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Rehearsal video: Adam Lambert and Zhangwei singing WWFM (Voice of China)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 8, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 08, 2012


Anonymous said...

Super Adam!!:)


Anonymous said...

Powerhouse ADAM! And the kid isn't too bad, either! Adam will be performing WWFM his whole life and will always make it fresh and emotional and exciting, no matter what style he choose, acoustic, quiet, power-loud, electronic, whatever. He's a master.


The Dark Side said...

Amazing performance both ways. Loved it. Bet that young man had a difficult time holding onto the lyrics once he came face to face with Adam.

Rebecca said...

i love how much fun Adam has singing be it performing or rehearsing he always seems to vole it which it returns just makes me smile. Not to mention he is always sot on vocally which proves he was sent from heaven above.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...........Gosh, I already had the sniffles from the previous thread now this one got me too. Is it only us who find ourselves under Adam's spell or does everyone who comes in contact with him feel it? This young man will never forget the moments when he sang with Adam. There are some people who seem filled with sunshine and Adam is definitely one of them.

Anonymous said...

This young man did such an amazing job singing with Adam, such a task would not be easy, considering you are singing with the King of Rock and Pop!


Anonymous said...

I assume the young man sang the song phonetically. It's so hard to put the right nuance and inflection into lyrics when you are not singing in your native language. I think he did a great job.


Anonymous said...

@DRG You arre right it must have been more difficult singing in a language that is not your own. Th kid did a great job and looked awe struck watching Adam sing. @JAK Adam truly is sunshine that radiates warmth to everyone!

Anonymous said...

2 men singing to each other - oh, the horror - lol

Anonymous said...

6:51 PM
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but in your case you are just blind and can't even see!

Anonymous said...

6:51 PM
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but in your case you are just blind and can't even see!

Anonymous said...

It is quite obvious that 6:51 pm was joking. Thus the lol.

Anonymous said...

Ezert szeretlek Adam Lambert. No 1

Anonymous said...

Full of sunshine...that is perfect. Adam is full of sunshine.

LOL on 8:34 - LOL is a very important word! :)

Anonymous said...

No one can do a better job on WDYWFM than Adam Lambert, but I thought the boy from China was just wonderful. He obviously was a big fan of Adam. The duet was terrific, both If them sounded just great. I think he did one of the best jobs, the boy from China, to date on that song other than Adam'z version of corse. no one in my opinion beats Adam singing that song. but he did a really good job, the duet was so good, it made me cry. Sue