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Adam Lambert Spotted at Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood, California on Friday (August 16, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 17, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, August 17, 2013



Anonymous said...

All the hugs, people love him.

Anonymous said...

who is that grabbing AL and getting ready to plant one on him? he looks worried.

Anonymous said...

He looks so beautiful with the shaven look, he looks much younger now! :)


Anonymous said...

He sure is getting a huge welcome! Yep, he looks much younger now.i can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda miss the scruffy look ! He's so handsome whichever look he's going for at the moment LOL!


Anonymous said...

Look how thin his hips look! Sexy sexy sexy.


Anonymous said...

he looks so diff w/o the Mel. I have to get use to this now. lol

funbunn40 said...

Yay!!! We can see that gorgeous face again without anything obstructing that beautiful smile! He always looks good, but I really missed that well groomed, clean shaven face! He's just soooo good looking! :) :) :)Now that almost every male celeb is sporting that look it was time to change and be different!

Anonymous said...

I have a brand new gorgeous granddaughter and a gorgeous Adam. Sometimes life can be good. He always handsome mustache or clean shaven. But, in these picture clean shaven with the beautiful smile it be hard to find a more handsome man in my opinion. He looks great here his hips are very small, but with his height it looks great very narrow hips. Does my patch up heart good to see him smiling and having a good time. Sue

choons said...

I want his grey boots!

Anonymous said...

I want him!

Anonymous said...

I would imagine that he will be, if he hasn't already, boarding a plane to NY for the 8/19 gig. Hope we get some vids from that..Adam is the one can do it better!!

Anonymous said...

He is handsome, has perfect height and weight, best and brightest smile and a clean look. He is amazing looking!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Sue........JAK here......Congratulations on your granddaughter. What a happy time for you, I hope your health improves steadily.....Grandma's are incredibly important. Best job I ever had!

Anonymous said...

For inquiring minds,I just checked StubHub and ticket prices for iHeart still not coming down.

Anonymous said...

He is a beautiful person indeed!!!:)

Can't wait on Monday!!:)


Anonymous said...

congrats to G Sue. I agree with JAK!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:14 AM
Hahaha! :))))

Again, congrats!!!

@Adam Lambert
What a handsome, handsome man!!! (Even my hubby thinks I can say it and not get the side-eye from him :)))

Anonymous said...

Congrats from me too .....I'm still waitIng for my turn....hope your daughter is well....I was a fan of Adam's scruff .... but then I'm a fan of all things Adam and will take him any old way .... take care ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

@Sue congratulations! Adam's legs look so long and lean yum! Yum to the shaven Adam,gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Thank you everybody, this is my fourth grandchild her second and last C section I hope she had a hard time. Was going into labor off and on last week or so they kept giving shots to stop it. Finally took baby c section was suppose to be Aug. 28, which may be about when they have to go in my heart again because if the breast bone problem, will see at end if month. So I was worried about that and so u glad its over I could be there. The baby looks very healthy she has a hard time with the drugs given for that makes her sick she doing better poor baby. I think this is her second and last Two C sections rough. Anyway thanks so much for well wishes. I am proud of being a Grannie as they call you here anybody does not think that's a great thing got problems! Made a couple mistakes or more, ha! Sue

Anonymous said...

Male huggers, YAY!
The gurl in the 2nd pic does not even bother to look... you're missing the most handsome & gorgeous sight of the night! Wake up!

glitzylady said...

For anyone missing Adam's facial hair: this is toooo funny!!!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Every word.

Anonymous said...

This is not Sue`s site, this is Adams site!

funbunn40 said...

Best wishes for you and new grandaughter, another new gift to the world!Hope all are doing fine and your health will also take a magnificent turn. You have another beautiful inspiration to keep on fighting the hard days and stay strong. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam still isn't clean shaven. Look and you will see stubbly hairs. Very sexy.

Anonymous said...

@1:38 PM You're wrong. Adam Lambert 24/7 News is here to validate the existence of Sue and her closest friends.

Anonymous said...

Sour grapes?

glitzylady said...

This is an (unofficial) Adam Lambert fan site but over the years there are those of us who have become friends, both in person and online, all as a result of Adam Lambert. Adam values his friends and I think we do too. Since we can't all meet in person on a regular basis, and quite often never, we occasionally have things to say to each other. I suspect Adam would approve of our friendships. As long as we're nice, whats the harm. Scrolling works too. Just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

1:38 pm
i understand you...I seriously do.scrolling helps you know?

Anonymous said...

Hey spending the afternoon baking with my grandaughters and listening to trespassing.

glitzylady said...

Chat happens once in awhile. The majority of comments are directly Adam related. I, like everyone else, am here to talk Adam. But I also wish Sue good health and best wishes. She's a dedicated fan. Please have a little patience and compassion. Or if nothing else....scroll..

Anonymous said...


drop you comment and ignore. Its really nothing to worry yourself about, you are right this is adam lambert fan site, no one is trying to change that.Btw any fresh gist from AI?

Anonymous said...

I just noticed as Adam was getting in the car and sitting down, the guy next to him, actually had his hand around Adams neck. First time I have seen what might be a real date. On another site there is a cropped pic, of Adam with a guy.Adam looked very very happy. I think the same guy. That was a very personal hand on neck. OK tell me I am crazy, or making things up. Or how do I know this might be a date.

Anonymous said...

And the queen speaks.

lorraine said...

Congratulations, Sue. There's nothing like a precious little grandchild to make the world seem bright again.Thinking of you in your joyful moments-and, as you bravely face your health challenges.XO

Anonymous said...

Bad news folks, the facial hair is still there, just very short and light in color. Try a bigger screen or some glasses.

Anonymous said...

I am 2:45 The video is on Adam Lambert Fan Club site. Video by Pop Candies TV. Just in case you might like to check it out. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the facial hair is still around.

Anonymous said...

at 2:45 PM It's probably this guy, funny looking picture :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you 2:45; #out of curiousity,are there other adam lambert fan site (interactive) ?. Please answer! Really wanna try other sites.
over to pop candies

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM Looks like this guy

He is not Bridger or that singer what was his name. Maybe this
guy is for real! Sure likes to show his loooove to Adam...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He must have had him hidden for a while, and he comes to light, as soon as Sauli leaves. Coincidence??

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Don't know who he is, but he's cute all right. Time will tell. I just want him to be happy with someone who loves him back. Adam little facial fuzz is ok with me. I got tired of the whole mustache/beard thing, but that light scruff is fine. He will look FANTASTIC on stage with Nile and Avicii on Monday!!!

Sue, congratulations on your new grand-daughter! I don't have grandchildren, but I hope I do someday. It still sounds like your health is a major issue. Take care. BTW, I agree with glitz. We ARE a family and we do know each other even though most of us never meet in person. We do care about each others' highs and lows in life. We all have a lot more in common than just Adam. So glad he has brought us together.


Anonymous said...

this guy looks drunk, or stoned..may not be at all, maybe the camera is affecting him..
1. It is now confirmed that Jlo is AI judge (really?? this is news?)
2. I think Adam looks so happy cause he got a really good haircut (love it and the color)..must be a new stylist
3. I think we can pretty much stuff it in our wall locker regarding Adam as a judge..but they are making a major mistake and it will all backfire on them in the form of slim viewership..
4. When do you think Adam will be in NY (maybe he already is) ??

Anonymous said...

@3:18 PM I don't think so. Adam had Bridger when Sauli was in LA and they have broke up several months ago so why would Adam hidden his new bf?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adam and Sauli broke up 6 months ago, on February. No need to hide any boyfriends and Adam has been out with many candidates ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL, Melvin is still there. Close up pic at adam pictures. Facial hair and freckles :)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate timing on the pic of that new guy. Looks like the camera caught him about to blink. And Adam looks perfect as always.

Anonymous said...

@3:23 PM Well Adam looks too 'drunk, or stoned'...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 21h

Does this link work for those that can't see pics on instagram?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 5h

Same question, does this link work for those who can't view instagram?

Anonymous said...

YES, the links do work..and I used to be able to see Instagram pics but not anymore..I wonder why..can't sign up for Instagram either..what gives??? BTW..thanks a million for the links!!

Anonymous said...

Well he is nice looking, agree looks like he was about to blink. He also fills one of Adams wishes in a date, he is shorter than Adam. Adam can date him without moving him in. Better that way. He probably has a job, which some of our spies on here will find out, as soon as we hear his name, LOL

Anonymous said...

His name is Victor Valdez, @tordez in instagram.

glitzylady said...

Pop Candies video

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with all the speculation about Adam and a new boyfriend. It seems every guy he has been seen with lately is the new bf. As I have said before, I won't believe any of this unless Adam says it himself. Until then...

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with all the dummies who don't know the difference between a date and a boyfriend. No one has said he is a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

But, Adam is not into sports. It doesn't make sense if he is with Victor. Adam will let us know if and when he chooses as it should be.

Anonymous said...

WOW... That guy must finally be the Mr. Right... Yet again.

So booooring...

Anonymous said...

Sports? The guy is a fashion stylist. he is friends with Markus and others in the same circle. he hangs out at bootsy and all the other clubs adam goes to.

HK fan said...

Congratulations Sue on your new granddaughter:)))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What athlete? The basketball player?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do you know it is considered yelling when you type in all caps?

Anonymous said...

You mean the soccer player Victor Valdes? Different spelling.

Anonymous said...

Welcome your beautiful granddaughter Sue! Health and love to you! HH

Anonymous said...

Well, whoever that guy is, he put his arm around Adam's neck when Adam got in the car. Sigh. If he's really a BF, we'll know soon enough.

DRG (God, Adam looks good.)

Anonymous said...


Magiclady said...

That is a great pic af Adam (the one with with Victor)
Sometimes his pics just blow me away. So handsome and sexy

Anonymous said...

@3.54 I have just the same problem!!!:( tell me or somebofy if you find the solution!

Anonymous said...

I think you can only get an IG account with a smart phone or some type of phone, not available on a pc.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:46 PM
I can view Instagram on my Mac computer, my iPhone, and my iPad. I haven an acct. and it works on all three.. But apparently, you can ONLY sign up for it this way, seen below: (I think I originally signed up on my iPhone by downloading the's been awhile....)

"How do I sign up for Instagram?"

"Right now, you can only create an Instagram account using our app on your iOS (ex: iPhone) or Android device. To sign up for an Instagram account:
Download the Instagram app in the App Store for your iPhone/iPad, or in Google Play for an Android device
Once the app is installed, tap the Instagram icon to open it
Tap Register
Create a username and password and fill out your profile info (ex: email, name)
Tap Done"

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the decent nice people here, my friends. My grand baby looks beautiful and sweet. I do believe I one of the people who have said this is an Adam L. Site when some have gone on not in a nice way about other people over and over again about other artist doing this and that, and ex boyfriends careers ect. 2 or three ex.BF.what they are doing who they are dating. That had little to do with Adam. I have always tried to focus on Adam only time I talk about that other stuff when they are being mean about Adam making him look like an unkind person which he has never been.some if you that are complaining about the little announcement I made at times have gone on and on about stuff not promoting Adam Lambert. Other than a few comments I have made over last three months about my health, or a child born has not been very many, I promote Adam. Adam always been my priority. I do not care who he dates or has dated or any if that. I care about Adam L. His music, concerts, TV shows his pretty self and everything about him. From time to time the friends here mention something personal because they are friendly and need a little support. If that bothers some of you that is just to certainly does not bother me when others need some love I do not think it is possible for anyone to love Adam more than I do. That's just silly to say I am making it into a Sue site, I sorry some do not feel the friendship I do here. Again I thank all the sweet people for your words. Yes there are others Adam sites that are more impersonal that may suit some better. Thank to my sweet friends, Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't have 'small hips'!
As Libra rising represents a proportionate balance body and symmetrical features.
Adam is an excellent example of that ascendant.

Anonymous said...

@11:04PM-I was just thinking today as I was looking and reading all about the new club and its opening, how exciting life must be for Adam. I long for some excitement like Adam shares with his friends. My life is so boring although I am very highly accomplished in my profession and money is really no object for me. You really need to be around some of these artsy fartsy people to have a great time and Adam really enjoys himself. I live vicariously through him. Adam has made clubbing an art form and he is just beautiful as he does it. I love his exciting life!

Anonymous said...

11:54 PM
It must be exciting to go to clubs and bars and try to find out if there are any new good-looking/suitable guys to take home, or even talk about music, fashion and/or politics. Of course it's better than get bored in home alone or with friends. You never know what a sweetie comes to your way. And hunting is fun when you "need some fix" etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks in this pic with Victor like in some pics with Sauli when their love was flourishing. Maybe V. is Mr Right for a while.

Anonymous said...

This guy looks very similar to other guys Adam has been with - he has a definite type he's attracted to.

Anonymous said...

Melvin hasn't gone, unfortunately. There's still some stubble on Adam's face but it's better than Melvin.

Anonymous said...

I have a pc and android phone and do NOT have an instagram account and I can see the pics fine.

Anonymous said...

1:19 AM Same here.

Anonymous said...

1:11 AM
No, it's not totally gone but this look is better than the thick mustache-look because Adam's juicy lips are now seen better. But in some pics this look seems like his face had some dirt. So, we will never be totally satisfied.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like...hay, Man keep the distance.

Anonymous said...

VPL line visible.

Anonymous said...

3:15 AM
If you mean the guy with the hat and longish hair, that is the singer Conrad Sewell from the Sons of Midnight. He and Adam had some collaboration (some tweets a while ago) if I remember correct. He is a very talented guy. Adam pimped their music just after the break-up news (with S) in April.

jt said...

11:54 AND 12:40 Agree why sit home by yourself, Adam is still young and enjoys the artsy types I bet they are not boring, always have opinions and ideas. Yes Adam enjoy your life while young you have plenty of time to settle down. You tried that for a couple of years and it wasn't for you at this time. Lots happening with your career and who knows which way it will turn out for you, plenty of options now and the big guys are watching you. Love the new (old) look although I was kinda getting used to the facial hair but agree with majority no hair is better, you have a beautiful face and it shouldn't be hidden. I hear you are already in my area of the woods Soho in New York City yeah, good luck with show tomorrow the weather is going to be 80's and sunshine.

jt said...

3:20 dare I ask what is a VPL line? I hate abbreviations.

Anonymous said...

To LOiS (( cant remember the time now)) just google Adam lambert fan sites, i actually joined ( as a member) a fan site on Adam's official website, its quite fun too.

Anonymous said...

Loazz- You can leave anytime you want to. No one will miss you and no one is holding their breath waiting for your next post.

Anonymous said...

5:33pm "you are a bully". So being a fan is scaring other fans off?.Where is lois? You are a coward if you don't give this fool his/ her best response.

Anonymous said...

@ 4 :34pm; definitely not a coward.
Why should honour (5'33pm)with a response? Have we run out of human beings?
All he wants is to sidetrack a useful discussion and turn it into an offensive heated exchange and I won't go into that.