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Pretty Little Liars' Brendan Robinson (Lucas) Mentions Adam in New Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 23, 2012

Wetpaint Entertainment: Is Lucas creepy and adorable at the same time?
Brendan Robinson: I will try to pull that off. If I can. I don’t know if it’s even possible but yeah we’re in the middle of filming our Halloween episode right now. Adam Lambert is guest starring. He starts tomorrow. He will be on set with us and it’s going to be a scary, scary episode. I’m not saying that Adam Lambert is scary though. That’s not what I’m saying. He’s playing himself so he’s not like A or something.

Source: Wetpaint Entertainment


Anonymous said...

I think Adam should be on more TV shows showing off not only his singing and dancing skills, but also his acting skills. He is a triple threat and is also exciting, hot looking and fun.

Adamluv said...

The 4 young women from this show were on the Teen Choice Awards last nite and received a hugh welcome from the young crowd - bodes very well for Adams appearance on the show. Especially thrilled that he will be singing!!! Wish Adam had the "fetus'" management team since he is everywhere including last nite. . . . Adamluv

Jadam NZ said...

We dont get this show here. I am sure It will be everywhere on the internet tho.
God Bless technology!

Anonymous said...

Just heard that Adam's Band will also be on PLL with him. Guess that makes sense - if he's singing, he needs his band.

Anonymous said...

I'll be looking forward to seeing Adam on PLL..should be fun!would love to see him on other TV shows before Oct.,too.Did you all see that Miarah Carey has been signed as a new judge on Idol?It's official,& the story is on aol mention of anybody else yet( a male,or 2) Randy may be a mentor,but that's not official..I hope Adam still has a chance.

Anonymous said...

If Fox ignores the popular push for Adam and hires someone else I am personally done with Idol!!! Give the people what they want Fox.

Anonymous said...

@3:59 If Adam does not get the idol gig, and he said he would jump on it Idol is done for me. It really was done for me after Adam's season but got sucked into watching. This season I will only if Adam is a judge. I think he would be fantastic and not just saying it cause I'm a fan. He has everything they could look for in a great judge IMO. Adam will be singing Trespassing and Cuckoo on PLL,perfect songs! The show tweeted something about a TRAIN. Makes sense since the crazy train is ready to roll!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mariah is getting 17 million for the idol judging so it would make sense for them to use Adam because he certainly would not ask that kind of money. It still would be great pay for his future tour and amazing exposure in front of millions. Fingers and toes crossed!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG..WHY can't they go ahead and announce the rest of Idol panel??? I am not gonna get my hopes up that it will be Adam..because, after all, he would make the most sense..less money to have to pay him and honest judging..fantastic eye candy..amazing voice, et. al..DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY FOX....PLEASE...

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear! Mariah the Diva that wants everything on her set:(((( She isn't good in my opinion.....

Good luck though???


Anonymous said...

Mariah the diva is so right. It will be all about her and not the contestants. And she will undoubtedly have a say in who the other judge/s might be. Adam might be a threat to her: more personable, more intelligent, better looking and certainly one of the best vocal talents in the business today. It would make sense to have him as a judge since he has been on the show, but I doubt with Mariah on the panel, that he will have a chance. With Adam on PLL, I hope other opportunities open up to him for tv guest shot appearances. My first choice would be on SMASH, auditioning for a part in a musical on Broadway. I can see the script in my head already and wish someone would think of getting him for this show.

The Dark Side said...

On board for Adam and will give this show a go by if he isn't on it. Simple!

HK fan said...

Mariah and Adam performed at the same show a couple of years ago (In Singapore, the one where she fell on stage), maybe he was able to work his magic on her and she'll put his name forward!!!
As much as I think Adam is perfect for the judges role, for so many different reasons, I don't think they will choose him:(

Anonymous said...

My dilemma is that I don't WANT to watch AI again, but of course, if Adam's becomes a judge, I WILL watch. But I'm not interested in the show itself, just him. I know that it would be GREAT for him to get the job. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

I am sure Adam knows what his chances are of becoming a judge at this point. He did say in an interview in London he hasn't been asked and that is not a good sign at all.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam isn't playing himself on PLL - it would be great seeing him act as another character !!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the BEST choice for a judge on American Idol. He is intelligent with a loving spirit, a charasmastic personality,and the best singer in the business !!!

Anonymous said...

HK fan
Yes that's correct, Mariah was in the same concert with Adam in Singapore last year. She was heavily pregnant and yes fell on stage. So there may be a familiarity factor to boost Adam's chances of being an AI judge; if Mariah with so much star power puts in a good word for Adam. If this helps Adam to be an AI judge via Mariah, whoa I say Singapore has done our share of helping Adam realise his aspirations to be an AI judge. For Adam's sake I wish it happens; AI is Adam's musical playground...they love him there..."He came as a genius and left as a genius." AI. :)

Anonymous said...

My little ray of hope is that usually when something is totally untrue Adam tweets us and states it. So I take his silence on twitter as a good sign,but who knows. I believe strongly in fate and that if it happens or doesn't happen that will be the right thing for Adam.But the selfish me wants to see him twice a week on T.V. and drool lol!Seriously Adam would make a fantastic judge!

HK fan said...

@anon 7.31pm jul 23rd
And it has been pointed out on the web that his body language in that London interview was the same as in the one where I think it was when he denied the Queen rumours.....there was a picture of them both side by side, both head slightly down, eyes away from the person asking the question...Don't know if it really means anything...but interesting nevertheless!

Anonymous said...

HK fan,hmmm very interesting. I hope you are right!! I want to be wrong so bad. LOL I have to look those pictures up now. 7:31

Anonymous said...

HK fan
"...eyes away from the person asking the question..." seems telltale to me, as if he was afraid to reveal something so he has to look away; because Adam is not a particularly good poker player, in my humble opinion, lol! people are not just reading his body, his body language as! :)

Anonymous said...

Plus, seems like I remember him saying, "well, nothing's been confirmed..." somewhere in that interview. Mmmm...interesting!

OMG, I will be seeing Adam in concert on Thurs!! I'm beyond excited to see him LIVE!! Texas Glamberts are descending on San Antonio!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

It interests me that you all assume that Adam can act. That has never been proven. Though he sang rings around the leads in his company of Wicked, he was only the understudy and rarely got to play lead. Whenever a new lead was chosen, it wasn't Adam. He was in chorus. Acting is more than looking good. Or at least it should be.

Anonymous said...

I think he did a good job acting in his mv's and I have seen him in little skits I thought were pretty good. He has been in other plays too. Not saying he is John Barrymore or anything but maybe he can hold his own.

Anonymous said...


Have you heard ADAM getting rave reviews and the only positive note with his stint as Joshua in The Ten Commandments?

Anonymous said...

Yes I've heard Adam state very clearly, that in Ten Commandments...he was the only actor who received very good reviews and lamented yet never given a lead role; possibly he didn't accede to some of their 'demands'. That was the final straw or one of the many final straws that broke the camel's back. So with Adam, strangely, his 'bad luck' turned out to be his good luck! And ours too; what if he was given several good lead roles, many of us would not have known he existed let alone that wonderful classic talent of his. 10:52...very good rebuttal. :)

Anonymous said...

He was given good review in The Ten Commandents for his singing!

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw Adam sing was Satisfaction on Idol. My first thought was "Oh my gosh, if they ever do a revival of Bye Bye Birdie he's the perfect Conrad Birdie!" Swagger, sneer, smile and hip thrusts!

No acting required, just attitude!
He's got that! In abundance.

Anonymous said...

I believe the producers of The Ten Commandents didn't have demands as much as concerns. It was a biblical musical and the character of Joshua (a slave) who became the leader of the army (Adam) showed up at rehearsals with nail polish and heavy black eye makeup from his late nights as a club kid. He didn't much look like what they had in mind and since he was a cocky kid he gave them static.
But his voice saved him that job.
He was no angel.

Anonymous said...

"A 'slave' showing up wearing nail polish and heavy black eye makeup..." sounds amusing; yea, could have derailed the producers' perceptions. Well, that's Adam. So in a way he learnt from these less palatable theatrical encounters, because he was really well-liked, 'well-behaved' on AI/S8. But the minute he left the safety net, he tumbled again...Oh Adam, no wonder we are all so fascinated by you! lol! But I notice now he's pretty astute at sizing up when to behave and when to let go! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's my guess. Lesson learned. I remember him being asked if the person we were seeing on Idol was really him. He said "Yes, but it's the best me".
I really think it was a turning point for him, with the exception of one last slip (the AMAs) that act set him back probably taught him his greatest lesson. If I want success I have to give a little of my wildness up, GNT was another chance to let it all hang out and another lesson learned, he has now cooled down a bit more. But he's using some disgression as to when to let his wild child out, cause it's a part of him forever, he just has to keep it on a leash most of the time.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's acting is FANTASTIC in his Better Than I Know Myself clip and the Time For Miracles clip. I am in awe of his acting ability when he hasn't received any formal acting tuition (as far as I'm aware). He's a natural at both singing and acting.

Anonymous said...

You didn't think his histronics in BTIKM as the evil Adam were a litle hammy? Fiendishly squashing the pomegranite and irrational fits of tortured soul face in close ups were more than a little over the top? Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde was more realistic.

And NCOE was a mash up of so many different movies (was that Adam's idea or directors?) that it didn't even make sense. No more meds was going to turn the prison? mental hospital? futuristic concentration camp? Brave New World? into a combination of a Rave and Soul Train?

Actor/director-remains to be seen

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add, yes Time for Miracles video was good because the song and singer were superb and all that was required was a shell shocked face for the most part. Sort of sleep walking till a bombastic end.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, Adam never really 'misbehaved' or acted out of line. With regard to the AMA, he was so well-attired, respectable and whatever that was objectionable was in essence his artistic expression on stage. The same goes for the Ten Commandments episode, about wearing nail-polish and heavy eye-makeup, though it didn't augur well for him. So basically he won't change that much but just a little to appease the public because he depends on them with regard to sales and shows. And also he wants to slowly rather than brashly change their mindset for the good of all not just for himself. But deep down inside, his heart and mind, is still very! I actually prefer him to be wild than tamed by circumstances. Wildness in a good way, has its own natural beauty and inspiration. So don't tame him too! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is ADAM Lam-my and thank god for that! People want to bend and shape him into all kinds of things and Adam is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. But the wonderment of Adam is he will always stays true to himself and if people just don't get it then
so be it!

Anonymous said...

How about we just let him tame himself enough to get some good bookings and add to his audience.

After all we do use restraint in our lives, otherwise I'd go naked all the time, it feels so good and I'd eat nothing but lobster and creme brule and I'd never censor my mouth, oh the freedom of saying just what you think would be wonderful. I'd give all my money to Operation Smile so no child would have to suffer the agony of being reviled for the misfortune of a disfiguring cleft palate.
I'd watch the weekly Adam Lambert Show on TV and enjoy his singing and that of his guests and the usual couch banter.

Oh, wait a minute, I think I'm talking about Heaven!

Anonymous said...

Yea "People want to bend and shape him..." it's unfortunate but in time these people may come to accept him for who he is...slow but it'll happen. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved his acting in BTIKM the evil guy part. The restless, brooding unhappy Ott man in the lifeless room, but in the end comming to terms with himself.

Anonymous said...

I would love Adam to get a part as a voice over in an animated film.

Anonymous said...

Yea you have made some relevant observations regarding Adam's over-acting / facial expressions etc, but Adam is a stage actor and he has said that stage acting as opposed to films, has to be over-the-top and exaggerated otherwise the audience might not feel the impact. But looking at some parts of BTIKM, NCOE and TFM videos, I feel Adam is a very good actor because he is able to step into the character/persona he plays, with great depth. So I believe with an experienced director to guide him for example to internalise the acting rather than projecting it as in theatre, he'll be a mighty fine actor. I think this is more a skill problem and not so much a talent one which is innate in him as an actor. But I do agree with you somewhat about it "remains to be seen" because it has not be tested. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam never showed up for The Ten Commandments actual performances with nail polish and heavy makeup. He only did that for rehearsals. It rubbed the directors the wrong way, I guess, even though it was harmless. Don't know about his acting skills in an actual movie. It is different from the stage. It has to be more subtle, unless you're playing a movie character who is over the top. I think he can transition to films. He said once that he needs acting lessons, so he's realistic about his own skills. I think he could do it.


Anonymous said...

I heard Mylie Cyrus name was mentioned for a judge on American Adol. So was Adam Lambert. I diffentely do not want Cyrus to be a judge. She has a attitude and real snooty. She does not need the money. She needS to grow up. Everything has been handed to her. Doesn't know the value of money. Give the job to Adam Lambert. He would appreciate it much better. He knows how to handle money and Adam does recycle. More mature. He can use the money, to pay all the expenses off for doing a album, touring, and paying the band. No Mylie Cyrus please. What do you think?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@10:56 Pleeeeeeeease tap your "caps lock" key. Do us all a favor.

Anonymous said...

Would like to see Adam on SMASH. His friend Megan Hilty is on there. Believe they were in WICKED together.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Megan was in Wicked company with Adam and this is a quote from her....."The first time he went on as Fiyero I couldn't believe it. I was warned before how amazing he was, but you can only be prepared for so much! It's funny because we'd go out and do karaoke for fun, and when he got up to sing, it was kind of like 'he's too good, I can't go on after that!' He's a joy to be around."

I think she liked him!

Anonymous said...

JAK again......another quote about the object of our affection.......

When his friend Allisan Porter appeared with him in The Ten Commandments she said "I remember being backstage at the Kodiak theatre and hearing Adam's vocal warm ups coming thru the air conditioning vents....and you'd know Adam was ready to go!"
