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Adam Lambert on 12 Again on CBBC (9/21/2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 21, 2012

Posted at : Friday, September 21, 2012


Anonymous said...

I imagine a lot of the teachers on this site can remember having a charming chatterbox in their class!
I cetainly can....JAK :))

Anonymous said...

I don't think the interviewer understands Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he did understand the question, he just thought he'd give an answer to what would have been a better question.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha I guess you could see that question two ways and Adam went back as a grown man looking in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

oops, wrong link above, that's old

Anonymous said...

Seems the interviewer didn't understand Adam. He said if he was 12 again he would go to his Sat. Musical theater rehearsal and watch himself for his now perspective. Adam loved his musical theater exp. at that age. Remember on Idol he said his parents put him in musical theater and he loved it.

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT Gains 43 ‘Whataya Want From Me’ Spins On The Radio

Read more:

Anonymous said...

OT: does anyone know why Spain with adam lambert was trending world wide today? Is he going there? Or do they just want him like the rest of the world and rose to the ocassion of getting it trended?

Anonymous said...

who cares about WWFM spins and whoop dee do 43 of them.

Anonymous said...

@1:26 That was an old article. I don't know why these old articles are showingup on the news feed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Brian is holding drum auditions in LA Sunday. I hope Isaac isn't leaving,

Anonymous said...

OT and NOT:

Doesn't this make you feel more than good...

GGD Gal, feeling all fluffy inside...LOL

Anonymous said...

If you haven't visited the Adamtopia site lately, check it out. There's a person named Lucas who is doing incredible artwork for each song on Trespassing. He has posted the first one. It's amazing. If you aren't familiar with Adamtopia, just google it and click on "news and information" on the list. Scroll down to the amazing art Lucas has done. Can't wait for each one to be done. Hope Adam gets to see them.


Anonymous said...

@DRG Adamtopia news and info. is excellent. They have everything up first and the people who blog there seem really great. Positive, intelligent,funny and love Adam very much. I always think about signing into it but as of yet I just lurk there.Yes Lucas is an amazing artist.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I wonder why these radio guys think they're so smart (when they're not!). Adam knew exactly what he was talking about. The DJ's the one who did not understand the answer.

Shiggles said...

Way off topic:

I tuned in the other night to watch the XFactor auditions and this guy with a pot belly and a cowboy hat comes on the stage. I thought oh no, not another wgwg. He's late 30's - early 40's and works road construction in the small town where he lives. I don't know why his cheeks are bright red, but they are. He has the judges, the audience and me laughing with his answers to the questions asked. I liked his personality right away, but I am NOT a country fan. He started to sing Anything Goes and I got this big lump in my throat. Soon tears were running down my face. If you didn't see this show, please click on the link below.

Anonymous said...

I watched the X Factor clip. It reminds me of a clip from America's Got Talent when a very goth looking boy came out and sang an opera aria beautifully. It is a shame that there are so many super talented people that will never get their "break". The entertainment industry is a cruel and unfair arena a lot of the time. It took AI to put Adam on the map and he is insanely talented! One in a million voice and everything else.

Anonymous said...

I love ADAM here. Love his answers. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

He answered perfectly to the DJ's question, he one who did not understand the answer, Adam got the question fine.

HK fan said...

@anon 1.42pm
The Spanish Glamberts had annouced a week or so ago that they were wanted to trend Adam and Spain on the 21st and called for everyone to help. I guess they just wanted to get Adams attention about spain.

re the artist, mentioned by DRG.
this is the first picture of cuckoo

and a message from the artist

Lucas says: “Hey guys! Let me explain you my Project “How do I see the Trespassing album”.
It will be a series of pictures that express what’s happening in the whole album. You’ll see meanings of Adam’s songs from my own personal view.
There are 15 songs on Trespassing (Deluxe version) so it means there will be 15 different pictures of each song. One song = one pic. Here we go!”

choons said...

Re: Adam laughing gif - fluffy is the word - yes, I too feel fluffy watching this. thanks. I'll just float away now.

daydreamin said...

Anon 5:15, speaking of talent that will never see the light of day, here is an article that spells of even further doom for that person trying to break out:

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, That article is really sad and scary. It sounds like it wil be harder and harder for recording artists to reap the rewards of their hard work. All the more reason to help Adam get as high as he possibly can before things get even more difficult. I know we are all doing our best every day!

HK fan, Thanks for the link to that fabulous artist, Lucas. When he finishes his depictions of all the Trespassing songs, it will be a real masterpiece!


daydreamin said...

@DRG all the more reason that things need to change drastically for artists trying to break out as well as abandon the current parties dominating the political arena. It is helping no one but the already rich and famous. Not helping the little guy and too much fighting and no or little action.