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Sohu TV News Report on Adam Lambert Attending Voice of China Finale

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 22, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 22, 2012

Via GaleWhittington:
Video via Sohu TV News Report in China: ADAM LAMBERT Will Attend Voice of China Finale on September 30, 2012 as a guest judge.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Adam gave up trying to revive the 70's glitter glam and has moved on. The GNT videos seem very old fashioned now. His current look is a great improvement. Fantastic voice remains the same!

Anonymous said...

He is also going to perform too? Guess judge and also perform too? This is better than idol, so many people watch. Sue

Anonymous said...

The video does not come up o my phone. Sue

Anonymous said...

Gosh,no recent pix of Adam on that promo.Adam said he was gonna be a guest judge,but didn't say if he'd perform or not.surely he WILL,after going that far!!(Don't you all think??)On the vids after that one plays,there are some more recent pix,but I don't think any with his new hair color..I really think that some paps in NYC may not have recognized BB until others starting taking his pix( @ first) I think I still like the black hair better( with lots of light highlights in the front is ok) but since BB even changed his avi to the light hair now,I guess he plans on staying that color for a while.

Anonymous said...

thanx a bunch for posting

Anonymous said...

It feels quite strange to be hearing a Chinese announcer speaking Mandarin and seeing Adam on the screen; my brain doesn't seem to register, like a! He's judging! How come people from across the globe employ him to be a judge and he gets ignored on home-ground? This is too taxing on my! Adam, get a Chinese tutor or the best way to learn a language is to live there because one learns a language faster when there is a need to communicate in that language...he'll be coming round the mountain when he comes... lol! :)

Anonymous said...

8.26 really is amaizing they spend a fortune to get him there, he will do amaizing job. U think there will have to be an translator there, sure there will. Hope he will perform I thought that what he was going for, now judge hope perform too! They spend lots of money get him, and stupid idol had him right here and get that awful line up. KU is ok but no interest to me, but the rest u have to Pay me to watch them, still probably would not. Sue

Anonymous said...

7:38 I kind of think they are expecting a wild type of Adam to show up from this add, he better take some spikes and furs with him. Who said anything about Adam judging this? It's the finale what will be there to judge at that point? 8:44 I lost alot of interest in Idol when Nigel talked to Glamberts like we were rude dogs on twitter.I unfollowed him on twitter too, not that he noticed but it made me feel better. lol

Anonymous said...

I am laughting at myself. I thought all along that Adam would be PERFORMING at The Voice of China. Never occured to me that he'd be a judge! Guess I wasn't paying enough attention. Anyway, I am thrilled that he is judging, but it would be even better if he also performed. Is he just judging one particular show? I assume it's just one. So excited about this! And YES, it is so ironic that AI rejects him and China brings him all the way over there BECAUSE THEY RECOGNIZE HOW FABULOUS HE IS !!! A real no-brainer! A huge Chinese audience will see him and fall in love (just like me.)


Anonymous said...

OK, 9:01, I guess I wasn't the only who thought he'd be performing, not judging. I never heard that he'd be judging. Oh, well. Either way, he'll be on the show in front of millions of people.

DRG (my brain is tired and it's only 11:05 a.m.)

Anonymous said...

Definitely, they'll have a translator; but now a huge portion of the Chinese population speak and write English very well. Some even have very good command of the language. Wow China is eyeing Adam in the year of the black water dragon...sounds auspicious! Maybe the black dragon appreciates Adam's stylish, black tight, splitting leather pants! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go China!!! I`m so glad Adam is appreciated abroad...he`s an outstanding artist and all AI showed was its ignorance and prejudice...well it`s AI formats loss! Adam is sure to be asked elsewhere:)

Anonymous said...

I think China saw how Adam performed on Idol; like I've said, Adam went through the whole process, from being thoroughly judged to being a judge/mentor so his perspective of judging will be kind, empathetic, real and constructive. Perhaps China wants to expand its viewership worldwide instead of just concentrating on their own audiences. And they know Adam is a huge worldwide attraction...good entrepreneurial strategy.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with so many of the comments made here today. First, I do prefer Adam's current style and hair color(although the darker color was great also). The days of GNT glam and glitter are past. Second, it is so true that the Chinese will spend whatever it takes to get Adam there(judging and/or performing) when he could have been an excellent judge right here on Idol. And finally, Adam does seem to be accepted and apprecicated more internationally than he does here at home. Their gain is our loss each time he leaves the country to travel to another part of the globe. I hope we get to see vids of his Voice of China finale appearance.

Adamluv said...

Fun reliving all the great pictures of Adam. Nice long promo. Hope he does get to sing on this program to show everyone how it's done! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

On my phone so no video but totally confused by what Adam is doing??? at the finale . Guess we will find out soon enough! Crying shame he has to go across the world to judge when he would have been awesome here instead of the current panel. Voicing my distain for AI12!

Anonymous said...

we will never know what happened with Idol and I guess it doesn't really matter now. Maybe they wanted to give him an embarrassingly small amount of money or something. I am selfish and glad he is not going to be on Idol, it would be hard to take months and months of negativity on the internet.

Anonymous said...

I sure adam will be performing as well, what is there to judge on the finale? (unless they do it different over there. Ya, I won't be watching idol either- i kind-of wished adam tweeted something about this so we know how he feels, but he didn't? Nick m was the deal breaker for me- I'm being mean, but I hope idol tanks because of thier stupid decision.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a perfect Judge because he experienced how to be in their shoes:)

Never mind U.S.A., Adam is unstoppable he!he!

The more they ignore Adam, the more he will explode his talent around the globe.


Anonymous said...

Ok I took a minute out to go back and look at that gather article, all it said was hello or hi shanghai , I am so excited going to appear on the voice finally, did not see a anything about judging, sounds like he going to perform. Did he say he was gonna judge? On twitter something. That all he said on this article and did not see another article at least on his news.sure he was gonna perform, on the voice china. Sue

Anonymous said...

That was finale not finally.sue

Anonymous said...

That was finale not finally.sue

Anonymous said...

Do not know why double post . He also said look forward to visiting. So probably going to stay a bit, maybe.sue

Anonymous said...

It is mean to hope that idol sinks, the show is about helping new talent. I didn't like Randy or Kara but I am glad it didn't make me stop watching Season 8, it brought us Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yep. I guess we all should be very greatful for China. They own almost all of our 16 trillion $ debt. Have you tried to buy anything that wasn't made in China. This blue eyed blonde American is going back to school to learn Mandarin AND Cantoneese. You should too. Then we'll be ready when they take over America. Thanks BO.

Anonymous said...

Not goin politics Japan and china have been good to Afam Lambert, this site is about Adam. Thanks Sue, try to go get something done once again. This site is like a magnet. Sue

Anonymous said...

ADAM's journey is somehow biblical in the same vein as prophets are not recognized in their own town.
Well, let the rest of the world embrace him and woe to Uncle Sam and Idol.
One day, America will open its eyes and ears and realize how blind they have been.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't pay to keep on commenting about Adam not being selected to be on Idol. That ship has passed. His schedule seems to be quite full through the middle of Nov. with guest appearances globally and also here at home. Adam has moved on from the glitter glam look and I like the new hair color and more stylish outfits he wears, esp. those beautifully cut suit jackets. I am sure that too will change because that's what Adam likes. He is never boring or uninteresting. I am waiting for the official release of Trespassing for radio play and a video to promote it. Since Adam is so busy, who knows when he will be making the new vid. Unless you are on this site or a fan who seeks out the latest information, most people have no idea what Adam is doing, where he is appearing, or what is on his immediate schedule. All you hear in the entertainment news is about young ladies/actresses driving drunk, hitting pedestrians, or getting pregnant before marriage. Great role models. When I need an Adam"fix", I just check back into some of the older posts here or go into videos I have saved in my Favorites so I can just sit back and enjoy my own private concerts and interviews.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Idol, it will be interesting to see the new panel and their interactions during the judging tryouts and later on. It could be a bit of a train wreck with the two women. I have seen a bit of the X Factor and I don't feel that Demi and Britney add anything critical or special to the panel. Maybe they will later when the finalists are selected. Adam would make an excellent mentor on either of these shows, but I guess that won't happen either. I suppose his focus will be on promoting Trespassing and putting a tour together for 2013 and maybe even a few shows with Queen. Slowly but surely, he seems to be making inroads into a very tough business that doesn't always appreciate and recognize talent. Music performers today are auto-tuned, lip synch and are often more style/appearance than substance.

Anonymous said...

Looks like China may engage Adam in a long term way, sporadically now but who knows which way the east winds blow for Adam. And that's why Adam must pick up some essential Manderin. Forbidden City seems to fit Adam's image...yea forbidden but not to Adam. Its layers of walls will reverberate when Adam wails there...very good acoustics; that would be the performance of the century...I think. :)

Anonymous said...

@1:48 P.M.

Don't be in a hurry to learn to speak Chinese, they only own about 26% of our national debt. Not "almost all" as you stated. In fact Japan owns close to that and then there is Brazil, U.K. Switzerland, etc. And then of course there are all the countries who are in debt to the US. So while we are paying out interest we are also receiving interest.
Obviously you are not an economist.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes 1:48 pm
Most of the beautiful accessory pieces in my home were made in China. I would thank Obama for that but he wasn't born when my grandmother and mother were collecting them. Your argument is ridiculous, don't bother learning to speak Chinese, Arabic might be more useful.

HK fan said...

@anon 1.48pm
if you want to learn Chinese then stick to Mandarin. Cantonese is really only spoken in HK and a small area just outside. Mandarin is spoken in the rest of China and is the language used for business. It is also 'easier' to learn, each word in Cantonese has 7 tones, so has 7 meanings depending which tone you use, Mandarin has only 4 tones, so 4 meanings to each word. And Mandarin is a much nicer sounding language to listen to......hear ends my lesson for today!!! Although I will add, that apparently in x amount of years English, Spanish and Mandarin will be the only languages needed.
I'm ashamed to say that even after living in Asia for 15years I speak no Chinese, I can't even hear the tones when people are speaking, or hear where one word ends and another begins.

@Lam-my, you speak Chinese don't you, does it say anywhere in this promo above that Adam will be a judge???? I'm just trying to see where this rumour has come from, because so far I have seen nothing that indicates he will be judging.

Anonymous said...

HK fan
If you scroll up and click on the title of this thread, it says Adam is a guest judge on Voice of China, as reported. That piece of report for all its worth may be...true/not true/unable to tell; it's left to be seen.
By the way, Cantonese is the most poetic language that I know; its Cantonese phrases, idioms, proverbs, historic tales, are sooo profound! I often have to ask my aged Mom to explain, it's very deep. Please Hong Kong, keep it alive, you are the only country which uses it as a work language. When I read some time ago that it may, one day become extinct, I felt sad. Cantonese...a language of poetry. And it has been said you can be scolded in Cantonese and not even know it unless you understand its nuances and inferences.

Adamluv said...

@1:48 - so Pres. Obama did all that in under 4 years? What about the EIGHT long and miserable years when Bush and the Republicans were in power? Guess you conveniently forgot them? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@adamluv- you go girl, that's what got us into this mess to begin with, the republicans.

Anonymous said...

Adam says body language is all you need.

Anonymous said...

U Go Adam!!!

U r better off going to China to Judge than being a judge on boring annoying RIGGED American Idol!!!

Adam's loved by the WORLD!!! Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the "not an economist" crack.
Repubs need to deal in facts, making stuff up is not playing fair.

Anonymous said...

But my guess is, 16 trillion being the largest debt in the world...the incoming interest collection will most likely not suffice to off-set the pay-out this gigantic debt will take a very very long time to be paid off or break even. :)

Anonymous said...

It's something like China owns 1.16 trillion of the US debt and Japan owns 1.12 trillion and the rest to others.

Never liked the loud jerky shouty sound of Cantonese so I don't know how it can be the "most poetic language" while Mandarin sounds soothing and music to the ears.
Mandarin is sometimes referred to as the equivalent of French among the Chinese dialects.
There's a joke that goes that the scariest and ugliest sound is a Cantonese speaking Mandarin.
Just how beautiful Mandarin is to the ears, Cantonese is just plain ugly sound.
I'm not Chinese and don't understand any Chinese but have often been to HK, Beijing or Taiwan.
Just get inside any eatery in HK during Yum Cha and you would think everyone is having an argument.

Anonymous said...

As in any language, there are always the loud shouty type and the smooth classical type; it happens in any language. When I was just 12 years old, there was this very very famous Cantonese story-teller, Lei Tai Sor; most Cantonese of 50's to 60's onwards would know him. Whoa! When he told his Chinese folk-tales, I remember very clearly, I would literally 'freeze' holding my chopsticks in my hand and forget to continue my dinner; he came on every evening round about my dinner time. That kind of Cantonese is clear, with lots of imagery, classical; and I was only 12 years old. My Mom would 'wake' me from my stupor and say...look at her, so absorbed (in Cantonese). I'd like to buy a tape/cd of Lei Tai Sor stories. I may be able to find a very old but original version.

HK fan said...

@anon 10.39
I'm afraid I have to agree with you, though I might not have put it quite like that. I too find Cantonese very loud, and it does often sound like people are argueing. And we always avoid the really big Chinese restaurants, the sound of 3 or 400 people all talking Cantonese to each other, its just too loud and overpowering whilst trying to eat....Luckily the village I live in has some really good much smaller restaurants for yum cha. Mandarin is much softer sounding.

......not that this really has anything to do with Adam!although we can all speculate if he'll learn any words or try some Chinese delicacies.

Anonymous said...

I have eaten at these Hong Kong dim- sum restaurants when I was there a number of years ago; visited Hong Kong twice. It was morning at this dim-sum restaurant and many people were reading the newspapers and some talking while the carts of dim-sum were being pushed around for people to pick their orders. I found it absolutely normal and peaceful. And then I also went to a noodle restaurant to savour their wanton-meen and I think it was peak lunch hour. That was pretty rough and loud. So I think it depends on where you are in Hong Kong and time of day/night. I even went into a little bar where the waitress who attended to us was topless! She spoke rather refined Cantonese. I also crossed over to Kowloon on a ferry. And landing at Hong Kong airport was absolutely spectacular because the plane flies between tall breathtaking mountains, whoa! And when I finally walked into the airport, my favourite language, Cantonese was heard clearly and beautifully over the the pa system. Loud, ugly to you...may not be to a Cantonese person and it's simply ill-mannered and intolerant to express it so crudely! If you bother to look it up, Cantonese, to my surprise, is described as a prestige Chinese dialect! I am here to enjoy Adam but lately, some rather strange people seem to have taken an interest in me in a rather unpleasant way. Hong Kong Fan, I am surprised you actually support such a crude, ill-mannered person and criticise a language you know nothing about!

Anonymous said...

I have to put my 2 cents in rebuttal to China owning most of USA debt.
The true owner of America's debt is Americans. Through mutual funds, retirement funds, commercial banks, money market accounts, private pension funds, U.S. households, U.S. Treasury, Soc.Sec. trust funds and state and local governments. That adds up to approx. 10 trillion dollars.
Foreign countries we have debts with only add up to approx 5 to 6 trillion.

So we own the bulk of America's debt. And that's a fact, not a political statement, just an honest to God fact.

Verify before you swallow any politician's words. Don't be too lazy to do your homework then elect someone who has bought the election with erroneous ads.

Anonymous said...

Sorry....forgot my tag above....JAK

Anonymous said...

Political ads are crap!

Anonymous said...

Not all of them, just don't believe it without finding out if it's true...JAK

Anonymous said...


I'm 10:39.
Just want to let you know that I lived in HK and Taiwan when my husband was posted in those places.
So I'm very familiar with both the sounds of Cantonese and Mandarin.
Have been traveling a lot and have been in and out of HK for the last 28 years every year including the time we lived there for years.
And we're members of the Royal HK Jockey Club and other exclusive country clubs in HK.
So, it's not from the noodle shop that I hear Cantonese.
And my comment about the Cantonese language even Cantonese themselves say so and laugh at themselves.
I have a lot of Cantonese close friends who would admit this to you.
And as you have said, you've been to HK only twice, only on a visit.
And I will not say anything which I cannot say in front of my Cantonese friends if it's not true.
For they themselves know it is a fact.
The joke I mentioned came from their own mouth: "One of the scariest things is a Cantonese speaking Mandarin."
So, your statement to HK fan "such a crude, ill-mannered person and criticise a language you know nothing about!" is not true.
I am only stating what I know which is different from your opinion.
I know HK like the palm of my hand and drive around everywhere there up to the New Territories.
But if you love Cantonese, I cannot help it.

Anonymous said...

I still maintain your comment is very crude and not based on knowledge but on hearsay and friends' reactions or your own. You might have lived in Hong Kong for 28 years but I've been a Cantonese since day one of my life! Your comment is based only on your askew perceptions of a beautiful language. Perceptions can be deceiving or hypothetical. If you had said it in a lighter vein, I would at least be less annoyed; and one should not make such rash statements based merely on your association with your circle of friends. Cantonese is a universal language/dialect used extensively all around the world...New York Chinatown, San Francisco, I've been there, and Canada etc. Your statement, "...I don't know how it can be the most poetic language" is misquoted. What I stated is..."Cantonese is the most poetic language that I know." And that is only 3 or 4 ! Do you know why these Cantonese people are so loud because they enjoy their language and are very passionate about expressing it...not "ugly sounds" goodness gracious! Bottom line...Your assessment of Cantonese is based on what you don't understand and not what you know. Your assessment of Cantonese is baseless.

Anonymous said...

who really cares about the different languages Adam is not having problems with them so why should we. If different countries that invite him to their country read all of this hassle on this site they may not want to deal with it.I have been in many countries my self I had a translater with me Adam will have one to. He is going there to entertain bring happiness not trouble entertain people not cause problems. LOVE ADAM WISH A SAFE TRIP.

Anonymous said...

I still maintain what I said is not solely my opinion but shared by others and some are Cantonese themselves.
I still say it is also just your opinion what you think of the language which differ from mine and others.
And your comment that I misquoted your words "the most poetic language I know" is wrong per your explanation.
You should have said, "the most poetic language I know that I can speak or understand".
If so, we would not have this discussion.
But you left it as if "of all languages".
Anyway, I don't mean any harm.
I don't know where your statement: "but lately, some rather strange people seem to have taken an interest in me in a rather unpleasant way" is coming from.
i have not targeted or attacked your person at all, this time or any time before but have expressed only my & others' impression of the language.
If at all, it is you who have rather said unpleasant things about my person.

As ADAM would say: LOVE, PEACE and LIGHT!

Different folks, different strokes.
As beauty is upon the eye of the beholder so is music or sound is upon the ear of the listener.

Peace be with you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, now you are even telling me what to say or write. Once again, "Cantonese is the most poetic language that I know." And not to be taken as...Cantonese is the most poetic language that I know of. The 'of' word that is not there, would mean what you misinterpreted it to be. My sentence is perfectly sufficient for this context and does not need to further use the words "that I can speak or understand". If you look up the dictionary, the word...know, means understand / comprehend clearly / to be acquainted with / understand from experience. If you misinterpret what my sentence means, well, there's nothing more for me to say. And if I wanted it to mean "of all the languages" I would have to state that and I did not; so it's your own assumption.

Anonymous said...

I'll be glad when this thread is over, who cares about the merits of Cantonese or Mandarin? Find something else to argue about, we are bored with this.

@ Lam-my you are like a dog with a bone, justwon't stop chewing on it.

Anonymous said...

Well this is the end portion of an old thread and if it doesn't interest you, simply get to another place! Simple! Nowadays the threads are changed pretty fast and there are many to choose from! You must be interested then.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in Adam Lambert & his career that is the only reason I come to this site.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. It used to be that for me and still is but gradually, I'm beginning to take to some really nice people here whether they are talking about Adam or not. But most of the time, we delve into things Adam. The little digressions here and there should be tolerated. Didn't Adam say/sing...we are all the same. An open mind always beats a closed mind any time, because its reach (former) is more humane and a lot broader. Don't be a frog in a well; a person in such a situation can see only the circle directly above; what about the things outside of this narrow range or scope if she is like the frog in the well...

Adamluv said...

Even if this is an Adam Lambert site I dont have a problem with peeps talking about other subjects. If I'm not interested, I just skip a comment. No big deal! . . . Adamluv