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Adam Lambert is #2 on's Boldest Photos Poll 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Adam Lambert is #2 on's Top 10 Boldest Photos of 2012! Chris Colfer took the #1 spot with 16828 votes while Adam had 11993 votes. Neil Patrick Harris came in third place with 242 votes.

To view the top 10, go to source below!


Anonymous said...

oh what a surprise.

daydreamin said...

If anyone is interested in hearing Keisha Renee sing front and center with Nikki Minaj on the AMA's you really should check out her AMAZING and I mean AMAZING vocals. Minaj actually lets her and her alone out of about 20 backup singers sing alone for a few moments. The only way I knew about this was a few tweets about it as well as my local newspaper said she was the standout in this performance ie: BETTER THAN MINAJ!! Check her out around 3:30 (near the end so you don't have to watch Minaj unless you want to see the difference in vocal ability)
Click HERE

daydreamin said...
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Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - thought that was awesome that Adams back up singer was at the AMAS singing with Nicki M. and was the only one with a solo! Take that haterz! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said... first and hopefully last time I have heard Nikki M. (sing?).....not my thing...JAK

Anonymous said...

P.S. What's BOLD about these photos?

Anonymous said...

This is good news considering Chris C. has so many Glee fans. I am alwasy pleaseantly amazed that Adam does so well on polls. We Glamberts are mighty! Just voted for him on the Grammy poll. He's ahead. Doesn't mean he'll get a nom, but it always helps to remind the PTB that we're out here loving Adam all the time.


Anonymous said...

My husband at the end of AMA said best singer of the whole show was the black singer at the end of Minaj's performance.

BTW did P!nk lip sync too? Cause with all those acrobatic moves it is hard to sing. She wasn't dancing. She was doing crazy moves. Loved her performance!

Anonymous said...

Pink is well known for singing live while doing her acrobatic performances.

Remarkably, Pink sang live throughout the performance.

And congrats to Keisha for her solo during Minaj's performance!

Anonymous said...

Happy to see Adam on their chart.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Keisha Renee is coming back to Adam? I thought she was to return to L.A. Nov. 8th or so according to a tweet from her & that she would be joining the band for South Africa but that didn't happen. So is she officially with NM now or what?


funbunn40 said...

@daydreamin,OT I saw the performance and thought Keisha did an awesome job. I still am at a loss of what Nikki Minaj has to offer. Her vocal ability escapes me and she seems to want to emulate Gaga but doesn't quite pull it off, but what do I know. I just think she's rude and full of self importance. Today she stated that she'll be brutally honest judging and say exactly what she thinks, which may have a different definition in her world. Contestants need constructive criticism, but not cruelty or annihalation. Someone tweeted, "being brutally honest, couldn't understand why she was qualified to be a judge." On The View they agreed, saying that she doesn't have the experience or the depth to merit being a judge and they think she's rude. My apologies to any of her fans on this site. This is only my opinion and she does appeal to many. I just don't get what they see in her. Give us a report on the SF Jingleball!

funbunn40 said...

The Glamberts stepped up again on this poll for Adam. Coming in second to Cris Colfer is decent. I like Chris. He's talented and always looks nicely dressed. I keep voting just to keep Adam's name out there and hopefully those that read Out magazine that haven't seen that much of Adam will now notice him.

Anonymous said...

I never had any doubts about Kesha voice. I complained about her discussing stage appearance and moves. So, only she needs NM big money to stop to show the size of her vagina and start to sing? I am sure Ashley and Tommy take care about their stage dresses by them self. And it's always fantastic and different. So, if Adam's background ladies don't want to be dressed appropriately because they want to get money from Adam, shame on them. Adam bel

Anonymous said...

Adam belives in people who surround him.And the members of his bands and dancers show us the perfect stage appearance. Why these two ladies wear some dresses if only Adam bought it for them? I'm talking about black and yellow robs or SA dresses? Hate them even more for now. All of these bull shit about "I'm so poor and I don't have any money to dress appropriately and move nice" is f.......... lie/ They want big money and Kesha got this money.

Anonymous said...

omg 7:46 vagina perv you stopped in mid word, hope nothing bad happened to you and you can never come back here again. Heheeehe

Anonymous said...

no I was wrong here you are already.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn- Your not alone about Nicki M. I've seen all her videos and cannot stand her! I won't even watch idol this year because of her. I tried to see what all the hoopla is about her- (benefit of the doubt) not happening for me at all.

Anonymous said...

6:31PM Thanks for that abc article link about P!nk's performance. I'm still awe strike by that performance. Love the mv too.

Anonymous said...

I think Pink was being Overindulgent!! Love her! Loved that aerial performance ... But 2012 AMA was overindulgent IMO

HK fan said...

I voted for Adam on this poll, and not because I like the photo, I don't, never did like this one whe it was released, think he looks really plastic in it. But it was certainly the boldest photo of the bunch posing with guns etc, some of the others were nice i.e Chris Colfers, but not bold.

daydreamin said...

@Adamluv I agree! She sounded amazing and this really should give the haterz reason to pause!

@JAK and @Funbunn40, I couldn't agree with you more. Sorry but I don't get Minaj AT ALL and don't know anyone who even remotely likes her. I have no clue why on God's green earth why American Idol ever thought she would be good on their show. I feel sorry for the other judges as well as the performers. I'll definitely give you a report on Jingle Ball and am hoping to sneak in my camcorder again :0

I LOVE P!nk and she definitely did not lip sink. There was one part when she rolled that you can hear her faulter.

@CT I can only assume Minaj was recently told she would be singing on AMA's. We'll see soon enuf if she comes back to Adam.

@anon 9:16 this was the very same choreography she used in her video. Not new for just AMA's.

Anonymous said...

Chris Colfer - not my kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

P!nk definitely sings live at her concerts, whether she's hanging from the ceiling or not.

daydreamin said...

Sorry but OT : Here is P!nks performance if anyone wants to see:

Anonymous said...

Chris Colfer may be a nice guy but I don't get what they see in him even how much I try, don't see why he would be #1.

Anonymous said...

Chris C. is on a hit show and therefore has lots of fans. He's such a nice guy, but not sexy at all. Just a really good guy. If Adam had to be runner-up, I guess I'm glad he was second to Chris and not to one of the others.
Nicki M. sells big. She creates buzz, I guess. I'm not going to be watching Idol anyway, so I guess I don't care. PINK is excellent. Would be great if she and Adam could work together again and make another hit song.


tess4ADAM said...

Wasn't that photo supposed to be ADAM channeling an ELVIS album cover? Seems to me I remember (which is unusual for me nowadays) seeing an album cover with ELVIS dressed similarly ...

ADAM mentioned something about a 'possible collab' on VH1 Divas in one of his promos ... hope that happens & it skyrockets into a single!! Fingers crossed ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're right @tess4ADAM.
That photo was based on an Elvis Presley album cover.
Similar outfit and ADAM supposedly channeling Elvis.


Anonymous said...

The gunslinger pose of Elvis was a painting done of him by Andy Warhol, he did 22 different versions of the painting, 9 are in museums. It was first exhibited in a gallery in 1963. The original sold last May for $37,000,000 at auction in NYC. -o-