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Adam Lambert interview on VH1 Top 20 Countdown (11-3-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 10, 2012

Aired November 10, 2012 on VH1.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam is so upbeat and confident; sounds like a very exciting VH1 Divas show he's hosting. I heard he's bringing on stage, live animals; he's performing and also a possible duet. This is almost like his own show! Whoa! By the way, Adam mentioned Peking's Peking duck, super good, the skin is crispy and the meat is's a highly-skilled special preparation, oooh-la-la,!

Anonymous said...

The interviewer.... what's his name again was certainly sucking up to Adam.

BTW I'd like to try Peking turkey for Thanksgiving dinner too.


Anonymous said...

I saw Adam on the top 20 countdown,& was a little disappointed that they didn't show him singing but a tiny portion of Trespassing,but then the other artists' (songs) that were at the Napa show were treated the same.I'm not even sure if Grace Potter's song was shown at all.Everything was very rushed and I guess it was more important that BB and Jim S discussed that Adam will be hosting the VH-1 Divas show..The part about live animals could have been a joke.( but who knows when it comes to Adam-lol!)We'll find out next mo.

Anonymous said...

I thought the live animal thing was a joke too but maybe not. Nice exposure and plug for Adam and his VH1 Diva gig. Alot to be happy for no bitching please.

Anonymous said...

There will be DUET(s) on the VH1 show!!!! Yay! I want to here Adam sing with a diva and blow everyone's socks off. I hope he does more than one duet, as well as sing my himself. I just want MORE< MORE< MORE! Love how this guy said that Adam was the last big star to come out of Idol. AGREED!

DRG (the SA shows are sounging like they'll be really spectacular!)

Anonymous said...

Most likely, the animals bit is a joke; because Adam is allergic to animals; I heard him say that. He'll go haa-choo, lol! Hey how about a Cuckoo! I think the SA concert will be another spectacular show, lots of drums; also Adam likes tribal music, maybe can blend that in. Adam seems heavily booked right till next year, one after another non-stop...flashing his 10-million-dollar smile. lol!

Anonymous said...

Dreaming Christina Aguilera would be the main diva guest and sing duet with ADAM!!!
That would be a dream come true as he has been saying long before and see Christina as one of the best female vocalists if not the best in his opinion.
I agree no one sings like her.


Leilani Aloha said...

OMG! Peking Turkey or Duck, super Deliciousssss!!!
Adam will feast like a King in China!!!

Leilani Aloha said...

OMG! Peking Turkey or Duck, super Deliciousssss!!!
Adam will feast like a King in China!!!

glitzylady said...

Adam has said he's allergic to cats..but haven't heard him say anything about other animals (except maybe P.H.: ha!). Not allergic to dogs it seems, as he had a dog growing up.."Maggie"..and he's said he'd like another one someday. I suspect he was joking about the animals on stage..except for himself of course :)))

Anonymous said...

Everyone appearing on stage is an animal....I've never heard a plant sing! Yet!.... JAK

Anonymous said...

The show us gonna be great, Jim shear was kissing up big time. Do really think he likes Adam a lot, but Jim actions speak louder than words so start supporting better! Cannot wait for this VH1 concert I honestly think Adam looks at this As a big chance to show his talent and no he definitely not gonna mess it up, he grown up so much. He a mature but still edgy man, who knows now how to channel it all now in the right way! I think we are all in for a big treat with this Vh1 show! Let's enjoy not complain, or pay attention to the people who try to bring us and him down, he surely does not let them get in his way so I am so hard gonna try to follow Adam direction. Gonna try so hard to look at the good, because there tons right now, nothing perfect but lots of good for Adam right now, sooner or later rest will come! I got to start following Adam lead and forge ahead, to the pissitve, and look at the trolls as trolls who mean nothing! To all the good people here, keep up your great support, I just look at another site here and was so sick of trolls,just nick picking nonsense, why do people feel if I run someone down who is productive and talented like Adam, pick on little things like makeup,just any silly thing I can, this makes them better abouth there, crapoy lives. Work hard like Adam at what you are good at, be kind that only way you will get any where. I just out of here for a while at least until Monday, got get something done. Just check see if any new work, new work! He doing wonderfully, best live performer ever, period! Sue

Anonymous said...

"The last greatest to be on Idol" - cant argue with that. Be careful with that statement @JAK since you will have the religious nuts on your case.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzy; did you miss the pic of the dog in the bumblebee suit for Halloween? Or was that not Adam's dog. I thought it was. Maybe I was confused. Ha Ha though! I TOLD you that Pittsburg has gone all Trespassing! Seriously, if you didn't go check out a pic of their uniforms, you really need to. Adam couldn't have dressed them better himself, lol!

Anonymous said...

And Adam was the best they've EVER had on AI, including PP hands down!

Anonymous said...

Just come back for a moment to say good luck in Africa Adam look fabulous bacause you are! Hit it out of the park as you alway's do! I took my blood pressure pill, calmed down and decided to take the pens out of my Perez Hilton Voo Doo doll, be kind Sue! Practice what you preach! Just a new me.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:53 P.M. JAK here....

Since all living things are either animal, plant, fungi or single cell organisms......I'm def picking animal, I don't want to be a fungi!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam hands down best ever on the show, kind if doubt anyone will surpass him, no matter how many times Randy Jackson tries to believe it. Standing occasions at least on last show are not worry about religious nuts are any other nuts, Adam was and is the last greats of Idol and period in my option, do not ever be afraid of your opinion! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was standing ovasion, I wish my phone stop correcting with wrong thing! Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you, who? I corrected my own self wrong ovation! Sorry! Sue

Anonymous said...

The PH animal reference gave me a giggle, at least a wee bit good came out of it. lol! He's badly trounced on this site, but at one point, maybe even now, he has a rather deep fixation on Adam...Is This! Oh thank goodness, he's not allergic to! I wonder why, both cats and dogs are domesticated, furry animals. But if my memory serves well, I remember him saying, animals, maybe others too, not sure. We talk about his toes, nose, hair etc, now his!

There are single-cell animals, single-cell plants as well as single-cell fungi... :)


glitzylady said...

@Oregon Venus 5:08 PM
Actually the dog was Isaac Carpenter's brother and sister-in-law's dog. Amber tweeted the picture of their cute little dog and Adam retweeted it, much to her complete shock!! ...So It WAS a "Glamily" dog :))

I'll check out Pittsburg's team... : ))

Anonymous said...

All dogs are descendents of the wolf. Watched a show about it last night.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert or Phillip Phillips? Oh PUHLEEZ and I can't stand that Home song.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:57 pm Standing ovasions can be quite stimulating - oh, wait, maybe I don't mean ovasion - nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Standing ovations can be great when they mean something, not when there done every time on Idol when not deserved! Adam was the only one the entire time simon C. Was there, those many years that received one! I have problems with my finger's as I have stated before, I did hit the wrong key again did not notice until corrected. Let me say if I corrected all the mistakes made, by some I would be quite busy. I have said I make mistakes, When you make your nasty remarks have the gut's to sign it even if it would be a fake name. Your same one that alway's like to make your nasty remark' at me and other's. I have only one little thing to say to you go to HELL!!!! I am going to have dinner with my kids today Di happy bacause I have been so sick, I just cannot let an idiot, who never sign's your name and if you do you make joke of it, ruin my day! Sue

Anonymous said...

Before you correct it that was I am SO happy, made a mistake, sure made more. SUE!

Anonymous said...

Thank's for making me cry, I was happy for once, so missing my grand kids! Have not seen in three weeks! Why did I check here was only going to for a second! Sue

Anonymous said...

By the way that go to HELL was for 6.34! Coward! Sue

Anonymous said...

I haven't been coming to this site for awhile due to work commitments, but I can see nothing's changed, why is it that there are so many Adam fans who try to knock over other Adam fans?? I'm from OZ and I have trouble understanding the American attitude at times, plus the way Adam is treated in his own country,I think is appalling, god I really feel sorry for the guy! Good thing the rest of the world appreciate and recognise his talent. Thank god we don't discriminate in Australia like this, it may not be perfect here but we really are so much more tolerant and accepting of people no matter who they are, or where their from, Australian's believe in giving everyone a fair go.

Anonymous said...

very nice interview.

Anonymous said...


If it will make you feel better, I'm pretty sure the post was not a slam against you. When I read it, I laughed becuse my mind immediately took it as a sexual reference. Ovasion - orgasm!
The nevermind was what comediene Gilda Radner would say on SNL after she goofed deliberatly.

I'm sure it was meant as a wink-wink joke between gals.A laugh with you, not at you.

Adamluv said...

@Sue - have to agree with @10:37 - dont think that comment was meant to be an insult to you. I also use the "nevermind" response from SNL but didnt know anyone else on this site knew its meaning. Glad to know 1 other person does. And no, I didnt leave the comment since always leave a tag but it was funny but NO INSULT intended I'm sure. Hope these 2 comments make you feel a bit better. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:07 AM
I agree with you..its sad that it's sometimes fans of Adam's who slam other fans, when we should all be in this together, supporting our guy, and each other. But, seems to be the case sometimes, that we get sidetracked... I think sometimes, too, it's based on misunderstandings, misinterpretation, or perhaps even wanting to be seen as the "better" or more knowledgable fan. And sometimes its just plain immaturity.. For the most part tho, people who come here to 24/7 are reasonable and supportive of each other, and are here to flail about Adam. As it should be. Good enough for me. Sometimes I stay away for a bit..or just don't comment, either because I just don't have anything to add..and once in awhile I need to just stay out of it..but I always come back.

About Americans: I'm an American and I have trouble understanding some American attitudes at times too. This past election cycle was a case in point. In many ways, we are a country divided by politics, religion, prejudice, bigotry, class position, etc..even now. Sadly. But the thing that needs to be recognised is that there are many many Americans who are not the "ugly Americans" that the rest of the world sometimes sees portrayed in the press, etc.. Unfortunately, sometimes its the ones with the loudest voices who are heard the most. My state of Washington, out here in the wild wild northwestern corner of America, and always a bit of a "maverick" state, voted to affirm and legalize Marriage Equality, legalized possession of small amounts of Marijuana for private consumption, elected yet another Democratic Governor, etc..etc. A columnist in the Seattle Times newspaper today compared us to Amsterdam for our liberal attitudes and laws. I loved it by the way :)))) I'm so proud to live in a state that is forward thinking and has a more "world view" than some other states seem to have. Hoping more will follow our example. We'll see. So we as a country may not be as confused as you might think. At least parts of it!!!

As to the lack of appreciation for Adam in this country, I completely agree with you there. The lack of radio play is ridiculous. And puzzling to be honest. There has been a huge amount of discussion within the fandom, and also by others outside the fandom, which we won't rehash here for the moment. So complicated. But fortunately, Adam is doing so well overseas, and in many ways here as well, and that's a huge plus. I seriously think he'll get major recognition here in America one of these days too. Has to happen. His talent and personality will overcome. I suspect we'll be getting another world tour next year. Sounds like it. (YAAAAAAYYY!!) And we have no idea what other events are lurking in the background for Adam..hopefully with high visibility for Adam here in the States..So don't give up on us Yanks just yet! ;)) Love the Aussies and the Kiwi's BTW...Awesome fans!

glitzylady said...

i agree with @Anon 10:37 AM and @Adamluv But I know, we all feel a little defensive sometimes.

I got your "Never Mind" reference to "Roseanne Rosannadana". Loved Gilda Radner and her character of "Rosanne" on SNL. I find myself having to do the same thing once in awhile : ))))

Jadam NZ said...

Glitzlady, our peace maker, pouring oil on troubled waters again. I love your knowledge and your wisdom, and sensibility.
Thank you.

Adamluv said...

@glitz, You are right about the defensiveness we all feel sometimes. If you hear something said it's soooo much easier to know what was meant as a joke, etc. but reading it is a whole different ballgame. And if memory serves me right, it wasnt the fabulous Roseannadana character but rather the meek and mild character (with a ponytail and glasses) whose name escapes me. I love how she's go off on some subject only to be told she had misheard or misread it, and then the only thing she said was "Nevermind". Doesnt sound funny written but Radner was such a wonderful comic that I roared with laugher everytime she said it even tho' I knew it was coming!!!!! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

You're right, it wasn't her "Roseanne" character, but her mousey "Emily Litella" character who would go off on a subject, at GREAT length, and then at the end get more info, realize her mistake on whatever subject it was,..and then she would say..."Oh. Nevermind..."

"Roseanne"'s signature phrase was ""Well, Jane [Curtin], it just goes to show you, it's always something--if it ain't one thing, it's another."

Anonymous said...

I love Jim Shearer for saying "the talents dip after ADAM" and"the last of the greats"! How true!

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

@Jadam NZ
Thank you : ))

Anonymous said...

Seen as a more "knowledgeable fan"...I'm afraid I've to classify you under that. I remember someone even had to tell you to "get off your high horse". I'm merely quoting an exasperated Anon. And for example, when I said Adam was allergic to sure are you it's just cats; yet you pointed that out to me as if it was fact. Another time was about Adam's swimming pool; you may be right about your close observation that the pool ended at the wall and someone couldn't have fallen over; but you have no proof to back up your statement. In both these instances, you may or may not be right, but stated by you with no reservations they may not be entirely the case. I'm fine with people pointing out certain things to me but I'd like them accompanied with facts or sound reasoning. No hard feelings. As for me, I try as far as possible not to point out faults or wrong facts unless they are specifically addressed to me; or if I think a fact needed to be rectified; sometimes it's a bit glaring to ignore or in some cases, if I just want to add on to something I find interesting; not because I feel I'm more knowledgeable, though maybe seen as that. I'm not saying you are directing anything you said at me, though. Just some thoughts on that particular statement about wanting to feel like a more knowlegeable fan. I still think open-mindedness is the way to go in making this place more palatable for everyone rather than listing out the reasons.

glitzylady said...

I apologize if you feel I am in that category of wanting to be a more knowledgable fan. In fact I am appalled if that's how you and/or others see me. My comment was not directed to or at you or anyone in particular. At all. I am completely taken aback by your comments toward me. I am also puzzled as to why you would take anything said in causal chat here regarding Adam's pool (such a deal..) as anything other than the sharing of information. To be clear: I've seen pictures of the property, in fact have some pics in front of me..and I based my (hopefully) informed comments on what I can see with my own eyes, based on those pictures of his house and grounds, including the pool, as it was when it was offered for lease previous to when Adam took it over. It also is not that important to me whether someone could fall off the other side, or not, really, and I also don't feel any need to be "right" one way or the other. I also don't recall saying the "pool ended at the wall and no one could fall over the other side." In fact I do recall seeing a friend of his goofing off and doing just that, at least playfully.. How far down it goes, who knows...). As to the allergies, whether or not he's allergic to anything other than cats: I honestly don't know...and wasn't trying to one-up anyone, just contributing what little I have heard in interviews about his allergy (ies), in this case cats, as if it matters really. Sheesh. I just know he had a dog and said he'd like one someday. I don't recall saying emphatically that he has no allergies to animals other than cats. If everything I say here is going to be examined under a microscope, then I might as well just leave, or perhaps just comment on Adam's hair color or style of the day, talk about how gorgeous he is (I agree: he is) and keep what I do know or think I know to myself. You share info, your opinions, etc.:so do I. I welcome the knowledge you share here. I'm sorry you don't feel the same. I love coming here to celebrate our favorite singer. Your critical words just took away some of that joy for me. Beyond that I don't know what to say.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's just my opinion of what you stand for which is not clear, so I did say twice in my comment I did not think you were specifically directing it at me. Oh by the way, classify, is too strong a word; didn't have my aromatic coffee yet, lol. See, I often correct myself too not just other people. Not directing it at your comment. In any case, you seldom really talk to me, only on a couple of occasions; not that you must or should. But each time you do, it's about pointing out a 'mistake'. Probably that's why I seem to have got that impression. You see, in order for someone to accept another's pointing out of their 'mistakes' the former needs also to be conversant with the latter, in other matters; otherwise it can be misconstrued or given the impression that she wants to be one-up or more knowledgeable. Still, I'm okay with that; whether someone wants to be one-up; doesn't really bother me. Isn't Adam always one-up on most of his contemporaries, in a good honest humble way. As I've said, no hard feelings; I meant that, not cursory politeness...don't quite believe in anything cursory or for the sake of being polite; or I scratch your back and you scratch mine. lol. I'm not trying to be more knowlegeable here, lol! So when you list the various reasons, you've just got to expect how various people are going to interpret or react to them. Again, open-mindedness is all it takes as I see it, for diminishing the 'woes' here. Perhaps also, that's why I find this place more challenging than other sites I've written at.

Anonymous said...

For glitzylady.....above comment.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else agree with me that Lammy has too much book learning and not enough street smarts? Always has to be right in every situation. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

Ahh I was wondering where you were hiding this time round. Why are you still sooo afraid? As I've said I have an 80% inkling who you are. Reveal yourself, as you can see, I'm not so fierce and won't devour you! Nothing wrong at all with too much book learning nor not being street-smart. If you are so street-smart, why are you hiding behind a street corner? Street-smart people are usually a lot braver and smarter than this. So who is more street-smart now? lol! I think the answer is quite obvious. Pray a little bit or meditate. Stabalises the mind.