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Adam Lambert Got A New Tattoo?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 26, 2012

Also, another new picture of Adam at the Mercedez-Benz gig after party (11/21/2012)


Anonymous said...

love pictures from the Mercedes Bentz affair. So classy and Adam and Glamband to boot. ohhh what a night.

Anonymous said...

Imagine having Adam's eyes focused on you like that! I would just stare and drool like an idiot totally transfixed in bliss!

Anonymous said...

Wish tattoos are limited only to that part of both of his arms since he opts for individual symbols and not an art work.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam would ever have taken more tattoos if he hadn't met Sauli? I like Sauli's body art a lot. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam drinks and gets more tattoos because of Sauli. LoL.

Anonymous said...

I just wanna know what the tat is and WHERE it is!

Anonymous said...

i wonder why adam make those faces

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the reason why the gay community do not fully support Adam is because he is so into the fanservice thing. I think this is a great article about fanservice

Anonymous said...

I wish he would quit with the tats. Destroying a body like that is such a shame. He will be sorry when he has them as he ages. They start looking pretty bad. Wish he wouldn't cheapen his look. I am not a troll. Just an honest fan ppl.

Anonymous said...

I mean look at this fandom. The shippers are the most uncompromising opponent against Adam's gay relationship(s). I doubt the delusions are the exact reason why they are against it.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Adam did not want to take a picture. He usually tweets us a pic of his new tattoos right away. Maybe it's in an inappropriate place?????

Anonymous said...

Basically I don't care if they attack Adam, but they should leave Sauli out of this mess. Stay off his back or I will attack and you don't want that..

Anonymous said...

What the h...l is going on? Please someone fill me in this talk about fanservice, shippers and Sauli´s back...okay I may be slow but you lost me!

Anonymous said...

@1:49 PM Well me either cause Adam has himself done "the fanservice thing".

Anonymous said...

HMMM Martini's for the takin. Wish I could go to these type of parties lol I couldn't imagine having that face stare back at me- Lucky girl!

I don't like tatoos at all, but it's Adam's body so who am I to say as long as he doesn't cover his whole arm or back, ect. Full body tatooos are gross! I don't think he would do that, but some people get addicted to tatoos and body piercings (real addiction)

Anonymous said...

2:08pm...what fanservice thing??

glitzylady said...

Another thread going slowly down the tube. :/

1. Adam likes his tattoos and they have special meaning to him. His decision.

2. Must we discuss "fan service"? That article (above) just stirs up the shit again. Leave it alone please.

3. Sauli and Adam's personal lives together are private. Sauli seems to be a wonderful partner for Adam, and vice versa. Two lovely men trying to maintain a relationship in spite of the challenges of celebrity and frequent separations. Again, Leave it alone. Please.

About that picture at the Mercedes Benz gig:
Oh, to be that girl!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll stop talking about the fanservice for now, but I recommend reading the article I put the link on a previous comment. I promise I will return to the subject when it's again more topical issue.. :)

Anonymous said...

glitzlady, Amen.

The Dark Side said...

I for one like the tats. S0...where is it and are we going to see it? Why pay a small fortune and go through the pain and hide it? waiting....

HK fan said...

My first thought on the tat was that its either in a 'private' place, or the tattoo shop messed it up as Adam normally tweets a pic. Maybe he will later.

A couple of friends of mine were in that tattoo place at the same time David Beckham got his, no photos to prove it....think they were too drunk to hold a camera at the time:)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it! I love his body art. Adam can do what he wants to. Since before he met Sauli he has said he wanted more tattoos. Saw interview during Idols tour. He said he wanted an arm sleeve eventually. I think it will look awesome.

Anonymous said...

@HK My first reaction was "Oh, Adam!What are you doing with your beautiful body?" After all, I thought that tattoo shop messed up:D

Anonymous said...

I do not like tattoos-period.
That said, if you want to ink your body, then an artwork type of sleeve like Sauli's would be preferable than spots here and there with no cohesive design.
Speaking as an art student I can appreciate the artistry and skill of Sauli's tropical garden which covers one arm in brilliant colors.
I know of no way to combine Adam's tattoos into a theme or thing of beauty. But then, it's his skin.

Anonymous said...

Hate tattoos and don't like all of these sh........on Sauli beautiful body! Boys will be very sorry when they grow up. Or..........they will never grow up and cover their bodies art tattoos from the head till toes.

Anonymous said...

Good lord people, get another hobby ... And just enjoy Adam's magnificent ride ... He is his own man, sheesh

daydreamin said...
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tattoos designs said...

tattoos designs blushes on adam.he must get some more.