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New Sauli + Katri Tutka Video!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If you want to read the transcript to this video, CLICK HERE!


Anonymous said...

Damn where is Sauli. Australia was banking on him making an appearance.

Anonymous said...

It looks like he is working!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli seems to be working hard. I bet Adam and Sauli miss each other,but I respect them for having their own careers and still having a strong enough relationship to be apart at times.

Anonymous said...

Okay,I clicked on transcript. And I got...........!
Sauli with dark eyebrows, goatee, and silver/dark roots hairs! Doesn't it remind you somebody image through last 2 years?

Anonymous said...

Sauli's natural hair color is dark.

Anonymous said...

I clicked on transcript and java came up and my computer did wierd things. Got out- don't know what I was joining?

Anonymous said...

When I don't see him for awhile I forget how darn cute he is.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Katri has added some streaks to her hair or at least I didn't notice them before. JAK I forget how darn cute he is too.

choons said...

I love how they crack up laughing - quite a pair. I watch and listen, not understanding a word, but they are fun to watch - when I look at Sauli I think of how Adam sees him - lots to love. And Katri is a sweetie pie.

Richards said...

I love how they crack up laughing - quite a pair. I watch and listen, not understanding a word, but they are fun to watch - when I look at Sauli I think of how Adam sees him - lots to love. And Katri is a sweetie pie.