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Adam Lambert featured in In Touch Magazine Issue Sept 24, 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 15, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 15, 2012

@FeelLoveForAdam: Adam Lambert featured in In Touch Magazine Issue Sept 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

Hi Honey. I've missed you. You're looking good!..................... JAK here......................
As I explained on former thread DELL-A was really really ill and it was necessary to perform a lobotomy. She suffered a personality change and a complete memory loss. Once again, all MY Favorites have been whisked away to Neverland. I will slowly rebuild but ...

I need help! Can someone supply me with that terrific link that was to all Adam's Idol performances
on one video? Please.

I'm going to be busy trying to scan lots n lots of threads so I know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak . . have your geek squad set you up with a external drive and you can save Adam stuff and when Della gets sick you will still your Adam Porn (that's what I call it ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi, JAK! Miss you. May I give you advise from my own experience? Get IPad! You will not have any problems, believe me!

Anonymous said...

darn I was just at the drugstore and could have picked this up. Nice picture.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone! Glad to be back. Will talk to son in law about your suggestions....thanks
I am hopeless with anything in this line,after a year I still don't know how to work my mp3 properly, I'm always paying Amazon for music I don't receive (my fault I'm sure). I am barely able to use computer, don't know what y'all are talking about half the time.. :) .. I have the cell phone for dummies and avoid it like the plague. We have 4 TVs, 3 VCRs, 2 DVDs and a total of 11 remotes.....I am always crying HELP! to a husband to knows almost as little as I.
I asked my grandson if he knew any college students who would accept room and board to be our live in geek squad. So far no takers. Can't pester son in law too much he works very long hours and is a sweetheart but I just ask him to keep DELL-A alive.

Some people's brains are not wired for the 21st century!

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK, hopefully this is want you want. Some of the videos have been removed but I think most are still there.


Anonymous said...

@AG......JAK here......

No, that is not the one I'm talking about...but this is one I lost months and months ago when DELL-A threw her last hissy-fit! I was never able to find it again. Thank you so much, I love the wide variety of his work available on this Dream Door. The Upright Cabaret performances, etc.

I'm doing my happy dance! :)

Anonymous said...

JAK again....I'm sure someone will remember the link I'm speaking of, it was just about a month or so ago as I recall....just performances a fan put together beautifully, all those Idol treasures.

Anonymous said...

Here is another site of Adam's American Idol performances. The videos are separately at the bottom.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! This is one of my favorite pictures of Adam.So happy he is getting more visibility. He is a TRUE talent in every way!

Anonymous said...

JAK! You're back today! Yay!

Lambert/Idol pic is pretty cool. Adam is prettier, of course.


HK fan said...

here is the link to an Adam Lambert Idol film. I think it has everything you need.

Anonymous said...

JAK: So sorry to hear about your Dell-A. I am on my second Dell and both have been a dream. In fact, I gave my first Dell away to another Glambert who loves it.

I'm almost ready to buy you a new computer just so I don't have to worry about never hearing from you again! LOL!

Thanks for the lin to Adam's Idol performances. I have never saved them - everything else including Queenbert and pre-Idol but never got around to his Idl stuff.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks sooo much for the AI film link. I had missed that one but it is now added to my Adam Library!

Anonymous said...

@ HKfan.....JAK here....THAT'S IT!

I knew I could count on finding it with a 'network' of Glamberts on the job. YAY!

Along the search path, I have re-discovered, thanks to many of you, other links that I also quickly 'saved'........My thanks to you all. I send you each a cyber hug or a cyber cupcake whichever you prefer! :)))

Anonymous said...

Any time I have watched the videos on this site of Adam performing anywhere esp. recently with the Queen concerts, I save them in my favorites. So when I get bored or need some re-energizing, I watch one of the vids and it puts a smile on my face to see Adam perform. And I do have all the performances from Idol also. In fact, I was able t save his EMA performance with Queen from Belfast too. If I see, I like it, I save it for future reference. Iam also technologically challenged, so if I can get on the computer, watch any Adam videos and save what I like, then I am happy.

Anonymous said...

Adam can be whatever he wants to be as long as he keeps singing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow is Adam beautiful in that pIcture, I don't think he looks like that guy, much more handsome. Adam was cute on Idol, who I hope crashes and burns., but he jst plain gorgeous now he was a boy then he is a extremely good looking man now, with a wealth of talent and experience to his name now! Good, thongs are coming I can feel it, Idol may have been good but I think better things are on the horizons, I cannot believe they took all that time to come up with that lousy bunch of judges, I think Keith urban only decent one, MC ok. But I canno stnd her, never could but NM and Then RJ again thank saves me and hour or 2 out of my lIfe, will never ever watch it except Adam singing. Makes me so mad they did not tell him Sooner. He probably new for a little while but kept him going for months, I hat them! But I adore Adam he wiil have something good coming, maybe tour faster! Hope so!

Shiggles said...

@JAK I was worried about you and your health. Glad you're all right and it was only the little
DellA bitch that threw a hissy. I am lucky to have a member of the Geek Squad living just down the street. He keeps everyone on the block on line and happy for only $10 an hour and no charge if he can't fix the problem.
