Pictures and Videos: ADAM LAMBERT Concert at Arizona State Fair Oct 17, 2012 Phoenix AZ
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Posted at : Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Shady (HD)
Kickin In (HD)
Happy Birthday Tommy Joe / Naked Love
Broken English
Pop That Lock
Outlaws of Love
Kickin' In

Shady (HD)
Kickin In (HD)
Happy Birthday Tommy Joe / Naked Love
Broken English
Pop That Lock
Outlaws of Love
Kickin' In
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Well, that does look like a different drummer. Looking forward to the always. Adam looking fine.
Oh, it's the underwear he got in Austrailia. (Hope I spelled that right. Where's spell-check when you need it?!) He needs to show us more often. It's the kind of info ladies, and some lover boys, need to know.
I don't know, they look very stretchy!
We need to see more to see if they fit!
I have an empty space where the video was suppose to go.
@9:07PM Did you mean there is another black brothers community drummer?I hope he is big brother Usher cousine. It would help the show. To bad, they coudn't sell the tickets. Saw the photo. This is very embarassing.
Videos from AZ? Anybody? have a great day everyone...let`s keep supporting Adam:)
The last photo (or video?) wouldn't open. :=(
Another new drummer? Where's Isaac? I think the name of the drummer who performed at Caulfield was Sam? but the noise was a little muffled when Adam introduced him.
here's some videos
Outlaws of love
Kickin In
oops ignore that last post, when I first clicked on here there were no videos, just photos, the page obviously hadn't loaded properly
Well I just saw the fox 10 news segment on adam. It was good! To me it seems so many just don't know what adams about- but more promos like this in USA- is exactly what he needs and his fame will just sky-rocket!
Oh here's the link!
Hope it works
Pop That Lock - Johnny Labs Mix - I prefer the original song but this remix is really COOL!!. :D
happy birthday Tommy video
Thanks for the links to the Arizona concert, HK fan. Loving the sleeveless, Trespassing jacket.
I'd love Adam to do some of those hot sexy moves he did on the Idol tour. They were THE BEST EVER!!!
WTF? - 9:38
This fan is still uploading videos at AZ State Fair:
Check back later for more videos
Idol favorite Adam Lambert sits down with FOX 10
Watch the news video below:
Whoa! Bounce! Bounce! Do you feel it kickin in...Wow! Adam that high squeal came so unexpectedly, followed by the wail. Make this your next single; it'll kick down doors and punch a hole in the wall or ceiling, like you did before. lol! Adam's band seems to be introducing the sitar sound at the intro, refreshing. I love this arrangement. :)
Nothing is like a live concerts. I wish I was there. Fan videos don't capture his voice very well.
His voice is out of this world in Outlaws of Love. Just WOW! I'm crying cause his voice just pierced into my heart. :'{
It's the same backup drummer (Jordan) that was in San Francisco's Summerthing over the summer as well as it being the same guy who filled in when Isaac initially couldn't make some shows.
Click here to see Jordan on drums at Summerthing
Whoa! Shaday latelay...I like this new drummer, Jordan. He really cranks it up with huge tension in his drumming...very tight. I also like the special lighter but prominent drumbeat that hits out the rhythm. Hope he stays long, even for the next tour. Adam looks super and rockstar. :)
Yep underwear from the Caulfield.
Oz be with yer!
A lot of people like Jordan's drumming - he has stepped in several times. I guess he couldn't go to OZ and Isaac is still on tour in Europe with his other band this month and next.
Fab mentioned that he was travelling to a few other cities after OZ. He was unavailable for this.
Adam is building quite the back-up in drums.
I had a ball tonight at the Airizona State Fair concert. Adam's voice was in top form! Boy, did the fans ever scream for him. I, myself, have lost my voice, but it was worth it to just act crazy and have a good time. I met the most awesome fans that any Rock Star could ever wish for-young, middle-aged, older-all walks of life, you name it. I just love Adam. The Coliseum holds about 15 thousand people and I would say that there were about 9 thousand people at the concert! Wonderful!!!!
Happy, energetic, playful, lovin the Happy B'day to Tommy GREAT SHOW WANT MORE
Nothing embarrassing ab out atrracting 9,000 to a concert even if the venue is bigger. Adam is fabulous. I like his hair. I think he's gradually going back to dark all over. I like the lighter tips, though.
Drummer was great. I could listen to Shady all day, every day.
Rick Jordan is back on drums for this concert. He was at the DC Benefit concert too. Very talented.
Go back silver Adam.
OMG, Outlaws of Love is incredible. So beautiful.
Thanx for the videos posted.
Thanx for the links to the tv interview.
Thanx for the first hand account of the concert.
You all made my day. :)
@anon 3.21
wow, lucky you. If you want to tell us more, please feel free, we will relish any little details you can think of.
p.s apparently the venue was configured for 10,000 last night.
Finally bought Adam's remixes, and another Trespassing Deluxe for my ipod, with the help of my eleven year old granddaughter! They all sound so great! (play them at work as I'm usually there by myself!) Does anyone know how Adam's doing with sales and bill board? I hope all Adam's hard work is paying off!
For a week night 9-10,000 is pretty good..If he had been there on Fri. or Sat.,there would have been more.No,Adam please,either keep your hair like it is,or go back darker all over( w/a little highlights in the front)He looks younger w/o the silver hair all over.He sounded great,but maybe we'll get a few more videos today(?)
i wish adam would start wearing make up again hot!
BB looks a little sad singing Broken English.I think he still cares very much for Sauli,but still wonder if they're really broken up.anybody know for sure?I was hoping they'd work things out.I know it must be very tough be be with somebody who's on the road a lot,esp a celebrity..even though Sauli is a celebrity,too,esp in Finland.I know he has missed his family and friends,tho.
ATLANTA loves Adam . Maybe he and the band could do a concert in Piedmont Park or Chastain Amphitheatre . Who do we fans need to contact here to make this happen
What makes you think they´ve broken up?? Just because they are apart now? Working?...I think they have strong enough relationship to be apart at least that´s what Adam said that they have true love.Maybe Adam was sad during Broken English ´cause he misses Sauli...hasn´t seen him in couple of weeks. Why so pessimistic? In Finnish magazine was an article that said Sauli will reunite with Adam by the end of the month.
7:26 AM
Really? Where did you get that idea from?
I'm sure sweet Sauli will be back in LA as soon as he can, probably next week...
OMG, some people just jump to conclusions so damn fast. Let Adam live his private life and enjoy his singing/performances!
BTW, attracting almost 10,000 people to a show on a weekday is totally AMAZING!
Looked like a great show and a great crowd,especially for a weeknight! Adam just puts on the best performances and his banter is so adorable,so comfortable with the crowds. He knows how much we love him!
@7:26 maybe their taking a break from each other
Adam does not pay attention to my fellow countryman in public. I think he is cold towards Sauli and that's the evidence. I think Adam is not Sauli's type really. Someone like Mike Ruiz would be more his type.
Lmao - Pop That Lock! Must be the jet lag! I was there and I cracked up when he sang "I don't know the words to my own song" because when he started it was so messed up I was like huh?
He was fantastic but the concert was too short. I thought he introduced the drummer as Rick...
i don`t think he was`s just a matter of time when we see " Adommy kiss" again.Maybe in next concert...
some people on here are ridiculous, you know who you are. suggest you focus on your own personal love life (or lack there of).
@9:42 I think he's sad because of how bad his career is doing,and his singles/lack of support from his label!
oh 7:26 a was wondering where you got your information from....then your last Adommy statement showed me where your imagination lies. LOL
Adam and Tommy promosexual crotch grabbing antics (a'la 1D Next Level Crotch) could be next on the menu.
do they sell AL merch at these concerts? I know it's too late now but I want one of those towels so bad.
ok you guys is everyone ready for PLL on October 23rd. I know I am.
<3 saulikoskinen1 and mikeruiz1 :)
Lol hold on your horses. Mike and Sauli look hot together but in my knowledge Mike is taken and as far as we know so is Sauli_
Thanks so much for posting these wonderful concert vids. Makes me feel like I was really there. Although I know the fan vids can't capture the true quality of Adam's voice which is completely amazing. I do appreciate all the efforts of all the fans filming, posting for the rest of us. Adam is so gorgeous. Even if he just stands there and doesn't do anything Ike's mesmerizing.
I loved the drummer (he's got a great smile too). Happy Birthday Tommy!
We're still pushing the sales for the whole EP, right? I just ordered more from Amazon.
Is Tommy drunk?
I think I've seen a pic of Sauli, Mike and Adam where Sauli looked like he was going weak at the knees.
No offence, but Mike Ruiz is faaaar too old and masculine to please either of our boys.
But I could go on a date with him any time :)
I was just reading the info from Finnish fans,or whoever they were about 2 weeks ago,that sometimes translate..maybe sometimes not real accurately.I HOPE Adam and Sauli are still together..& THAT HE WILL come back to LA very soon.I think he's good for BB, & seems to be a very nice guy.I know BB mentioned his boyfriend on a N Z or Australian interview,but haven't heard much more since then.He did say that his boyfriend was"his type",remember?so we'll know pretty soon,I guess.Sauli,please come back!
Anon 11:28 AM Yeah thats new for Adam, Sauli hasn't spoken of Adam but that's not new. Sauli is more private person than Adam.
There`s a time to talk about relationship and time to focus on work...and now it`s time to focus on Adam`s great music...they cherish their love in private...and let them do just that:)
Love this drummer, great smiles & energy with Adam & band!!!
They all had loads of fun performing at AZ!!!
Adam and Sauli are having a break for sure. I'm kinda curious how soon Adam's friends turn their backs on Sauli. No more smiley pics with Danielle etc. but that's Hollywood.
Anon 12:12 PM Sauli said that his friends and family are in Finland so I think it wouldn't come as suprise for him but I think it's normal that if a couple brake up their friends take their sides according to who was there first ;)
I know there's no point in feeding the troll but I'm pretty sure it's some ugly mug, most likely a young man, from Finland...
I don`t think that Sauli is coming back to LA if they are not together. So what Adams friends do or thing is not relevant. Sauli has friends in Finland and they are not turning Sauli down! Eventhoug I don`t know what is the reason they would`t tell the truht about their relationship. Adam always say truth is important so why he lies now?
Anon 12:23 PM Maybe they are not sure for the future of their relationship and BTW last time when Adam broke up with Drake Adam's friend tweeted it first. That was strange.
12:33 Adam's friends know what's best for Adam lol. Speaking of Adam, how's Trespassing single doing in the US itunes?
Their anniversiry is coming very soon and people are roundin up somekind of groupcard to them. I don`t think it`s fare to let us believe something that is no longer there. And if there is not a man to tell the truth by himself after 2 years and so many interviews where he tells how in love he is I thing he is looser and not a man for his own words!!! :(
Anon 12:45 PM Why these break up rumours?
The public never knows what is really going on with celebrity relationships. Katy Perry said how happy she was in her marriage a couple days before the divorce was announced. They don't owe us anything.
I don`t know.. Mayby becauce Sauli is in Finland a long time, Adam is not talking about him anymore, no pictures of them, Adam looked sad... Mayby we are paranoid I don`t know. But this is not nice. I WANT TO KNOW!!!
I`m not a hard core fan. I`m relatively new fan also. I love Adam and Sauli together. What do you who have known Adam for years thing. Are they still together?
For ticket info. about following concerts check out the links on this website:
October 29: Radio Concert Grand Prairie, Texas. 102.9 DFW NOW, Texas Tango at the Verizon Theatre. Tickets go on sale September 7th at 10am via [Webpage | More Info | Livestream]
November 03: Concert Napa, CA. Live In The Vineyard [Uptown Theater]. [Source | More info | More info]
November 13: Concert hosted by 94.5K FM. Cape Town, South Africa at the Grand Arena, GrandWest. Tickets on sale September 14th at 9am from Computicket. [Source | Source]
November 16: Concert hosted by 94.7 Highveld Stereo. Johannesburg, South Africa at the Coca-Cola Dome. Tickets on sale September 14th at 9am from Computicket. [Source | Source]
December 14: Radio Concert Star 101.3 San Francisco, CA at The Warfield, 7pm. Tickets will go on sale Friday, October 12th at 10am at or listen to win. [Source- more info | Livestream]
- Rumors/Unconfirmed -
December Concert in China Source.
Maybe he's sad cuz some of his fans are nosey idiots
YOU ARE ALL PARANOID - MOVE TO A NEW SUBJECT - We know NOTHING about their relationship STFU !
Why people infer none sense stories out of these crappy fan videos?
JFC, give up on the trolling already or pick a new story.
I heard Sauli is in Finland planning his wedding with Adam.
The status of the relationship between Adam and Sauli is their private business. Neither one is under any obligation to talk about it publicly. As fans, we all want the best for Adam both professionally and personally, but all this speculation about them is just one knows anything at all about their relationship so stop with all the negative breakup comments. Let's concentrate on Adam's musical career and Trespassing. He has been working so hard to promote the album and the new single. Because Adam is so honest, if he wants us to know anything at all, he will probably put it out on twitter.
Lol. I'm sure they'll have a lovely ceremony at DTM's
Adam avoids Finland like plague.
Carli Ray Jopsen and The Vanted (mis-spelled on purpose) had concert in Toronto and only filled up 49% of arena for almost 8,000.
Adam all by himself filled up last night's concerts by 9K to 10K out of 15K. Not bad at all. This might mean Adam can headline his own concert again like GNT that's why he insured his voice for $48Mil.
Have you pessimist people thought of maybe Sauli is trying to get his US Permanent Status or green card and that's why he is in Finland for a long time? The paper works and interviews for green card is so brutal and time consuming. Plus he recently was interviewed and he said he will go back to L.A. by the end of October. He works and probably he feels bad to put all financial obligation on Adam's shoulder and he wants to help out as well.
Love those VJJays!
I heard that they are already married and that they have adopted sextuplets.
STOP IT! you five year olds.
@3:17PM You are hilarious.
Also, about "Adam is looking sad". Adam good actor. I'm sure he can keep his emotions under control on public. I think he looks slightly tired because of this non-stop promotion trips and interviews.
I think we have to leave Adam's private life alone. As far as hardly can help Adam with all of these top 5, top 10, top 200 numbers lets just have fan watching and listening our Diamond Boy performances.
He does not look sad to me. He just looks like he is rocking out.
why do you people keep answering the dumb troll on here? she makes a statement and keeps it up all thru the thread,this site is getting as boring as she is.
the hard copy TP Remix EP has sold out on AO. I hope that was a bunch.
@anon 1.02pm
well, not wanting to state the obvious about there not being any photos of the 2 of them together,but maybe the fact that Sauli is in Finland, and Adam has been in China, Australia, NZ, and the US MAY have something to do with it.......kinda hard to take photos together from different continents.
And the adopted kids picked out a puppy today!
Just wondering about Pop That Lock - Adam seemed to rush off stage and the band was left to fill in the time which dragged on a bit ...?? maybe he had to pee ... all that tea ...
Adam has been taking a break after "Pop That Lock" ever since he started singing it in concerts..will never forget the loooong break he took at Fantasy Springs. That time it was a costume change..but not sure that's ALL it was ;)))
God, this thread is so full of non-sensical drivel about Adam and Sauli. Adam has had a full international schedule. Sauli has had a full schedule of media stuff in Finland. They are both working, for Pete's sake. They'll still a couple, and no one has said otherwise. Grow up, everybody.
Adam live is worth the while to see. You just never know what he will do. That is what I love the most, among many other reasons.
In reference to Adam taking a break after Pop That Lock...he DOES drink a lot of water during the performances......!.....JAK
@JAK cause the air in Phoenix is unbelievably DRY. Every time I go to Phoenix or Las Vegas I have to drink a lot so I can talk.
I do sense something amiss about Adam and Sauli. As pointed out already, by 7:26, some mild telltale signs are visible as Adam sings Broken English; ruffling of Tommy's hair and didn't smile throughout the song; which he usually does at the end of this song and was far away from the camera's capture; almost avoiding it. Also there's not much reference of Adam and Sauli together lately. Just want to wish this loving couple, they'll be able to turn things round a bit and both happy, whatever they've decided. :)
It seems the same person is trolling over and over about Adam and Sauli. It's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS what they do.
FABULOUS FOX 10 interview. Adam is such a riot - love his sense of humour. :-D
Adam and Sauli love each other:)
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