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Liam, Aidan and Vanessa meet Adam Lambert!!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

Liam, Aidan and Vanessa meeting Adam Lambert, Auckland, New Zealand, 10/10/12


Anonymous said...

It makes me feel all "warm puppy-ish" inside when I see how happy people are to meet Adam....JAK <3

Anonymous said...

Ditto, JAK.


Rebecca said...

love seeing fans meet Adam and see their dreams come true

Anonymous said...

I want to meet him so bad, I can't stand it and to touch him, Oh Lord..):


Anonymous said...

WOW I can see why peeps were complaining about security

What's with those guys!

Mia said...

OMG I love you all Glamberts for being so supportive and lovely towards all fans and especially those boys. So beautiful seeing them so excited about meeting Adam!

This video made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.*_*

Anonymous said...

Wtf, the security guy let the woman get so close to Adam though.

Anonymous said...

Those are the boys that won the video contest! So cool that they got to meet Adam. I hope they got to talk to him more later. That was pretty rushed.

Anonymous said...

Well, she didn't kiss him but I bet she wanted to! ;)