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Hilarious Tweet of the Day!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 02, 2012


b said...

WHAT THE ....????

Anonymous said...

don't let ignorance stop you from speaking

Adamluv said...

I think he was kidding.

Anonymous said...

What? None of that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an April Fools joke sorta

Magiclady said...


Anonymous said...

Why post this,weird.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Couldn't be serious LOL!


Anonymous said...

I'll drink whatever he's drinking.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ironic and funny.haha

twyla said...

I hope Dustin hasn't lost ANY sleep over this.

Rebecca said...

as stupid as this tweet is it made me smile after the rough two days i had only because it's nice to know stupidity still exists and they haven't found a cure for it

Anonymous said...

Another inaccurate but very understandable impression that just goes to show how Adam's prominence post-Idol belies his standing in the AI8 competition, emerging as he does the true victor and vanquishing even Chris Daughtry, to this person's disbelief and dismay. atm

Anonymous said...

God my IQ seems suddenly very high.....

Anonymous said...

I bet he knows how wrong his tweet was now. I am sure there were about 100 glamberts informing him of his mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Not only 100 glamberts, the Worldberts will be in too he!he!



Anonymous said...

Who is Dustin Alexander and is he kidding or what?


Anonymous said...

His twitter says "joke" in response to glamberts.

Adamluv said...

How anyone could have taken him serious is beyond me. And if he was serious, who cares??????? . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

I found this very funny. Don't know who Dustin is, but we all know him now.Lols

Anonymous said...

Wicked funny!

Anonymous said...

ha ha he has a good sense of humor and is very clever.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of sense of humor, irony, GLb, where art thou?

Anonymous said...

Obviously an Obama brains, no headache.

Anonymous said...

3:27 I'm with you! BO is all BS!

Anonymous said...

Uh huh - Romney fans ? - let's see Mittwit try to look like something other than an empty suit on the debates tonight.

Anonymous said...

Hurray Romney won over NObama who was zombie-like tonight.