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Adam Lambert Tweets: Happy Thanksgiving!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 22, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 22, 2012


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you to Adam!
And to all here at AL 24/7 News.

(sorry, I'm not a tweeter)

Magiclady said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Lisa said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all lovely people!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


tess4ADAM said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too ADAM & to your family & your Glamily & to all the Glamberts everywhere!!
Love 'n Light ...

Buon Appetite!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, ADAM, and to your loved ones!
I always thank GOD for you giving joy to my heart.
And to all of you here, thanks a lot!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends. Turkey up!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute fan art:

Happy Thanksgiving Amazing Adam Lambert & Glamily!

Happy Thanksgiving to all here in Adamland!

GGD Gal, no rest for the wicked...(meaning myself, of course)


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Adam, the Glamily & everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving. :)

Adamluv said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Adam fans wherever you live and of course to Adam and his Glamily!! . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Happy Thanksgiving (belated LOL) to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Also belated good wishes from me...
it's amazing how good an apple pie with cranberries and pecans tastes when you've been inundated with pumpkin pies!...JAK