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Adam Lambert featured in TV Plus English Magazine (South Africa)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

@mmyy9: Adam in TV Plus English› (South Africa) October 17, 2012 issue Glam and Rocking It!


Anonymous said...

Love this article - very positive. Had to kind of laugh (not to be mean) the comment about 'no one remembers who beat Adam on AI'. Being 'runner up' certainly hasn't stopped Adam from reaching the stardom he so richly deserves. Now if the US can just get on board ....

Anonymous said...

When do we get to see Adam in the US?

daydreamin said...

"He wears enough glitter to make disco balls look "slightly shiny"? He hasn't worn glitter in a really long time and much less makeup.

Anonymous said...

I know on Oct. I think 29th he is performing at the Texas Tango with others. He is doing a couple jingle Balls,will be in Napa Valley for a concert. If you want to check all the events go on the first page of Adamtopia news and ino. It should also be listed on Adam Official site.

Anonymous said...

Love the HEADLINE of this article!

Adam is GLAM, whether it's organic or more "produced" (whatever he wears, whatever the hairstyle, does he have make up or not) and he DEFINITELY is ROCKING IT!!!


Anonymous said...

Love this article. Adam's GLAM & ROCK. No matter what he wears or what color hair he adorns.

Anonymous said...

Great article! Glad they mentioned Queen along with the other stuff he's been doing. He is really going to ROCK SA! Sounds like the venues are really large, and they're so excited to have him. More $$$ for a U.S. tour, we hope!


Anonymous said...

Excellent article. It's wonderful that Adam is promoting his music & giving concerts in overseas countires. His international fans appreciate it soooooooooooo much.

Anonymous said...

Glitz and glitter are no longer part of Adam's wardrode. That was for the FYE tour. I love his look now, the new hair color, less makeup and the terrific jackets he wears. Adam is building his international fanbase one country at a time and they love and respect him so much. If only he had this unconditional acceptance here at home. He definitely is one special individual with a voice that no one in music has today and it really didn't matter that Adam was the "runner up" on AI. So many of the winners on that show have gone nowhere with their careers unfortunately. Luckily the show gave Adam the platform to perform for all of us to see and I have been a fan ever since the first note he sang there. Glad the article mentioned the concerts with Queen because I think they were exceptional and he had the opportunity to show everyone what a vocal powerhouse he truly is.