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Rumor: A Queen and Adam Lambert WORLD TOUR next year?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 6, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 06, 2012

According to Renee Snyder, a hint came this week from Queen’s keyboard player Spike Edney. In an interview posted by KORGTV, when talking about his keyboard, Spike mentions the possibility of an upcoming world tour. He states, “I’ve used [the keyboard] for six shows now….looking forward to taking it around the world next year on a big tour. Fingers crossed!”

Read Renee Snyder's article HERE!


Anonymous said...

Please let this be true, please, please let this be true!


Anonymous said...

I'll pray so hard my knees will buckle and my eyes, fingers, toes cross. I'll be good for the rest of my life if this comes true. Adam and Queen rule the Music World.

Anonymous said...

hmm I didn't read Adam's name. I think he is planning his TP tour but either would be fine with me.

Anonymous said...

That was a really informative video on the use of the keyboard! I had no idea how integral it was to the sound of Queen's music. He didn't,of course, mention Adam's name as part of the World Tour possibility but since he said he's used this new keyboard for the "last 6 concerts" can we make the assumption he was talking about Queen and Adam for a potential World Tour? I'm starting saving my pennies now for that and the Trespassing Tour ....YES!

Anonymous said...

Adam can multi-task, as he has always done, TP one day, Queenbert the other, alternate, or so.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Adam will be burning both ends of the candle, he does need to focus and promote his new album, Trespassing. Adam is smart he can make up his own mind, or with his managment.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Martel guy the one who is fronting the Queen Extravaganza Band? I don't think he's the one who's singing with Queen. I could be wrong. I want Adam to tour with Queen of course, but not if it means sacrificing a tour with his own music. I don't think Brian and Roger would do one of those mega-tours with a huge number of dates. They have said they don't want to do that. But maybe on a shorter "world" tour, Adam could be their frontman and still have time for a Trespassing tour. GOD! I hope so!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no no no! we want a trespassing tour

glitzylady said...

You are confusing the singer from the Queen Extravaganza Tour, which is the Queen Tribute band..who does NOT tour with Queen. Totally separate.

My thoughts:
This little hint from Spike Edney could certainly be taken a couple of different ways. He could be talking about a MAJOR Queen tour with Brian May, Roger Taylor..and Adam. Or Spike could be talking about a tour with his own band (he has his own..)..HOWEVER, a WORLD TOUR hints STRONGLY of a tour with QUEEN plus Adam...Which would be INCREDIBLE. It would be awesome for Adam, for Queen, and for all of us. I have no doubt it would be MASSIVE for Adam. And as Adam has said, he will do his own Trespassing Tour "when the time is right..."...I for one wish the BEST for Adam and if that means touring Worldwide with Queen, and then also doing his own tour, I'm all for it. The world could be his oyster, to use that phrase..and radio be damned. I'm sick of wishing they would smarten up and play his music right now. They'll come around. In the meantime, the more chances we get to share Adam and his voice with the world, the better.

I'm not holding my breath just yet, but this little hint from Spike sounds VERY intriguing..I heard it earlier and truly hoping its true...Adam can have it the words of the the Queen song: " I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now..." : ))

Anonymous said...

I am a hardcore Lambert fan, HARDCORE, let me say this upfront. I am also NOT a Debbie Downer about his problems with radio play, etc., I'm usually fairly upbeat about his career, feeling that he is too talented to not have some place in the music industry, I am very upbeat about his progress. However, having said all that, there do seem to be issues with radio play and U.S. sales of Trespassing, so I am really starting to feel as though a minimally scheduled World Tour w/ Queen could only be a good thing. (No ageism here, but I sort of feel that Brian and Roger might not be able to handle tons and tons of dates, don't kill me :)). Anyway, as someone said, Adam can multi-task! He waited years and years toiling away to get the opportunity to be this "BUSY"! :). Also, hope Grammy voters are strong enough and smart enough to consider Trespassing when the time comes regardless of sales. "Grammy" has seemed to become, over recent years, more and more aligned with and concerned with sales/#'s... but I keep in mind that Esperanza Spaulding beat out Beiber, and I am hopeful. Lambert fan or not, Trespassing is excellent.

Anonymous said...

Good posts so far everyone. On a shallow note, GB in this pic, dayum. Sorry, couldn't help it.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure, Renee?? Please, Queenbert must come to Scandinavia!

Anonymous said...


First of all Marc Martel is a Canadian indeed.:)

The Queen keyboard Spike was really excited about his new baby and he said cross fingers for the world tour next year???

Worldberts are now excited but until we hear from Adam then we all shouts to the whole world how excited we are for this!!!:)


Anonymous said...

its not a rumor. He said he was doing tp tour next year.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the crowned "Prince of Rock" he must do a Queenbert Tour, it will happen!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:45 PM
I agree with you 100%, with everything you said..(hardcore and OG fan here as well...) ..although I think perhaps we don't want to count out Bryan and Roger in their stamina to tour with Adam.. : )) They have said they are re-energized with anything is possible..Although I agree that they probably wouldn't play 100 dates in a hundred cities..But excited to think they could do some really exciting concerts here and there throughout the world..and of course bring it to the several major cities. Hoping, hoping.....

And yes, Trespassing is indeed excellent. It is critically acclaimed by those who know music...I hope the Grammys WILL take notice of that. Its a wonderful body of work and its very frustrating that radio has not been more helpful...but as I said in my comment above...I'm tired of ranting and being pissed about moving on to the possibility of huge things for Adam in the future...because I know he WILL be successful...VERY successful....So excited for the unlimited possibilities for him..

Anonymous said...

With Brian and Roger's ages and financial comfort, I can't imagine a huge number of venues, but a dozen or so large venues around the world is a possibility no doubt. Adam could still promote and tour Trespassing. And of course, Adam would be part of the tour as Queen + Adam Lambert is what the buzz is all about.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:10 PM
The rumor is about a QueenBert Tour, not the Trespassing Tour...We know Adam said he'll definitely be doing his own tour "when the time is right..".........Hoping for BOTH personally!!

Anonymous said...

Adam said we will get a Trespassing tour when "the time is right". That is very open ended, and lots of other things could fit into his time frame.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's possible to combine Queen with Adam and also incorporate the Trespassing Tour as one big ass concert.....

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:36 PM
My immediate reaction would be to say "No" because I personally believe they would have to short both the Queen songs and Adam's songs...He can only sing so many at one concert..and both genres need to be properly and fully represented..I would want a proper tour of each... : )) Just my opinion tho.....

glitzylady said...

OFF TOPIC but nice article from Zoiks Online:

"ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) IS BIGGER THAN HIS MUSIC" [AMEN to That!!!! And LOVE what he says about Adam's fan base!!]

“American Idol” phenom Adam Lambert has certainly made a name for himself post reality show circuit. His fan base, Glamberts, is arguably the greatest fan base to ever support a musician. They’re definitely the craziest by far but hell, they support their guy through thick and thin.

For only having two studio albums, the glittery alien has been a media wunderkind since debuting on AI season 8 in 2008. What’s impressive about Lambert is the fact that he didn’t even win the competition.

The main reason why Lambert has done so well for himself is due to his constant television appearances, close call debuts and Twitter messages.

The ABC Family hit series, Pretty Little Liars, will see Lambert on its Halloween episode later this year. The show confirmed the news with the singer playing none other than himself as he performs at a party attended by the show’s “liars.”

Although it is unknown whether or not Lambert will be one of the new judges on the reality show that helped build his career, there are high hopes that the glittery alien would return to the series. With J.Lo and Steven Tyler exiting the series, fans look to the magic of Lambert to return the show to glory.

Lambert’s tweets have also been legendary. The singer uses the medium to share news, confirm news and reassure Glamberts that things will happen, as he did on August 2nd when he tweeted about a “Trespassing” tour: "Have no fear, a Trespassing Tour WILL come. When the time is right… Trust me Glamberts! I won't let you down."

Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady Agree with all you said. You are always the voice of reason, thank you. I think there will be great things in store for Adam. I look forward to the long ride with the most talented and charismatic man for many years!

Anonymous said...

it would be great if they could do both tours in sync around the country -- large stadium venues in large cities with Queen, then other venues in the same area for TP. but geographically hop scotch around the world in an organized way- I suspect that ADam can do more concerts vocally than Queen wants to do. Adam could stand to make a fortune with Queen- the merchandise alone would be a great moeny maker based on what I saw in London. then there is time for an album of new queen songs for adam'd third studio albumin a few years. !!!

Anonymous said...

it would be great if they could do both tours in sync around the country -- large stadium venues in large cities with Queen, then other venues in the same area for TP. but geographically hop scotch around the world in an organized way- I suspect that ADam can do more concerts vocally than Queen wants to do. Adam could stand to make a fortune with Queen- the merchandise alone would be a great moeny maker based on what I saw in London. then there is time for an album of new queen songs for adam'd third studio albumin a few years. !!!

Anonymous said...

Unless by some miracle, Adam all of sudden gets a lot of radio play for his new single, he is going to need more big exposure. Queen is capable of giving it because they can fill large venues with people who are new to Adam and thus potential fans. He is very lucky to have these sorts of opportunities to keep him alive in the face of radio's rejection.

Anonymous said...

Queen may not be able to do over 100 concerts but Adam can cause he is much younger with full of energy and he doesn't mind to multi-task. He can do 30 shows with Queen worldwide and pump that money into arena size Trespassing tour for 70 or more epic shows. I'll pay to go see 10 of them.

Anonymous said...

my prediction came true-i said then that adam and queen world tour wow ;i think im a phsychic-

Anonymous said...

Adam is gonna come back from his little vacation and gonna say OMFG I needa another vacation. From fronting Queen at Olympic to worldwide tour with Queen. OOFTA!!!!

Anonymous said...

The rumor of my dream! My fantasy tour would be for Adam to do a BIG venue show with Queen, then a Trespassing venue on his own, etc. and back and forth. Then B and R would only do as many shows as they felt they could handle, and Adam's TP shows would be closely entertwined with the Queen shows. Lots of visibility and cross-over attention. This will not happen, of courses, but I can dream, can't I?


Anonymous said...

The more we get to see and hear Adam perform...the better. A tour with Queen probably would take him to the largest cities globally while the TP tour might involve smaller venues as did the Glam Nation Tour. As someone commented, if songs from TP don't get radio play for Adam, a Queen tour will get his name out there to the public that will realize what a superbly talented performer he is. Adam seemed to be re-energized after the concerts with Queen and so much happier, freer on stage while on his mini promo tour back here for Trespassing. There seems to be a lot on his plate for consideration(although some of it is rumor) and as long as it keeps Adam's name out there, it is all good. For me, he is the best vocal talent in the music business today and he deserves all the accolades and success that seem to be coming to him slowly but surely.

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. Hate politics, try do not watch the news. However, I watched news today for 5 minutes and was enough! They tried to find who is gonna be new president: Mormon or Black?

Anonymous said...

If Adam has a choice, (and that is up to his management to book the tour), I think he should do the tres tour first, before the end of this year. This is only august. He could start sometime in September, and go thru December. I don't think he should ever do 141 concerts again. If Queen+Adam becomes a reality, then they could start their tour by march or april of next year. We do not want to kill the poor man with overwork, he can only do so much. IF he were on Idol then he would have to forget about touring with Queen.Or not have his tres tour until after Queen tour. He should never try to do more than 50 venues tops, but larger ones.

Anonymous said...

I never doubted that there will be a Queenbert world tour with the success of their 6 shows.
Dr. Brian and Roger are in their mid 60's, they will push for this now than later or never.
I also believe they will record a rock album because Dr. Brian and Roger will not let their and ADAM's talents go to waste before their time is over and for sure they will collaborate and record that rock album.
I am very positive about ADAM's destiny same as @12:45PM above and @glitzylady. His phenomenal talents cannot be ignored. He will get there for sure, only it's another route than what is expected or as others.

Magiclady said...

You had me LOL! and 4:05 so true!
IMO it would be great for Adam to tour with Queen whenever that may happen! He can make more money to support a Tres tour. He was very non-commital in his tweet "when the time is right" and I think that was because something in is the works with Queen. At least I hope so!

Anonymous said...

And this rock album would be the old Queen songs that have already been recorded with Freddie. That makes no sense whatsoever.

A World Tour makes no sense either, rumours are keeping some people alive. Adam has to get on with his business, not Queens. They were wonderful together, but been there done that.

Now we have a rumour to replace Olympic rumour. Dear God!

Anonymous said...

@4:45PM You forgot to add your signature, SCCCRRRRREEEEEAAAAMMMMM!!!

Come on now these rumors don't hurt anything. They are fun and they expose Adam's name out there. It's all good. Yummy rumors!

Anonymous said...

If it happens IMO Adam should do it along with his Trespassing tour. He is young, he has supportive family and friends, he has supportive Glamberts who love him so much. Even add to the pot AI judge and he'll be almost like Ryan Seekrest (mis-spelled it on purpose) with his work ethic.

Anonymous said...

@4:45PM the new rock album will be new Queen songs written by Brian/Roger and recorded by Adam that never got recorded with Freddie cause he passed away early.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:45
It is just that: a RUMOR.

We're not stupid or simple or deluded, or gullible: just excited to think if the possibilities. And we know rumors from fact. I believe the title of the thread topic is "RUMOR: A Queen and Adam Lambert WORLD TOUR next year?"..Too bad you don't have a whole lot of optimism about much of anything in that direction. If it actually comes true, it will be fabulous and WILL make sense. If not, well, I'll be sad, but I'll understand. I love Adam so much and I also am a big Queen fan, and I love the energy that Roger, Brian, Adam, and the rest of band put out in Europe. I know there are so many fans, both of Adam's and Queens that would be thrilled beyond measure to see them in their part of the world, even it its only the a show here and a show there. As I stated above, Adam can easily do both..sing with Queen and do his own amazing Trespassing Tour. Seems to me that Adam know what his "business" is..and that may or may not involve touring with Queen. As I recall, at the last London Hammersmith concert, Adam mentioned.."This is the last [Queen/Adam Lambert] concert..FOR NOW........(pregnant pause....)....." which CLEARLY spoke to the possibility of future shows, whether a few or more than a few. I'll believe it when I see/hear Adam, Roger, or Brian say its happening, or not happening..But for now, I LOVE the possibility. And how do you know what type of music Adam and Queen might produce/collaborate on. If you have a special source that can give us all the inside info, then please share, otherwise let us have our rumors...and our hopes for Adam. He's the who knows what's best for himself..pretty sure. I personally want whatever is BEST for him and his long term career.

Anonymous said...

Yay, for beautiful rummors! Keep them coming! Great exposure for our BB!

Anonymous said...

Whether or not there will be a Queen tour with Adam, hopefully we will have a cd/dvd of their concerts together. I thought I read somewhere they were filming the shows for this possibility. I actually watched the first one livestream from Kiev on the computer and was mesmerized. Now I want a dvd of any or all of the concerts so I can watch them over again. I was never really a big fan of Queen, but after hearing Adam perform with them, I now have a new interest in their songs. I also have checked out vids with Freddie Mercury's performances and just recently saw a new biog/memoir of Freddie out in hardcover which I'd like to read. Adam Lambert renewed my interest in music again after his performances on Idol and believe me I have been around long enough to have gone through all the various kinds of music through the decades. There is not much out there I like now so just give me Adam's album/cd and I am happy to listen to it over and over again. There is just no one out there with his talent and stage presence today.

Anonymous said...

12:45 Agree completely and
12:49 Agree completely! Dayum!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this new Queen tour rumor. It is taking some of the sting away from the AI gig being very unlikely. I would not be surprised of it was not already in the works. No doubt many promoters have been in touch with the principals to make this happen. This is not as good a gig as idol for jump starting his career, but it is still pretty good.

Anonymous said...

4:52 this is 4:45
I don't know what SCRREEAAMMM means.

Anonymous said...

Maybe SCREAM means they are off and running again. If there was an olympic event called jumping to conclusions the Glamberts would win easily. So tired of rumors.
We could use some reality, Adam where are you?

Anonymous said...

Idol was a beautiful rumor that isn't going to come true,and all the buzz now is about NJ. He was on E talking about how he is being considered as a judge. The Queen tour is a completely different thing. I would be willing to bet quite a bit more than I should that this is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I just AI news about judges replacements. Nobody mentioned NJ's name in news. Just few comments about his confirmation tweet:)

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted that he was in Cabo. He is back now and maybe he will tell us some secrets this week. A nice vacation spot!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin I just heard on the news about fire break out at Chevron refinery in San Francisco area. Hope you are far from the smoke and fire! <3

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that was an interesting Spike video clip. It's fascinating that one instrument can bring so much to a performance. I would LOVE Adam to tour the world with Queen. I think the world deserves it. Realistically, I don't think Adam could/would do a Queenbert concert tour at the same time as a Trespassing concert tour. That would be a logistical nightmare for him. It probably takes months to plan a tour and we know Adam would want to give his all to both concerts. So we'll see what unfolds. I still haven't given up hope that he might be a new Idol judge this year. He's far more experienced than Nick Jonas who is only 19. However, I've just read this on wiki ....

'On July 30, 2012: Jonas is reportedly in final negotiations to join the juding panel in the twelfth season of American Idol. On August 4, 2012, he released a statement that he's concidered for the judging role.'

Anonymous said...

JAK was a very interesting video about the keyboard-keyboards used. My how they have changed since my piano lessons when I was 8! :)

For once I have no comment to make about Idol or supposed World Tour. I am completely rumored out. From now on, I will believe it when I see it! Unfounded supposition was exhausting me. And when I don't have a comment to make, you KNOW I must be tired!

Anonymous said...

ok new judges, Brad Paisley, Nick Jonas and Mariah Carey.

Anonymous said...

That's okay with me since I don't plan to watch anyway.

Anonymous said...

Can't see any reason why Adam couldn't do both a Trespassing tour and a Queenbert tour. The last Queen tour was about 30 concerts - if this was in that range, it could be done in 3 months and could be as late as next Fall.

It would be nice if Queenbert tour was earlier because Adam's managment could book shows in same cities and put the tickets on sale while Queenbert was passing through town, That would be major promo and there would be a good chance of selling tickets to Queen fan attendees, some of who will undoubtedly be overwhelmed by Adam's talent.

Just my thoughts about the nice possibilities here.

Anonymous said...

You can tell from YouTube hits that not too many people have actually watched the whole Spike video. It is so completely about Queenbert that the references are pretty clear. He does say fingers crossed, though.

If Spike can cross his fingers then so can we.

This rumour is hardly on the level of the Olympic one. there were major clues on it's unliklihood from the word go, starting with Adam's comment about UK-only performers and ending with news report of Jessie J's collaboration etc.

It's all fun, of course, but rumurs are like everything else: you gotta know when to hold, know when to fold.

Holding on to the Queenbert rumour 'cos it looks quite possible. Until further notice.

glitzylady said...

Spike Edney, the Keyboardist for Queen, who mentioned there might be a "tour in the works" for next year so might be taking "The Korg" (his new keyboard...) on tour...tweeted this today: No Tour in the Works...."just wishful thinking...":

Spike Edney SAS Band
To those of you wondering about my comments about taking the Korg on a world tour next year...

Spike Edney SAS Band
I'm afraid that there are absolutely no plans for this in the pipeline. It was merely a moment of distracted wishful thinking on my part!!