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Youtube HD Version: Adam Lambert Interview on 'In Sixty'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 26, 2012


The Dark Side said...

Watched the live stream last night and this was a typical Adam interview, but with a very good interviewer. Adam always delivers, and it is nice to see him get a decent interview and interviewer.

Anonymous said... the pics and vids . . . love the interview . . LOVE that man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching the full interview. As always, Adam was well spoken, honest, and very personable. Maybe a little too much on the gay aspect of his life, but overall a good interview. He just seems to put it all out there and reveals everything about himself and his career. WWFM is my favorite song and I liked listening to it again and watching the video during the interview. For me, it is Adam's signature song and I can identify it by that first guitar note.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. I love WWFM though I really wanted Adam to have another huge hit like that from Trespassing!

Anonymous said...

I watched the livestream last night but this is better he!he!

Adam is awesome!!!

He worked so hard and now his name is on the map!!!!

World loves you Adam!:)


Anonymous said...

Sorry - I was disappointed with the Same Old questions and Gay Rehashing, nothing new or interesting, he should have asked more questions about his present travels and life.
Adam aced the interview with his "I have been through all this before" resignation to the questions. A waste of good tv time.

Anonymous said...

I agree a waste of Adam's time too.
When will interviewers get it through their heads, we know he's gay, we'd like to hear about his music and experiences touring and future plans. I think he's interviewed more about being gay than Dan Savage is!

Magiclady said...

I know it was a rehash, but this was a really good interviewer!

jq said...

Lovely interview. Love to listen to Adam's indepth vocabulary skills. He is a very good conversationlist.

Anonymous said...

@ Magiclady

I respectfully disagree, a good interviewer would recognize rehashing and steer clear. Would have new subjects and questions ready that would stimulate a fresh perspective and elicit new information from the guest. This was all old stuff answered again and again. He was an articulate interviewer but he failed to do some preparation for this discussion.