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Joseph's story on being bullied

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 8, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 08, 2012

Adam tweeted about this. He tweeted : "Thanks for being so bravely honest Joseph!"
Joseph also thanked Adam for supporting him.

Watch this heartbreaking and inspirational video below!

Joseph share his pain and courage of coming out openly gay as a teen living in Tennessee.

I spent the Summer researching on what it is like to be an LGBT teen in rural USA for a script. We traveled to ten states and met some incredible people.

I met Joseph outside of Knoxville for an on camera interview. The moment I left, I could not get him out of my mind. He told me his story with such innocence that I knew that he needed to present it to the world. To show teens that it is ok to be who you are.

I returned to meet Joseph twice and filmed his day to day life.

It is Joseph's life experiences that has helped shape the main character in our film script. We want to present a character with real situations that happened to Joseph. Our goal is to raise the funds to shoot the feature in spring. Of course we will want Joseph on set with us as his input on re-creating a teenage world is vital.



Anonymous said...

You know that something really hurts when you tear up watching it. Joseph's video and Adam's support of it will continue to help teenagers who struggle with bullying and homophobia.

OT: Adam better give great shows in South Africa :). Just read that due to phenomenal demand, they have added extra seating for both shows! I know that it won't be a full 'Trespassing Tour' type of show, but these fans are expecting something great from Adam and his band as well as lighting, visuals, etc. Johannesburg venue has a capacity of almost 20,000 and Cape Town, between 5,000 and 7,000.

Anonymous said...

Adam's song 'Runnin' would be perfect for these venues, with heavy drums for full effect!

Anonymous said...

its just a rumor adam is not moving to london!

Anonymous said...

@10:48 London??

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I saw this awhile back and my heart felt like it would crack. How many young people live thru this experience without fear and despair? It makes you wish you could offer all of them a hug and promise them their life will get better, but we can't do that...some of them will be strong and survive but sadly some won't. We live in a world with all kinds of religions who preach the basic tenants of love, kindness to others and tolerance and yet create atmospheres filled with hate for anyone different.
Is there any chance that will ever change?

Anonymous said...

Radio request of Trespassing. Please text your request of TSP from any where around the globe by using the following text codes:

71021, 55100, 71021, 31035, 41027, 99338, 22997, 51035, 97720, 38828,51737, 43952, 37530, 69923, 73389, 57906, 61503, 64956, 37337, 98500, 73807, 41061, 67664, 82474, 25423, 99464, 51539, 41041, 75617, 98190, 51059, 59898, 95595, 27166, 21005, 56221, 82474

25423 San Francisco Radio Alice | 4
99464 Houston Mix 96.5 | 6
51539 Atlanta Star 94 | 9 (text JOIN first)
41041 Boston Mix 104.1 | 10
75617 Minneapolis KS 95 | 16
98190 Tampa Play 98.7 | 18
51059 Denver Mix 100 | 20
59898 St. Louis Y98 | 22
95595 Portland 95.5 | 23
27166 Pittsburgh 100.7 Star | 25
21005 Sacramento Now 100 | 27
56221 Wilmington 93.7 WSTW | 78
82474 Evansville, IN / Owensboro, KY Q102 | 162

tess4ADAM said...

I wish I could tell Joseph that GOD does LOVE him. It's the ignorant humans who are GUILTY of the sins of HATRED & IGNORANCE & INTOLERANCE & THEY are the ones who will have to answer to GOD ... NOT Joseph!! He is one of GOD's SPECIAL children & he has no fear from GOD. Joseph just keep on being who you are ... we are all alike in that we are all HIS children but we are also Unique & Different ... each unto ourselves. NONE of us has the right to Judge or tell someone HOW they should live ... It says in the Bible ... "Judge NOT lest ye be judged" ... I am a Catholic & that is the code I live by. We are NOT all alike in our thinking. GOD LOVES YOU!! Don't EVER forget that or think OTHERWISE!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Hate is so ugly and vile no one should ever have to endure what these teens have gone through . I'm sure Joesph will make a great husband and father cuz he's already a great person. Many years ago my husband had a good friend , he worked with that was gay , many of the other guys gave a him hard time about their friendship. My husband wasn't realty someone you would want to give a hard time , I've seen lift a 90 lb jack hammer on his shoulder with one hand. One day a couple of idiot bullies had his friend traped in the locker room slapping him around , my husband warned them to stop or else. They didn't so my husband picked them both up one in each arm took them outside and through them in the trash dumpster... While his frien held the lid open, after that didn't bother his friend anymore. It's a shame everyone doesn't have someone to stand up for them , but maybe if we all pool together and donate they can ....making my donation now... Rose petal

Anonymous said...

I always wonder just what it is that the gay-haters want gays to do. Do they want them to just flick a switch and not be gay anymore? Puzzling. Joseph is an incredibly brave and intelligent young man to lay open his life and soul to the world so honestly. I respect anyone who has the guts to do this. Adam can certainly identify with him even though their lives have been very different.

And YAY for the great ticket demand in South Africa. Yes, Adam has to put together a show worthy of their expectations. Go fro it, ADAM! Give them all you've got!


Anonymous said...

You have an excellent point ....what do they expect... The thing that I find overwhelming are the number of people that still thinks its a choice.... guess they think someone just gets up one day and says I think I'll be gay ....I think I'll put myself up for bully to take a shot at ....maybe my friends and family won't love me anymore .... That's a great idea... Really people really... I hate to say it but I know people that think that way. Most of them don't like talking to me about how they's so sad...rose petal

Jadam NZ said...

I often think that to, what do people expect them to do. I agree a lot still think it is a lifestyle choice, crazy, uneducated people. So frustrating!

Anonymous said...

even if it were possible, only a masochistic moron would "choose" to be gay..people who hold the inaccurate belief that homosexuality is something that one chooses, are just ignorant and hateful..they need to educate themselves..alas, but they will not do that..all I'm left with, is people persist in quoting "scripture" to legitamize their homophobia..what fools they are..also, of course Adam will put on a steller performance in S.A. = as he always does...can't wait for the vids..

Adamluv said...

There is a fab. video posted today over at (sorry but dont know how to leave link) that I just watched - the Human Rights Campaign just gave their annual Ally for Equality Award to the actress Sally Field. Have always loved her but even more now. It was presented by her son Sam, the youngest of her 3 boys and gay. It was touching hearing him speak about his mom. I had no idea she was a gay rights activist? In her speech 2 sentences stood out to me 1) "nature made Sam, it wasnt a choice". 2) talking about young boys and girls realizing they were different from their siblings and "so the FUCK what". Most appropriare use of that word I've heard in a long time. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

gracias adam por tu apoyo , en vidas como las de Joseph eres su ídolo. Por eso te queremos , Excuse for not writing in english but I am crying right now , I love being bilingual because i can understand you , adam

Anonymous said...

Además me duele que diga los amo como amo a los asesinos y prostitutas , es la peor comparación , como lo dice él ser gay no daña a terceros , por eso no es verdad.I watched it & I cried for the pain and anguish you went through. You got past it all through your own strength. You're much stronger than you know, Joseph. Stay strong. Remember, you're not alone. Your mom & little sister must be damn proud of you! You are a source of great inspiration to others who are going through the same situation. Maybe like me :(

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Sally Field and Leila have crossed paths in their LGBT activities?

Adamluv said...

@5:00 and 5:22 - todo lo que usted escribio, estoy de acuerdo. Finally watched this video knowing it would be a difficult one. Just imagene the thousands of kids out there who are not fortunate enuf to have a supportive mom and little sister like Joseph. If he wants to take his own life, how must they feel. When young adults hear that "all gays are a concept of human nature that has proven DEFECTIVE, threaten the family and not FULLY DEVELOPED human beings" I cant begin to comprehend how this must make them feel about themselves. That was a quote from the pope stated a few days ago to a group of French Bishops in France. No words necessary . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


I just looked up about what you wrote about the Pope's comments. How very sad indeed, I had not heard/read this.

Here is more information, the Pope/The Vatican’s assessment, issued, said that members of the group, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, had challenged church teaching on homosexuality and the male-only priesthood, and promoted “radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith.”

The sisters were also reprimanded for making public statements that “disagree with or challenge the bishops, who are the church’s authentic teachers of faith and morals

Basically the nuns were reprimanded by the Pope for teaching love and acceptance for everyone, including gays. This happened several months ago. My sister is a nun and it was very upsetting to be told not to spread love and respect to all human beings..


Anonymous said...

They may be the church's teachers, but they are definitely not God's.
I doubt he recognizes them in their silk and satin and velvet with their little caps and capes.
I believe Jesus wore a homespun robe and sandals and left no instruction for the creation of the Catholic church. That was man's idea alone and no man or woman is set above another in God's eyes. So who cares what the pope says.

Magiclady said...

Sad so sad, that there are alot of catholics who will accept that kind of thinking, because they believe the Pope is God's voice.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality is not found in the New Testament.
Jesus never mentioned it one way or another.
Instead, He asks us to love one another even our enemies.
And to hate the sin but not the sinner.
What's mentioned in the Old Testament is about sexual perversion in biblical times when men want encounter with both men and women.
But not really being a homosexual and wanting solely a male encounter.

Anonymous said...

Jesus came and founded only one church, one and only one.

Anonymous said...

And everybody thinks its their church.

Anonymous said...

Since the church takes such a strong stand against homosexuality, the more practical approach might be through education. Maybe even a scientific approach based on recent studies; but also be mindful that these studies have not been conclusive. Start educating young minds in schools/high schools etc; young minds are easier to reach. Studies have shown homosexuality is brought about by a natural means; most likely due to a different path of foetal brain development brought about by hormones/androgens and other factors. Did you know, in ancient times, left-handed people were thought to be cursed and were given very harsh treatment, even imprisonment/death. This too we know now, is due to natural brain development. The staunch older church people, some, not all may take a very long time to change their deep-rooted perceptions on homosexuality.
Congratulations Joseph! You made a huge difficult decision to stay on course. Yes, Adam's visibility to this minority group of people is of utmost importance. Joseph, God loves all people especially those suffering and in pain. Maybe ponder a little on the crucifixion of Jesus. God doesn't discriminate.

Anonymous said...

Every church founded by man has a history of its foundation, who started it, when and where and has to be listed with the security exchange commission in every country they have a presence because it is an organization or business to some.
Only two are not founded by man and one formed from the other.
Check your church history and the story of its founder and the place and time it started and got registered and see if it can be traced back to Jesus and his apostles and if it does, CONGRATULATIONS!

Anonymous said...


True that Jesus wore a homespun robe and sandals and that robe was spun by His mother and was seamless and was the one and only garment he wore all His life which remained spotless why it was such a big deal when it was stripped from Him by the Roman soldiers who had taken pieces for themselves. . . this is the 10th station of the Cross.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my Unfortunately many of our churches are anti-science. You can't reason with people who think the Earth is only about 5000 years old, that humans co-existed with dinosaurs. They don't believe in evolution, won't even consider global warming a possibility and continue to think homosexuality is a choice. They think hurricanes and earthquakes and tornados are God's wrath because of sin. Try reasoning with that. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Take baby steps; start with a small project/campaign/school with people who are more willing to listen and want to literally save young teenagers/others from suffering and pain, like Joseph's. By the way I truly admire Joseph's sheer grit. Ah, that also reminds me that Joseph needs plenty of help, he is only 16 and has to face such a huge burden almost by himself. So to help both the bully as well as the bullied, a visiting psychologist, say comes in every 1 or 2 months to check on the 'bully' situations in schools that have rampant teenager bullying occurrences. Maybe a monthly completion of a 'bully form' to be submitted by principals of schools to the relevant authorities, as a form of checking/tracking procedure so that help can be rendered before it deteriorates further till it's too late. Like you say, it's sad that relevant authorities aren't doing enough or committed enough to put an end to it.

Anonymous said...

I think Joseph's video should be shown in schools. Children need to know at an early age (10 or 11) that all people must be accepted and also that people are different yet really the same as Adam sings in Outlaws of Love. This would indicate support by teachers and others in authority. It could go a long way to prevent bullying which infects the youths of today and the adults of tomorrow. You have to start somewhere or it will be too late. The adults who are bigots also create our laws which the people who "get it" are fighting for right now. Something must be done and now is the time.

Anonymous said...

There's only One Truth and there's the Father of Lies who sows confusion and division in this world which is his kingdom.
He hates love, peace, unity and harmony.
He does not declare straight blatant lies for it will show his horns and tail and people will run away.
But he deceives humankind with half-truths and by twisting truths so that even the Elect shall be deceived.
His deceptions have ruled this present world.
Evolution is one of them.
And yes, the bible says weather anomalies are signs from Heaven that we are already in the pages of the Apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief. One of those. What the HELL, if you'll pardon the expression, are you doing here?

Anonymous said...

Just exactly where in the bible is the description of horns and tail. I've never read it. However I do recall in Ezekiel 28 - 12 through 18, God describes Lucifer as perfect in beauty, covered in precious stones. Horns and tail and pitchfork is manmade to spook people. BTW who exactly heard God's voice describing anyone?

I'm usually anon but just call me Preacher's Kid

Anonymous said...

Ezekiel and the prophets chatted a lot with God so they say, but I have doubts about these old testament stories.

Anonymous said...

Those words absolutely describe Lucifer who was the most beautiful angel of all before his fall because of his pride thinking he can be a god and refused to serve.
In Heaven, he was the most beautiful angel but after the fall, if you continue up to verse 19 of Ezekiel "the peoples are appalled at you, you have come to a DREADFUL end and shall be no more."

Anonymous said...

did he have horns and a tail? no