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Adam Lambert vs Michael Jackson - Cuckoo For Your Entertainment (DJ DigiMark's Off The Wall MixMash)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 11, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 11, 2012

Check this 'Cuckoo' mix out! It's pretty cool!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely dig this mash-up. Great work whoever you are. and thanks!

Anonymous said...

VOTE For The BEST ALBUMS Of 2012: January- June Releases

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We’ll be sifting through your feedback and including it in our final writeup containing your top selections for the Best Albums Of 2012.

Anonymous said...

Never ever thought I'd say this about a mash-up......but I like it!
Does this breakthru mean that someday I just might possibly like a remix? Nah, I doubt it! But this rocks......JAK

Anonymous said...

well that certainly was fun. My kids and their friends came home and caught me dancing around in the kitchen to this song, grabbing my crotch and singing I'm cocked and I'm ready to go. I won't even tell you my age. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh if only I knew who you I could picture that!

Rock on!......JAK :-))

Anonymous said...

Just one word: Outstanding!

Anonymous said...

Loved it...... two such amazing entertainers. If I had to vote Michael would win the dance category but I think Adam beats Michael in the vocal department.
I just watched....... again Adam with Queen and Adam's voice transports me to another world, specially when he sings " Who Wants to Live Forever". I would give up my kids, my husband, my dog well maybe not the dog since she loves listening to Adam as much as I do........ to see Adam and Queen in concert. I'm hoping and dreaming.....


Anonymous said...

I liked this except for the "F" words that were NOT sung on PLL,& here it looks like they were.Everybody that maybe haven't seen that show yet,should know that, because that's a family channel.It will repeat again sometime.The mashup wasn't bad except for that,esp since there's no doubt that that part of Cuckoo was from the PLL show.

Anonymous said...

OMG!Adam, you are only one.
Bite me, but I never like MJ.I agree that he is genious. But all of this changing skin color, fixing(and losing) nose was very weird.

Anonymous said...

I have time to be back here where the fun is.
Anon 7:09!! So funny. A while back Adam sent that viral dog video (the owner is telling his dog that he gave the food to the cat). So I sent it to our family and my husband asks, "Who sent you that dog video? I said "Adam Lambert" and he paused and said "Adam Lambert is emailing you now?" and I said, "no, he tweeted it". Love to confuse my sweet husband. He puts up with so much.
Saw Adam on VH1 today and my dog Charlie kept barking. Animals must "smell" our enthusiasm...or whatever you want to call it.

Still celebrating our election results for marriage equality.

Thanks Adamluv for keeping me sane during nailbiting time.
Can't wait to see him host the Diva thing...voted for the Best Albums of 2012. Yay!


daydreamin said...

Anon 7:09 and @lmb thanks for the laughs!

HK fan said...

I love, love this video, the editing is amazing, and love that he used the AMA performance too. This has now gone onto my ipod...
JAK, did you hear the other one this DJ mark did, Trespassing/another one bites the dust.

@anon 8.05pm
the word fuck is in the song twice, why would it be cut out of this video??

Anonymous said...

I don't like it. I liked the Queen mashup much more since Freddies and Adams voices matched much better together and it made me want to dance. This one seems like it was only done because Digimark knows glamberts will distribute his work for free.

Anonymous said...

@ anom 10:33pm,If the F words were taken from a fan video,played originally on you tube,that would be different( Like from a fan video from an adult club or show for examp) if the video part hadn't been taken directly from ABC's Family,"Pretty Little Liars" where Adam censored himself in this case,both times,.THAT'S why it was wrong to make it look like Adam DID sing them,when he did not;that's all I'm saying.He just put his gloved hand up to his mouth and the F words were not spoken at all.Doesn't anybody get this?They don't show people singing that word on network tv or play it on the radio,do they?????No.

Anonymous said...

Loved it!

Anonymous said...

I don't like it either. It's all about taste. The fact that Adam is in that mixmash doesn't mean it's automatically good. People can say if they hate it and that is just fine. I think the beat was off and didn't connect the songs to each other. I liked the Another one bites the dust mixmash a lot though.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of MJ but I thought the songs connected well. Much better than some other mixmashes I've heard. It's neither here nor there for me if Adam sings the F word or not because Adam will sing it, wherever and whenever he wants to, and I've got used to that now. All in all, this mixmash is well worth listening to.

Anonymous said...


Not bad:)

Thanks for sharing !!:)


HK fan said...

@anon 12.45am
Pretty sure the songs are actually taken from Adams cd, which just goes to show what an amazing editing job the guy has done to get everything synched in with the videos that were playing.
And what does it matter that fuck wasn't said in the PLL episode, and is here, This video isn't for network tv, its for youtube,where pretty much anything goes.

HK fan said...

I've never been a big MJ fan, but I actually like this one better than the Adam/queen mashup. I liked that too, but it was very much 2 different songs playing alternately, with just the end blended together. This seems to be mashed up better to make a great club song.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of this video. MJ is mesmerizing and Adam has many much more striking visual performances to draw from that would balance this video out and not remind you that no one can touch MJ. No one can really touch Freddie either but the Queen mash-up video does much better justice to Adam.

Adam is one-of-a-kind in his own right. I prefer an edit that shows that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, nice job, lots of work to do this. Appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Great job, but no one can compare with the genius of Michael Jackson, however, Adam does come very close.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan - Please excuse my ignorance about this stuff, but can you tell me how you "put" the video on your IPod. I am embarrassed to continually ask my kids.
Thanks for any assistance you can give me.

Anonymous said...

I think DjDigimark made this mash and vid in a hurry. It isn't as well thought out as the Queen vid. I still hope he does more Adam and Michael mashups.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion and it is just mine, you don't have to agree, there not anyone passed or present that can match Adam Lamberts vocals. M J, dancing skills were terrific, and he was very creative, yes a genius on some ways. In later life he just messed himself up. Adsm is rated no. 2 singer in the world, Freddy Mercury no. 4. Vocally Adam is in a class of his own, a very high class. Both the aboved mentioned artist were great. For me it is Adam all the way, I did not really know Freddy, until Adam association with Queen, but have heard much of him now, he was great, singer and performer, but had nothing on Adam who has matured in last 3 years to a fabulous performer! MJ was great but I never was a fan Of his. He had lot's of original vocal's and video's, performance's, which I know other performer's such as Adam take from, he was a very good performer.i think we have seen nothing yet with Adam, these bigger concerts and this upcoming bigger tv. Show's it's gonna be wow. Those artist are themselves and Adam is himself, but I sorry he just as talented most especially as a vocalist. Just my opinion and you have your's and I have mine.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Michael Jackson created a new direction and pathway for future artists to follow in. He invented new and original dance moves, wrote all his own music, and his voice was perfect for the songs he sang. However, Adam's voice in my opinion is better than Michael Jacksons, and Adam still has a long way to go with his career, he is fast becoming a huge success in his own right. Adam himself say's he was inspired by artists like Michael Jackson he was a modern day musical genius. At the same time no one can deny the vocal genius of Adam's voice and that belongs to him and him alone.

Anonymous said...

I think MJ wrote alot of his music but not all of it. He didn't write Thriller did he?

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson was named Artist of the Century and Millenium and was inducted into the 'Songwriters' Hall of Fame in 2002.

Some of his achievements include:
29 Guinness World Records.
13 Grammy Awards.
26 American Musical Awards
18 World Music Awards
Plus the sale of 1 billion units worldwide.

He won 8 of his Grammy Awards for his Album Thriller.

I think this is proof that he was a genius, however, I do believe that Adam's voice is better than Michael's and Adam certainly is a great entertainer and his career is really only beginning to get off the ground, I find him truly inspirational and with luck and over time he will continue to build on his success.

Anonymous said...

it bothers me how tortured MJ life must have been at the end to not be able to sleep without a general anestetic (sp?). Life is just not fair sometimes. He is missed.

Anonymous said...

Elvis Presley was another exceptional performer and artist who came to a sad end. I don't believe his weight was all due to his death either, he was also taking a large number of prescription drugs which reeked havoc with his health. Plus as I understand he was very close to his mother and suffered greatly over her death and his divorce I think all took their toll on him.

I guess you have to question the price of fame, the more successful these artists become the more demands are placed on them, once they reach the top their forced to work even harder to stay on top, is it any wonder so many in the music industry end up either with a drug overdose or serious health issues. As much as I love Adam and want to see him succeed to his full potential, I hope his management don't take advantage of him and push him beyond what he can cope with. I remember a photo of Adam after the GNT tour which he jumped almost straight into after the idol tour and he looked to me to be exhausted. It's good that he had the sense to take some time off before creating his next album, I could see how much more refreshed he looked after taking that break. Adam's also fortunate to have a good family and friends for support which may be lacking with other artists, so hopefully they will tell him to slow down if they feel he needs to take time out.

Anonymous said...

that is why I love the pictures the paps snap of Adam doing everyday things like at a concert, shopping, out with friends. Things Adam enjoys and I hope always can.

Anonymous said...

some very good comments on YouTube about Adam and this mash up.

HK fan said...

I haven't put the video on my ipod, just the music, I just have an ipod shuffle that I use for music.
have 2 tabs open, 1 with the youtube video, one with
copy and paste the youtube url onto the video2mp3 link, click on high quality, click convert, save to your itunes page or another file.

I was never a huge fan of MJ, just found him a bit weird. I like some of his songs. Never even got the memo about him being an amazing dancer, he just did the same few moves over and over, and there was nothing sexy about him at all....
I used to love Queens music, but since seeing and hearing Adam sing the songs, I find I can't listen to the Queens versions anymore, there just seems to be something lacking in them compared to Adams.