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NEW PICS: Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen Returning from Cabo 8-6-12

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, August 07, 2012

SOURCE: iltasanomat and Adam Pictures


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Anonymous said...

what's with the hair and his nails look extra long too. I want to see his hair w/o the cap before I say it looks horrible.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam's hair blonde??? Did he bleach it blonde??? OMG!

Anonymous said...

Look at those smiles...seriously Adam still smiles at Sauli the same way he did more than a year ago when they were heading for Bora Bora. Plus such a gentleman taking the luggage and awww they packed in one suitcase <33333

I would puke if they weren't so cute, matchy hats, gauges, hair, big shirts with tanks and sunglasses. Can't judge Adam's hair until I see it fully but he is anything but boring so for those that don't like it sorry for your life because this is Adam and he will do as he pleases.

Love the pics and Adam looks VERY happy and content.

Anonymous said...

Love him Blonde!!!

Anonymous said...

Told my 79 year old mother, and she said "WHAT" dont't thing I will like it either. Love Adam in his black hair. Adm needs black hair. He will look different thats for sure. Have to go along what Adam does. If so he will probely go back to black again.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks like he is tired, yawning. There probely both tired.

Anonymous said...

there is something we just don`t see and they are lauhgin!!!
I don`t think he`s blond LOL

Anonymous said...

I love Adam with black hair!
I love Adam with brown hair!
I love Adam with red hair!
I love Adam with blonde hair!
I love Adam bald!

Anonymous said...

He lost his brand, for only a while I hope.

Anonymous said...

Finally. He went to the color that goes with his skin tone. I love it. I'd love it even more if he's go back to his strawberry blond natural color. Now he won't have to wear all that makeup base to fit the dark hair. Go ADAM!

Anonymous said...

It's just hair. He looks cute as a California blond. Who hasn't had fun with a box of hair dye?

Anonymous said...

Adam's gorgeous no matter what, but sure hopes he tweets a picture without the cap. Cannot tell at all how it really looks. Maybe it's a wig lol Anyways, I'm partial to dark hair on any man.

Anonymous said...

Maybe David Blond inspired him. :)

twyla said...

It's so much fun being Adam's fan

Anonymous said...

Sauli is one lucky mofo. Adam does everything for him. Changes his style to look like him. Shares his stuff with him. Takes him to nice places. He definitely hit the jackpot.

Adam's next single is for sure Cuckoo cause he is going Cuckoo.

Love black hair way better.

glitzylady said...

Been discussing the Blonde Adam on the previous thread since early early this morning...Pacific coast time..see the previous thread for more comments..

Yes, Adam is he didn't shave his head...etc..etc..anxious to see the hair without the cap... : ))

Will repost this vid from 2008: "Crazy". Adam was blonde and gorgeous and sexy...

Also the article ..translated...from Iltasanomat is there.

And THIS pic..very very large..shows Adam's hair is NOT shaved on the sides...

Anonymous said...

Blonds have more fun.

Anonymous said...

@annon7:49AM - I'm with you! Love Adam any way. If he did bleach his hair blond, it would mean to me that he's finally comfortable in his own skin. It's only hair! Adam should know we love him with make-up, without make-up and whatever hair color he feel's like having. He's Adam Lambert for God's sake!
p.s. that being said - please show us what's "underneath" that cap!ha!

Anonymous said...

correction: Blondes have more fun. :)

Magiclady said...

OMG it looks platinum!
Love Adam with dark hair, I prefer that, but I am sure he will look hot when we finally get a look at it!

HK fan said...

mmm,not sure, jury's still out for me. Can't really see the colour, it looks almost silvery grey in the photos rather than blond.
I love his hair in the crazy video and the couple of other blond pictures we've seen, I've really liked.
I've really loved his hair over the last year though, its been perfect, but a year for the same style for Adam is a very long time, I suppose we were due a change....

Anonymous said...

Surprised us again ...never know what Adam has up his sleeve ...or in this case under his hat...Renee

Anonymous said...

the Blonde is hideous. only rockers wear BLACK.:)

Anonymous said...

Wonder if he'll stay blond for the Japan shows??? They are coming up soon!

DRG (I'll take Adam any way I can get him)

Anonymous said...

Adam is a real gentleman, carrying both bags! He and Sauli look so happy together and, of course, Adam is being Adam, he will have any hair color he likes according to his own mood, we should all let him be himself! Just love to have him around to entertain us!

Anonymous said...

Brunettes have more fun.

Anonymous said...

why don't he wear it platinum with black streaks. a reversed skunk

Anonymous said...

is he becoming a tall version of SK? don't get it

Anonymous said...

becoming the Olsen twins.

Magiclady said...

#HK fan
I agree, I have loved his hair the way he has been wearing it for awhile. Also, it looks like it is curly under the cap!!! I wouldn't like that.
Really want to see it w/o the cap. He is so sly... first lets us see it with a cap not the full change.
Sexy boy

Anonymous said...

it's tacky when couples copy each other. Be your own person. BLACK means BAD BOY. BLONDE looks to damn innocent. Put the BAD back in BAD BOY as it should be.:))

Anonymous said...

I would stick a red streak right down the center for some umph.

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I love Adam with black hair, brings out his light eyes. But remember this is Adam, he doesn't stay one way for long and guess that's why I love him. Reserving judgement till when I see the look without the cap. Guess right now its a bit of a shock. Think this is a hint for Cuckoo being the next single lol!!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard for the Adommy land peoples' comments about these pictures and Adam's hair. Adam and Tommy should definitely retweet some.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all cuckoo about Adam's hair!

Anonymous said...

Black tips on the platinum might look cool.

Anonymous said...

he should have dyed it pink.

Anonymous said...

I love ADAM as a person, his character, his traits, his personality, his phenomenal talents, his voice, his beauty, his smile and his overall gorgeousness!
Hair color, hair style, with make-up or none and his fashion are all just accessories that change but not the ADAM that I love, love, love and will always love!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Think this is a hint for Cuckoo being the next single lol!!


Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam as blonde...interesting. Sauli looks sexy even when he yawns, lol!

Anonymous said...

Is it true blondes have more fun? Looks like Adam is very happy after his mini vacay in Cabo. Isn't his natural color more of a strawberry blonde like Eber's. Just look at Adam's high school pictures. I want to see him with the cap off to really get a good look at this latest change in Adam. He's always changing, evolving, keeping us interested and buzzzing about it. But I do like him with the dark has the Elvis vibe for me. So now let's get some real news: the next single announcement, a video for it, a possible tour with Queen and a TP tour. Any new tv appearances to promote the next single and other mini promo concerts for the album? Lots of potential news here; now all we need are some answers.

Anonymous said...

Well this is a shock! Adam! What have you done? Take off the cap please so we can get a good look at your hair. Are you smiling cuz you know you're about to receive an onslaught of tweets, comments and media attention for your new look? HaHa! You're still gorgeous BB!


Anonymous said...

Adam's a fair haired, fair skinned guy by birth, just like his dad. What's wrong with heading back toward your original self. Maybe the black was an attempt to be someone else, and now he's ready to be himself, one step at a time. Adam was beautiful as a strawberry blond. His skin tone is meant for fair hair, not black. If blond gets him there eventually, it will be a test of his fan base. Are they stuck with only one image and will shun him if he doesn't keep dying his hair? I would think he'd be glad not to have to do all the dying constantly, since his hair grows so fast. It must be horrible having your every move critiqued by so called fans, but FAme is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

OT: Another AI judges' rumor! Also there's rumor that Khloe Kardashian is one of the six being considered for XFactor host.

REBA McENTIRE Thinks She’s Too Soft for an ‘AMERICAN IDOL’ Judge Spot

What do Brad Paisley, Toby Keith and Reba McEntire have in common? Aside from being some of country’s biggest names, the threesome have each recently been questioned about taking up a spot on the ‘American Idol’ judge’s panel.

McEntire is the latest name to pop up in headlines, but she says — rather emphatically — that we won’t see her on ‘American Idol’ this fall. “No, no, no!” the singer assured during an interview on CMT radio. “I like to play somebody else’s character like on ‘Malibu Country’ and the ‘Reba’ show.”

Anonymous said...

I think this is HILARIOUS! Adam just wants to have fun for few days:) He will die his hair black for next events in Japan and Australia. May be.LOL
As far as Adam looks so happy and can't stop laughing I don't care if his hair are black or blond.Adam,just don't shave sides,please.

Anonymous said...

I love his whole look in these pictures,,the hair, clothes and sandals..and how happy Sauli and Adam makes me happy..Adam is so hot no matter what he does...

daydreamin said...

New Interview from London:


I am wondering if he shot his video in CABO and this new haircolor is going to be in the video?

Either way, I too expected this. It was only a matter of time for our 'change it up' boy!

daydreamin said...

Here is a picture from twitter of many of Adam's different hair colors over the years...Pick your favorite (just for FUN!)

Anonymous said...

Sauli is looking more like drake these days.

Anonymous said...

Not really, Sauli has a chin!

Anonymous said...

How adam wore his hair at Hammersmith was the best, imo. It'd help his career if he left it like that.

Anonymous said...

Platinum the NEW Black? or an Elton John phase???

Anonymous said...

Drake looked better with facial hair than Sauli.

Anonymous said...

omg is he bald!

Anonymous said...

Drake and Sauli do not look alike even remotely. I think Melfinn should go and I found Drake's beard esp on his neck made him look so shabby. Adam & Sauli look really happy and Adam looks sooo smitten by him and such a gentleman carrying the suitcase and the carry on for his boyfriend.

As for his hair will reserve judgement until I see him without the hat and when it is styled.

Anonymous said...

Adam, do whatever you want <3

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Adam knows the controversy his hair gets. Also lots of attention. Is he or isn't fe? Lols

Anonymous said...

I want to get these sunglasses and sandals!
Anyhow, Adam looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Totally OT just read that P2's song Home will be used in the premiere of So you Think You Can Dance. Look what being played during the Olympics did for that song. Well Nigel is a judge on that show. good PR and good timing. Hope Adam's new single will be featured or danced to on that show. His hair,well still in the state of shock,but heading toward yeah that's Adam! He will always be changing things up.

Catharine Sloper said...

I'm just laughing! Love the hair!

Anonymous said...

still hate the looks he trying to look like Sauli??Even Sauli looks better w/blond hair,not silver,& no facial hair unless his hair matches( but I don't care how Sauli looks,really)Adam's fans loved his hair color & style was perfect,I think..wish he wasn't wearing shades..want to see his eyebrows,and his hair on top.Of course Adam can do what he wants with his hair,but we can say what we think...I think he wants to shock..even if he didn't completely shave the sides,it looks that way--it's gray looking & very,very short.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind any hair color as long as it's not shaved in any style. I only wish he's able to get rid of the fat under his chin. It makes anyone looks much older. It can be exercised and would disappear fast. I would love him to have a well-defined jawline which makes even older people look youthful. He almost lost them early this year as he started his juice cleansing. ADAM was stunning on Jay Leno singing BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....slightly OT (it is about Adam)

Just got home from visit to doctor, Otolaryngologist, I've been having a problem swallowing medication so was having my throat checked out. Some huge chalky pills make me CHOKE, so off to specialist. As I signed in at desk I looked at receptionist and burst out laughing. The music being played in waiting room was CHOKEHOLD!

I said to her "so appropriate"!
She was surprised I knew the song.
She said the doctor let's the staff choose the music on a rotating basis, today was her turn, so it was all Adam. I said "that's a great idea", she said "not always, yesterday it was Josh Groban for 6 hours!"

Anonymous said...

Just looked at the beautiful pics again and have to comment about how beautiful and sexy Adam looks! What a gorgeous couple - so happy! ahhhhh!

Anonymous said...

@JAK I'm big fan of Josh Groban. Not sure I could listen him singing for 6 hours. But 2.5-3 hours would be okay with me

Anonymous said...

Yes, except for the fat under his chin, the love handles, the hair style, his love for Sauli, his choice of bars, etc etc etc......
Adam is just perfect!
....Give me strength!......JAK

Anonymous said...

MY mom shit a brick when I told her that loverboy dyed his hair blonde/platinum. She had the Black hair makes him a stud and a reincarnation of the King of Rock n Roll. she isn't happy:((

Anonymous said...

he looks like he stuck his head in a bowl of confectionary sugar.

Anonymous said...

he looks like he stuck his head in a bowl of confectionary sugar.

Anonymous said...

Love being a fan of Adam. He just puts a smile on my face everyday. Don't care what color his hair is as long as he keeps singing to me. Have you ladies learned nothing from him, HAVE FUN WITH LIFE!!!

tess4ADAM said...

Just as long as the Sweet ... Smiling .. Golden Voiced Troubador that we ALL know & LOVE hasn't changed ... ADAM's hair color is inconsequential to me ... as long as his VOICE isn't affected ... now his Golden Hair will match his Golden Voice!! ADAM will always be PERFECT to me ... I'm a GONER!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I copy that 11:35.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's gonna dye it back to black.


Our Adam has caused a big tizzy!
The fansites are buzzing and busy!
That cap's got to go
So we'll all finally know
If that Glam-mop is curly or frizzy!


Anonymous said...

I can listen to a couple Josh Groban songs, he has a good voice, but more than a couple of his inspirational songs and I want to sob uncontrolably or bite someone!
Just a fault in my character I'm sure....JAK :(

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK loves it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what he does to his looks!!! coz he's always gorgeous inside and outside!!!!!

Anonymous said...

His hair is hideous and his face seems fat.

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam & Sauli look so so happy in love!
Gorgeous & adorable :)

Very very HAPPY for both of them:):):)
Looks like they recharged their batteries!!!

Anonymous said...

Dark hair and sideburns narrowed his face. Don't worry, they'll be back.

His weight goes up and down on a regular basis, 20 lbs on, 20 lbs off. It's in his genes. Not jeans!

Anonymous said...

For Whomever=Days Gone By

His hair was black as a raven
Love made his Glamily cave-in
The voice was so sweet
They fell at his feet
As long as there was no shave-n.

:)))))))))) JAK

Anonymous said...

I love the blonde hair and dark eyebrows. Adam is hot as usual and love that he changes it up. Anne

Anonymous said...

Dig it


Anonymous said...

My brother-in-law did a plastic surgery to get rid of his double chin and he looks fabulous with defined jaw line and years younger.

If Adam does it, will it affect his voice? Any doctors in the house to answer this?

glitzylady said...

Adam tweeted:

Adam Lambert
*New 'Do.

Large version of the picture Adam tweeted! Wow!! Still LOTS of hair...and looking GORGEOUS! (but very different!)

Anonymous said...

Who else is as much fun to "follow"? Nap time, bye...JAK

Anonymous said...

He looks like Sauli. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Nope, for hair that light you need a tan face for some contrast and not tan makeup! But, whatever makes you happy honeybunch!

Anonymous said...

Black hair made him The Sex God. where has the sex god gone?

Anonymous said...

is he channeling The Animal herself???? I think he is!

Anonymous said...

is he channeling The Animal herself???? I think he is!

Anonymous said...

His eyebrow should be a little lighter than black. Maybe medium brown. Mac has great eyebrow shades mascara that he can change his eyebrows color a tad lighter.

Anonymous said...

He posted a black and white picture. I want to see a color picture of his new do.

SG said...

Here is the pic that Adam posted a few minutes ago.
He looks SOOOOOO HOOOOOOTTT!!! I want to touch that hair!!

Anonymous said...

Any blonde will tell you we need a tan so as not to look washed out. Was wondering just the other day what Adam doing next with his hair. We all rembering the long hair, the goatee, shaved sides,etc. and his current look is the first real change in a long while. Gotta love the guy he keeps his fans on their toes. IMO I like black best but this is a fun summer look!

Anonymous said...

is it the Platinum Rock God, Platinum Sex God, Platinum Godfather, Platinum Glam God, Platinum Liberace, Platinum Elvis etc.......

Anonymous said...

Black hair is for Bad Boys. Get that head Black again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here you go everyone! Full on blonde.

Anonymous said...

Love the limerick, JAK! This hairdo thing has taken us all by storm.

Some random hair thoughts:

Adam does NOT want to look like Sauli. He just got bored with the black.

He KNEW it would cause a stir.

He'll change it back to black in time (maybe before Japan shows?)

He doesn't tan well with that light, freckly skin.

A poster on AO said that he took the Billy Idol look because he knows he got the Idol judge job. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't think so!

DRG (Waiting for the sexy BLACK to come BACK!)

Anonymous said...

I want to see a real picture of his hair.

Magiclady said...

At least it is not curly! Looks ok with the dark eyebrows. I was afraid he would have light brows and his eyes would not stand out.

It could grow on me!
But love the dark hair. He was looking so handsome the last few months...especially at the Queen gigs.

Anonymous said...

sorry, this is the worst Adam has ever looked..the platinum hair looks ridiculous on him..bleaching ruins your hair too...and he does need to have his chin liposuctioned..he must be bored as hell to do this to himself..he does not need to copy Sauli's look...for the very first time, I am angry with him..hope he reads some of these threads to get the gist of how his fans who love him are reacting to his dumb ass decision to bleach his hair..

Anonymous said...

@Anon August 7, 2012 1:27 PM

I don't mean to be rude, but you got way too much time on your hands if you are actually "angry" about this. Sheesh, if you are literally "angry" about this, then you are missing so much of what Adam is about in the first place, IMHO.

glitzylady said...

Just a comment: It really cracks me up that no one really reads the other comments here before posting..One thread, 4 of the same picture of Adam..and one person, well down the thread that says "I want to see a real picture.." LOL!!! What exactly is a "real" picture???? : ))))

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:27 PM
Personally, I hope Adam DOESN'T read some of the comments about his hair...And I doubt that he gives a s*** anyway. He has the right to change things up once in awhile..and quite frankly I'm surprised he waited this long to go Platinum Blond. I remember him saying a while back in some interview or Twitter party, that if he decided to go blond, he'd go platinum blond. No wishy-washy for him! So I've been waiting for this day...Its fun, its different..and eventually he'll do something else to get the fandom and the media talking. Its definitely better than his little #FinlandAtChristmas media event... Hair is fun and harmless..and I think he looks pretty darn HOT : )) So in the meantime, I gonna enjoy the view! As usual....

And in the whole scheme of things, its the beautiful man/human being attached to the hair that counts for me...

Anonymous said...

They look So-o-o happy-I'm thrilled for them.They really exude "Joy".
Good on them!!!

Anonymous said...

adam eyes doesnt match wiht his hair; like the ahir color now but eye brow still black.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's shoes are so dorky. Get some sandals. Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam's sun glasses are really crappy. This is the first time he's had ugly ones.

Jadam NZ said...

Good grief, I love it for a change, he is beautiful to me whatever.
To be angry,about it is an over-reaction. Yapping on about lipo-suction etc. WTF.
Adam changed his look all the time before we knew who he was, now some people seem to have a sense of entitlement, they need to own him.
He is who he is we wont change him, I for one dont want to, this is why I love him. After the obvious attraction of his voice of course.

Jadam NZ said...

Sheesh, Now we are talking about sunglasses and shoes. Are you guys kidding and just winding us up. Surely you are not for real.
More fool me for responding.
Thank goodness for GLitzylady and other regulars on here. They are the only resaon I come back. No wonder we have lost "friends" on here.
Also JAK what do you think of all the petty rubbish?

Anonymous said...

The man can't be unattractive if he tried. It is not his hair that makes him sexy. It's the whole package, inside and out. He is playing dress up again, and I love it! Have fun Adam! Be yourself and experiment! It's liberating. He probably wasn't bothered by the paps at the airport this time, ha!!! Planet Fierce

Anonymous said...

well said 3:33

good on ya

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fantastic as always.
If you love the man you will always love how he steps up the game. Life is always fun with Adam and never boring. Of course he will be laughing admists it all knowing how the Glamberts will be going nuts. Can't believe some of the comments and even down to sandels and sunglasses. Plus Sauli gets some knocks too. Go figure!
Everyone reckons they own Adams every move, well in your face don't think so. Adam knows how to work the game to the max.

Anonymous said...

Turning hair blond from black is no easy feat. Darn he looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam NZ........JAK here....

What do I think of this petty rubbish? Well, the world is full of party poopers! It's HAIR it's not like he had a Bruce Jenner, Kenny Rogers, Liberace face lift! It's HAIR!

I'm the mother of two girls who in their teen years dyed their hair for fun on boring weekends. The blonde dyed her hair red, only it came out orange (think Carrottop) the brunette bleached her hair blonde, only it came out a sickish muddy lime color.

I refrained from saying "I told you so" I just said "You are not sitting with me in church!"

It was just HAIR!

Anonymous said...

The worst Adam And Sauli have ever looked. Looks cheap.

Anonymous said...

"The worst Adam And Sauli have ever looked. Looks cheap."

I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

Love it Adam is sooo manly pulling the luggage and paying the bills. Sauli never had it so good.

Anonymous said...

According to Adam,he's never had it so good! Love makes the world a brighter place and Adam and Sauli seem to be glowing!......JAK ^o^

Anonymous said...

@ 5:43 & 5:50

I sincerely doubt it was cheap!
Mucho dinero to go that blond $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
You need to "lighten up".

As Jak says "It's just HAIR!"

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he isn't in the running for the Idol job. They are not going to have him up there looking like that. If he ever was being considered. Too unpredictable.

Anonymous said...

What has Adam done to deserve such "angry" reactions and harsh criticisms? What do you think if we start commenting on your own hair, face, shoes and eyeglasses! So please go look yourself in the mirror and try to improve your own look and leave other people alone...

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how he looks on stage in Japan with that kick-ass hair and new outfits. Like it or not, it's gonna be something we won't forget. Adam doesn't do dull.

DRG (Just ridin' the Glam-train.)

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure he isn't in the running for the Idol job. They are not going to have him up there looking like that. If he ever was being considered. Too unpredictable."

You are so right. That's the biggest problem with his career. Frankly, I'm getting tired of it. Sabotage away, Adam.

Anonymous said...


I've done my share of ooing and ahhing over Adam's extrordinary good looks. I've earned the right to say I think he's being foolish to throw away his signature good looks in the name of change.

Anonymous said...

He may have the dark hair back in a month or more but he is still too unpredictable.

Anonymous said...

I think he ruins alot of chances to do some great things. There are reasons they want play his music. You never know what he is going to do or say next. The rebel in him. It's his life to do as he pleases. I was one of the few thousand that bought the new music.

lorraine said...

I am laughing so hard with tears coming down my face-after reading all these silly comments!!! It's just HAIR!!! I have survived 2 teenagers who experimented with hair and make-up; one time my son walked in the door and I heard his dad say RODMAN!!!! It was a a nice warning that my curly,dark-haired son was walking in the house with his latest look--permed ,red-hair, a la Dennis Rodman! Their looks changed all the time . I don't think Adam needs to read any unkind remarks about his features.He is a beautiful man. I hope he is having a good chuckle with Sauli over all the craziness regarding his hair colour.....GOSH!!!

Anonymous said...

you don't change a good product just for the sake of change. just like Miley Cyrus. ugly isn't better just because it's change.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Heaven's sake

"He looks cheap"
"Too unpredictable"
"I'm getting tired of it"
"Earned the right to say he's

Are you complaining about a 10 year old? Adam's a grown man and if you are so disappointed in him why are you here? He is only going to distress you more, because he will live his life the way he wishes and take his lumps for his decisions if necessary. I don't understand how changing his hair color would affect sales of his music. You listen to music with your ears. A change of hair color won't affect his voice.

This must be the most contentious fan site on the web. Insulting the artist you claim to appreciate is a weird way of showing support.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Adam, but this color is so dramatic change. I loved your black hair with some hight lights more, I hope it's temporary.

Anonymous said...

Is this style and fashion?

Anonymous said...

When I hear Adam talk about how his fans have his back, I think, does he ever read this site? Adam, I wouldn't turn my back on some of those fans. Tongues as sharp as knives are being wielded at every decision you make.

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here

I think I love you! :)))))

glitzylady said...

Its hair. It grows. The color can be changed in a couple of HOURS. Such a deal. The comments about him ruining his career because of this hair color are a bit extreme, IMO. The Idol people will not chose someone for the judge job based on hair color. One of the things I love about Adam is his free spirit. Changing your hair color is not the end of the world, nor the end of a singing career. He is a beautiful man. I have no doubt he'll change it back to black, or go to a softer brown, or even give his old ginger, strawberry blond hair a try. Sooner or later. I don't really care when. We all have the right to express our opinions, but being mean-spirited is too much. I would love nothing better to see Adam in person with his Platinum hair. I suspect he is just as handsome/beautiful/gorgeous up close and personal as he is with his dark hair. (And he IS gorgeous in person...) ..And he is the same lovely person he was before he bleached it. Adam is not some runway model that we can feel free to pick apart because of some perceived flaw. Adam is good to his fans..US..and we should be respectful to him as well. Again: Its hair, Adam wanted a change. Lets give him and his hair a chance. Sheesh. You don't have to like it..but insulting him and predicting career suicide are too much for me to see and hear. If I wanted to follow some WGWG I wouldn't have spent the last 3 plus years following and supporting Adam. He's unique, he's multi-talented, and he's not someone who stays within the lines. I love that about him. Never change Adam...And I truly hope he doesn't read some of the comments here or elsewhere. BTW, I don't always think every move he makes is wise: we all have out ooops's...I support his right to change his hair color. He said he'd probably do this color sometime....not shocked at all. By the way, Japan and Australia are gonna LOVE Adam and his new hair...And Adam's gonna love being there to entertain them...Platinum hair and all;

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Even more excited to play dress up in Japan now! #chromeashplatinumfantasy

Anonymous said...

@7:41 you said it. can't wait for the out the box time in Japan and Australia! Wish Adam would dye his
hair purple now just to bug the hell out of the so called fans.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if these are true fans on this site? How they fall and crumble so quickly and nitpick over everthing Adam. OMG he's amazing and he won't give a horses ass about all the junk written. Plus at last it's curbed the Elvis fans. Adam Lambert darn rocks.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.50pm
Rhianna and Katy Perry change their hair colour doesn't stop the radio playing their music.
What a ridiculous suggestion that radio won't play music because someone dyes their hair....

Anonymous said...

Yes I've been a fan for three years and am tired of this kind of thing. I don't find it attractive at all or entertaining in a good way. Of course he has a right to wear his hair any way he wants, get a sleeve, and put a bone through his nose. Bill Kaulitz used to be pretty, though feminine for my tastes, but now he's just unattractive too.
-losing interest

Anonymous said...

@11:56pm. As far as I know it is usually the other way around. Fans departure is because of dislike of artistic vision of Adam. It is him who is falling not fans.

Anonymous said...

@11:56pm. As far as I know it is usually the other way around. Fans departure is because of dislike of artistic vision of Adam. It is him who is falling not fans.

lorraine said...

@ JAK-I think we have a mutual admiration thing going on---so glad I have "met" you. Thank you, Adam. XO

Anonymous said...

@8:38 AM
Haha!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Don't think Shady will be the next single .... ;-D

Anonymous said...

2:42am You are right.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of the people who dilike Adam's 'new' hair have stopped to remember the antics of Britney (shaved her head and beat up a car with an umbrella), Bieber speeding to try and outrun the paps, Lindsay changing hair color every other day (and all the illegal mess she's been in), Charlie Sheen and his major blunders, including drug addiction, and the list goes on..and yet all the aforementioned, and others, still have their careers in tact and are still raking in millions..maybe Adam just wanted to jazz up his life..maybe, just maybe, he did it for the any case, knowing Adam..he will change it up again..I think we have a hard time accepting things like this from Adam because he just seems so much more mature than other celebrities..I love him no matter what..and I have a feeling that the blonde will grow on me..probably just b/4 he goes and changes things up

Anonymous said...

I think there are fans who care more about Adam's physicality than they do about his musicality.

Anonymous said...

Unexpected, to say the least and I am always going to love Adam's hair best when it's black but what's wrong with a change and a very striking one at that?

He's always playing with his hair and it grows so fast. Not to mention that it can be re-coloured at any time.

A career-killer? Rubbish! A bit of fun and a nice day on twitter and the Japanese fans are going to get an eyeful. I can tell you I'm on any livestreams next week's concerts - I have to see what the lights do to his new colouring.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

5:26, Bleaching is extremely hard on the hair.

Anonymous said...

There goes my sex symbol down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, the black hair was fake anyway.

Anonymous said...

@4:26 AM
Well said.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam cares just as much about physicality only he has different taste of half his fans!

Anonymous said...

It's temporary. It's not that deep. Get over it.

DRG (Why not vote on some of the polls?)

Anonymous said...

I do believe that bleaching is hard on your hair, but Adam is still a young man and he is entitled to experiment and learn as all other young people, and fortunately, as we all know, his hair is healthy and will grow back fast. But I don't believe that, even as die-hard fans, we "own" him and we are entitled to insult him whenever he does something that we do not like. Love, not Hate, he always says, so hateful people are not his true fans and have no reason to be on this site.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was a very cute guy a few months ago, now he is not looking good. That dark facial hair and that blonde hair has cheapen his look IMO. As for Adam I don't even know how to respond. It is just some ugly mess.Those black eyebrows and bleached blonde hair. He must have done it himself. Can't beleive you would pay good money for that. I have been a fan since Idol but am losing interest. His new album is sinking and he has only himself to blame. No one wants to hear some of that stuff and that's why it's not being played. Where are all his fans and why didn't they buy his new music? I bought it. Will Perez and Ryan have the last laugh?

Anonymous said...

Well, Little Merry Sunshine is in our midst. Bye! Won't miss you!

Anonymous said...

7:34, Well, I guess if you're losing interest,you should put your fan efforts elsewhere. A new hair color and facial hair don't change my opinions about talent and heart and personality. TP is full of great songs that people have to hear before they can decide whether they like them or not. You call the songs "that stuff" as if every song is not good. That's simply not true. You don't like ANY TP songs? That's too bad, becaue there are some great ones. More people would like them if they could just hear them.
It's too bad that hair color and facial hair are so important to you and cause you to judge a whole person by it. BTW, did you see the photos of Sauli in Mexico? Talk about a beautiful physical specimen.
Farewell, and enjoy the other singers you choose to follow. I'll stick with the fascinating, beautiful, unpredictable, talented Adam.


Anonymous said...

7:34 AM: Sauli is still the same sweet guy he has been all the time. He wants sometimes some change (as does Adam) and he said in last Tutka when his co-worker commented and laughed his moustache that they may not be there next week. But as some have said it's the inside that matters, not the outside. And Sauli is the same sunny and funny person as he was in 2007 when I saw him the first time.

If you don't like Adam anymore because of his looks and you think that his album is not good, then you're free to give up. I love almost every song on Trespassing. I bought the album and listen to it all the time. And would do even if Adam had blue hair.

Anonymous said...

So Adam lost his powers and talent and excellent voice like Simson when he changed his hair colour. Come on, folks! You are hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:52 PM: "This must be the most contentious fan site on the web, Insulting the artist you claim to appreciate is a weird way of showing support."

I totally agree!!! I used to read this web site earlier every day but then I realized this is not a nice place. There are many wonderful people here but this is IMO not Adam fan site. This is like some JustJared etc. which has much hatred when there is something about Adam (and esp. when it concerns Sauli). And I don't mean that people should be all the time praising and flailing. But you can say things nicely and not insult.

Nowadays I come here very rarely just to check if the place is as bad as I remembered. Sometimes it is worse. Fortunately I have found some lovely fan sites.

What does Adam's hair colour have to do with his VOICE and SINGING or Sauli's facial hair with his cute personality??? I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:28 PM: "He looks like Sauli. Ugh!"

No, no, no: Sauli has gorgeous cheek bones, he does not have double chin, he has really BLUE eyes (Adam's are grey, say what you say) and Sauli has excellent body form. Adam is tall and has long legs, but he has more fat in his body.

Sorry, I love Adam (and his GREY eyes are gorgeous) but I don't think the blond hair makes him look like Sauli at all.

But I'm sure they have had a lot of fun when they have looked at each other with matching hats. They are both beautiful men in their own ways but in these pics Sauli and his body attract me more than Adam, lol!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:30 a.m.....This 9:52 p.m.

Must you go? We need a few more on the sanity team.

The flakes are numerous enough to form an avalanche.

You say you have found some lovely fan sites. Are they Adam fan sites? How peaceful that sounds.

But I'm stubborn and won't leave here, I'll stick around just to torment the whiners who keep threatening to leave, but alas, never do....sigh

Anonymous said...

@10:47 a.m.

Sauli is adorable and yes, he has beautiful cornflower blue eyes and a fantastic athletic physique. He and Adam are completely different body types, I stared into Adam's eyes with my blue eyes and his are blue, but since there are a myriad of blues his are quite different.
His eyes are a quiet gray blue not bright like Saulis. I admire the fact that though Adam has the bone structure of a big man, look at those shoulders, he has been able to slim down and with will power give up his favorite chocolate mint ice cream. Now that's resolve! They are a handsome couple.

Anonymous said...

@10:47am. I'll puff up more if I base my music for my most anticipated album about my partner, change my look to match my partner, provide luxury living for my partner, mention him and blow him kisses at concerts, take him to luxury vacations, etc. etc. Why wouldn't Sauli look better than Adam since he found his prince charming to give him everything most people dream about.

Anonymous said...

Meow, so catty! Has Sauli stepped on your tail? You sound like a jealous lover or an envious one or bitter one. Does the sight of happiness cause pangs of anger?
Envy the green eyed monster is so unattractive. Maybe anger management classes would help.

Anonymous said...

Yes, poor Adam. He looks so abused and miserable, he can hardly wipe the smile off his face.
It seems Sauli is giving as much as he's getting. Poor Adam forced to share his home, his life, his heart with such a devious creature. If only someone would tell him how scheming Sauli is, only they'd better be prepared for a punch in the mouth, since Adam seems to think Sauli hung the moon and made all the stars shine brighter just for Adam. <3 <3 <3 is in the air!

Anonymous said...

Adam loves to play dress up and express whatever he feels, so he must be feeling platinum blonde fierce, probably with a white and yellow streaked outfit to contrast with the black and yellow? Adam is an artist who will always create his own vision. Who wants a WGWG same ole, same ole, anyway? One thing I've learned about fans who trip for every change Adam makes to his appearance is that their fandom is that he is so great as he is, so why "fix it". Angst fueld in part on fear for his career, they can't handle that adam is an artist whose middle name is "risk" and whose artistry does not end with his multi-hued voice. With a persona that's sometimes peacock, fox, and phoenix (see Queen's mythical logo), Adam's look will change as sure as the sun rises and sets. You want tame? Go with an Aiken, Buble, or Groban, constant artists whose looks will not jolt you out of your comfort zones. Me? I love Adam's dark locks, but the Cabo sun did its magic on his mane, and hey, I'm as excited as he is about the next new meme. There are many more characters in Adam's trove, and whatever it is this time, it is still the same enthralling man behind the costume. Get used to it. "Change is good", as he has quoted. Relax, and remember the adage "The more things change, the more they stay the same". atm

Anonymous said...

We need another picture posted. This one is nice, but not the best.
Maybe another picture will change some of your minds. I liked him in his black hair. Oh well, he will be back to black sooner then we think. He is just expressing him self by hair now.

Anonymous said...

12:17, Exactly!!! I posted a response to "fandom" on the thread above this one. A true fan goes through many ups and downs along with the performer they love. Adam is not conventional and never will be. Some on these threads complain about his hair and how he is ruining his career by changing his looks, etc. Well, Adam does not choose the smooth road, but it is HIS choice. I find him FAR more fascinating than any other performer out there, both personally and professionally. I like "the road less traveled" types, and Adam is traveling his own road. YAY!

As for Adam and Sauli: If Adam was straight and had a girlfriend, no one would think twice about them living together and Adam lavishing her with a comfortable life, both privately and publicly. But as a gay couple, they attract suspicion because somehow the relationahip is not considered as valid as a straight one. Adam and Sauli clearly love each other. Sauli is no more an "opportunist" than a woman would be who has a famous, well-to-do boyfriend. They have nothing to explain or apologize for.

I didn't decide to follow Adam's life on a daily basis because I thought it would be smooth sailiing. Quite the opposite. I love him because the sea is sometimes choppy and the huuricanes blow. When he writes his memoirs years from now, it will be a epic tale!


Anonymous said...

@12:16pm as the saying goes love is blind for now. In couple of years, Adam's songs Take Back and Chokehold will very well fit this relationship.

Anonymous said...

@1:25 P.M.

You little optimist you! As the old saying goes "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

And right now things are sizzling, why does that concern you? Or me?
Love doesn't come with a time warranty. Sometimes it's a blazing comet passing through your life then moving on,I had that and will never forget the heat of that comet, a loving memory. Sometimes love is a cosy fire and a comfy couch and embers that are still warm and filled with passion after 55 years, I have that!

Whichever love Adam and Sauli share it will be a memory for them. Just them. No one filled with hate will affect that. Why does seeing people happy upset you so?.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I was always hoping his next change in hair would be back to Idol tour days . He looked so HOT! I know he's always changing but actually I think this is just boring. My Opinion

Anonymous said...

What a GENTLEMAN...carrying the bags for his LOVE.. Train him right Sauli .

Anonymous said...

@3:45pm. Probably Sauli wore everything he needed for this trip and Adam is only carrying his own things. If Sauli needed something else he would borrow Adam's stuff like jewelery, shirts, etc.

Anonymous said...

"train him right Sauli"

Well Sauli trained Adam alright. He killed his career success.

Anonymous said...

Sheee's baack! Sauli's mortal enemy. I think she's on a loop.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me Adam is doing pretty well. The performances with Queen, on his way to Australia and Japan where they love him, a new single coming out, an appearance on PLL already filmed for October.
In what way has Sauli killed Adam's career?

Anonymous said...

Sauli should help Adam with some type of physical training or weight lifting regiment to give him six packs look. We want to see pictures of both of them topless at Cabo beach next time rocking blond hair. Train him right Sauli, indeed!

Anonymous said...

But , how're are album sales these days ? Are any TV guest appearances lined up (beides PLL ?) SNL, other late night shows ! Any news re becoming a judge on AI ? Do you really want blond hair or are you looking for attention from the press . I'm not being mean I really want to know .

Anonymous said...

I really want blond hair.

Anonymous said...

Sauli didn't kill Adam's career. He will do that himself. Dress-up and make-up is not Sauli.

Anonymous said...


Why are new comments not coming thru on the first thread Adam's New "Do"? To see them you have to click on Subscribe by comments at bottom of page? What's going on?
And some are being printed several times?????

Anonymous said...

4:51 seems to think Sauli is responsible for Adam not being successful. WHY? If anything Sauli has enhanced Adam's success.

Anonymous said...

Album sales 148,000 US (doesn't include this week) and I heard or read 100,000 in Russia. Can Russian fans confirm this? Probably he sold 500K worldwide by now. Would love to read RCA letter of press release about Trespassing sales worldwide. Hope he creates a mega buzz in Japan and OZ for his performances and we get to see his new hair do on video. Who is going to these two events?

Anonymous said...

The Queenbert performance from the Ukraine was my first experience with livestream. Is there a chance of livestream from Japan or Australia. I am not computer literate but am hoping to improve.

Anonymous said...

I saw a livestream link on Adam Lambert Club facebook page. Once we get closer to the dates we will post links on this site. Stay tune!

Anonymous said...

Adore ADAMs hair. He looks stunning. Adam will be soooo loved in Japan and Australia.OMG out the box wonderments about to happen overseas!

Anonymous said...

So it's Sauli's fault that Adam's album does not sell and Adam has changed to blond? Come one! He said he was doing dark music (was a bit depressed) before he met Sauli. Of course the album would have been different. But would the radios in US have played his songs more then? He did an enormous work going to those radiostations and promoing his music but they are not playing his music. I don't think it would be different if Sauli was not there. People just don't play his music and buy his music enough and I think his album is great.

As for the hair: I see Adam L. has had tens/hundreds of hairstyles and many colours before Sauli. He likes the change. Now it's Sauli's fault that he changed the colour. Let me laugh! Sauli has some magic powers. I thought Adam was a big boy who knows what he does.

He seems to be happy and balanced in his life but that is not enough for his fandom. It's Sauli's fault that Adam is too real. that he does not wear so much make-up and dress to womens clothes and wigs. It's all Sauli's fault. Adam has become so bored. And he is 30 years young. He should be clubbing with guys and having fun. Then his music would be good and his album would sell. Oh Sauli, Sauli what have you done!

Anonymous said...

148,000 sold? Tell me you are kidding.

Anonymous said...

8:57 He goes to the bars. Only place I hear he goes.Went there when he was doing promo.That could be part of the problem, not the solution.

Anonymous said...

9:04 PM I was using irony. They both go to the bars/clubs/restaurangs sometimes, and to the movies and fashion shows and to see their friends and so on. They have a life of their own and we do not belong to it. We see only the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:25 PM "Love is blind..." But isn't it wonderful to think these couple of years. To love and live happy, even if it's only a couple of years. Some don't have even this.

Adam has a dear friend with whom he can share all the secrets, to laugh, to have sex whenever he wants, to see friends and family, to go to different places, to have fun, to jog,to juice, to watch True Blood, to go to the movies, clubs and restaurangs etc. No need to phone to get some company. He is near him. Loving him and sharing the everyday life with him.

I wish I had someone as funny and sunny and cute partner as Sauli.

Anonymous said...

OMG heaven is in store for us in Australia and Japan.
By the way zero tolerance for the Sauli disser, and those who do likewise to Adam. Clearly you have never met Adam and Sauli otherwise you would never be so darn disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

Adams eyes are grey people.

Anonymous said...

148,000 Trespassing album sales in United States. I have no idea how many he sold in other countries. Check out this link for more info.:

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