as the concerts are all booked so close together not giving him much time to relax between. Please, I'm not having ago, I love Adam and think he is a brilliant artist, but just concerned for him.

Anonymous said...

I think he was having fun being overly dramatic. Like @ JAK said somewhere, "he was chewing the scenery". Way over the top. He made me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

A lot of you need to lighten up.
Nit picking? Really, have you no sense of humor? Do you never tease someone you love? It is your contention that any comment or criticism of Adam whether sincere or in fun kicks you out of the fandom? Get real.

@ 10:12 P.M. July 3

Are you always a downer? :(

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:52 AM
Adam was acting..."angry"???? No, why would he be????He's a musical theater actor in addition to being a singer, and Queen music can be very theatrical. This is another reason why Adam is perfect for the job..

I do agree, he has to take care of his voice, but after all these years, he knows how to do that too...He's a pro.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady..11.24AM, My mistake in saying Adam appeared to look angry, what I meant to say was that I thought he looked somewhat distressed, but I may have misread this and in no way do I doubt Adam's ability to perform with Queen, I agree totally he is the perfect choice, and he is doing a fabulous job, I was just concerned for him that's all, not underestimating his ability, he is a pro in the true sense of the word, but you must admit that he has had a grueling schedule of late.

Anonymous said...

I think 10:31 is not a regular here why he/she doesn't know JAK's humor and I would categorize him/her more of a troll. A fan will NOT say those words.

Anonymous said...

I think AO should be working on the new 2013 Calendar and should include some of these pics. I still have my 2011 calendar hanging over my computer. What to do.. can't throw it out.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:40 AM
I really need to apologize for sounding so brusk in my response to you...The song is emotional and Adam was emoting... : ))

Yes, I think we all worry about Adam's voice, especially with a challenging and LONG set like he's doing with these amazing Queen gigs...My biggest concern for the short term is his two back to back nights in London July 11th and 12th at the Apollo in Hammersmith..with another one 2 nights later..Guessing he'll be drinking a lot of water, Throat Coat Tea, and keeping his speaking to a limited amount.. Not a lot of down time to rest his voice in between. However, I try not to voice that concern too much here because the next thing you know, we'll be accused by someone of acting like mother hens....(which I admit to being..) Can't win!!

tess4ADAM said...

@11:24Am ... I think what you saw was the theatrical side of ADAM when he sang "The Show Must Go ON" ... sometimes while emoting he seems distressed or angry but that's just the 'actor' inside of him relating to the lyrics ... especially .. 'I aint never giving up' .. or .. 'I have to find the will to carry on' ... I think these lyrics are so powerful to ADAM that just singing them isn't satisfactory enough to him so he acts them out as well ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

enjoy, what is w/ all the nitpicky comments, are you fans or critics? how great we live in a time when we can watch livestream from across the globe. and some people spend time comparing facial expressions and issuing statements about what Adam should or should not do. clearly what one people loves another does not so no one could ever live up to all these expectations, so Adam should continue on doing what he feels is best

Anonymous said...

Just seen a video where Adam grabs his package


Hate it when any entertainer does this!!!!

glitzylady said...

I suspect you were actually addressing 8:52 AM and 11:40 AM..not me : ))) But you are certainly correct..that was Adam emoting/acting..not actually being angry...He's an actor in addition to being a singer...and he's a perfect fit with Queen and their theatricality..

Anonymous said...

You people who think Adam was over the top at Moscow must not have ever seen Freddie in action. Watch the video of Queen singing I Want To Break Free...they were all in drag and Freddie was vacuuming the floors of the house the four "girls" lived in. Queen was sooooooooooo over the top they didn't perform in the US. I agree with whoever said that Freddie owned the stage when he was alive. I loved Freddie, but you have to know that he died 20 years ago. Adam was 10 then. Now it's Adam's turn to own the stage, not to reeplace Freddie, but to pay homage to him.

This Moscow concert was 100 times better than Kiev. Adam was himself and free on the stage to do his thing (just as Freddie did so long ago). If you think Adam should tone it down, perhaps you should suggest to Queen through their facebook page that they drop Adam and hire Lee Dewyze.

If you're an Adam fan, you know that he does NOT smile and/or play with the audience when singing a song that carries a deeply moving message. He would be laughed off the stage if he sang Show Must Go On with a huge smile on his face or have a stone face while singing Don't Stop Me Now. His body language and facial expressions match the mood of the lyrics. (But, of course you'd know that if you were actually fans of Adam.)

2012 Queen loves Adam and I bet they hope he pushes the limit in London.

8:40 and 10:12 I think you're the same person and you really need to get over yourself.

Anonymous said...


You can tell just how unhappy Brian is with Adam by the way he smiles all through the concert.

Anonymous said...

@3:03PM You just beat me to it.
Yes, I think as well that 8:40 and 10:12 are the same troll.
Yes, he/she said it as his/her last line: OK, I'm a troll!

Anonymous said...

Here comes 8:40 and 10:12 again at 3:20PM. LOL!

I remember what Nile said. Haters are so dedicated.

Anonymous said...


I am 3:20 adding a post script to my above post at 3:03. I guess sarcasm is an art form few get. No troll or hater here.

Just to prove my good intentions, here are quite good audio files with minumum audience and a good balance of Adam's voice and the music. Download to your heart's content. Love to Adam and all Glamberts worldwide.



Anonymous said...

Oops. Sorry. Beg pardon.

I have eyes over 40 and misread a ? for a 7. The above link is:


My sincere apologies to all.

Anonymous said...

Adam 'angry', Ha! don't think so!
He owns each song and puts heart and soul into every breath. Adam has attitude, grit and zest and he just loves showing it! Awesome stuff!
You got it! Takes someone from NZ to get it right!
I cannot believe how people don't understand where Adam comes from some times. Plus the groans and complaints from so called fans always amaze me. If you love Adam,
promote him, love him and support him. He IS a SUPERSTAR!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Gabrielle a very special girl who loves Adam always!

Anonymous said...

Yes 3:40...

3:20 was obvious sarcasm... come on now.

Anonymous said...

@4:52, Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

THIS IS THE MOST INCREDIBLE BAND EVER! Brian May and Roger Taylor were genius for choosing Adam. They are all SUper TALENTED!!!!!.Adam is born to ROCK

Anonymous said...

Adam a fantastic singer, actor.
He is the best of the best! We like Adama in Russia!!!
We look forward to his solo concert in Russia!!!!!!!!!
Marina St. Petersburg
I love Adam

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