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There's a 'little surprise' for Adam Lambert fans in the movie "Pitch Perfect"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 9, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 09, 2012

According to @NoSilverNoGold, there will be a "little surprise" for Adam Lambert fans in the movie "Pitch Perfect". @NoSilverNoGold has already claimed that it's NOT related to a "soundtrack". So maybe it's a mention of Adam from one of the characters?

Watch the trailer below:


Anonymous said...

Glee the movie ???

Anonymous said...

If they are so excided to mention adam in this movie- why don't they get the real thing- adam live in this movie lol. any mention anywhere is still good publicity!

Anonymous said...

Dayum my sister and I will be there in the first row. That's what we did when the song TFM was in the 2012 movie credits and it was fantastic. I think Anna Kendricks one of the main stars in this movie is an old friend of Adam's. wow two things to look forward to in October, PLL and this, whatever it is. lol

Anonymous said...


Via Virg1877: dougiesauris: Looks like QUEEN is reserving more venues for a 2013 tour

Anonymous said...

JAK youngsters go see the movie and tell me what the 'little surprise' is. I'm more the new Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones film speed!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo just ordered the sept issue of INROCK magazine ft Adam Lambert and Queen.

Anonymous said...

October 17th! Adam Lambert performs in Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix AZ! This venue is about 15,000 capacity!
Wish I live in AZ:(

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to be presenter on Do Something Awards August 21st! But he will not perform:(
Hope he will win this Award!

Anonymous said...

Movie doesn't look very good and Kendrick's is annoying. Only good thing will be Adam. Song or an appearance?

Anonymous said...

Adam's grey wolf hair look fab

glitzylady said...

Picture of (very handsome silver blond) smiling Adam Lambert at the Tokyo airport via @adamlambertJP just now on twitter:

I like ; )))

glitzylady said...

Tweet by Adam:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
To find out all I'm up to in Japan- check out @adamlambertJP

glitzylady said...

Another tweet, this one a possible USTREAM Adam's concert later on:

jo ‏@jok1213
PossiblE USTREAM for Japan: Follow the offficial Japanese Adam Lambert Twitter on @adamlambertJP. -

glitzylady said...

Another pic of Adam at the Tokyo airport just now..looking quite gorgeous, I must say!

Anonymous said...

that hair is gorgeous not too drastic at all. It looks like some of the fans are looking at him like what? lol

Anonymous said...

1:41 I don't think either. Maybe a cute mention or picture or something like that. I am sure millions will see the movie so it is all good. I have always enjoyed Anna Kendricks acting.

glitzylady said...

More GOOD NEWS just now:From twitter:

ADAM LAMBERT's "Never Close Our Eyes" jumps 10-7 on the Hot Dance Club Play chart, achieving a new peak position. @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

11:30 I was hoping Adam's dance card wouldn't start filling up in October. He doesn't have the Idol gig is my guess. Oh well it was fun gossip for a short time. This fandom is never boring for sure.

glitzylady said...

And another of Adam from Tokyo airport...the hair and Adam, from behind..

via @glaMisa_l7

And well, this....apparently she couldn't resist...

glitzylady said...

RE Adam's "dance card": He has only one event in Oct..the one in Phoenix on Oct 17th..His schedule is clear beyond August 22..according to the Adam Events Calendar here, which keeps close tabs on Adams appearances, etc.: (That's not to say he doesn't have more events in the works but not announced yet..)..

glitzylady said...

Sorry to spam this thread with pics..but guessing you'll all forgive me : ))

Another pic of Adam, this time in a van, assume being taken to his hotel from the airport.....

via sonymusicjapaninternational

Anonymous said...

WOAH!!! Those photos at the airport in Japan - Mr Silver Fox!!! \O/ Thanks so much glitzylady to posting the links. :-)

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady .... you can spam this site with as many photos as you like - they're AWESOME!! Unfortunately, there's no provision to "keep" the last photo but it's all soooooooo good!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

This is @3:07 AM. I meant "for posting the links" - my bad!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics, glitzylady. Bring them on. He's looking great!


glitzylady said...

Annnnnndddd One more close up..a little blurry, but : ))

As Adam called his hair color:


He. Is. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

OT ............ Diddy has thrown his hat into the Idol judge possibility ring ...........

Anonymous said...

Now the reaction about Adams "New Do" make me laugh more than ever:)))

To all the fans hate it goodluck!!!

But most of us who really crazy like him, sticks together he!he!

Don't judge the book by it's cover:)

Adam is a true entertainer and he knows how to add more spice everything around him....


Anonymous said...

His is a bloody gorgeous in every colour he chooses!!!! Damn!!!

He can twist anything indeed!!!



glitzylady said...

Here are all the Adam at the Tokyo airport pic links I posted above in one spot.. Enjoy!!! (haha..)

Close up of Mr. Gorgeous Man

#chromeashplatinumfantasy hair!


Okay, going back to bed now... Adam's tweet alerts woke me up..and I live on the West Coast of the good night : ))) And a VERY good morning!!!

Anonymous said...

And previously Adam was a BIG BRUNET BEAST!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the pics!!!!!
It goes without saying "I LOVE ADAM!"

Anonymous said...

When they pay to put Adam in a movie, then I'll pay to see it.

Anonymous said...

JAK....Hey guys, while she's sleeping I want to ask you a question. Is it possible that during one of the many times she has gone to bask in the wonder we know as Adam (or-BBB) could 'glitzylady' possibly, just possibly have planted a tiny transmitter on him? Perhaps injected it in whatever portion of his anatomy she could reach...think about it.
She always knows where he is and where he's going and can quickly provide us with photos (for which I am eternally grateful). I think she may have a network....I suspect 'daydreamin' is one of her operatives. An awful lot of info comes from those two ladies.

Just wondering......and appreciating their covert activities and the benefits we all derive from them. You go girls!

Anonymous said...

I will just wait for the movie clip with Adam n October and for the black hair to return.

twyla said...

Attitude is everything. Adam has the 'Right Attitude' to look good any way he chooses.

Anonymous said...

as long as Adam does not paint his entire hair blue... Blue highlights ok but not the entire hairdo...

HK fan said...

I wasn;t 100% sold on the twitter pic, but I'm really loving these pictures from Japan, he looks great and still looks like Adam. I can certainly live with this look for a while:)

Anonymous said...

Completely agreed with 6:57! Whatever our preferences are for hair color, Adam is still Adam and still looks GOOOD! For sure, he will change it again, so we just have to enjoy the ride!

Anonymous said...

Don't know if I'll go see that movie, but I can't wait to find out what the Adam reference is. Probably just a line in the script mentioning him, hopefully in a good way.

I am LOVING the hair now, becausse it's got that dark undercoat. It's not just that stark platinum. He must have added that dark base because that's not his natural color. He needs some dark on his head to bring out his eyes. His stage outfits in Japan should be terrific! He looks stunning and happy, and the Japanese fans are so excited to see him!

DRG (Still hoping he goes back to black.)

Anonymous said...

I still love the black but this 'chrome ash platinum fantasy' color looks good too. Can't wait to see a video of him on stage shaking it to his music.

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair looks gray..wish he would have had a better blond color,but oh,well..I'm not sure the Japanese fans even knew who he was @ first..I HOPE he puts on A KILLER show,& has some great looking new clothes to go w/that hair.Go back to a little glitter,BB..He needs a bright color with that hair..I bet in that movie,"Pitch Perfect",we may hear a faint sound of an Adam tune in the background,or just a quick mention of his name...Diddy for an Idol Judge??No!!I REALLY don't think he will be one.prob Nick Jonas & Pharrell W...but who knows??I still bet BB will go back to his album cover hair color & style before long..he looks older to me now.& he was wearing shades in all these recent pix.He may keep it this color now,but let's see what the Japanese & Australian fans say about it..The reason he may be keeping it this stripped color is so it's easier to dye back another darker color..a darker brown with blond highlights may be good~~~time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Gray hair? He isn't 70. Why look old Before your time.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam no matter what. I am happy for his continued success and an eventual return to the AI look we once had.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell in the pictures. Some look silvery grey, some look dirty blond, no platium blonde (which is a good thing) I still LOVE the black without a doubt. Oh well- we will be able to tell for sure if there are any you-tubes of the concert. Adam is Adam and I will never stop loving him no matter what!

Anonymous said...

OT: That OZ article was awesome, but true to form america picked up on it and headline is I was a man in heels and people knew what they were getting into. Of all the wonderful things that were said - that's what they picked up on geez

@josyloosbr said...

It's a musical comedy...
Remember Glee..
Then maybe they will be covering some Adam's songs!!!

Anonymous said...

My hope is that he will be acting out one of the judge's spots in the competition in the movie. A little cameo of sorts. I guarantee if he did that, he will be in disquise. Just mind candy.


Adamluv said...

Looks like a movie I will be seeing!

Shiggles said...

JAK @ 5:41

I think Glitzy is one of those ladies Adam talks about knowing where he is before he does. It's called clairvoiancy. Glad she's got it!

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles....JAK here

We're ALL glad she's got it.

However, think about it, GLITZYLADY would be a good code name for an attractive, accomplished female agent quietly pursuing the fleeing 'person of interest' thru the crowded streets of Tokyo's finest shopping district......hmmmmmmmm?

daydreamin said...
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