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Adam Lambert Featured in 8Days Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 12, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 12, 2012

Scan via @GlambertPianist: Adam Lambert got a "Bravo" on his performance in PLL in last week's edition of 8days magazine!


Anonymous said...

Of course Adam is not to be compared to Neil Patrick Harris; Adam is himself, and he is a very talented and handsome young man. He is one of a kind.

Now on to more TV appearances the camera simply loves Adam.........


Anonymous said...

That's what Adam needs is more T.V. show appearances since radio is being so stubborn to play his music. I still keep requesting though. So happy to hear how excited S.A. is for Adam. He is so loved around the world and radio in the U.S. will have to play catch up one day!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Trespassing 102.9 Dallas top 5 at 5. We need to get it on there. Hasn't made it since Texas Tango performance. Little fishy to me that it was on the top 5 at 5 almost everyday up to the Texas Tango. We know people are still voting for it.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks Neil Patrick Harris is highly over-rated?
He is okay, but definitely not in Adam Lambert's league. I think Patrick is so well-loved because he's very vanilla. Adam Lambert is triple x chocolate and carmel creme mouse tracks!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ahemmmmm - I meant moose tracks.
Much bigger than mouse.

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 I don't think that Neil Patrick Harris is over-rated. He is fantastic comedian.

Anonymous said...

8:41 very fishy indeed. Come on everyone go to 102.9 Dallas and vote. No passing the buck with this requesting business and I am afraid that is happening.

Anonymous said...

I think Neil Patrick Harris and Adam are both very talented in their own right and I am a fan of them both.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:13 AM NPH is also a really good magician.

Anonymous said...

I happen to like NPH. He's funny, smart, and is a good actor. He also sings and dances well. I'd LOVE to see Adam do a lot of what NPH does: TV, stage work, hosting, acting on TV. I know Neil's been around a while and has definately paid his dues, but Adam is every bit as talented.

DRG (request!)

Anonymous said...

I know it's a TV show but NPH turns me off the way he treats women on that show.

Cute kids tho!

Anonymous said...

@1:05PM It is a show. How come you take it so seriously? This is Barney treats women this way.Don't forget that Barney is crazy about Robin.