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Pretty Little Liars 2x13 This is a Dark Side - Sneak-peeks: Adam Performing + Aria and Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Check out sneak peeks of Adam's acting on PRETTY LITTLE LIARS below!!


Anonymous said...

Such a good actor and singer. NICE JOB.

Anonymous said...

He looks gorgeous and the acting was great! He could definitely do more acting. Adam can do anything because he's so talented!

Now on to texting lots of radio stations to request Tespassing!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! I love this Adam! Invigorating and you look such a handsome glampire with those cute fangs! lol! It's almost like a movie. That guy with the beautiful mask must be you. I see they zoom in on your legs too. :)

Anonymous said...

dayum I didn't know he also had an acting part. He did very well!! What a little glampire he is. so so cool.

Anonymous said...

Adam is adorable! I want to see him on more TV! I want to see him everywhere! Love the fangs. LOL.


Anonymous said...

That little laugh at the ned of his acting scene is so "Adam!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Timeslot
You gave me a 444 time on a previous thread and it got me ticking. Well I got your message I think...the triple nos. have a difference of three in their total: 111(3)...222(6)...333(9)...444(12)...555(15). Not bad, numerology pal! But this is actual number count, not numerology. Hey, am I dealing with a number sifu!! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks, sings, and acts amazing! I adore his shoes! Big, big things are coming for our BB! Cannot wait to see this show!

Anonymous said...

I hope he's on the whole hour of the show. Wonder how he sings with those fangs on lol,. Hopefully this will open lots more acting jobs ect.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so talented, and that man is just rediculously gorgeous! Sue

Anonymous said...

I have never watched PLL, but because Adam will be on it, I definitely will watch this episode. Hopefully his performance will gain him a few more fans with the songs from TRESPASSING. What more can you ask for in one person...talent, charm and gorgeous good looks.

Anonymous said...

dont like the acting part

Anonymous said...

ha ha good job Adam can't wait to see the program. That was probably the extent of his part it is suppose to be small.

Anonymous said...

OMG, someone pick me up, I've just fallen out of my chair!


Anonymous said...

I discovered when things have to do with Adam it's always a good idea to surround yourself with pillows just in case....rose petal

Anonymous said...

ARIA and ADAM sitting in a tree K*I*S*S*I*N*G. FIRST comes love second comes..........

Anonymous said...

the exprssion when he says "PROMISE". priceless

Anonymous said...

Geesh, did you see the SEXY face with a bit of a tongue at 0:09 into the Cuckoo scene --- and those those legs and those shoes...

Cuckoo is a perfect party song!

Anonymous said...

Adam did a great job with his acting. How about more of Adam in this show? Adam and Aria as couple and that scary mask person after them.

Adamluv said...

PLL looks like it's gonna be so much fun to watch. Did anyone else get a "pirate" "fluffy shirt" vibe from the shirt Adam was wearing? (A reference to the famous Seinfeld episode when Kramer wanted Jerry to wear a similiar shirt on TV.) That's the first thing I thought of! Oh, well, "nevermind" as Gilda Radner would have said on SNL. Two references to old TV shows. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - I immediately thought of Seinfeld and the fluffy shirt. Actually I liked the fluffy shirt at the time. It reminded me of a gentleman of a certain era. And that fits Adam perfectly in this scene. Oh heah, and the acting is superb! He stole that scene in my book! Congrats Adam!

daydreamin said...

Here is a direct link with a bit of a clearer picture:

this site

Anonymous said...

When will they broadcast this show?

daydreamin said...

The "Pretty Little Liars" Halloween episode airs Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC Family.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that is not Adam acting.. that IS Adan Lambert... the hesitant version though...Love the Cuckoo...

Anonymous said...

JAK here....the fashion looks quite the proper gentleman on seems these fangs fit better than the ones he wore in 2009 when he sang at the Party City Halloween celebration... though he looked great (emo hair) he sang Ring of Fire, Whole Lotta Love, etc. with a decided lisp!

Anyone old enough to remember that fashion on the actor Stewart Granger...he really rocked in costume dramas!

Jadam NZ said...

Yep I knew it he is a natural.

Anonymous said...


He can bite me anytime right now!!:)

He was playing himself indeed:)

More to come Adam.....


Adamluv said...

@nancdruuu2 - glad I'm not the only one but reading your post I now think it was referred to as his "puffy shirt" versus "fluffy". What do ya think? Not too important I know but just having fun here. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Puffy shirt.... : )))

Anonymous said...

LOL! The Seinfeld puffy shirt:

One of the best Seinfeld episode, IMO!

Anonymous said...

Moooore, I want moooore!!!!

Anonymous said...


Is Stewart Granger the one on Beau Brummel?
I know he is quite a handsome he-man actor (that's the term my Mom use to refer to macho men then).

Anonymous said...

Yes, Stewart Granger was the British actor who played Beau Brummel. He was my favorite 50's swashbuckler whether as a dandy, fop, pirate, prince or guide in King Solomon's Mines with Deborah Kerr. He was married to British actress Jean Simmons and they were known for rip snortin' drunken brawls in their Hollywood home!
Ah, the good old days! :)) I was an avid movie magazine collector...JAK

Anonymous said...

The plot thickens. Adam was the last one seen talking to Aria before...

Anonymous said...

OMG! i thought he's on Fangtasia in True Blood. Totally digging those fangs. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:05 - Thanks for pointing out the SEXY face on Adam at :09 with the little bit of tongue! Yikes! And I love the shoes too! Went back to look at those a couple times. Ha! Can't wait for this episode - will have my DVR programmed and ready to record. Yes!

Anonymous said...

I'm get my train ticket now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam rocked those sexy mean fangs like a bottom line is, it's really not that difficult to transition from stage-acting to on-screen acting for Adam. Even in those couple of minutes, you can see he is so at home, in the filming. All it needs is a very sharp cast-director to give him a role that fits. The rest I think he can manage; a positive thinking director will be able to guide him through with not much of a problem.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so coy and young acting and the way he looks,,how can he change it up ? a chameleon for sure. when he sings a different persona..Adam you are beyond words...loving it