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Video: Adam Lambert having technical difficulties at Texas Tango

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 30, 2012

@RadarEcho: ADAM LAMBERT having technical difficulties at Texas Tango


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what happened there? What kind of difficulties are they talking about?Is it acoustics or Adam didn't feel we'll? Because he sounds very strange on this video:(

Anonymous said...

A car accident caused them to be late to the venue. No sound check. Adam was not happy with the sound.

Anonymous said...

Adam couldn't hear himself or Tommy but still could sing almost perfectly. Also in this video we see that they aren't getting the music tracks and have to stop and ask for them...

Very strange and I hate to even say this but I can't help myself: I slightly think it might have been done on purpose by the organizers...

Yes crazy I know, they did invite him to perform there... But there were so many difficulties that shouldn't have happened even if they didn't manage to of the soundcheck...

But nevertheless, even with major difficulties Adam rocked it as always and the audience was left screaming for more. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam still sounded amazing and a professional as always. I don't think many people would even notice problems, Adam is a perfectionist and wouldn't want to be the person at these venues. Not having done a sound check must have been harder. BTW I was listening to Gavin and P2's interviews on 102.9 and almost fell asleep! Adam is so full of life and energy and connection!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm 5:37 and I just wanted to add that my speculation about the strange events during last night were just silly speculations. I don't have any idea what happened and why so many things were off. Texas Tango invited Adam and he thanked them in his tweets so everything seems to be fine in Adam's books. He was great and made Dallas want more.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there any sound from the keyboard?

Anonymous said...

Oh Boy, Adam is indeed a perfectionist and when that sound system is messed up, the Master is not happy. Nor should he be.

Anonymous said...

It seems Adam has to put up with this stuff many times, despite sound checks. Must drive him nuts!

Anonymous said...

Life is not perfect things happen, if you ever gone to a real rock concert Luke gun's and roses, If they get there 3 hrs. Late, that on time for them, I heard this have not bend to one!, Adam was late because of accident, the guy on charge of this event should have mentioned that. things at done one way for and event with several people performing, and another for an event that is just a Adam concert, I expect and look Luke to me by the black and yellow, lot people would have liked more Adam! but it was a multi person event'! with all the bad hurricane new's in the east and things happening around this world, we should be happy Adam made it safe, and it was not him in a car accident badly Hiurt. That little inconvenience is nothing, we expect perfection in all aspects of Adam, he a human being, overall the man does a great job, Litlke things here and there happen, may be more notable than other entertainers because Adam bar For excellence has been set so high, he not always perfect, does not always say exsact right things, being human causes that, overall he fantastic! So grateful for the video's thank you, it really helps when feeling low like lately! I thought over all what I saw was great full of energy! I am alway's grateful to see him, get some where safely, if I been there I would have been just relieved, he was safe. Because God forbid it could have been him hurt in an accident, little and big things happen we cannot help that is life, what I heard was great! Sorry for mistakes as usual that old artharites, in hands. Sue

Anonymous said...

@Sue - Very well said! I agree with you completely! Hurray for Adam!!!!