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Adam Lambert Interview with EWN in South Africa

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 19, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 19, 2012

EWN spoke to Adam Lambert about his South African tour, his journey from Idols and his fans.


daydreamin said...

Here are all of Adams songs from American Idol all in one place.

daydreamin said...

A new pic of Adam and a fan

Anonymous said...

this is the link to 102.9 Top 5@5

Anonymous said...

Just read the article about Cape Town show."epic concert but fat background singers and dancers were awful"

Anonymous said...

A matter of opinion. I thought they were fun.

HK fan said...

@anon 12.25pm
Can you post a link to the article please, to back up your claim, as all the ones, including tweets have praised the dancers and singers.