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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

Miarah Carey has been signed as one new judge for Idol.It's official & the article is on AOL now.Please make some comments,esp if you have twitter or facebook..still don't know who the other 2 judges will be or if Randy will move up to mentor or not.I hope Adam still has a chance.Miarah must have been VERY now if they got Adam,it wouldn't cost them as much,would it?I also read that Phillip Phillip's new music( single or album,I'm not sure) went to gold faster than ANY other Idol ever,so far.

Anonymous said...

The news also says now that Jenifer Lopas, cant't still make up her mind if she wants to come back? They most of given her more money? Says 99% sure she will not be coming back. There's always the 1%. Either you so or don't Jenifer. Make up your mind.

Anonymous said...

How can that be, never really liked his music. What would you call Phillip Phillips's music. He reminds me of another John Meyer. He was busy doing American Idol tour, how did he have time to pull a album together. He also had a operation. I guess Adam did on the side, and a darn good one at that.

Anonymous said...

I DON'T think JALO can come back now..Idol needs 2 males now;JALO gave her final notice that she was leaving..too late to come back now,& who wants her?not me..Steven also gave final notice that he was leaving last week.JALO may have wanted more money,but she said she wanted to make movies & be with her children more.Right now,she's on tour with her "boy toy" dancer.

Anonymous said...

Phil Phillips prob was a single that went album??not sure,but prob not.

Anonymous said...

all I can think is that many AI viewers are like sheep -they buy the winner's album, then drop interest as soon as the new AI crop comes out. they ten to not be in it for the long haul. thankful Adam went on to be discovered. I also think there is a lot of jealousy about his singing from other 'artists'. only the most secure can send positive tweets, it's competition.... it would be great if he could duet with Pink -- is she on the RCA label?

Anonymous said...

Jlo is not coming back..article said that other judge(s) will be announced prob this or next week...I'm not gonna hold my breath that Adam will be chosen..talked about Jimmy Levine (sorry..ugh)..if it ends up being Mariah, Jimmy and Randy..the show will suck big time and I will not be interested in watching..I want Mariah, Adam and Harry Connick, Jr..who is with me?????

Anonymous said...

i dont watch ai-thyere going down the tube i already predicted this.

Anonymous said...

philipphilips dont really like his voice actually sorry philips.

Anonymous said...

Adam will get more opportunities than Idol and be positive folks it's not the end of the world yet.:))))

As long as we can still do dance then so be it.:)


HK fan said...

@anon 4.33 jul 23
I don't really think much of Mariah from the very little I've seen of her, and I don't really want Harry Connick jnr. Only know him from being a mentor the other season, and although I thought he started out great, he went to far, made it too much about himself and not about the contestants.
I really don't want Jimmy Iovine either, I think the programme has gone down hill since he's been on it.
And I'd like to see Randy and Nigel go.....oh, and for them to get rid of instruments so that there's a chance that a non wgwg will win..... don't want much do I???
I would have preferred to see Beyonce as a judge than Mariah.

Anonymous said...

PP apparently had time somehow to release an album/single????? And have an operation? Nice for him that his music is doing well. WGWGs don't have a lot of "baggage," if you get my drift. Safe and mainstream all the way.


Anonymous said...

FYI. Phillips' "album" is a compilation of all the songs he performed on American Idol -- His Journey to the Finale. Just check on ITunes. You will also see that if you really loved ONE of his songs and wanted to download it, you can't. Have to purchase the ENTIRE cd. Nice marketing trick, no? Hasn't put out an "original" album yet. Can you imagine if they had done this for our darling Adam?

Anonymous said...

Philip's winning song Home went gold. So what?
With Mariah on board, it will be the Battle Of The Twin Bulge who can show most boobs among Mariah, Aguilera and Spears. Mariah presents herself as a slut or as a porn star. I empathize with the two male judges who will be sandwiching her. They will have to look forward and avoid side or down look. LOL! There's nothing authentic about Mariah. I think she is the Queen of Phony. Everything she does is deliberate, nothing spontaneous. At least JLo can deliver a wordy comment with no substance. But Mariah is all fake boobs and the shortest hemline possible. It would be something to look forward to how short it can get and how low her plunging neckline can go.

Anonymous said...

just checked Phillip's official site,& his gold record was the single,"Home".There's a video of him singing it @ an all-star ballgame,I believe.About Miarah,Randy Jackson is her manager...hmmmmmmm,you know that had something to do with her being chosen.Go to the former Billboard Poll,& now when you click on her( where it tells you to,there's an article about her becoming a new judge)Adam's pic & all the others are still there,but you can't vote anymore.It mentions Adam,but not much about him..I guess we'll know soon who the other male judge will be( or 2 if Randy is to leave or become a mentor)It will be Idol's loss if BB isn't chosen,but whatever happens,we're behind him all the way.

Anonymous said...


Also speaking with THR at Teen Choice was season six winner Jordin Sparks, who would love to see LAMBERT join the panel.

“I think it would be great. I think ADAM is so talented, his voice is just out of this world,” Sparks said. “It would be funny, too, because you would never know what he’s going to say. You would have to be on guard, the censor people… but I love ADAM, I think he’s incredible.”

Anonymous said...

Oh,yes,I NEVER cared for Harry C.JR much,esp on Idol.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Jordan Sparks. Adam would add spice to any line up. Just read Mariah got 18 million topping Brutney and Cowell. Was this the point??? And yet I continue to read where the contestants are getting less and less WTF is up with that ? The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

I looked PP up on you tube because I've never seen or heard him sing, don't watch AI, (only when Adam was on it)..

If I am reading correctly a song called Home went gold?? I listened to it on you tube, that song went gold? Wow the world is really a crazy place sometimes..I am happy for the kid, but he sounds like a kid singing a song at a high school talent show or something..Oh well the music world is crazy place..

Doesn't matter because we have Adam to hear and watch..


Anonymous said...

Mariah is a snob diva!!! She doesn't want anyone to copy her!!!

She is a looser freak!!!

Anonymous said...

are those tags they are wearing around their neck for a meet and greet? I hope to have one around my neck some day. Glad to see the guys with Adam too!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you read this ? It's official! Mariah Carey joins American Idol as a new judge. Welcome, Mariah!

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:34pm

Hilarious comment, "Battle of the Twin Bulge" LOL! So true! I have no idea how Mariah will be as a judge..never heard her speak, just sing. She does have a good voice, gotta admit but does that make her a good judge? Not necessarily, we'll see. To me, Adam makes the most sense to have as a judge. He was the only former Idol to be asked to mentor, I believe, and he was soooo good at it. He got very positive comments after the mentoring. He is so intelligent and articulate, witty, quick thinking for comments stump him and he usually has a very witty, of course, he's been through the process aaaaannnnnndddd, he's so drop dead gorgeous, people will tune in just to look at him!


HK fan said...

I can't actually see these photos, they just have a picture of a frog and say domain unregistered...

Anonymous said...

what about Adam ? :(

Anonymous said...

I think Adam and Mariah would get along just fine and together would be a great team.

Anonymous said...

He deserves it

Anonymous said...

Heard that both ADAM and Mariah were together in a show in Singapore before where Mariah fell off the stage. don't know about this.
BTW, Simon is the highest paid judge on a singing reality show. I read that he got something like $36M. What TMZ was saying is so far she is the highest paid FEMALE judge.
One thing I do to see who is a good or better singer is go to You Tube and compare their own version of the Star Spangled Banner. Of course, ADAM is one of the best if not the best among male singers.
The best for female is still Whitney's version. Now, talking about Mariah's version, I usually have a big laugh when it comes to the highest note (she's known to sing the highest note of all) because it seems so unreal (better word is unnatural). It sounds like taped on that highest note and the shift is so obvious. I don't know if it's only me but my whole family think it's soo PHONY really.

Anonymous said...

Mariah as Queen of Phony, she will make sure the camera will only shoot from her best angle which is her right side looking downside. We were watching TV one time when her video was shown and we were bawling the whole time how from start to finish of her video, she had only one angle shot all the time, the whole time. And always she wears something as if there was not enough fabric to finish her dress, that it's too small and too tight. I'm really looking forward on her spontaneity in her critique. It will be all about Mariah and herself all the time.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......there is only one reason I would like to see Adam as a judge on AI. That is to let America see what kind of personality he has. Intelligence, charm and wit. He has been judged unfairly by large numbers in this country. I don't know how well the many appearances he makes, San Francisco, Costa Mesa, Fantasy Springs, etc. pull in the money for the considerable expenses. That's a lot of people to pay. He's playing mostly for people who already think he's great...those who have become familiar faces to him. Do these appearances cause the sale of his album to shoot up? I doubt it.
They def don't seem to affect radio play.

He needs exposure to a wider base,
The late night talk shows generally only have a singer on to perform their new song at the end of the night's show. So that's not enough. Though I had never heard of Pretty Little Liars ( way out of my age group) I am pleased to know he will be on the show.

He needs weekly exposure, which Idol could give him and hopefully change some of the stubborn minds who have written him off. A one season contract, during which time he could formulate plans for his next tour could be beneficial and maybe pay for that tour.

Just wishful thinking on my part. :)

Anonymous said...

Randy liked and praised Adam on Idol. Randy liked and praised Mariah on Idol. Randy + Mariah = a team that people young and old will tune in to watch.

Anonymous said...

Correction. Randy + Mariah + Adam = a great team.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Randy has to go. Anybody is a better replacement for him.
Here's the latest interview of ADAM where he was asked about what he learned with QUEEN and about judging on Idol. This before his show in Sacramento, I think.

Anonymous said...

Forgot the link:

Anonymous said...

such a great team

Anonymous said...

Randy's judging consists of the same 10 sentences which he spouts over and over ad nauseum.
"Dawg, that was hot!"
"MMMMM I don't know, it was a little pitchy."
"Man, you can sing your face off."
"I've said it before and I'll say it again......."
"That's the one to beat!".etc.etc.

and on and on and on it goes
he makes me want to scream
and JLo and Steven made me want to barf so I just quit watching
and didn't give a damn who won
it would be nice to care again
clean slate of judges please

Anonymous said...

Just came across Nigel's new show Opening Act on E.
Saw that Von Smith landed as the opening act for Lady Gaga. Remember him?
He is in AI8, same as ADAM. He is the one who was OTT and was screaming his high notes.

Anonymous said...


Just to add to Randy's limited critique:

"You can sing the phonebook!"
"You're in it to win it!"
"For me. for you!"

Jadam NZ said...

OT But just read PLL won 3 awards at Teen Choice Awards.From memory think it was "Best Actress and Actor in a drama" and "Best TV Show Drama"
So that sounds like a good show to be on.
I am with JAK on the AI thing, the positives would be exposure to a huge audience and we know how he can win people over, a bit of extra money for him to do what he wants Tours, videos etc. Then of course we who "know" him so well know how great he will be as a judge.
Lastly my own selfish reason so I can see him and hear him twice a week.
One thing I wouldnt like would be all the crap that is thrown at the judges and no matter how good he is, it will still come. I wish they would make a decision so we can move on.
Who ever said imagine if they had released an album of Adams AI performances it sure would have gone gold, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Proves my point, a talking parrot could replace Randy.^o^

Jadam NZ said...

PLL Won 4 Awards, sorry.

Anonymous said...

jAK, a true Adam fan. Intelligent, well informed, passionate, and loyal. You Rick! Worth you all the way!

Anonymous said...

@2:07 . . . WTF

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing rock and with.

Anonymous said...

If Adam was on the judging panel with Mariah it would be hilarious only because Adam is the only one who could put her in her place and she wouldn't even know it!haha I'm praying Adam gets the job because he deserves the cash and we deserve to see and hear Adam. I totally agree with those who say having Mariah on the panel - it would definitely be all about her. Although I like Mariah some of the time, she reminds me of the wicked queen saying, "mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Not you Mariah - Adam!haha

Anonymous said...

I like Mariah. I have a couple of her records. She is a diva but she has a sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

More great photos of Adam with male fans - lovely to see. :-)

The comments about Randy's ravings .... haha!!! Sooooooo TRUE!!! I don't know much about Mariah Carey but she'll probably do her best to be better than JLo (reserving comment there, LOL!!) Haven't read the AI article about Mariah yet. I just want Adam to be a judge - he would be WONDERFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if ya'll know this or not, but Randy is Mariah's manager. So I am sure he gets some money from this also.

Anonymous said...

You forgot He is in it to win it tonight BABY.
I'm just sayin, I'm just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Not Randy and his jibberish again!! Like many other Glamberts, I won't be watching Idol this year unless Adam is a judge. The 1st season with Steven, JLo and Randy "killed" the show for me. The show needs a whole lot of HONESTY from the judges. Simon is sorely missed and Adam would be a very welcome addition.

Anonymous said...

JAK, You're exactly right on all counts. AI would expose Adam's personality, which so many non-fans do not see and thoroughly misunderstand. He is more charming and more intelligent and articulate than anyone else they've had on.

And yes about the shows he's doing. They're great, of course, but they're only serving the fans he already has,not attracting new fans. Sales are not going up in response to the concerts. Something BIG has to happen in order to change this, something like BIG network TV appearances that allow him to TALK and show his personality as well as sing. Of course, the AI gig would be a major coup, but I have my doubts.

He is a hidden diamond that got stashed in the back of the jewelry box. He can't just keep playing to the same people in the audience all the time. That post-Idol barrier has got to come down somehow. Media people seem to really like him. Journalists give him praise, both for his music and his integrity. But to the general public, he gets the eye-roll.

If the AI powers that be had a fraction of the guts Adam has, they'd hire him. He'd be a bargain. He's not a millionaire.


Anonymous said...

Just to add: I'd love to be fly on the wall in one of Adam's management meetins. What are they actually planning? Ok, he got the TV gig and that's fine. But what else are they thinking? They know he's great, but he's a marketing dilemma. Just wondering.


Anonymous said...

How right you are, Randy does need to leave AI. I lost faith in him a long time ago when it came to Adam.
But saying that he, Randy will have a bond with Mariah for sure.
I personally don't want to see Adam being viewed as stereotypical on that show. His an out the box guy, full of zest and too hot to handle for a show that puts many to sleep. Plus he has a full career
ahead of him.

Anonymous said...

Then let Jordan Sparks take the role. Adam has music to make.

Anonymous said...

@7:43 AM
They have already chosen the female judge to be Mariah Carey. They need 2 male judges now. I think Adam would be a FABULOUS Idol judge.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! That article about Mariah Carey! They've certainly talked her up - she has a wealth of credentials.

The show needs some much-needed star power now as in Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

The show at Fantasy Springs Reminds me of the AMA.

Anonymous said...


Why does there have to be two male judges? They might mix it up and have two female and one male..Never know...

Anonymous said...

IMO, Adam would be great with two female judges. Women LOVE him, and he loves to flirt and tease with women.

The FS show may have reminded you of the AMAs because it was pretty sexual, but the big difference is that the FS show was for fans who already knew Adam and knew what to expect. There should be no big shock about the FS show. That's the Adam we know. The AMAs blindsided everyone.

It interesting that there is still a buzz out there about Adam and Idol. If it was a definite NO, wouldn't we have heard by now? I hate to raise false hope, but I think his name is still alive in the game. If they have GUTS, that is.


Anonymous said...

This waiting to hear about AI is so nerve wracking. I know he would make a wonderful judge and gain a lot of fans, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high as it will make it painfully disappointing if it doesn't come true.

Anonymous said...

From what I read, one Fox exec. commented that the other 2 judges aren't known in public eyes just like when Cowell, Randy, and Ryan weren't known on season 1 of AI. I too don't want to have high hopes for Adam on AI Judging panel. He fits the bill perfectly though and there are tons of news buzz about it everyday. I guess we just have to hang on to the edge of our seats for couple of more weeks to find out about it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jordin Sparks said it's not for her to be a judge but believe ADAM would make a very good judge.

Anonymous said...


I'm not a psychic but very prayerful and for
ADAM to land as AI judge would be an answered prayer and will circumvent radio's resistance to his songs.
I saw what it did to Levine's career being on The Voice and he is now all over the media even landing on the Sexiest Poll which he has no right to belong. I was envious for our ADAM and was wishing he could be a judge in one of the shows.
The exposure would be priceless and he would be a fashion plate on that stage every week and he would gain back all fans he lost in season 8. It's all because ADAM is simply irresistible.
I leave it all to GOD's Will. If it's for ADAM's good, he will get it. And it's a blessing and answered prayer. If not, then GOD has other plans.

Anonymous said...

The interview of Adam that was posted above, I thought was very telling..The guy said the whole idol judge speculation has gone and went and Adam's face was like what? Adam said it went, where did it go? And then Adam said well it could happen? The look on Adam's face is like, well I know more then you...

Adam could have said Idol thing is a nice rumor, like he did when the news first broke..He may very well be in talks with Idol..Who knows they may offer him the job, but not enough money and turn it down, for all we know..

All I know is I just want to watch him on TV every week..sigh...


Anonymous said...

I agree good/great exposure, esp if he can plug his singles and videos. the downside to me is continuing to be branded w/ AI- the AI stigma transcends into radio (perhaps). Then again I don;t see Carly Rae J. being harped on that she was on Canadian talent show.

Anonymous said...

From Fox Exec.:

"Additional judges are expected to be announced shortly, with Reilly noting that in a nod to the first season of Idol, they could be fresh faces. “There are some ‘nobodys’ in the mix, there are some people who are not a household name,” he said, citing Jimmy Iovine who wasn’t a household name when he boarded the series."

Anonymous said...

the one thing that gives me hope that Adam may be chosen for Idol is the fact that he has not squashed the rumors on Twitter..he certainly must know by now if he has a chance..with all the rumors floating'd think that the yay or nay sign would be given to him..I am actually nervous about this..but one thing is for sure, I will NOT watch Idol again if Adam is not on...good luck Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so it should be Adam and an unknown. Mariah, Adam and ?


Anonymous said...