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More Videos of Adam Lambert Performing at the Mercedez - Benz event in China

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 22, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 22, 2012

Naked love



Anonymous said...

those young girl dancers remind me of the cute girls dancing to Pop That Lock, I forget what country they are from.

Anonymous said...

After Adam finished the whole performance--

Male host: BRAVO! It’s truly the best! Adam Lambert is THE IDOL of American. You should not only listen to his album, but also have to see him perform live on the scene. His performance is incomparable!
Female host: You are so right! But I think it’s a shame that just now few people stood up and got really involved in such a fantastic music!

tess4ADAM said...

Here's a video I found on Ytube of ADAM's full performance ... title ...

Official HQ FULL Video ADAM LAMBERT at Mercedes-Benz Event China 11-21-12

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam sounded great. I don't get why US Glamberts didn't like this. Is it because there were cars on stage or because it wasn't the same arrangement as always? This was different, and kind of fresh. Not every gig has to be the same, imo.

Adamluv said...

@10:50 - thank you for the translation. @1:37 - a true artist like Adam does make each performance different so agree with your comment. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I heard an off note somewhere at the start of WWFM maybe because the band is way at the back.

daydreamin said...

The thought crossed my mind that those girls that danced to Pop That Lock in their sexy black garb looked similar to the girls dancing at the Mercedes gig.

Anonymous said...

Adam was brilliant! Mr Class in every way and now becoming a hot guy for many upper class gigs.
It seems promotions are taking off into another direction. Adams not fitting main stream, nor did he, and he soars above the Top 40 crowd who fade away so quickly. Looks like his set to become the international superstar we all knew he would a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I reckon Adam would have preferred dancing guys. I would have too.

Anonymous said...

I would have preferred the dancers 'back up' Adam instead of the cars! I know I know it was all about promoting the cars...but to my eyes the whole thing could have been staged better. The band was in another county...move them closer to the audience, closer to Adam! They feed off each other's energy. This great expanse was cold. Dancers were not an added attraction, they were a distraction.....okay, that's my crabby comment for the more negativity I promise!.....JAK