Sauli Koskinen Pictures Update!
Filed Under (pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Sunday, February 3, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, February 03, 2013
From Ashleys IG "Girls night out"

Sauli and his friends at Adam and Sauli's home in Los Angeles!

And new shirtless pictures from Sauli's blog!
Sauli and his friends at Adam and Sauli's home in Los Angeles!

And new shirtless pictures from Sauli's blog!
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See now. Sauli was having just as much fun.
The two finnish girls (3rd pic) are living in LA, not visiting from Finland. Suvi Koponen, one in the middle is a model (used to live in NY) and is married with an american man, who is also a model.
So many people were being nasty about Adam hanging around young boys. So what about these pics? Sauli is hanging around a half naked woman.
Lol, and I thought Ashley and Tommy were having an affair.
damn that weather there is beautiful. Nice of Ashley to help out entertaining Sauli's friends. She is getting prettier and prettier.
It looks like they just walked out of a bedroom and Ashley forgot her pants. Some people took Saulis side when all that crap started. Now with these pics, im not so sure they were right.
Here we go again!
And comments just keeeeep on getting more and more childish!!!!
@10:18AM Of course. Sauli had "girls night out", Adam had "boys night out".
I admire Ashley's talent and look. I wish that at any time in my life I could have worn garters in public and been comfortable with it. I've spent way to much of my life being prim and proper. I'm hoping there is reincarnation so I can have much more fun the next time around.
Sauli doesn´t look unhappy to me:) Makes me happy:)
Ashley looks so sweet:)
10:34 ha, ha me too. This will be my stage look too because I am going to play an instrument the next time around.
Maybe we can stop hearing crappy comments about Adam now. I can only hope.
@Anon 10:34 AM
Amen sista!!
Sauli seems like such a great guy I just love him. I am coming back with the Ashley look also.
@10:18AM, I am pretty sure that bi thing is just something he said to the press here in Finland when he came off of Big Brother. So when one is only into men one would not care that much if a girl, no matter how pretty, is half-naked. :D
Wtf? Adam taking pictscwith male fans at a nightclub. Doubt they let litte boys in night clubs just adult who look young. Seems like people didn't get the memo thatvAdam is gay and loves gay clubs. The Dak Side
Ashley IS beautiful, I repeat myself
Suvi is very famous
Everybody seems so relax and having a good time
11:01 I know but I was just making a point about how people freaked out when Adam was hanging around with those guys.that's all. its not fair
does AL share his lady companions with Sauli. Ashley is smokin' hot
Sauli bisexual? Adam gay and bi-tendancies??? I am really confused now.
Adam lets his girls play with Sauli when he is away and when he comes home they all play together.
Sounds like one big orgy.
Sick minds
@11:33 AM, No sauli is not bisexual. there was some talk in the press that he was bi when he won BB. Typical thing to say if you do not want to come out screaming "gay" in the press. Has nothing to do with his actual preferences. And do not think that Adam actually has any tendencies. Just because you have tried something once does not translate into bi-tendencies.
And @11:25 AM, what is not fair is the rumors to begin with. As far as we know that is all they are. Unless someone here has any pictures, or Adam admitting it himself.
This kind of behavior (by some fans) , ranting about said cheating, is only giving attention where it is not needed. If Adam behaved badly then he and Sauli will deal with it. If not, this ranting is only giving fuel to the fire (crags and trolls). And hurting Adam and Saulis relationship in the process. having a relationship in the spotlight is hard enough without all this batshit craziness......
I'm so done with the idiots that comment here. Just so ridiculous and disgusting. I may check 24/7 to see the pics but won't be reading the comments here anymore. People who are doing this -- get a life. L
11:53 AM I agree with you. Let them live their lives and all we can do is hope the best for both of them. Life is not easy all the time and this kind of behavior isn`t helping anyone! (And I mean rumors..)
Love the lights over the table!
I like the chandeliers too. I have an egg shaped chandelier myself. Not similar though.
Hah! Sauli in pictures with Ashley are propably taken in Adams birthday.
Ashley partying with Sauli in those clothes. I thought she only dressed that way for AL? hmmmmmm
Crags? what????
@12:33 The other picture were Sauli and Ashley are standing has been taking in Adam's and Sauli's home. Look the figure on the wall. It's from their home. The second picture is from some club.
Why can't Sauli be bisexual and Adam bicurious? If they are, then what's the problem? Only Sauli and Adam know what they are and whom they are attracted too. Really, I don't care who they are attracted to. It's their business. I don't know why some fans get all out of sorts when women are mention in association with them, especially Adam.
@12:45 PM Because he is not. I don't know about Adam.
ohhhh I would love to be in the sun and swimming pool right now. splash.But noooo I just did the chinese splits on some ice an hour ago.
Adam has said he is gay, not bi. He has SAID it. Geez, how much more evidence do you need? Adam and Sauli have friends of both sexes. By all indications, Sauli is not bi, either. They're a monogamous couple who happen to have many people in their social lives of both sexes. Apparently, they trust each other, which is more than some people here do. If you want some trashy, made-up gossip, go write some fan fic.
Oh, forgot to say, Sauli is a completely gorgeous doll. There, now I'm done.
Here is what Ashley Dzerigian replied recently to a troll recently on twitter who was tweeting BS about her friend Tommy. Just food for thought...
"U R ridiculous & sad. I'm sorry life was so rough on you that u turned out to be an awful hater w/ no tact. Rainbows&unicorns!"
Glitzylady, I saw Ashleys tweet and it made me think why she defends Tommy so fiercely. I know everyone does, but still. I don't know if you agree with me, but I think Sauli has a big heart.
Ashley is wearing Cruella de Vil hair color..
@Anon 1:31 PM
I think Sauli is an absolute sweetheart and it's very easy to see that he has a loving heart. It's very clear why he and Adam are in such a deep and solid relationship. They both have big hearts and obviously love each other very much...
Ashley defended Tommy because he's her friend and bandmate, and she didn't appreciate the hate directed at him by the person who tweeted. The troll on twitter also tweeted Adam, his dad, Nile Rogers...etc. etc. with nasty and disrespectful comments about Tommy.
I posted Ashley's comment here to suggest that this is perhaps how she might respond to some of the comments here about her and Sauli.
Like I've said before, I only like Brian and Rick from the current band members.
New info on the pics of Adam & Guys in NYC. This was a Birthday Party for Adam hosted by one of his NY theater friends. These guys were invited to the party and, of course, wanted pics with Adam. These were not just random strangers who happened to be in the club when Adam walked in. This all makes a lot more sense to me now.
Why is being 'gay' so differcult for people to understand? Adam is gay for gosh sakes and beautifully so and whats the big deal?
A girls best friend is a gay guy.
11:53 AM Do you know Sauli in person, so you know his orientation precisely..?
I don`t know him, but he has said, that he had several girlfiends for dating when teenager.
For goodness sake! We all explore our sexuality as we live life. Looks pretty certain to me that Sauli is gay; in love with a gay man.
@10:34 a.m. At that time of my life I did wear garters like Ashley's......I just wore clothes over them! As I recall they were very uncomfortable! :-)
Gay, straight, bisexual, transgender..Whatever. What really matters is who anyone CURRENTLY loves and is sexually attracted to. Beyond that, nobody's biznezzzzzz....There is a spectrum for sexuality, we're all on that continuum somewhere. Seems like Adam is pretty much on the Gay end. He said at one point he felt he was at about 8 on a scale of 10. At that time... Really not worth arguing over.
you are all going crazy over this, its their life, so what if sauli is Bi or not its their sexual preference who cares? And Ashely always dresses like a skank so who cares about that too?
and Ashely is married, just saying.
I think Ashley is divorced. Tommy broke up with his gf about the same time. I wouldn't have paid any attention to it, but the Adommy fans were confused.
The Adommy fans adore Ashley. They didn't approve Tommy's gf.
I think Ashley (face) looks a bit like Tommy's ex too.
Anyone thinking there is anything inappropriate with the sauli pics is just nuts.
However, glitzylady, it also bugs me when people say things like "adam and saul have a deep and solid relationship" We don't know anything about the current status of their relationship (other than Adam repeatedly saying he hasn't given marriage a second thought.)
Sauli is Adam's type externally and they perhaps have the same type of humour. But if Adam wants to be polygamous he should find a mormon bf.
LOL, this thread is so full of troll comments and other crazy comments that I can't stop laughing. It's gone so far over the edge it's just funny now. Carry on with the trolling and the wild speculations and judgments.
Ashley, Tommy and Adam should have a love child and call it Ashdamliffe.
Ashley, Tommy and Adam should have a love child and call it Ashdamliffe.
Adam's latest tweet; LOL
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Thought I'd get some work done. What do u think? Looks natural huh.
@ 3:25 PM I'm astounded at the extent of the crap. What happened to "I am not concerned with Adam's sexual orientation?" What a crock, the gossipers are spending way to much time at their computers and need to get a life.
Adam has said he is gay and I think he gets the last word.
I couldn't agree with you more, how funny some of the stuff that has been said the past couple of days, cray, cray...
C'mon you all!!!:)
If Sauli is not living with my Rock God anymore then make a bad comment ok!!!!
These people who fantasize the worst for Sauli and Adam are very selfish and no heart at all..........
If u really an Adams fan just be happy for him and support his talent that's all....
Just a note...77 and a half years ago when my parents were happily expecting my arrival...the names under consideration were...Gaylene for a girl and Gaylor for a boy!
They were tres chic in 1935! I would, of course, have been called Gay in either case.
As things turned out I am kinda glad at the last minute they decided to please both grandmothers by naming me after them instead.......JAK
Looks photo shopped BIG HEADS
I was thinking the first 3 pics looked photo shopped, too.
we live in a troll society where trolls read other trolls comments on blogs.
I don't think this kind of thread is funny at all.
It's been tiresome and I will just peek here for news and avoid comments.
Ashley is gorgeous.
@2:24 PM
Nasty! Nasty! Didn't your mother ever tell you, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all".
Mmmmmm, great pics of Ashley & Sauli.
comments most of them are plain stupid but I will agree with one gays to make wonderful freinds for women.I can talk to my freind & it seems he under stands a lot better than my husband.My husband is not jealous of him at all we are all mature people.Happy for Adam & Sauli.
Adam acted lika a jerk in NY and it piss me off that now he is back home like nothing has happened. If he were a single that's would be true but in relationship your acts affects to your partner and it seems Adam doesn't understand it or doesn't care. You are not only making a fool of yourself but also of your partner.
This is even more so when you are in a PUBLIC eyes.
Ashleys's such a little flower.
She's a doll and a great part of the band. Took her a time to warm up on stage but now she's looking great. Good timing with the pictures after all ridiculous gunk about Adam. Such a fuss over nothing.
Darn it all to blazes of course Adam is gay. The sooner people respect that the quicker they can move on to promoting Adam's music instead of worrying about his private live.
I was so happy for both of them for finding a love. Not any more. Adam is making it a joke.
at 12:35 AM
So, if that's the case then why are you still hanging around here?
Sauli´s friend Suvi:
@12:57 AM Expressing my feelings.
'Half Naked', hardly! Taken out of context yet again and again.
Why can't people love Adam with sincerity and accept the fact his a beautiful gay guy and stop pushing all these absurd comments like a lot of immature nitwits.
Get over the facination of 'gay'
and leave the guys to live their lives.
11:45PM ..... Oh PUHLEEZ! Get a grip! You know NOTHING about Adam's personal life and feelings. He's a 31 year old MAN and more than capable of running his own life without the input from deranged fans.
People who keep fantazing that Adam is bi are delusional. He's said over and over that he's gay but I guess some people are just plain thick or in constant denial or both.
I can see why Gay might be a problem today but back a few decades ago it was just a pretty name and meant happiness and fun. it would have been a good name for you, you are fun!
One tweet from a clubbing guy with a LOL at the end of it and a pic of Adam praying "God give me strength to resist" does not mean Adam was unfaithful.
And if he does, it's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Forgiving or blaming him on the slenderest of information?
In the absence of information all we are left with is interpretation. How we interpret things speaks to the kind of people we are.
Some of us are very mean-spirited and some others are too self-righteously absorbed in chasing them down and tattling on them.
If that's your cuppa, please take it back to twitter, where you have a moniker and everyone already knows exactly what kind of malevolence you are.
I bet if Tommy and Sauli were caught together AL would jump in and finish it off.
Adam talks about women constantly. He should get over his bicuriosity and act on it.
the nipple club guy wanted some of that. I wonder if there was any bump and grind on the dance floor?
@JAK - It's astounding how names take on different meanings over the years! Another one of my "used to be" favorite male names, Dick! No more Dick names - just Richard,
Rich, or Ricky LOL!.....nancdruuu2
@nancdruuu2........JAK here.....OMG.....just got thru wiping coffee off my so hard at your post re: the names! For a short confused glorious period when I was 21 I was juggling a choice of proposals briefly. One from a sweet persistent former boyfriend and one from the guy my heart said was my one and only......of course I listened to my heart and ended up with a 10 letter last name that I have to spell for everyone (58 years now). whereas I could have been Mrs. Dick!
No spelling problem there.......but your comment made me realize for the first time...IF my parents had named me Gay and IF I had married the other nice guy I would have lived those years and today as Mrs. Gay Dick!
yes indeed words have taken on new meanings over the years.......:-)
mental illnes is every where. Psychology should be the most in demand profession students can get into.
@JAK - OMG! That's too funny! Very close call! Reminds me of my child telling me about a schoolmate who was always winning awards. A teacher would announce, daily it seemed,over the PA system, "Congratulations to Dick Hertz!" which made quite a hit in Home Room (Catholic School to boot!) True story - honest. Okay, I'll stop now.....nancdruuu2
@5:24 AM, he has!
Ashley without pants and Sauli always without shirt,great couple! ;) sauli said in bb that he has had 10 girlfriends. But could never married a woman or have kids with woman.
Adam and Sauli are couple. They do have life together and they also have seperate lifes aswell. I thing that is great for them. Because that way they can be happier with eachother when they are alone. It`s not healthy to be together all the time. And considering Adam`s job he also has to be some placies without Sauli. And they have been together so long so they don`t need to be seen always together. I thing they trust each other.
It's not healthy to be together all the time? Gee, no wonder I'm falling apart at 77....I'm dumping my husband, will that cure my arthritis and diabetes and hypertension? If so, he's got to go! problem, one of the widows at his gym will snap him up in no time, he's prize eye candy there....alive and still running on the treadmill!
Out of respect I'll wait 20 days to shoo him out, the family is throwing us a big 58th anniversary party on the 23rd.........JAK
@nancdruuu2....Young Master Hertz has my sympathy. But gee, I hate to quit now.....I have so much family ammunition....long line of unfortunate ancestors. Just one and I'll great great aunt was named Lovie McGuire...she married Charlie Lumptz and thus lived a long life as Lovie Lumptz!
Okay, I'll quit, but I have lots more....all the way back to 17th century........JAK ^o^
@JAK and nancdruu2...cracking up!!You guys are hilarious!
Oh JAK you're too funny........just to add to your comments on names, I worked in a school for awhile where one VP was named Dick Foska, the other Dick Kennedy and the third VP was a Mrs. Dyck ..... So for a number of years we had three Dicks in the office. Need I say more?
LOL! JAK you may want a trial separation first, but then on the other hand I had a neighbor couple that got a divorce and they were both 82 at the time.
@GMT...funny thing, in my office too!......nandruuu2
AL should have an all girl slumber party at his crib. I bet he would have bed head by morning.
Psychology is great. It helps you pick apart the people who are always trying to figure you/things out.
Oh lord! all these fantasies about Adam and girls...yep...just fantasies:)
I feel a psychological troll rant comin' on....
Adam has girl fantasies? Yep he does.
You mean Adam should have a party like this? I like the lyrics again.
Robbie Williams - Come undone
it's not surprising that Adam likes girls and girls like Adam, unlike many men he has a feminine side to him. Some straight men also can be great friends...just friends with women. My husband is convinced women are the smarter sex , therefore we have female financial advisor, female CPA, and several female doctors. I have helped to nourish this idea of his. :) of his outstanding qualities is when I come home with armloads of shopping bags from Macy's. Home Goods,
and Pier 1......he never asks "how much".?
I've been wondering why the Sauli posts are so popular and always get the largest amount of comments. More discussion and funny posts. Much more freer atmosphere than in most Adam threads where you are basically only allowed to say that Adam is perfect.
@ 12:14 PM
What a nice comment. I don't believe anyone has ever said that about 24/7. It would be nice if we could find a middle road between the trolls posts and the pollyanna-website posts. ;) Regardless, I've been here a looong time and will stay indefinitely no matter what.
Thanks for the laugh, nancdruuu2 and JAK!
@ GMT.....surrounded by Dicks, what to do, what to do? ^o^
Was that when you retired?
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