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Adam Lambert Shares With Us His New 'Do'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Adam tweeted a picture of his new hair style.

Do you like this new Hairdo? free polls 


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Anonymous said...

I voted no but I might like it if I see it in a real picture. He has fun changing it up. I was not fond of the long hair and hated the EMA hair but everything else pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted," You ask why,why not:) change is good!

Anonymous said...

It's TOO all one color silvery,almost white.If it had darker shades of real blonde & light brown,maybe better,but this;I VOTED NO!!..just not "Adam"..MORE Billy Idol or somebody else.

Anonymous said...



(as always)

tess4ADAM said...

I LOVE the color ... just a bit too short but hey! it's summer & it's a hot one this year so if ADAM is happy & comfortable then sobeit ... hair grows ... AND ... ADAM is GORGEOUS! no matter how he wears his hair .. JMHO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I AM glad he left the top long anyway!!I bet he'll change it back,or @ least improve that looks completely stripped of any color..maybe he's punking us cause it would be easy to go back to his other color before the shows in Japan.

glitzylady said...

Its a fun fashion statement..And it's getting a lot of media its all good!!

Anonymous said...

Articles being written about Adam's hair. What other celebrity gets this much press about his hair? lol I need to see a real picture in color but I do like the black better. He will change it again and again and again haha. Adam is our exciting chameleon!

Anonymous said...

I love it!
And more importantly, I love his fearlessness.
He doesn't need to answer to anyone but himself, and that's how it should be.
Changing his hair (or nails, or jewelry or clothes) doesn't change his surreal voice and talent.
More power to him!

Anonymous said...

Black ....more dramatic and sexy...

Anonymous said...

Please pretty pretty please go back to the black color, the color you had before. The black eyebrows just dont't do it with the blonde or silver hair. Your just not yourself Adam.

Anonymous said...

Everything about Adam is full of excitement indeed:))))

The media are all over Adams new hairdo and they are all part of our CUCKOO TREND!!!!

Yay!! Hello Japan and Australia, Adam is coming to give what you are waiting for!!!!!

I love u more Adam!!!! Holy Shitttttttttt!!!! I'm so excited for you:)

Go and get wild!!! Freak them out more Hummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

His hairdresser should get arrested. Don't like it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't like it either and I am a blonde, naturally. Someone mentioned the Billy Idol look and I so agree. And the dark eyebrows are too predominant with the blonde hair now. I think the dark hair is sexier and looks better with all the black and leather that Adam usually wears. Yes, it is summer, and hot and I guess Adam felt like trying a new look. It does keep all of us buzzing about him and he can always change it. Remember black is not his original hair color either.

Anonymous said...

Eyebrow shouldn't match his hair color. Just a little lighter like medium or light brown.

Anonymous said...

No No No. I want my dark, sexy, mysterious Adam.

Anonymous said...

It passes my approval with flying colors. I'm enjoying reading the comments of the people outraged by it.

Anonymous said...

@2:00PM Only Justin B got a lot of attention when he change his famous haircut. But nobody care about his hair right now. May be because JB is trying to copy Adam. No success so far:)LOL

Anonymous said...



And BRANDING is a huge thing (in any business)… Adam’s look in all Trespassing promotion, all the black and yellow, it’s all part of the Trespassing branding… so WHY change the look NOW???

Me, Business Person

twyla said...

I think I should be able to meet up with him and share a drink before deciding what I think of it.

Anonymous said...

His original hair color is ginger or strawberry blond. Much different than platinum blond. I guess it is easier for him to take care when his roots grow. He doesn't have to color his hair too often. Good thing is at least he has plush of hair. Most guys his age don't have much hair. I like to see a video or a color picture of his new do. Black and white picture doesn't show much of his new do.

Anonymous said...

Just kidding…

Never a dull moment - You sure keep testing and surprising your fans!

So hot, out the box
Can we pick up the pace?
Turn it up, heat it up
I need to be entertained
Push the limit, are you with it?
Baby, don’t be afraid…

Once YOU’re in, YOU own my heart…

Me, Adam Lambert Fan ForEVAHHH

Anonymous said...

@2:35PM I agree with you. He is still doing promo for his album. Why change it so early?

Anonymous said...

absolutely love that he can create such a stir over hair color and right before the new single. it's truly ridiculous that people care enough to get outraged. you go adam

Anonymous said...

I guess he thinks to himself album sales aren't that rosey, WTF let's change hair color. Hope he doesn't go all crazy with whole sleeve tatoo and nose pierce and other things!

Anonymous said...

Who cares what color his hair is? He is Adam Fucking Lambert! He can do what ever he feels like!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not on Twitter, but I just read somewhere that after seeing Adam's new blonde hair, Twitter "blew up". It is amazing how just changing the color of his hair stirs all the fans up...either positive or negative responses. Good publicity I guess and it keeps Adam's name out there. Now if only this interest would translate into album sales and radio plays for him. Never a dull moment with Adam Lambert and it certainly is exciting and interesting following his every move that we get to see. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam than I do some of my own family and friends. I am enjoying every single minute of it and being a fan of the most talented performer in music today.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a photo of Gaga swimming nude with her BF in a pool somewhere. She has an album coming out, right? This photo is getting a lot of buzz.
Adam has a new album out and is promoting it. New hair color? Lots of buzz! Now, if we saw a pic of Adam and Sauli swimming nude. OMG.


Anonymous said...

Miley Cyrus changed her hair color to all platinum. Like her shade of eyebrow, medium brown.

Anonymous said...

@DRG I go with nude pictures of Adam and Sauli at Cabo beach instead of hair color change. Much more buzz worthy!

glitzylady said...

Adam and Sauli swimming nude pictures?! Well, yes, that WOULD cause a stir..but not sure it would help increase record sales...because we'd all be dead, or at least unable to think rationally for quite some time! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

? ? ? Hmm.... This or the shaved sides??... Not sure which one I'm less in favor of. Well, maybe the shaved sides... yeah, I'm pretty sure I really don't like that.

Soo... Adam, ever the exciting entertainer, lets try the platinum... or IS it silver, or white??? I guess it's kinda cool... for a change? (so I hope it's a quick one)

But for keeps I DO LOVE that jet black.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Ooops! got all flustered thinking about those nude pics (of A & S)..and sent off my comment too soon...Meant to add:

I'm all for it!!! ; ))))))))))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Platinum album ain't happening any time soon. Let's do a platinum hair do. That might help album sales.

Does anyone keep an eye on Trespassing album on Amazon and iTunes charts?

Anonymous said...

I think he should have put different shades of blonde through it and not just one shade. It is very white for his complextion. not very appealing in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

When we found out that Adam was a ginger, I said back then that he would probably surprise us one day and return to his original hair color. I think he has gone platinum blonde right now because he wants to return to his natural color. By going to this extreme, people will slowly forget his black hair and it will be easier for him to return to being a ginger. That's my theory, but, like always, Adam may prove me totally wrong :).

Anonymous said...

Adam's got such fantastic, thick hair I don't really think anything looks bad on him except for shaved sides LOL! This is a bit of a shock but I can get used to it for sure. Once he gets up on a stage and starts singing and dancing, I don't think we'll be focusing on his hair color anymore LOL! He's still Adam with a voice you cannot forget.


Anonymous said...

He made this change for his upcoming trip to Japan and Australia. I love that he changes whatever he wants to change whenever he wants to.

Anonymous said...


TRENDING... lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to Japan. Japanese men really go all out with different hair color do and some even wear make-up. They will love him. He knows what he is doing. Let's just wait and see. I personally love his hair black but for now let's support him for this new do and it'll eventually grow on us.

Anonymous said...

Well Adam's picture with the caption about him going platinum with his hair is on the front home pages of Z100 New York and Q102 Philly,102.9 Dallas and I am sure a bunch others. So that is interesting,hopefully these stations and more will spin his next single like crazy. Heard that japan is crazy for blondes so maybe it's for the festival there and will go back to darker when he comes back. Adam is Adam and love him no matter what color his hair is!

Anonymous said...

Before Idol, video of Adam performance doing cover of Crazy with Blond hair:

Anonymous said...

like one other poster said, I hope he doesn't go "all crazy" and get all tatted up and nose ringed (like Sauli) looks cool on Sauli, but I just don't think Adam is the type..however, I could easily like a few more tats..just no nose rings..the earrings are great..but, with Adam, you just never know what he has in least he is not boring us..wish with all my heart that his album would climb the charts tho..about the hair again..what if he copies Tommy R. and Katy P. and dyes it pink or blue???? OMG what could we be in for????

Anonymous said...

Adam walk that walk like you don't give a f*ck! Think the next single is Cuckoo.Adam has taught me not to worry so much what people think and be myself. Love that about Adam. He still is who he is no matter what color his hair is,beautiful inside and out and fun!

adamsluvjnes said...

No, no, no and NO! Not you, Adam. Don't like it at all!

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes looked so pretty with the dark hair..much more dramatic & sexy..I think he did it for the shock value..he succeeded!!On that "I think you're crazy" video( pre-idol days)his hair wasn't platinum,but had other shades of blond,& maybe ginger & light was sorta dark in that room,but the color was better,but not the stlye unless you like the very wild look( maybe I do compared to the color now)If he keeps this new color,I want to see what the Japanese think...Like many have said,he needs to go back to the album cover look,esp for new fans,and I think he was picking up lots of them,esp in the Ukraine & in the UK.We'll see..he'll need white leather to go with that hair..I was the one who said he looked more like Billy Idol now.I wonder if E! News will report on this tonight..will watch's on now.

Anonymous said...

Adam is vanilla compare to Japanese pop artists. Check this link out:

peacenikimiki said...

TIME TO COME OUT OF THE DARK & INTO THE LIGHT...looks amazing Adam...doin' what comes NATURALLY...peace & love...

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't he just try to look his best? I don't think these constant dramatic changes do his career any good. People don't invest in things that change so much all the time.

peacenikimiki said...

TIME TO COME OUT OF THE DARK & INTO THE LIGHT...looks amazing Adam...doin' what comes NATURALLY...peace & love...

Anonymous said...

Check out this Japanese male band:

Anonymous said...

"at least he is not boring us"

His extraordinary voice and looks do not get boring or tiring. This stuff does.

Anonymous said...

adam, change isn't always good.

Anonymous said...

@3:19, I agree with you. And I just hope he lets his ginger find its way thru. I love his ginger look. But, Adam will do what he wants. I just hope he is done shaving the sides.

Catharine Sloper said...

I am just laughing. Whatever Adam wants to do is fine with me!

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted that he's gonna have fun with new fashion for the Japan shows. I think that hair will give his outfits a whole new dynamic. Love the links to the Japanese bands. They are really out there! They love the outrageous and risky. So, Adam should really wow them! I still don't think he'll keep the platinum for long. He knows full well the impact of those blue eyes with the black hair. That's why he dyed it black to begin with. It's his best look. It'll be back.

DRG (can't wait to see those Japan show outfits!)

Anonymous said...

Hell NO snap snap

Anonymous said...

omg I can't believe how frail some fans are, a major meltdown over a dye job. You know the next do is just around the corner no need for insults. That trend was cute it took me a couple minutes to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just laughing about this he!he!

Earlier, fans were complaining about Adams were abouts and they felt bored. Now when he showed up and most of you didn't like the outcome, you whine!!!! You are all pathetic idiots. Who cares if you don't like it it's his hair:))

Now we wait what Mr. Beibers next move ha!ha!ha!

This is fun and damn exciting!!!!

Adam always give us the shitssssssssssssssss!!! Here we go cuckoo!:)


Anonymous said...

Yuk! It's like he's trying to look like Sauli. Major EWWW factor. They dress alike (practically identical) and now the hair is the same?! Repeat after me..."I am not in high school. I don't need to wear my boyfriend's look to feel like a part of him." If it ain't broke.....

Anonymous said...

ha, ha have fun with the new look Adam!!

Anonymous said...

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Amen. OT, but why oh why did Miley Cyrus do that to her beautiful hair, too? Almost as bad as the Britney meltdown imo.

Anonymous said...

This is FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
It's only a dye away, a couple of hours away really.
Look at the bright side always.
Nothing is permanent, why not enjoy it?
At least, we now know he looks platinum.
Isn't it so much fun to be an ADAM fan?!?

Anonymous said...

why do 'fans' keep trying to tell Adam what to do. Just enjoy the 'entertainment'. Remember when he got grief for spiky hair, dyed hair, shaved hair, etc. etc.

it's striking! and an interesting change for Australia and Japan.

THere is no majic bullet that he has to keep his look to match the album color, his brand is his voice and personality, not his hair. Unless of course he DOES get hooked up with some hair product promo.

Anonymous said...

I mean, we now know how he looks as platinum.

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous in all styles and colors and certainly should have the fun of change ups just like most of us do periodically. He had light hair naturally before most of us were ever aware of him. It is his wonderful heart and love that is most important. Let's wait to we see him in "real life" before passing too much judgjment. Good for you, Adam, for continuing to be yourself.

Anonymous said...

"In other news related to Phillip Philips, he also told Ryan Seacrest that his lead coronation single “Home” is also being considered for a few motion pictures, and he joked that it was going to be pretty “weird” being in a move and then hearing his song come on during it."

Anonymous said...

.......My Winter Vacation.......

At last my life long dream of a ski vacation was coming true. Here I was in my suite at the Snowfox Lodge in Vail, Colorado.
The sky outside the window was a brilliant blue and I was anticipating a fantastic day on the slopes and then the luxury of a long soak in the hot tub on my private balcony.
The manager had arranged for me to have a guide and ski instructor for the day. I was eager to improve my skills. It was going to be a perfect day!

I was dressed and ready to go when I heard a knock on the door...I opened the door and looked up, up into gray blue eyes, dark wings of brows slashed across the forehead and a thick brush of white blond hair defied gravity. He was dressed in black from boots to scarf, a blue heavy knit sweater clung to his chest and the color enhanced his eyes....those incredible eyes.

As I stood there holding my breath the phone rang and I stumbled backward to the bedside table to pick it up, not taking my eyes off the vision in my doorway. "Yes" I whispered, an efficient crisp voice inquired "Miss, the ski instructor has been sent up to your room, has he arrived?" "Oh yes" I replied. I saw my companion for the day remove one glove and hold his hand out to me.
I placed my hand in his as the manager's voice in my ear inquired,
"Miss, do you think he will satisfy?" I breathed into the phone "oh I hope so!"

.........The End..............

Damn, one of my better naps!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Phillip Phillip’s Home Featured in New Clint Eastwood Movie Trailer!

Phillip Phililp’s “Home” is not only the Women’s Gymanastic’s Olympic theme song, but it’s featured in the trailer for the new Clint Eastwood movie Trouble With The Curve. Yep. The trailer. Coming to a TV NEAR YOU when movie promo begins in a few weeks. The film opens in September."

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of his new look but I will always be his fan. Cannot wait for a change back to black. Just being honest. Blonde is my least fav look for anyone, esp this sexy man.

Anonymous said...

once you go black you never go back! lol

Anonymous said...

The only comments I believe are the ones that say they are disappointed with the new look. Otherwise, you are just putting on an act. You can't like this look.

Anonymous said...

don't stop him now; he's havin' a good time -- Mr. tall dark and handsome turned blond and bland. Just wait till he jumps out onto the stage in freckles with long, red wild hair. Hahaha, he's the best!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Phillip 2 have his own site somewhere? Maybe you are lost. I don't know the guy, but good for him.

Anonymous said...

Don't knock blonds, I married a Norse God! >-->-O

Anonymous said...

Hate this hair. Somebody said that Adam and David Bowie's looks and personality very close. Never care about Daviid Bowie as singer but never liked his looks.

Anonymous said...

I love the man I saw on AI. He was coming back with that great look. Now he is blonde. At least he still has hair. Shaving is the worst. Blonde locks are being primed for a black color job with no highlights. Back to AI look please.

Anonymous said...

loved the highlights the best.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....IMO....the very best thing about Adam dipping into the bleach bottle is the fact that it gives us something real to talk about. It's not a rumor he changed his hair color he really did!....Temporary Reality! Ahhhhhh!
How refreshing!

Anonymous said...

would love to see the Japan and australian shows!!

Anonymous said...

It's not plain platinum but with some darker strands.
Here's the colored version of ADAM's new blonde hair:

And here's ADAM natural hair color:

Anonymous said...

Japan and Australia will be disappointed now. They fell in love with a different look.

Anonymous said...

I want to have naps like JAK.
Yes, I can buy the idea of the blond Adam as a ski instructor. YUM! Will this dream have a part 2
during tomorrows nap?

Anonymous said...

Japan and Australia will eat him up. They are innovative and original and not stuck in the 1950s

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adam " why not":):):) Love U!
U r so cool & Sexy!!!

It's only hair & u have Amazing hair, Voice, Looks , style etc................:):):)
Change is good! Agree!!!

Anne Marie said...

I am not surprised that some people don't like the new hair color. Some people didn't like Sauli either, but they got used to him and now love him. I think the same thing will happen with Adam's hair. If he changes it back you will be upset about that too. Just love the man, and let him have freedom of hair color. LOL

Anonymous said...

I love the blond, but come on, black eyebrows???? What's wrong with this picture? He's been dying his eyebrows all this time. Why would he not bleach them to match his top? Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Japan recognizes him...of course when he opens his mouth...they will know.....

fade back to black BB

Anonymous said...

Stuck in the 50s. F u. I don't like it and I am 30.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. I will always love Adam no matter what. I don't like the term Glambert but I am a forever fan of this man.

HK fan said...

@anon 7.17pm, thats not Adams natural colour, apparently that was photoshopped by VFTW or something,in the video it was taken from his hair was a very dark brown.
Who knows what Adams natural colour is...its been so long since he had it, and hair changes colour. My kids were all white blonde when small, and they have all got darker as they've got older.
I'm still not totally sure on the new colour, would like to see it in 'real life' as in a video, but at the end of the day its just hair, it can always be dyed again, maybe reddish brown next time.

Anonymous said...

Oh great. The only thing worse than blonde is red. I am still following but I will not go to any concerts, do any polls or requests in protest of this bad decision. Shave it and I will be really over the edge. Sad depressing day.

Anonymous said...

Another Reason Why ADAM Makes Us CRAZY

Talks about how well he uses the air and space around him.

Funny and thought provoking read & comments here:

Anonymous said...

How old are you? 6 ? If you don't play my game, I'm going home!

Anonymous said...

How come I have these feelings that I saw the same photo of Adam before but with black hair! Very strange that he just came back from vacation and asked Lee or somebody else to make the professional photo! I think Adam died his hair but this not new photo, it's just photoshop. Don't have any idea why Adam did it. I want to see more photos of Adam with this new look. Where are they?

Anonymous said...

The blond is growing on me the more I look at the picture. He's got beautiful hair no matter the color. He's still Adam for goodness sake..what's all the fuss about? He's having fun and so am I being his fan!


Anonymous said...

ok who left the troll gate open?

Anonymous said...

Hair color is a dramatic provocative change, but with it that light it needs to be fuller and shaggy around ears and back of neck. Not so skinned looking, the sides and back look like a military barber got after him. Or as I've said before hair stylist is using sheep shears on him. It's looked that way for a couple months or more. He's still a stunner!.....JAK

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM sure keeps us buzzing. First was 'shaved??' head during GNT ... then OMG!! a moustache & goatee ... then shorter hair ... heavens what next .. now a return to his 'natural ROOTS' ... LOL ... I LOVE this site & I ADORE ADAM!! Go Ahead ADAM ... Make My Day!! Blond .. Brunette ... Long Hair or Cropped ... You are STILL GORGEOUS & have the Golden Voice like NO OTHER!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ 8:10 p.m. Cool your jets

I did not imply that anyone who didn't like the blond hair was stuck in the 50's. I stated my opinion that our country was stuck.
Japan and Australia have moved on, while we are still trying to get civil rights for everyone. Only now it's not for black citizens this time, it's for legal immigrants, homosexuals and women. Women's rights, once won, are now being lost again. These are scary times and the coming election may make things much worse for women again.

Anonymous said...

had not noticed the david bowie similarity but it is there. folks need to lighten up a bit. sort of loving the attention this is getting before the next single. good move

Anonymous said...

As far as Adam bleached his hair I wondering if he got sleeve tattoo!!! This way Adam and Sauli will look like twins. Still hope that this "platinum"hair will stay just for few days until Japan performance

glitzylady said...

Oh my. I love your story..A lot...Beautifully written. Yes, what a looooovely nap you had. I believe I'd like to take up skiing. Because I think that instructor would be very satisfying indeed. Very. Reminds me of someone...hmmmm...gorgeous. The grey blue eyes, the dark brows sweeping elegantly above those eyes, the platinum hair...the vision of a Nordic God..Yes. Beyond Satisfactory. Let the lessons begin.........but first.....lets become better acquainted.....Come on in, and close the door......

The Beginning......

; )

Anonymous said...

Hey, this Adam Lambert's fan site not P2. There are bunch of sites you can go about the news about P2. Chop Chop! Go Away!

Anonymous said...

Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel German band is bleached blond. Check this link:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love his hair blonde, he still looks gorgeous, the only thing I would say is that perhaps his eyebrows could be a couple of shades lighter, to blend in with his new look, apart from that he's still a lovely looking guy!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a manga with that new color. I think he should keep the blonde color when he goes to Japan, they will love it there!! Anyone from Japan here having an opinion?

Anonymous said...

@1.58 Yep, manga for sure. Your right Japan will adore Adams hair.
He looks awesome. Amidsts all the complaints your comments hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

@1.58am Japan and Australia both love manga.
@9:19 Yep, your right Japan and Australia are out the box compared to the US and Adam knows it. He'll have a ball on those promos. It's called freedom of expression and Adam along with the incredible blond hair will rock both countries.

Anonymous said...

Why is Phillip Phillips on this site?

Anonymous said...

OMG the music industry in Japan and Asia is soooo awesome and out the box. Even Oz has it cool too.
Adam will be adored. (and is already)

Anonymous said...

It makes Adam look OLD. :(

Anonymous said...

With this hair color, this is how old Adam will look when he has one foot in the grave ... lol

Anonymous said...

It would look okay if all the roots were dark. The white hair at the bottom looks bad.

Anonymous said...

Ahha, maybe Adam wants to look like Bill Kaulitz. Actually, blond hair suits Bill Kaulitz.

Adam could be a fiery redhead next or sport deep red hair.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Japanese like blond/e hair because Japanese all have black hair.

Anonymous said...

Er ... um ...Adam went to Cabo to dye his hair blond.

Anonymous said...

Follow the brand BB...Black for shows ...blonde for vacation....

Anonymous said...

Great to know what to expect when I see Adam in Sydney. Perhaps he is going to "strut" his blond hair on Sydney's famous Bondi Beach. He's mentioned he likes it there.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........Actually hair dyed black makes you look older.(Think Elvis in his last years). Adam is still young enough he didn't have that problem....yet....but the day will come. I was hoping he'd slowly lighten his hair, dark brown, then sandy brown so his hair could look natural eventually. Maybe some day he will. Dyeing forever is not a good idea. Hmmmmm,something strange about that statement!:)

But this is ADAM.....DRAMA strutting on medges! Of course he went for a temporary shocker. The hair is ready for the Far East and Oz, now I can't wait to see the wardrobe. OMG

Think how much fun we'll have loving it/or/hating it! :))

Anonymous said...

JAK again......BTW......In the far far long ago I had very dark almost black hair and brows, fair skin and blue eyes. As Father Time and Mother Nature had their way with 60 I had snow white hair, fair skin, blue eyes and Thank You God the same dark brows and lashes. If Adam had bleached his brows he would have looked like a blank sheet of white paper, no expression. An egg!

I love my white fluffy hair and deceptively Mrs. Santa Claus innocent jolly look.....though ;) everyone who knows me is aware looks can deceive, I am frequently and joyfully wicked! \o/

Anonymous said...

My twitter feed is in overdrive with articles about blond-haired Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Adam. He saved us from the dismal swamp of Am Idol and Olympic rumors.

This platinum whim has given us a new topic to kvell or bitch about.
Comments heading to 150-maybe 200!

As a Baptist/Methodist/Agnostic I had to look up how to spell kvell, don't speak Yiddish, but it's such a perfect word!

Anonymous said...

I'd much prefer have the Am Idol and Olympic rumours.

Anonymous said...

The hair will have to grow on me.He will have some fun with it in Japan and Australia.Boys just want to have fun too!

Anonymous said...

People here talking about p2, know that he will forever just be known as a WGWG while Adam Lambert is and will forever be known for his boldness, originality, fierceness, out of this world vocals, multi-faceted artist and singer. That's the difference and that's why he's a global superstar that the media craves for.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the fascination of P2's song "Home". To me, it's a very ordinary song. To each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

Of course I love Adam, but I'm not loving this look. I love dark hair on guys no matter what.

Anonymous said...

What a fall from how he looked with Queen. Whoever said I should stop following him is right. Too bad I had to see this picture.

Anonymous said...

Yes I'm sure you are acarred for life. Amazing how a photo can disgust fair weather fans into flight. Bye Bye

Anonymous said...

Stop following someone becaue of their hair color? Did his voice, talent, humor, personality and heart change with his hair color?
Will you be a fan again is he dyes it back to black?


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....gosh, I'm glad I haven't given up on my kids when they displeased me. At age 15 or 50. They are really quite remarkable people and run their own lives, Adam's parents seem to love him too and you know they've been thru a LOT! A LOT!

Anonymous said...

I don't like his artistic vision. Bye bye
3 years of falling back by his own doing after huge opportunities is enough for me
Don't tell me about caring more for physicality when he could learn to play the piano and write music in the time he spends at the salon alone

Anonymous said...

Hey lovin the hair drama but if you get time give BTIKM some views,it's almosgt at the 9,000,000 mark. ok back to that dirty rat that dyed his hair!!

Anonymous said...

People who say they're no longer a fan of Adam because he dyed his hair blond weren't REAL fans of his in the first place. Adam can well do without shallow fans who are only interested in his physical parts. Stating the obvious, Adam is sooooooooooo much more than the color of his hair.

Anonymous said...

7:08 AM

I lurve Better Than I Know Myself & the video of it is superb! I'll visit it on YouTube again now. :)

Anonymous said...

OT ... the Google web page is cool with its animations of the Olympics.

On topic ... we need to see MORE of your hair, Adam! <3

Anonymous said...

@DRG I like your comment. I don't give up on friends if theyget an atrocious haircut or wear an unflattering outfit or get a nose job. They are still the same wonderful people I have relied on through family tragedies, my breast cancer (they had a head shaving party when my hair was falling out-a worse sight you've never seen-4 bald 55 year olds giggling in a tea room).
I still love my friends from middle school days who have become
Republicans! Now that requires a stretch.

You don't abandon someone for a hair color, wait for something big.
Like them hinting you could use some liposuction.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:01 a.m.
I'm glad you are not my Mom or Aunt or former friend or even slight acquaintance. brrrrrrr cold!

Anonymous said...

Adam at 80. He looks so, old.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks pretty fresh with this new do.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...Just right for me, I'm 76!

Anonymous said...

Deb here... just right for me and I'm 28!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he has bunch of tour dates with Queen and he wanted his hair to match Brian and Roger!

Anonymous said...

Lots of the greatest singers don't play an instrument and don't need to. Their instrument is their voice. If you can sing and play an instrument, that's fine. But not playing an instrument does not diminish your talent as a singer. Also, many topo singers don't write songs, either. People should do what they do best. In Adam's case, it's singing and being a stage performer.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was wigging out ( pun intended) over Adam's hair but damn the more I see it the more I like it.

Anonymous said...

Does Adam want to look like Bill Kaulitz? The answer is NO!! Because Bill Kaulitz wants to look like Sauli!!!! Just found Bill Kaulitz photo on Internet. He looks like Sauli twin brother:) BK bleached his hair on December. He is wearing the same glasses like Sauli always wear!

Anonymous said...

@7:32 AM,

7:01 may just be pms-ing. She'll be back. Three years is a long time. Give her a day or two, LOL!

Anonymous said...

KRW here..Just right for me and I'm 51!!

Anonymous said...

After reading SOME of these posts, all I can say is STOP THE INSANITY!
p.s....some of you make me very sad....some of you make me very know who you are..just saying for what it's worth (sigh)

Anonymous said...

Adam is just right to me too and I am 35.

Anonymous said...

I agree about stopping the insanity in regard to Adam's hair. Just look at all the comments on this blogsite, over 155I would wish that more important things in life would garner so much interest. He is still the same talented, articulate, charming and confident individual we have known for the last three years since Idol. His look, whatever it is, will never totally satisfy all of the fans no matter what. But that's just the way it is with anything in life. Adam will do what he wants to do and then change it if he wants to. Just keep on making good music and I will be happy.

Anonymous said...

I like da haircolor! But I won't say why I think he did it!

Anonymous said...

I love anything Adam does...the new hair is awesome..I want a real picture please

Anonymous said...

How can any body turn against somebody Adam in this case they say they loved for 3 years, over a change in hair color! What missed opportunities, there may have been some, but you forget RCA! Tells Adam what to do about song choices ect.! He does not need play an instrument, he has the most magnificent one in the business his voice!this is modern age hair color when he wants can be easily changed few foil strips! I love Adam!

glitzylady said...

Spike Edney, the Keyboardist for Queen, who mentioned there might be a "tour in the works" for next year so might be taking "The Korg" (his new keyboard...) on tour...tweeted this today: No Tour in the Works...."just wishful thinking...":


Spike Edney SAS Band
To those of you wondering about my comments about taking the Korg on a world tour next year...

Spike Edney SAS Band
I'm afraid that there are absolutely no plans for this in the pipeline. It was merely a moment of distracted wishful thinking on my part!!

Anonymous said...

It's not that I don't like the hair but right now he is promoting "Trespassing" and I think he should stick to the art work on CD...People will say "who's that" because they are used to his beautuful black mane.

Anonymous said...

I like the contrast with Sauli blonde and Adam Black...this way they look like twins.....

Anonymous said...

Oh to add to that he is a fantastic song writer, the best songs on the album in my opinion are written by Adam, Hopefully RCA puts one of his songs out next, one of the ones sung on pretty little liar! I also think Adam sales world wide, in parts of the world are very good! Didn't seine say he sold 100,000 in one day in Russia that one day not a one week or month! His other album sold slow here until he went on tour, he do more tv , appearances Luke Ellen soon and sales will pick up in US, tired of all these downer's! He doing fine! Radio may me slow here but he getting good play world wide!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....You know I've been wondering what his hair would look like if he let his natural color grow in slowly. Sandy with frosted tips. Sort of a Starbucks creation with whipped cream topping. Yummy! Of course I know he's too impatient for that, I'm thinking he'll get bored and have black streaks added in a month or two. Then he'll match his zebra leggings. Love those leggings!

I'm sure I can speak for us older "girls", we are so grateful that Adam came along to brighten our "golden years"! ^o^

He's a feast for our eyes. Joy for our ears and.....well, enough about that, it's my nap time. I'm heading in early today, I hope that the blond ski instructor is still on my dream schedule!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. BUT, I hated his shaved hair at the EMA's. I pretty much hate this too. Oh well.... I love Adam anyways and just hope he gets back to what suits him best.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just right for me also and I'm 53


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and all in reference to the NO TOUR info, may I shout a resounding I TOLD YOU SO! This is the worst rumor mill I've ever encountered and no one will believe facts when you give them.
I'm moving on to more peaceful shores, good luck Glitzylady trying to be "the voice of reason", it just isn't going to work. You will exhaust yourself!
So-long, I will miss some of the sane people. =&=

Anonymous said...

good bye little =&= you will be missed. OK gang on with the rumors !!

Anonymous said...

omg we read these rumors on the internet are they not suppose to be discussed here?

Anonymous said...

I liked =&= and will miss her or him, talked sense. I hate when decent commenters leave. We've lost so many and BTW where is funbunn40?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:10 a.m. I agree we could talk about more important things. Like politics, but then we would end up in knife fights. Cyber knife fights. Just why won't Romney let his last 5 or 6 years of tax records be seen? See, I smell the blood already. We're better off talking about bleach.

Anonymous said...

that's it 11:51 my cyber nunchucks are out and ready.

Anonymous said...

OT: Randy Travis arrested for the second time this year ...

well now... "I just don't know what to say about that boy..."

and btw, why were you naked Randy?

Anonymous said...

Nunchucks? Are they in the chipmunk family?

Anonymous said...

I can just see Adam sitting home on his couch laughing his ass off about how freaked out some are getting over his's Adam freaking Lambert...everyone should be used to this by now...that said the man is just beautiful he looks lIke a porcelain doll.

Anonymous said...

What does being a big fan of someone have to do with sanity? To me, being a fan of Adam means going bonkers over all kinds of things: his music, song lyrics, performances, fashion, boyfriends, family, sexual orientation, photo shoots, TV, Idol crap, and YES, hair color. Fans flail and argue, laugh together and cry together. Those of us who are here to stay are a family of sorts. Those who want "sanity" and "the voice of reason" all the time don't really know what a fan is. I could no more pick up and leave the fandom because of occasional topics that I don't like than I could turn my back on my best friend.

So, whether it's a serious discussion about homophobia and human rights or a healthy squeal about Adam's hair or Sauli's tattoos, I think it's all part of us following a person we love through his life's journey, which has as many ups and downs as ours do.

So, bring on the serious and the silly, the logical and the loony!


Anonymous said...

Well, Randy better be out and about soon, he's scheduled to entertain the tea party bunch and Christian conservatives at the Repub. National Convention this month. Along with that symbol of sanity Ted Nugent.

Anonymous said...

@12:23 Randy must have seen this picture of Adam's hair and just couldn't take it.

Anonymous said...

like mitt romeny chinese zodiac sign;pisces-boar eyar(march-1947)ha sa bus, sesne; good family background-fmaily man. cheerful;mannerly-giving.not perfect but ehs btter than the ohter dem;but dont like anymore OB.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with DRG: we are here for one and only reason: ADAM, and we can share, discuss, and argue about anything related to him, small, big, serious or not! Real fans would will never threaten to leave this site whatever the reasons may be! Where else do we find our Glamily who can share our passion for Adam and his music? Personally, I first did not like his platinum hair, but now I'm getting used to it and start to think it's a good change for a while... Frankly, it's not the end of the world, and life goes on, if only we can let it be.

Anonymous said...

If you like it, then you are nuts. Black hair is the Adam I love. Blonde or red- double ugh. Depressing to me. Very upset and I love Adam. I am not a troll. I have an opinion and I think it doesn't stay with the TP theme. Chg please!!!

Anonymous said...


LOL! But why was Randy Travis naked???
I don't know what to say about that man!


Well, said!

Anonymous said...

@10:44 Agree completely. That is how I feel.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that some people are going to dis like Adam because he changed his hair color (temporarily, I'm sure)..his brows are still dark so my belief is that the color will change back real soon..I mean, how would any of you feel if those that purported to love you dropped you as a friend because you colored your hair..even if it looked bad..come on now..are we not grown ups????

Anonymous said...

maybe we should start a support group with Miley Cyrus fans :D

Anonymous said...

@1:22 Maybe he was making his own fashion statement ;)From what I have read on here is Adam has that effect on some people. (wanting to rip their clothes off)

Anonymous said...

Oh botha.

Anonymous said...

Adam please sent us another picture of yourself. The color is hard to visualize you posing sideways and looking another way. I really liked the black hair on Adam. Oh well he is expressing himself. He will have it black again in the future.

Anonymous said...

Was Randy alone and naked? I know he's in a bitter divorce battle.
He still a staunch NRA supporter, wonder if he was armed (no I guess not if naked lying by side of road.)
Wonder if he will be charged for threatening to shoot the trooper on the way to jail.?

Mitt, take him off your list of possible VPs. Just let him sing.

Anonymous said...

What, is there a full moon out? Everyone's hitting the bottle, bleach, booze.

Anonymous said...

Brad Bessey‏@BradBesseyProd
SOS to the idea #NickJonas should Judge @AmericanIdol with @MariahCarey. He'll disappear in her light. Just sign @AdamLambert already.

Brad Bessey is the executive producer of The Talk.

Anonymous said...

Listen 12:46 P.M. - 12:51 P.M.

You don't know what you are talking about and your rants set teeth on edge. There are enough lies floating about on TV, we don't need an Adam site being used.

Will you still love Adam when you learn he is an Obama supporter?

Anonymous said...

Besides the platinum hair, I am sure the other platinum we would all like to see is a platinum record for him. Now that would be something to write about. I guess whatever keeps Adam's name in the news even if it is about his hair color is all good. I get a kick out of reading all these comments. Between this blogsite and watching the Olympics, it makes for an interesting day. Too much gloom and doom in the news; this is just something to take our mind off some of the negativity and ugliness we seem to hear about everyday. Life does go on and we could use a little bit of fun even if it is about Adam's hair color.

Anonymous said...

In reference to anon 2:40pm comment:If Brady Bessey likes Adam so much and would like to see him as a judge on Idol, why hasn't he had Adam on The Talk since the release of Trespassing to promote it? Maybe that will change with the announcement of the third single...hopefully. Adam was on the show previously with the other hosts, so let's see him on again, even as a co-host for the hour. He is so articulate, charming and smart and would do a terrific job there with the ladies.

The Dark Side said...

Agree with Anon 2:55 and not sure what I am agreeing to. Lols Adam's hair has hit the airways big time. I know I read a post or two about Miley's hair, but Adam's hair has, as usual, gone wild.

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's new hair color it is different and so him. I didn't become a fan of Adam's because of his hair though. I never expected him to do Rock either. He did great with his covers on idol and with Queen. I love his music the stuff he has had hands on writing. I thought of the riff the band did during a costume change, remember thanks for letting me be myself that Adam was singing coming back onto the stage or something to that nature. Anyways he is having fun. Anne

Anonymous said...

@12:40 Nd @2:33 I have solved the mistery of Randy being drunk and naked. He was upset about Adam's hair got his beer and went for a drive, he started to listen to Trespassing, and Naked Love came on. That's all it took.

SG said...

Adam at Cabo:

- Sauli, Sauli!Is getting soon"ish" and I did not say a word to my lovely Glamberts about my new single,you know how they get when they are waiting for something, even they should be more than used to it.They will send me tweets every sec and I want to surprise them right after the video shooting, so I need to create a diversion.I've been thinking about what do they love and care the most about me, MY HAIR!!So, what do you think if I dye my hair platinium so we much and they will FREAK OUT for days!!(smiling.. to die for..)Hahaha!!
Sauli: OH! Baby that would be great!! If you want I can help you with that.You gonna look so hot!!

Adam: OK!!So done! That would keep them bussy and my new hair would be all over the gossip, music,news web sides! Great promo just before the single. See!? I'm a genius! and I love you!!
I would love to see my Glamberts faces when they find out!!Thank God I won't be close to them or I'll be DEAF!! AAAAHH!!I love to tease them so much!!Hurry Baby! or I'll will change my mind and I'll go red! so instead of you I'll much the Dragon Attack Jacket!!which is not a bad idea...
Sauli: NO!! NO!! I'm coming, I'm coming honey!!

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