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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Leo Moctezuma and Terrance Spencer

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 6, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 06, 2012

@AdamLambert So great to see u 2 last night. Happy Birthday T! #LAFam #Friends #2MuchFun #Party #Living #TherAreNoRules2Night lol


Anonymous said...

Is Adam hairs getting darker all the time?

Anonymous said...

Yum. Three gorgeous dancers. Two professionals and the third with the sexiest moves of them all. Check out "Trespassing" at Fantasy Springs. Ooowww. Hard to beat.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a very beautiful nose especially the bridge, highlighted here. This kind of nose reveals a strong character, wealth and power. Well I noted this feature long before his present station. I remember saying: His nose tells me the most. And I'm inching closer to target. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like BB'S strawberry blond is creeping thu on the short sides and back,so he's adding a little dark there.I sure HOPE he's going back to the color it was before this blond or gray,or whatever it is now.It seems like the upkeep could be worse than the color on Trespassing album.( I LOVE his look there the best,but he'll do whatever he wants to do,won't he?)The platinum,pretty version is too hard to keep,esp when he's traveling out of the US,I think.

Anonymous said...

This threesome picture is very well-framed and yea this blackish-gold hair colour fits Adam; fashionable, modern, aesthetic.

Rebecca said...

First how did I miss Terrence's birthday i feel bad that I didn't wish him happy Birthday and WOW this pic is way Hot all that YUMMY

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's fierce look and probably like the dark with light highlights best. Didn't like the shaved sides very much. Tonight my son and I are watching Adam on LARove. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

Had a great Marriage Equality rally and had my pix taken many times with my Love Has NO Orientation sign. Glitzy and Adamluv, always know you have your heart in this mission with me.
Lam-my, I love your posts and JAK, good to see you are still here, too.

I don't know when my son got the Adam bug, but to me, this is wonderful because I think that part was missing for Adam...the young man connection. I can't figure this out, but then I think Adam is a gorgeous hunk no matter what the hell his orientation is. He is beautiful inside and out..but then, we all know that.



Anonymous said...

21st-century-look haiku...

Blue eyes, high-bridge nose
Firm character, wealth, power
Black-golden hair stands


Anonymous said...

Have always admired your wisdom and fight for a better life for others and for your son. With you as his Mom, basically not that much can go wrong. Just like Adam's Mom. So happy to hear about your successful Marriage Equality rally!! It's the little steps like yours that will change things round eventually. :)

Anonymous said...

He has the most perfect nose. And his beautiful eyes curve down at the end toward his nose, did you ever notice. J. Lo
Has eyes that do,the same,. It makes the eyes stunning and you do not see it that often. Gorgeous, perfect Adam. Can't believe he can act so normal. I like myself a lot, but if I had all that beauty and extroidenary talent, I don't know if I could handle myself the way he does. Amazing guy.

Anonymous said...

I did notice how his eyes curve down toward his nose and always thought that was extra special. Adam looking so good and well he is just amazing.

Anonymous said...

Adam does look kinda sad in these new pics..someone said that Sauli is in Finland now...maybe that's why..he misses his love..agree totally that Adam has a special amazing beauty..I wish he could stay this way forever..never grow old - looks wise - but something tells me that he will retain his amazing looks into his older years..

Anonymous said...

I agree about the hair - sounds as though Adam has to do a lot of hair care lately to look good. Black and brown are the easiest.

Adam does look a bit pensive but his single is dropping on Monday and he's wondering how it will sell. Probably a little stressful.

Anonymous said...

@lmb....JAK here....I was glad to see you back commenting and feeling hopeful in Washington state. I try to keep up with the states that are trying to get their majority to offer equality.
Progress moves so slowly but I have hope for your son and my grandson's generation. They are much more ready to accept people without reservation. I was talking at a family gathering a couple years ago when the conversation veered to the subject of equal rights and I said "Jamie do you work with any gay guys?"
He laughed at me and said "Grandma, I work at Universal and Disney World, I'm the minority,
practically all the guys I work with are gay, it's the entertainment business...they are in the casts of shows, in the creative department, everywhere!"
Then he started naming a dozen guys that are in his huge circle of friends, all names I recognized and many of whom I'd met...I got a big lump in my throat cause he had never once said gay Jason or gay Dana or gay anyone. They are just friends, not gay friends!

I got that same lump in my throat more than 30 years ago when my youngest daughter kept talking about her best friend at work. She was always singing her praises, " Sheila said this and Sheila did that" and one night when I went to pick her up after work, she was a teenager...she was waiting for me and laughing with another girl, an Afro-American girl. When Beth got in the car I said "Who's that?" ...... "That's Sheila.".....I thought well that's a hurdle that has passed in my lifetime, at no time did she think it was important to identify her new friend by race.

Progress may be at a snail's pace but at least things are going in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Yes, JAK, we're getting there, but it's a slow journey. Adam is part of the journey. He's making more of an impact that anyone realizes at this point. Love the pic of him and friends. Hair? Any color is fine with me. HOT, HOT, HOT.