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Videos: Adam Lambert Signing at JB HiFi in NZ + Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

Such enthusiasm and excitement from the crowd for Adam. And why shouldn't they be? He looks great, sounds so happy and really worked hard on Trespassing. Yes, he is our global superstar and deserves all the love and acceptance that international fans have given him.

Anonymous said...

Happy and lucky kiwis :)

Anonymous said...

EVERY TIME I watch one of these videos where Adam meets his amazing fans worldwide, I tear up of joy! That never happens with any other artist I read about or watch or listen to. WHAT IS IT??

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:06 Me too! When I watch the M&G's and hear the fans screaming and so excited just to catch a glimpse of our handsome RockGod I am soooo happy for him..Think how wonderful he must feel to see all the love coming his way and he deserves every little bit of it! I'm very proud of Adam for all his accomplishments.


Anonymous said...


Jadam NZ said...

That was Polly from ZM in the first video, she is a big Adam Fn has met him several times. I am sure if anyone can get Trespassing played it will be Polly.
She once said when interviewed in a magazine when asked who would she like as her celebrity best friend, that it would be Adam. She said she has sat on his bed with him in an hotel room and the talked and talked like old friends.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam is letting the blond/silver grow out. Either that or he hasn't had time to go to his favorite hairdresser. I think it looks great! Wondering what direction in color he's going to now ... ?

Anonymous said...

I did not have my ear phones on, do it was hard to hear, but I did hear trespassing in the background. Heard the song, lightly in the background of the show he did the weather on. Sure hear better later when have ear phones in. I do believe Ad has many fans in China and growing, you do realize I am sure they can tape, the show the voice on there tv, I assume they have dvr's.has it been aired there yet. Someone said it be aired week or so, after taped. Lots people watching tape of show, on tv. He must be popular heard his song in one week went on top 40 and the next week went up 27 points to 16. Probably be no. 1 soon. ad did say the album was not officially out there yet. They ask why he said just lots of lagistucs or something like that. I do believe he did not want to say about the problem of piracy, he was dancing around it. There were lots of negative stuff on an earlier post here today, was not getting as many on weibo as expected and one negative remark after the other.there may be tons of people in china but his popularity there is steady growing, nearly 200,000 in less than 2 weeks is good. He has a concert there and that will increase followers a lot, probably within 6 months he will have many weibo followers. Adam is going I am pretty sure going to get some Japanese, asian nominations for his work this year. many countries in the world live him and will eventually give him his just awards. America I do not believe will ever appreciate Adam the way so many countries do! But he is very lucky to have the whole world, Phlip2 everybody talking about I do not believe will have much popularity out of USA. Kris Allen had one big song Never got hardly any regonition beyond America, record company dropped after 3 years. Lee Dawyze lasted about 1 year, David Cooke not sure some one said he was dropped. Danny Koke, spell? I am not bragging at all, are am I glad they got dropped. What I am saying is it is more important to be regonized world wide, than just America. If Adam only had America he may have problems but he has the entire world and he very popular and growing to popularity every day. It also important to work your ass off, not all have. That was Asian people seem to love and appreciate him a lot ! Please to much negativity, American music award, and many more here never gonna appreciate him. But unanticipated foreign countries do, appreciate him. He won an Indonesian award over Justin B. and believe many more foreign ones to come. Especially Japan, every song out on this alb been hit there, and trespassing the song is too, already. Please let just appreciate what Adam has world wide, because all these people that are so big now at least some like NM, and probably Justin B. will not be around thus world as a star as long ad Adam. I do think Mext year is gonna be a bigger year for Adam Thsn this. Kelly C. album been out lot longer than Adam. But I do think most of Adams fame and fortune lies abroad. Sorry rant, but on a another site here earlier today there was a huge bunch og negative, remarks. Especially tearing down Sauli. He a great guy.