I really love the scruff with light or no makeup. With the scruff he doesn't need the heavy dark eyebrows or the heavy eye. You know I love me some Adam, pretty much anyway I can get him!
He really looks like a full fledge rocker. I like the lil to no makeup and rugged look with facial hair. The tat I am warming up to. But that man is ever changing his look.
@9:33- great video _thanks for the link- most have been blocked. there are only 3 comments and no where to say if you like this (not like you-tube) Do they know if we clicked on it cuz I did like 3 times (high def and best video out here so far)
9:48 you can like it on FB or make a tweet. The other video I watched had 80 some comments and talking about everybody but Adam. Still couldn't figure out how many views his video has.I thought Adam did a great job and I hope others did too.
I really love the scruff with light or no makeup. With the scruff he doesn't need the heavy dark eyebrows or the heavy eye.
You know I love me some Adam, pretty much anyway I can get him!
Just sayin IMHO.
The new tattoo is totally working! Adam looks lie a Rock'n Roll Killer Stud. Great face, too. And I like the clean shaven Adam. He looks amazing.
Awesome! Thank for posting these.
I thought the performance was hotter than hot. Wow! The rehearsal is also hotter than hot, too.
Like...LIKE a Rock'n Roll Killer Stud. Geez, Laura! ha.
Too much of a good thing can be dangerous to one's health....but I'm gonna risk it!....JAK
My time is short!
He really looks like a full fledge rocker. I like the lil to no makeup and rugged look with facial hair. The tat I am warming up to. But that man is ever changing his look.
you guys are so immature and and......thud.
Drooling, flailing, swooning!
@8:03 haha It's fun to act immature and Adam makes me feel very young and immature. It's great!!!Now I will go THUD!
Clean shaven, yeah please :)
Scruff look was nice while in Asia but now back to the US market :)
I 2nd that THUD- Adam is beyond gorgeous!
Official video of Adam performance at MAMA last night:
Apparently, it's being monitored by officials as far as how many hits it'll get. So watch it as much as you can.
24/7 Admin: Maybe if you post this video in seperate thread it will get more hits or view counts.
@9:33- great video _thanks for the link- most have been blocked. there are only 3 comments and no where to say if you like this (not like you-tube) Do they know if we clicked on it cuz I did like 3 times (high def and best video out here so far)
9:48 you can like it on FB or make a tweet. The other video I watched had 80 some comments and talking about everybody but Adam. Still couldn't figure out how many views his video has.I thought Adam did a great job and I hope others did too.
Ow! His MAMA appearance was more than great! It sounded and looked excellent, impeccable, perfect.
The MAMAs performance was BRILLIANT!! Now to ditch the scruffy face .... I wish.
That's the realness of being a fan of Adam..... He makes as naughty, crazy and young baby!!:)
I'm not going anywhere until he stops entertaining the world of his epic voice he!he!
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