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Adam Lambert Arriving in Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, August 10, 2012

Posted at : Friday, August 10, 2012


Anne Marie said...

I LOVE the new do. Whatever Adam does it always looks good on him :)

Anonymous said...

his JP fans look shocked at his hair. The lady in the second picture has on a pendant like his tatoo, I have one also. Brian has to be use to this being he has worked with many many big names before.

Anonymous said...

Super beautiful, the lovely Adam Lambert!! HH.

Anonymous said...

Hair in daylight looks grey (should perhaps add highlights?). I find that he looks so much older than before. I will never understand why Adam doesn't change his hairstyle at least 2 weeks ahead of any major event. Everyone knows that freshly cut hair needs at least 2 weeks to settle in and look natural. Oh, well...

Magiclady said...

Def growing on me.
Of course he can pretty much do no wrong as far as I am concerned.
Love the man!

Anonymous said...

At least he didn't change his haircut. Gotta be honest here, I loved the dark hair. Well he will change it again.This is silver,thought it would be more blonde.Gotta see his eyes and eyebrows to make a final decision.

Anonymous said...

He looks good. He looks older. He doesn't look as stunning as he did before like from another planet, lol, but still better than average.

Anonymous said...

agree,8:40AM!!INSIDE BB'S hair looked better because the reflection made it look more light blond,not gray,like in the sunlight.THE STYLE is ok,but not the color!Sorry,but it's the truth.Yes,the Japanese fans looked shocked.Oh,BB,the sudden color change seemed to to on an impulse.

Anonymous said...

OT NCOE up to #7 from #10 on the BB dance chart yeah!

Anonymous said...

Love his attitude!
Love the hair!
Will go nicely with his silver tiger pants.
Lucky Japan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam's the only one wearing a jacket..the Japanese are short sleeved..seems like the jacket would be hot.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! White, I thought it's supposed to be light blond. Could it be for capturing special lighting effects on stage; because his hair will change colour according to the light beamed on it...psychedelic hair! Avant-garde; this concert should be something to watch. :)

Anonymous said...

Falling in love again
....never wanted to
What am I to do
....can't help it.

Love's always been my game it as I may
I was born that way
....can't help it.

Ask me now if I like the hair!
THUD >-->O .... JAK

Anne Marie said...

See what drinking tequila does to ya LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure about this new hair color(not that it matters to anyone). It seems to be a different shade depending on the lighting. Here it looks to be more gray in tone. And as someone wrote here, he seems to look older. But as long as that powerful voice is still there, the hair color shouldn't really matter. Adam will do what Adam wants to do and we can comment all we want just to get it out of our system. I hope we get to see some vids from his concerts in Japan and Australia. That's what I want to see.

Anonymous said...

I love ADAM LAMBERT for life.
I love everything about him.
No matter what style, he is the same ADAM LAMBERT.
No matter what style or color his hair, his heart is OF GOLD.
To me, that's what matters really.
He is ADAM F...... LAMBERT!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should make a movie in the samurai from the wild wild west! Or, the kungfu master whose voice shatters glass and splits pants! lol! Well, he did pass the ninja-roll test on that high platform; which could have been disastrous but he agilely pulled it off with a flying kick! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

I knew that the photo Adam put on twitter is photoshop. Because Adam new hair is gray but not blond! And this color is absolutely AWESOME on Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam deff died his hair from blond to gray. Look perfect

Anonymous said...

Like I said on the other thread, I like that darker undergrowth in his hair. wonder if he added it? It's not his natural color. It softens up the platinum nicely. I'm getting used to it. I love him best with black hair and when he puts those colored tips on the black. That's the hottest look for me.

JAK, I know that song well. And believe me, I CAN'T HELP IT either! He steals my heart every day. Reminds me of that Four Tops song, "Can't Help Myself." You know the one:

"Sugar pie, honey bunch,
You know that I love you.
Can't help myself.
I love you and nobody else.

When you snap your fingers
Or wink your eye,
I'll come a-runnin' to you.
Turn tail on all my friends,
But there' nothing I can do."

I'm simply helpless. Can't help myself. Ginger, platinum, black. Doesn't matter.

DRG (Wishin' I was one of those Japanese fans!)

Anonymous said...

sometime ago in an interview Adam said he would like to have his hair this white gray I was not too surprised...It is an aweome look and I love it ..want to see his eyes with it

Anonymous said...

My Mom adores Adam. So, when Mom saw these photos she said that Adam looks grow up, lost a lot of weight, and these hair are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think gray is good on Adam but only as a little highlight. The best he has ever looked was with Queen this summer and he had black hair with gray tips on top. Oh well, can't attach to anything with Adam but like someone said, his heart is gold and that hasn't changed.

Anonymous said...

Love this shade of dark roots and blond or grey not sure. Much better than all blond. Hope he has a big show in Japan I know they love him there.

tess4ADAM said...

I knew a color photo would look more authentic than the black 'n white one. Now that ADAM's hair is platinum he can use any number of color filters while he is performing on stage ... somewhat like the ones used in DRAGON ATTACK performance with QUEEN. WHAT A DOLL!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Maybe he got inspired by...50 Shades Of Grey or maybe Brian! An instant rhyme...:)

glitzylady said...

I was up WAY before the crack of dawn this morning (US West Coast time..) flailing over these pics as they came in from Tokyo. (And posted some of them on the previous thread here..) I was so excited to see what Adam REALLY looks like out in the real world, in the light of day, and not just the one picture he tweeted a couple of days ago. I'm just going to repeat what I wrote a little while ago on Adam Lambert Fans website on the "Adam's New Look" News Thread..(Adam's fanclub and improved/revamped as of yesterday...):

"Adam is a beautiful guy no matter what his hair color..Someone was wondering if he still has "sex appeal" with this new look..Um...I cannot imagine THAT would change with a change of hair color! Not that I would notice that sort of thing...; )) Or as my husband is so fond of saying "Does a chicken have lips??!!" (huh??) Seriously, Adam is still Adam: the voice, the personality, the heart, the soul, the wonderful smile... his way of NOT going with the flow, his willingness to be bold and change it up...and always leave us wanting more: Just gotta love him! And most most exciting of all, taking us all on this amazing and wild ride that is his life right now. And oh, yes, I think he is stunning, in so many ways, no matter what his hair color is, including this one..And for the record..I like it...and him. As you can probably tell ; ))"

: ))

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Fifty Shades of Grey that cracked me up. Maybe a hint to the producers of the movie to use Chokehold as the theme song.@Glitzlady,love your post!!!

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Fifty Shades of Grey that cracked me up. Maybe a hint to the producers of the movie to use Chokehold as the theme song.@Glitzlady,love your post!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd love Adam with any colour hair, but I have to say I think he looks gorgeous with his new look too. What a stunning looking man he is, just love his warm smile and personality, his sense of humour and beautiful voice. He's certainly very special and I can't wait to see him perform in Japan and Australia, he has so many fans here who love and admire him.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady Exactly! His spiritual integrity, talent and sex appeal remain the same and even still surpassing increasingly !! Adam always creative, loves to experiment and play with your look!! HH

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet back from Cabo" Nicely toasted":)
No kidding! Adam's Adam, always AMAZNG & GORGEOUS!!!
2 much or 2 strong the Sun In Cabo!!!:)
Love Adam's new look!
"Change is GOOD"!!!

Anonymous said...

Gray hair! Blue earrings! Superb!


Anonymous said...

love it. perhaps he is changing it every few days for single art....the idea of 50 shades of grey is great.

Anonymous said...

This gray hair makes him look older than his dad. He must wanted to look like Brian May's color.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a natural grey, lol. How does he think of these things? :)

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to die my hair grey when I get a few days off.

Anonymous said...

10:19 and 10:57
When I get excited by Adam, strange ideas fly in from nowhere and it happens only when Adam excites me; goes to show how stimuli affect the brain in mystical! Thanks! Yea Chokehold...good song for this movie. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

How do we get the Shades of Grey movie producers to listen to Chokehold and USE IT? Wow! If that could happen, it would be amazing.


Anonymous said...

#chrome makes sense now.

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair definitely looks more grey/silver than blond. Can you imagine that light grey with his intense blue eyes? Thud.


Anonymous said...

Adam's hastag about chromeash makes more sense now. He probably colored his hair this way for the promotional gigs he has in Japan. He probably realized also that in Asian countries,all guys now add to their dark hair lighter shades. Just watch any football (soccer) match when these countries are playing.

Anonymous said...

Where is Sauli?, he is usually behind him at all times.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Reminds me of Taylor Hicks!

Anonymous said...

Well reminds me of George Clooney. His hair is more grayish on the outside pictures but less grayish in the indoor pictures and in the van. That's cool color that changes with lighting. Can't wait to see the videos.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is not with him at all times. If he went, he prolly with the band, as usual. Adam knew there would be a lot of people, and Sauli is not a fan of the papps. Adam always protects him , or that suitcase is big enuff for Sauli to be in it LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YESSSSS, so glad he did the chrome (instead of yellowish blond--This is a cooler tone, which fits his style more and in turn makes him look super cool!).
I woke up randomly at 3AM last night (too many naps during the day probably, haha) and was lucky enough to catch the initial flailing as he arrived. :D
Love that he can rock opposite extremes. They both look awesome on him. But this is definitely the edgiest. :D He looks even more "wolfish" than before (especially with his light blue eyes, and then the eyeliner, omg), and I was LOVING that theme. I've been wanting him to try this color for a long time! I remember thinking how cool he would look with it! Definitely not disappointed, haha! I might even like it more than the black. Hope he keeps it for a while and doesn't get rid of it right away...

I know everyone has their opinion (@8:50 eyeing you right now, btw--What you said was not "the truth," but "your opinion," just like what I or anyone else says is their opinion. Let us not confuse all this with fact...), but it seems like a few of those who don't like it, may not quite get it? If it helps at all, it's a newer look that's meant to be silvery & metallic. Very cool, new, and young, kinda tough, really edgy & stunning, WHITE HOT, very NOT mainstream, very Japan (Trust me, I'm a Japan geek--They'll LOVE it, especially anime fans, haha)... And I see him doing soooo many awesome creative things with this!!! :D

All and all though, and despite the flailing or un-flailing(lol), it's the inside that counts--He's still the same sweet, talented guy as before! Right guys? :D

...But can you tell I'm really happy with it? Lol

Anonymous said...

I like the hair color for a change. I've seen silver gray color on young men before. I really like Adam's current haircut too. I think the right haircut is more important than the color. Celebs try new trends all the time.

Anonymous said...

It just still blows my mind that with all the fame and recognition he has gotten of late, he is still pushing his own luggage cart. Just proves that he's still humble and down to Earth. If I had his money, I would hire an official luggage cart pusher. He is a doll! I'm waiting for him to dye his hair my favorite color - purple!!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 PM:

Sauli loves the papps too, doesn't he? Last time he was smiling from ear to ear. It's good Sauli isn't seen with him all the time, and this is Adam's promo tour. I think Japan will love the blonde hair!

Anonymous said...

Just think of how amazing he will look when he again appears with Queen. Can't you just see the three of them posing? It better happen sometime. Remember how Adam said "for now"?

SG said...

He's young
He's wise
He's bright
He shines

The silver moon does not look the same way
Does not have the same color
Does not wonder why
The moon knows he shines

The silver stars try to hide at night
Keep they bright aside
Having parties in the clouds
The stars know he shines

He's our silver boy
He's our grey young man
He's our Fifty Shades of Grey

We know he shines.

P.S Still under the silver_grey spell.....I didn't know perfection could be more perfect....

The Dark Side said...

Think he looks awesome! Brings out that wolf in him.

Anonymous said...

@justpeachy August 10 12:49 PM

You think he's hiring? I'd gladly fill out an application for that job (Minimum wage... no pay at all... whatevs... ;))


Anonymous said...

Yes folks, as someone said upthread, there IS A CONTEXT HERE, with the hair. Especially regarding Japan! Sheesh

glitzylady said...

Love your poem....

He does.

Anonymous said...

how can anyone say he looks old with that beautiful face. my heavens people-he just changed his hair not his face. look closer people!!!

Anonymous said...

More like silver fox. Boy I love this animal's fur color.

So far we saw pictures of Adam with this new do at the airport. Who looks good at the airport after hours of flight. I am sure well rested Adam pictures looks much better. Change is good.

Anonymous said...

Because his hair is GRAY. He looks like my ex-husband who is almost 50. He looks like the average guy now. I'm he'll look better with his costumes in Japan.

Anonymous said...

I have seen well known celeb. At LAX pushing the luggage cart.

SG said...


Thank you!;)
Take a look at this.Thanks to JAK I always relate this to our lovely Adam.

Anonymous said...

@just peachy It is funny that he still pushes his own luggage. Adam has said in interviews that he doesn't like people to fuss over him, he is very independent. Adam is so humble and down to earth and yes I would push his luggage for free,but it is a really big suitcase and looks too heavy for me lol!

donnaw said...

Ya know, when i heard that BB had dyed his hair i thought: "Oh No"!!!!! I LOVED his look.
But i actually really, really like his new "do"

You go Adam......i love the summertime change!!!!!

Adamluv said...

@PRS @MGF @magiclady - hey gurls! Good to see your posts! First time commenting on "da Hair" and I LUV IT!!!!!!! Some comments being made think he looks older but I think he looks much younger. We peeps are an interesting species. Cant wait to see his performances in Japan with the new "do". Think the Japanese fans are gonna go bat sh** crazy since they like edgy lookin' performers much more than the USA does. That is one hot sexy man!!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Video of Adam at the airport in Japan:

Anonymous said...

Nice tan!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Lovely poem!

Anonymous said...

Out of subject I heard Adam is going to perform in Phoenix in 15,000 capacity venue. Are they sure that he has 15,000 fans in AZ? Hope they will sell 10% of the tickets!
By the way these hair are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Argentinan fans still looking for donations. Many of them do not have credit cards to be able to order a cd. If you want to boost Adam's sales and make a fan happy... contact someone in the request below.


We regret to inform that Sony Music Argentina has decided not to release Trespassing unless sales skyrocket or at least improve significanlty in the USA, which so far has unfortunately not happened.

For this reason, hundreds of fans have not been able to buy Adam’s second album (physical CD). Even though the CD can be bought online from itunes Argentina (only digital), Amazon or even AO many fans do not have credit cards, are underage whose parents won’t let them use their credit cards online, or can really not afford it.

Although LatinGlamberts Argentina have already donated several copies, now we could do with your help. If you are one of those fans who have bought extra CDs (or know anyone who has) and are willing to donate and make another fan happy, we’d be grateful to hear from you. Please contact us at:
Or at our personal accounts:

Thank you very much in advance.
And thanks for all the donations and love we've received from many of you on other occasions
Love from Argentina ♥

Anne Marie said...

I just re-read Sauli's blog, and he said he might not be in LA next week. So I guess he is there somewhere with Adam. Great for him , I don't think he has been to Japan before , he said he has always wanted to travel. While Adam is busy with the meet and greet stuff, he will prolly be sightseeing with the band. I am sure Adam will find time for shopping, he always does LOL

Anonymous said...

@3:02PM Or he visits his parents in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Our shiny black haired beauty needs some shine in the dull grey to pull me on to the I love it side. He's going to be recoloring his hair every few days as fast as it grows and with it so short on the sides or he will darken the sides and new growth and truly be two-toned until all the grey grows out. I'd like that lots!

Anonymous said...

White Mike Chocolate Eye Candy

Anonymous said...

If you saw the thing about the calendar at Amazon, it is NOT official per Shoshanna!

@shoshannastone Adam 2013 calendar listed for pre-order on Amazon. Is this endorsed by Adam

shoshanna stone‏@shoshannastone
@Ala4afam anything official would use new pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Alanis Morissette Hints At Talks With American Idol

"In an interview with MIX 94.1, singer-songwriter, Alanis Morissette hints that she’s in talks with American Idol to join the judges’ panel":

“I’m in talks with somebody right now,” she said. “I can’t name any names, but I’m pretty excited at the thought of doing it more formally. Yep….I still have to investigate further, that’s all I can say.”

Anonymous said...

How to contact to give Trespassing to Argentina if I'm not on Twitter? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair looks like Taylor Hicks. He can join the soul patrol.

Anonymous said...

I don't wanna be rude to those who complains about the hair, but if you have met Adam and saw his gorgeous fucking face you will not make any fuss about the changed.

Any colour fits him, because he is really fuckamazing beautiful man!!!

I met him and stared at his face so I can tell u this, he will make u pregnant people!!!! The hair, the eyes, the faceeeeeeeeee!!! The height!!! AWWWWWWWW!! Especially when he smiles GRRRRRRRRR!! What more ha!!!!????

Shoot me now:))))


Anonymous said...

@2:58 It is at the state fair, so hopefully there will be lots of people attend.

Anonymous said...

Older people have gray hair, younger people do not. When a young person has gray hair they look older. He is in a field of work that in dominated by the very young. He is considered a little old for a pop star, and this seems to reinforce that perception. He is always handsome, but looks much better with very dark hair.

Anonymous said...

JYO Just your opinion

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Alanis Morissette "in talks with Am Idol to join the judges panel".......????????

Obviously they intend to 'talk' to everyone in the music industry before they make up their minds...or else it's gonna big a really big panel!

Make up your mind already!

Anonymous said...

@JAK I know! How many people is AI in talks with. It's almost funny now. What does it take to make a decision, they are looking ridiculous IMO. If Adam is not a judge I am done with that show I only watched it the past few seasons since Adam cause my daughter wanted me to watch it with her. What torture we go through for the love of our children lol!

Anonymous said...

@ SG......JAK here

Welcome to the Poet's Corner!

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe AI has a new format of rotating judges? You know, every 4 weeks rotate in 4 more new judges then they'll be able to accommodate ALL the celebs they're "in talks with" LOL!


Anonymous said...

OT Trespassing Deluxe got an 81% jump on amazon today. From #489 to #269. Last week there were some bumps up too. Hope it keeps happening and that the new single will give the album increased sales!

Anonymous said...

The AI think is becoming hilarious. They're stringing it along to keep the buzz going. With all the names in the hat, Adam has as good a chance as anyone. Only two will win. Could be anybody. If anyone isn't one of them, I really don't care.

DRG (lovin' that smoldering, silver fox look, at least for now.)

Anonymous said...

Also just checked itunes top 100 pop albums. Trespassing Deluxe is #97. Not bad with no big single hit yet. And I do mean yet!!!

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone whose name has not yet been mentioned as a possible judge on IDOL? It is becoming a joke. At this point I don't really care unless it is Adam. He set the bar so high during season 8(even though he did not win) that for me the show has gone downhill since then. And with the flood of all those other talent/singing shows, one is just like the other not really producing an outstanding performer. I liked Duets because there were four talented judges who had the chance to perform every week which was great for us in the viewing audience at home. But will the winner even have a chance at making an album and having a music career? Who knows. Right now I am just interested in Adam Lambert and his career hoping Trespassing does increase in sales and that the new single will finally get some radio play or become a digital download favorite.

Anonymous said...

Just saw one of the entertainment shows covering the rehearsals for the closing ceremony at the Olympics. And there was Jesse J with Brian May. Since Adam is not British and is currently in Japan, he could not have performed at the closing anyway. It will be interesting to see what Jesse sings with Queen. I wonder if there will be some Queenbert concerts in the new year or when the dvd will be released of their concerts in London. Luckily we have all the vids taken by so many in the various audiences that when I need an "Adam fix", I just go to them to relive those concert moments here at the computer. Can't wait to see what we will get from those performances in Japan and Australia. I want to see Adam's total look with the platinum/gray hair and style of clothes he will wear. I am sure it will be amaaaaazing!

Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

CT you have a great thought there! Maybe that is what they are doing with all these interviews. What better way to see which guest judge gets the most people turning AI on? Then maybe they will formally hire the top person(s) for the next season.

@Canadian, PERFECTLY SAID! Had to laugh at your "make you pregnant" remark LOL!!!! You are absolutely right about the effect he has on you when you see this man in person. HE IS STUNNING!!!

MGF I want to be next in line to help him with his luggage. SG and I have applied for the job of seamstresses (SG is first cuz she's a pro). We saw he really needed help here when he split his pants, so we are volunteering to go to all of his performances and wait backstage with needle and thread in hand.

@Adamluv I will join you in welcoming back our past fav posters!

That is GREAT news about NCOE on Amazon! Wonder what exactly is prompting it? Must be the new release overseas?

Anonymous said...

How to gift Trespassing to Glamberts in Argentina if I'm not on Twitter? I want to buy from Amazon US to gift so it adds up. Please anyone? thanks.

gah/rph said...

I've been a devoted fan of Adam since I first saw him on Idol. I love how he's always changing it up and I think his new hair color will look great when he performs. Some of you (JAK, tess4ADAM, glitzylady, etc.) really get how I feel and I love your comments. I live in Ohio and I'm planning a trip to Phoenix to see Adam perform at the State Fair...and visit my son and his wife. They've been patient with me and my Adam addiction, so I'm hoping they will accompany me to the concert. How do I go about meeting up with other Glamberts for the event? The tickets go on sale on September 15th and I'm counting down the days until I can see Adam live again!

HK fan said...

"anon 3.54pm
actually young people do have grey hair, my dad went silver at 21, very distinguished.
I think he looks great in these photos, really liking it.

re idol judges, maybe they're going to have 1 judge per contestant. I've given up even reading all the rumours now, its gone beyond a joke, just announce them already!!

Anonymous said...

Where are Tommy, Ashley, and background beauties?

Anonymous said...


Do Something is over next week & will be on TV on August 21!

VOTE on Do Something Music Artist on

VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

Anonymous said...

@5:58 It is not NCOE with the sales on amazon but the Trespassing Deluxe CD,which is great.

Anonymous said...

Oh JAK, you are so adorable!
Could not say it better myself!

Anonymous said...

Bill Kaulitz had his hair gray not 2 long ago (google it if you don't believe me) but then changed it...Not a troll...just came to mind when i first saw Adam with this hair.

glitzylady said...

Yes, I think Adam is amazing..and he is just looking fabulous for sure..And yes, I can hardly wait to see him in the Japan vids..and Australian vids...I think he will look pretty spectacular.

As for meeting up with other Glamberts: are you on twitter??? If so, just throw it out there that you're planning to go to Phoenix and would love to meet some fellow fans..Also, post here of course, probably some in this group... I know a few people who might be planning to go...I got to know some really awesome people through this site and another one, Adam Lambert Official Unofficial. The first concert I went to, I really knew no one...but that changed over time and have met many..and have formed some really close friendships. I was supposed to meet up with some friends from here when I went down to SoCal a few weeks ago, but forgot the phone # I needed to contact PRS, Adamluv, and a couple of missed them.. : (( ...

That would be a start...Keep checking back...

And welcome...

Anonymous said...


It's true my dear this Adam Lambert guy is beyond my imagination!!!

In my teen years I have never experienced to be a crazy fan like what I'm doing right now with Adam:)))

He is everything you want to see on stage performing. An inspiration for everyone who is struggling to find their own way:)

Whew!!! Real fans of Adam knows why we are all devoted and cuckoo at the same time:))))


Anonymous said...

breaking news The new AI jugdes just announced minutes ago Sanjaya, PeeWee Herman, Joan Rivers and mariah Carey.

daydreamin said...

Interesting comparison. Color is same.

Anonymous said...

Read 7:08 P.M. on NCOE is #10 thread.

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!That pic of Adam in the van..he's got the Billy Idol hair & was also"snarling" like he used to do..I know BB has done it before but,also but..shades of Idol,Billy that is.Whoever said that Sauli was small enough to fit into Adam's suitcase..that was a good one!lol!I HOPE we can see some of the promos BB will do in Japan @ radio stations,etc..or mini concerts,or whatever.

Anonymous said...

I heard Mariah is out and Betty White, Abe Vigoda and Pat Boone are definitely signed. They only have to make it one year!

Anonymous said...

Black was your signature Adam !
Fans are n sock but not a fun look on there faces!

Anonymous said...

Liza Minnelli and hologram Judy Garland are in serious talks for mentors.

Magiclady said...

Hi, good to hear from you!
Well, da chromeashplatinum has officially grown on me and I have come over to the grey side!
Very sexy! Can't wait to see him performing with the lights on his face and hair.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:43 pm Jessie J is singing We Will Rock You With Queen.

Anonymous said...

Please someone stop me
I can't stay away from these photos
I think my ovaries are growing back! ^o^

Anonymous said...

reports were confirmed that Brad Paisley has backed out of his contract and Slim Whitman has signed on as AI judge.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah! These Idol judge "announcements" are hilarious!


Anonymous said...

@7:22 NCOE is actually up to #7 from #10. This is on the billboard top dance chart songs. So guess we gotta go dancing in the clubs now lol!

Anonymous said...

Yay 7:08 in NCOE is #10 thread!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:45 P.M. That 7:08 comment on NCOE is # 10 thread is an eye opener. Hope it opens a few minds.

Anonymous said...

How about Randy Travis for AI judge now that he's decided to go back to his BadBoy persona from his youth? Nah! Too UNpredictable!! Don't know what to think about that boy! LOL

Anonymous said...

8:45 and 8:53 ok I think we got it now.

Anonymous said...

This idol thing is becoming a joke. Reba mactire, jamie fox, another big country name (forgot) all turned down the position. I thought that jonas kid was in? (hope not)Oh well lets just get pants on the groundguy, bikini girl, and william hung and be done with it!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I kinda liked Pants on the Ground guy. :)

I experienced a pants on the ground moment recently. My sweetie and I had gone out for dinner and I was stuck sitting on a bench waiting for a table. A young couple came in with a baby which the Dad was toting. Of course babies draw me like a magnet so I was flirting with the 7or 8 month old in his Dad's arms.
Dad's back was to me and since his jeans were hanging half mast I'd already read his underwear label, when you're an avid reader you read everything. The baby peeked at me and gave a big kick and down down down went the jeans. Dad was barelegged right in my face. I was so grateful he had underwear on. He calmly handed off the baby and pulled up his pants while I pretended not to have noticed.

I wish belts or even suspenders would come back into fashion.

Anonymous said...

Actually in their own way the three you mentioned made it on AI on their own two feet, with absolutely no one to blow their trumpet. Of the three, William Hung with...she bangs, she bangs...and his half-hearted arm stretch was really weird. But he made some money with the help of parent's support. Yea great idea, serious, these 3 be the judges for one show; I tell you the ratings will soar! One former judge's eyeballs will be glued to the screen for bikini girl. lol! Then Adam can sing Kickin In...will be as stimulating as an afternoon/midnight/anytime high-tea party.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Japan will be 'shocked'by Adam's hair for a second. They adore him and to have blond/silver/platinum hair will just add to the wonderment. Japanese fans are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Please don't mention Taylor Hicks in reference to Adam. OMG they are worlds apart.

Anonymous said...

Japan is steeped in theatre based on their ancient history and culture; they have shows depicting effeminate men and have no issues whatsoever with it. But I understand it's still quite uphill maybe in other domains eg. employment other than the arts, that is for gays; though I've not heard about any sort of gay-bashing/abuse. Don't know much about Japanese lifestyle; have been to Tokyo, Osaka, Nygoya, Japan Disney World, Mt Fuji, very beautiful, a single snow-capped mountain on its own, aerial view. Brought back a palm-size piece of volcanic stone, total black, it caught my eye. From what I know, times are pretty tough-going in Japan. But they are a tough lot of people. There was this old man fighting a 30-foot tsunami; his boat tossed up to 30-foot crests, wave after wave and survived the ordeal. They hailed him a national hero. He reminds me of The Old Man And The Sea, a favourite of mine.

Anonymous said...

Adam definitely looks older with grey hair and he's one helluva cool dude.

Anonymous said...

There are only 2 things Adam has in common with Taylor Hicks .... they were both on American Idol and they both have grey hair .... end of story.

Anonymous said...

Correct spelling....Nagoya :)

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