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Adam Lambert joins GM on the couch to talk about his new album and Glamberts

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Glam rock superstar Adam Lambert joins GM on the couch to talk about his new album and Glamberts.

The video won't embed, so CLICK HERE to watch it!


Anonymous said...

He's so good! Sigh...

Anonymous said...

What a treat of goodies we are getting today from NZ! Adam is such a joy to watch!

Anonymous said...

Love his hair (going black again, I think), love his comfortable, skillful comments, warmth, sincerity and gratitude. There is nothing fake or nasty or snobbish about him. He's a gem.

DRG (Love AFL to death.)

Anonymous said...

I vote that Adam be the first human who donates cells to be cloned......JAK

Anonymous said...

I like the way this reporter guy summed us up:

We fans have 'A common interest, unity in the general anonymity of the society'

Adam liked his comment

Anonymous said...

LOVE your humor JAK! And I second that vote! Adam IS such a joy to watch. He's just a natural with his honesty ... and all the things DRG said. :-) I too Love AFL to death!

Anonymous said...

I also love these interviews, he's just so interesting to listen to and of course to look at.

Anonymous said...


Love your humor and always making my day!


Anonymous said...

Amazing & gorgeous being!!!

Anonymous said...

I want so bad for Adam to make some appearances on talk shows in the U.S., how could anyone not fall in love with this man and his music.
