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Fun ADAM LAMBERT Interview at The Edge Radio in New Zealand

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, October 11, 2012

Via GaleChester:
Fun ADAM LAMBERT Interview at The Edge Radio in New Zealand by Fletch & Vaughan 10-11-12. This is the second interview at The Edge on this day.


Anonymous said...

He is always such a good sport. Always sticks up for himself. He puts rumor control to a end. Always such a friendly guy. Makes himself at home.

Anonymous said...

I ask you..what other celebrity is so damned down to Earth??? Adam is a jewel..honest to a fault..which I admire and love about him..Never change Adam..stay your sweet amazing self...your star WILL rise..

Anonymous said...

Finally I understand a bit more from the point of view of the DeeJay's... The way the DJ described how Adam Lambert made an first impression on him, was very enlighting.... But Adam, just careful with the tapwater...Just be a bit fabulous and ask for a bottle of mineral water...

Anonymous said...

I can't think of another gay celeb who gets asked to play along with all the gay questions, jokes, etc. If there are others, I haven't heard them. Anyway, Adam is such an incredibly great sport about everything. Makes it all so comfortable and fun. American talk shows are really missing out. These DJs were fun and crazy, just like Adam. Hope he gets to come back and perform in NZ sometime.


Anonymous said...

@DRG I never heard about big gay celebrity who it's/was such ignored by all awards events in whole entire world. Everybody love Adam!LOL how come nobody want to nominate him in any award in any country in this planet? May be Adam is too old to get teens attention?

Anonymous said...


I'm a die hard fan for life but I do agree with your last statement for we as fans expect him to be up there with the chart toppers but they are all below 25yo.
If we drop our expectations, and be glad for his glass half-full and not compare to be at par with the younger artists, then we will be thankful for what ADAM has accomplished.
If we accept that there are so many other artists who are not played on the radio but still considered successful, we can let go of our stress.
Of course, the radio resistance is a big factor to his further success but he has no problem filling up concerts anywhere in the world, and that to me, I am thankful.

Magiclady said...

anon 7:54
Good point! I think the glass halffull reference is a good one.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that is true that Adam is "too old" to get the teen audience's attention in the music world. Or is that they just do not appreciate his kind of music, his style of singing. I know Adam's fan base is made up mostly of older, more mature females(and I am one of them) and the younger fans also who do appreciate and understand talent, charm, intelligence and honesty. He puts most of the other performers in the music business to shame because he is just so down to earth, friendly, smart and has a great sense of humor enjoying himself no matter what the circumstances. He is comfortable in his own skin and puts everyone around him at ease during these interviews. You always hear most of these interviewers comment about what a genuinely nice guy Adam Lambert is. If being gay is still an issue, what a shame.(Enough with the gay questions, jokes, already!) Just recently Sam Champion, the weather person on GMA, became engaged to his boyfriend and the outpouring of love and congratulations from his colleagues and the viewers was amazing. He even talked about finding love and getting married by the end of the year. So if someone like Champion,Anderson Cooper, Ricky Martin and Neil Patrick Harris(among others) are all accepted for their sexual orientation, I just don't get the criticism and lack of response to Adam and his music with an amazing album in Trespassing. Thank goodness he has a growing international fanbase because he has not received the acceptance, recognition and success here at home that he so deserves. I believe he will have longevity in the business and expand into other creative areas, but most of the American audience does not know what they are missing in this remarkable artist.

Anonymous said...

there ARE teens at Adam's concerts- wide range of ages, most recently at the 930 club. i actually think the proportion of teens is higher internationally than in the US, at least from the pics. At the Queen concerts in London I talked to Adam fans in their 20s

Anonymous said...

Adam is NOT too old!!That's ridiculous!! He has been nominated for a Grammy for WWFM,remember? also others..go back & read about him.He's also nominated for a BRITISH AWARD now w/Queen,I believe.He DOES have young fans..teens & 20 somethings..@ 5:55pm,..why do you always post gloom and doom??Why not just go away to another artist's site if you're gonna keep doing that???bye!

Anonymous said...

8:03 everyone of those gay people you mentioned did not come out at the very beginning of their career building up a fan base first except Adam, maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know that Sam guy though.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Adam a presenter on the AMAs last year?

Anonymous said...

@8:09PM Just because is the truth that Beib got his sales because little girls(and boys) from 5 to 20years old as the fans of him. And there are millions of them in whole entire world!
Adam's fans much more mature because AMA performance a lot of homophobic moms made Adam's name forbidden for their childrens. Be honest, I didn;t like this performance at all and first thing I said "Adam Flashed his carrier in toilet" And I was right. They like him around this planet, but they don't want to play his song or buy his albums.
But Bryan May likes Trespassing!May be Adam still has chance to have small tour with Queen in US This way he would get few $$$$ to have Trespassing tour without RCA financial support.

Anonymous said...

For God Sakes! Adam is old! He is 30 years old and he still doesnt have any BIG HIT except What Do Yo you want from me" and this isn"t Baby or Papparazzi! He doesn't play any musical instrumetn or dance to shock the audience. Yes, he shocks cougars and gays but 10 years old girls don't care about his "sizes".

Anonymous said...

Haha!! That interview was hilarious although it was hard to understand some of it because they talked over each other. Adam was wonderful, as usual, and he seems to really enjoy interviews with a lot of humour. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam is very good at these types of interviews.

Anonymous said...

LOL at trolls with bad spelling and grammar.

Anonymous said...

11:17 she is an irritable, depressed lady from Russia. I get the impression she drinks and takes Ativan, not a good combo, so consider the source.

Anonymous said...

I actually think Adam's sexuality has very little to do with radio acceptance. It's not easy for anyone to make it in the music industry today.

Radio is dying, too, and it is expediting it's own decline by playing the same stuff over and over again.

Pretty soon, no one will need radio because it will have become totally irrelevant to the business of making money from music.

Anonymous said...

When I see that pic of Adam (some time back), I find that he really is a lot more handsome now than back then.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a lot of teen girls like Adam, buy his album and go to his concerts. His albums are saling well worldwide. All these album signings are packed and they all have a alb in hand. Adam hits consist of WWFM, If I Had you, also FYI the song I believe went platinum in Canada. never Clise our eyes went to no. 1 in Japan many Asia countries and no. 2 in Russia, I know it went no. 1 on several countries you can have hits in other countries beside America u know. Better than I Knowyself may have gone to 1 in 1 country but was in top 5 in fenland and Japan. But he has had more hits than just WWFM. Also he can fill up those concert stages world wide like few from American Idol artist are lot of regular artist can! So to the gloom and doomers I say stuff it! Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I definitely think Adam is not played as much on the radio because he is gay. True, other gay celebrities are now coming out and that has helped gay entertainers. However, as Adam has said, not all gay men are the same. Adam has always liked to wear makeup and dress as he so pleases. He stands out and that's why we love him. I do feel because of this he is considered flamboyant because he is gay and proud. He does not look straight (although lately he has looked more conservative). Neil Patrick Harris, Anderson Cooper, and Sam Champion blend in. That is acceptable it seems to middle America. I feel Adam is still seen as a joke, although it kills me to say it, in the American media. For example, on E and Access, etc. Adam is mentioned with a little giggle. Yes, things are changing, but there is still a stigma attached to Adam where the general populous does not seem to want to align themselves with him, especially men. The macho image, unfortunately still exists. Remember the homophobic banter between Simon and Ryan Seacrest. I always thought that was dreadful, but it got laughs all the time. Bigotry still lives. I hope I'm wrong - just my opinion.
Loves Adam,

Anonymous said...

Also the American music award thing may have hurt him some here, it did not ruin his career, he still has a career. I am not being mean in any way just pointing out something. kris Alle, Lee Dewyze, Danny K., not sure about David Cooke, none of them gay none did a Racey AMA, which was blown way out of proportion! Adam is still here and may be having problems in America but is thriving world wide. Those others are not still here. I sinsetely hope they do well and have future sucess I do, I not saying there not working. Adam not doing so bad, at all he was just on the voice china in front of tons and tons of people, they seem to live him. He going to do a Australian concert, they love him. he then going to do a concert in Africa in which they just had to add more tickets because of the huge response. I do believe he I'd going to do a China concert in December, not to mention a few others in America. I sure hope trespassing is a hit in America. But I have no worries it will be a hit in many countries that follow Adam buy his music and love him and there lots of them and growing every time he visits them. Trespassing the song is so good and sure deserves to be a hit, in lots of countries.when last time u heard a Madonna hit in America she has new album! But she sales out concerts had high prices, I sure her music gets played other countris. I my opinion Adam is a way better singer than her, but she been around long time, not getting played in America much does not seem to hurt her concerts worldwide. Adam seems to be doing great world wifde and do even better after more concert exposure.i do believe for now he will be doing lots of spot concerts world wide. We need to really support this new single best we can. Please let's start looking at the glass more than 1/2 full if he never gets what we want here he has so many countries, Who support and love him and actually do buy his albums! I sorry for any mistakes, I have been really sick for two weeks. Please let stop thus gloom and doom. Trolls please go bother some other fan base, that will shoot u down in 2 seconds. Why do we put up with them!! Sue

Anonymous said...

That so great he is nominated for a British award, they're hard to come by. There nominated with queen. What is the category? Please tell me! Has the Japanese MTV awards done nominations yet? I don't believe they have. To the one who said he not nominated other countries, he just won an Indonesian award for best innovative track. Now the Bitish awards. That was he nominated with queen, he should be he was sensational! Sorry I got all crazy writing I get mad easy about Adam! Stay off here for a bit! sue

Adamluv said...

@nancdruuu2 - in total agreement with you. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 and @adamluv

I am has well!

Anonymous said...

macho men are disgusting. I love my men with a feminine flair. hairy chest and smeared eyeliner. meooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww