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Adam Lambert's Six Flags Fiesta Concert in San Antonio Texas (7-26-12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 26, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, July 26, 2012

'Kickin In'

'Naked Love'




'Outlaws of Love'





Anonymous said...

Every time there is a line-up of videos, I always beeline for Kickin In and it never fails to uplift my spirits each and every time. My next choice for the third single is Kickin In; well the only drawback could be some of the slightly salacious lyric but when people bounce to the beat, dance and enjoy the song, they don't really pay that much attention to the lyric, which are subtle hints at most. :)

Anonymous said...

Ashley looks like her bottoms have disappeared. I see ripped hose.

Anonymous said...

can u feel it kickin in honey you up there????

Anonymous said...

can u feel it kickin in honey you up there????

Anonymous said...

I love love Kickin In as well, Lammy! First time I listened to all songs on trespassing, it was Kickin In that got my attention in all the good songs there.

Anonymous said...

I actually like Kickin In better live than on the CD. Hoping maybe for Cuckoo as the next single.These videos are great and posted so quick, Thank you so much! Winstar Casino in Oklahoma tomorrow night. I am going,so excited probably won't sleep much tonight!Then I will have such an Adam high no sleep tomorrow night either lol.

Anonymous said...

These videos are very good,audio & all..was surprised to see Adam in sandals.That's a first,isn't it?don't care what clothes or shoes he wears,tho.I like Kickin In also,( Adam was playing in a family park,so maybe he shouldn't have said the "f" words..maybe he forgot..don't know,but he has sung Cookoo before & just not said the "f" words..just as effective,I think.

Anonymous said...

he should have put on the medges with his shorts. a new fashion statement.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks! But I notice the 'safe' songs become the singles; Adam, Kickin In will be a strike! (bowling). :)

Anonymous said...

Are those sneakers or sandals he's wearing?Thanks to the person who posted these so fast..they sound great!

Anonymous said...

He wore those sandals in England. So much better with shorts than boots! :)

Anonymous said...


@‪SydMcClendo‪n‬@adamlambert‬ oh my god... Your concert at Six Flags was amazing. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!<3 love you!!

@‪JoshSuperNov‪a ‬Wow, @adamlambert at Six Flags was badass! Definitely worth the 7 hr wait!#freakingamazing

@petestavros By far one of the best live performers I've seen. And his fans are very nice! Great concert from @adamlambert !

@DearestKarie: Just got out of the ADAM LAMBERT
concert! *dead from his perfection* #sixflags

Anonymous said...

YO!!! What a BRILLIANT concert!!! LOVED it!!!

The setting looked FAB too. Those who were there, was it in a canyon? It looked WONDERFUL. <3

Anonymous said...

The theme park is in an old quarry. It was so HOT. But so worth it!

Anonymous said...

adamlambert Look at these two hotties!! My man and my mama!
about 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite

Anonymous said...

Whoa Adam, to date I still maintain Outlaws Of Love, your best performance from both your albums. It stands side by side with your recent spectacular performance of Dr Brian's, Who Wants To Live Forever. Why don't you make OOL your single as well...another bowling strike! OOL will have a very strong appeal in the east, with it's orient music flavour. :)

Anonymous said...

I love Kickin In and Pop That Lock. I replay them a lot in my car. At the Costa Mesa concert, he looked at me couple of times and pointed at me singing Can you feel it kickin in honey up there. I downloaded the video for keeps and watch it a lot. Love!

Anonymous said...

Adam wear flip flops a lot

Anonymous said...

Should be....its. Blame it on excited. That's what OOL did to me. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I love the way he goes to the edge of the stage very close to the people and start pointing at them, asking if they're up there, very personal. I bet you were way up high there 10:28! I like the way he points at people and sings a question at them; it reminds me of a teacher who does that to make sure his/her pupils are paying attention. Adam makes a very alert, concerned teacher! And if that doesn't work, he can always wail and that will send the whole school marching to his class! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

SUPERB concert and I LOVE that absolutely gorgeous photo of Adam with Sauli and his Mom. I love the photo that Neil posted as well .... he's such a HOOT!!! :-D

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:20, in case you missed it, here is Neil's reply to Adam regarding that picture:

He also posted this picture!

And then someone posted this naughty one to Neil to try his hand at photoshopping:-O

Anonymous said...

There are any number of hits waiting to happen on Adam's Trespassing album. I love every song including all the bonus tracks.

Anonymous said...

I am still on a "high" from that amazing concert! I was there, waited in the scorching heat for 6 hrs...and was rewarded with a front row seat! He is SO gorgeous in person, I could not take my eyes off him! And then when he locked eyes with me...I was a goner for sure! He just has this special "aura" about him...sigh.

Also, loved that the crowd was so energized,and a great mix of tweens, teens, college, young, old, a lot more guys, who really seemed to be having a good time!

I'm really proud of my city, and I think Adam was genuinely impressed with the crowd turnout and energy!

And now on to WinStar Fri nite! I can't get enuf of Adam...sigh.

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

@10:31 PM
Adam is wearing sandals and a good idea when it's so hot. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam has an 'aura' about him just as MJ did.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else want to trend #Adam's hotties? :-)

Anonymous said...

Next single "Cuckoo" everyday I have a new favorite...this one is catchy and I can remember all the words......all I can remember about "call me maybe" (CRJ song)is that line.
"going to party till they take me away"
Love the sandals!

Anonymous said...

I just love all the videos thank you so much for them...Adam's hot weather outfit is so sexy..cutoffs and sandals I love the sandals..he wore them when he was doing the glamnation tour at a soundcheck..

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....My 2 grandnephews, 15 and 18 were there and called me about 10 p.m. and teased "We saw your boyfriend Aunt J.A." I haven't seen them in a couple years and they sound soooo Texan!
Maybe I did too when I lived in San Antonio, can't remember that far back.......anyway........they took lots of photos and will be sending me a stack...close ups! YAY!

As the matriarch (sp?) of the family (oldest geezer) my "interest" in Adam amuses the whole family from CA to TX to OH as well as FL. It's good natured fun.

Anonymous said...

Hurray JAK - your interest in Adam has sparked a family interest in him. Spreading the glam and glory around!

Anonymous said...

Glory for Adam and the Worldbert fans indeed!!!!


For the next single????

KICKIN IN IS MY FAVOURITE!!! But hey, whatever comes out it will be great and satisfying for us.

We just enjoy the summer lovin:)))


Anonymous said...

I find it puzzling and amusing that the only songs I don't like are incredibly popular with most of you=====I'm out of step? =&=

Kickin In and Pop That Lock :(

Anonymous said...

I can't hear the guitar in Chokehold. Pop That Lock is quite irrelevant to me, but I suppose the younger fans like it? Fever is outdated, old people's dance music from Gaga. Never liked it.

Anonymous said...

Actually Pop That Lock is like a Gaga song. Boring rhythm, not easy to dance to.

Anonymous said...

Nice review of the show.

HK fan said...

Congrats adamluvr in tx on scoring front row seats, thats my dream one day!
Glad you had a great time, and another one to look forward to. Lucky you.

Anonymous said...

So many fun little things on this thread! JAK, I can't wait to hear the report from your grandnephews about the show. It will be interesting to hear what they thought. I am also the one Adam nut in my family, but everyone is good-natured, too, and teases me about my "berting." They also think Adam is a fantastic singer.

LOVE the pic of Sauli, Leila and Adam. The Lord handed out a lot of good looks when these three were born. The Neil "add-on" was very funny. Neil can be very funny when he wants to be.

Trespassing is so full of great songs, that it's hard to pick favorites. I adore Shady and wish it could be a single, but it won't be. Kickin' In and Pop That Lock are fantastic. PTL has that great banjee boys and dancey girls line that I love. It would be a great hook line if it got to be a single. Love, NL and Underneath, Runnin', and on and on. I predict Cuckoo will be the next single. Gerat song!


The critics have loved it and given it lots of praise. Hopefull, a Grammy nom will come, and that will boost sales a bit.

Lovin' Adam's shorts and sandals. I can't imagine another singer pulling off this look. They'd look dorky. But not Adam. He makes it look hot. And I like his eye make-up in this show. A little heavier than usual. Don't jump on me, please. I like the lighter look, too, but every now and then I like those beautiful eyes highlighted with some smokey, sexy glamour.

Looking forward to tonight's show!


Anonymous said...

I wish Adam didn't stop singing Better Than I Know Myself. It's a great song, but the loud Glamberts didn't like it. It has almost 9 million YT views so maybe some fans like it..

Anonymous said...

My 18 year old daughter, her favorite song on the CD is Better Than I know Myself, she loves all the songs, knows every song by heart, but that is her favorite!!!

She also loves "Runnin"


Anonymous said...

There was a link to great review on Adam's Offical site( of the Six Flags show) very early this morn.,but I can't find it now..very strange.anybody else see it?I wish everybody could see it also.

Anonymous said...

I remember when BTIKM was released some Glamberts thought it was too angsty and that the first single should have been a happy dancey pop song. Then NCOE was released and they thought it should have been Naked Love. Not sure, if they want Cuckoo to be the next single, but the point is they're never happy. I'm happy whatever the next single will be as long as the American fans like it.

Anonymous said...

@8:55 was it this one?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether Adam is performing in front of thousands with Queen in London or at six flags fiesta in San Antonio, he still puts on the best show every single time(even in the heat and humidity). There is just no one like him in the music business today. I really like this cd Trespassing and Cuckoo was my first favorite from it and probably still is. But all the songs are terrific and Outlaws of Love still gives me the chills when I hear him perform it. I hope that Adam is not relegated to doing shows only on amusement park stages or at festivals esp. during the summer. He needs to have his own tour performing for large, enthusiastic, energized audiences. I suppose that will come after these mini promo concerts. I am just happy to be able to watch the videos of all the concerts because they make my day for me. Adam Lambert is just amazing and I am so glad to count myself as one of his fans from day one on American Idol.

Anonymous said...

Been running around with my San Antonio relatives so I'm a day late, but the concert at Fiesta Texas was unbelievable!!! FRONT ROW CENTER with my sister and two tweenies!!!! I could not believe it.... I STILL can't believe it. Adam up close is STUNNINGLY handsome but those beautiful blue eyes took my breath away (yes, there was a little bit of makeup). Heat index was 104 and waiting over 6 hours in the sun took some strategy (umbrellas, lots of sunscreen, plenty of liquids and taking turns out of line for food and such). I would do it again in a heartbeat if I could get that close again. SPOILED FOREVER!!!!!!!! As others have mentioned, EVERY age group and sex were represented at this show and were plenty LOUD!!!! I really think Adam was happy with this eclectic and excited crowd. So much fun, so much jumping and hand waving. His vocals were impeccable and there was no way I could hide when he sang OLL and tears started streaming down my face. MEMORIES for a LIFETIME........oh yes:)
Two side notes: I sat next to a lovely couple who have attended 20+ concerts (including ALL three London Queen shows) have met Adam and band members and who will be at Winstar tonight. They had great stories to share. The husband was videoing from that prime spot and said he would probably post videos on YouTube once they returned home. Soooo hope so.
And lastly, if anyone is wondering how this music miracle happened for it is. Theme park opens at 10:30 am. Got there at 9 am and at least 10 cars are ahead of us blocked off from the driveway TO the parking lot by a gate. Cars are now backing up to the freeway. They open the gate at 9:15 am. Park, run to ticket booth for one day pass $58 plus tax and start lining up at all the turnstile entries. Concert wristbands (5,000 of them) are at the season ticket window at the REAR of the park. TOO many people already (the Adam effect). Opens up at 9:50 am. Turnstile staffer sees my niece's homemade Adam T-shirt and says, "Do you know about the VIP tickets? Go to this candy store near The Rattler (rollercoaster) pay $20 for candy and get a special wristband to sit up front. There are ONLY 200!" Bypass the season ticket window, get the candy (store was the rear also) get the bands. Now we have to wait behind a yellow cord until 10:30 am to line up at the venue gate. Official says, "I'm going to drop the cord. NOBODY MOVE until it's all down. Everybody was good and then it was a mad dash to the line. Ten bodies ahead of us, gate venue opens at 5 pm. One last mad dash after baking in the heat for 61/2 hours and we're THERE! Piece of cake.


Adamluv said...

@TXSparkler - sounds like a great time was had by all. So happy for you that you were in the front and so close to "the Lambert". Sometimes things just work out in your favor such as the VIP tickets! That is true fan devotion to wait in 104 degree weather!!! Anymore details you can remember please come back and tell us. Inquiring minds want to know. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

TXSparkler.........JAK here

LOVE your comment! Lucky Lady!

Anonymous said...

Who knows what Adam's next single should be? NCOE is a great song and it did not seem to get any radio play? And before that it was BTIKM from Trespassing. It's almost as if it really doesn't matter, because Adam Lambert just doesn't seem to get radio play for his songs. He is the best vocal talent in music today, doesn't need to be auto-tuned and has an amazing stage presence. Trespassing received positive reviews overall and has been selected as one of the best albums of 2012 by many. Adam is touring the country doing these mini promo concerts for Trespassing. Then he's off to Japan and Australia. Sometimes I think he is better received and appreciated internationally than here at home. All we can do as his fans is continue to support him, to send him our love, to ask that his singles be played on the radio and let everyone know what a brilliant performer he is. For any non fan,jut listen to Outlaws of Love or Who Wants to Live Forever(with Queen)and you will be drawn in and a fan forever.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....concerts are for the brave and hardy. Grandson is at Warped Tour in Orlando at present.
All day, 30+ bands, dancing in the mosh pit in 90+ heat, he sent a picture of his face with blood streaming from his nose. Saying "great bands, having a great time!" His Mom said "what happened to you?" He said "oh I got kicked in the nose".

She texted "You're 6'5" tall how could someone kick you in the nose?"
His reply " oh we were crowd surfing this guy and his heel smacked me."

Ah youth!

BTW....Yellowcard is one of the bands..Longineau drumming away with dreads flying I suppose!

glitzylady said...


Just still coming down from the excitement of the SoCal concerts last week..and working all week after returning still catching up.

RE next possible single. First of all, who knows! I love NCOE, and radio doesn't play it. So what next??

I love Runnin, and Map, and Nirvana, and Broken English..and the rest of the songs.....and I really
REALLY loved Adam's performance of Pop That Lock, live, both at Costa Mesa and at Fantasy Springs. The energy in the venues was incredible during those two performances. It is hugely fun to listen to, to dance to, and Adam's voice sounds amazing. But I have no idea if radio would play it..Because I don't know what the F*** they want from to speak. I'll leave it up to Adam and his label to once again determine the next single, obviously. I've heard hints that it'll be we'll see!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of interesting stuff on this thread tonight.

@txsparkler- so happy for you and thanksfor sharing- felt like I was there. I would love just once to see adam up close- just once! Seen him live 3 times but way way back. It's funny, I hated pop that lock and kickin at first- now I find myself listening to those two the most! Love them both. Any song could and should be a single, but I have to agree, radio doesn't play it anyway. Maybe getting adam on T.V PLL will help and maybe other t.v gigs will follow. Then maybe U.S might just catch on to adam and play his songs? Both NCOE and BTINM are 100% better than anything else on the radio today and that didn't work. The only song (don't be mad ) that I do skip is naked love- have know idea why?