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Adam Lambert Tweets About "For Your Entertainment" Three Year Anniversary!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

man that three years went fast. I love you too Adam and still enjoy FYI til this day. It's all good, can't wait for the VH1DIVAS. so cool.

Anonymous said...

Adam has certainly been my major Entertainment for the past three years and hopefully for many more years to come. I'm one grateful fan!


Anonymous said...

So sad that Adam didn't get any noms for FYE and he didn't any noms for Trespassing:(

Anonymous said...

7:06 he got a vocal nom for WWFM and that's not too shabby. Have they announced this years noms already? I must have missed it.

lorraine said...

Just a coincidence-or not? I listened to my whole FYE cd in my car again earlier today... Love you, Adam

Jadam NZ said...

Awww, so cute bought tears to my eyes. Its been a helluva ride and it aint over yet. I am an optimist.
No the Grammys noms havent been announced yet. Still live in hope.I will be mightily pissed if he isnt acknowledged for something though for such a great body of work.

Anonymous said...

Grammy noms are supposed to be announced on Dec. 5. Let's keep our fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Happy FYE Anniversary!! Wow! 3 tumultuous FYE years...really something! Love all the FYE songs with your passion clearly sprinkled all over them. My favourite till present day is the title song, FYE; sometimes my favourite song gets overtaken by the others of the same album; but not the FYE song. I think it could be due to the beginning part, the 'whacking' haunting beat, also the rhythm... that urh urh sound throughout the FYE song, and definitely the enticing melody, lyric. Hot on its heels is your Grammy-nominated WWFM which suddenly spurted right to the top alongside FYE on my chart. lol! It jolted me when you did a duet with Zhangwei. It brought out the innate passion and meaning of the song, as in two people trying to figure out their relationship. By the way you were really gracious to let a contestant sing so much of the critical parts of WWFM. He did a great job! Coming in close is Fever! This one goes boom boom! And the lyric is great! Now as for Trespassing...Outlaws of Love, right now is at the top of my chart, alongside Kickin In, Shady, lol! Underneath is the dark horse! Let's see if OOL can cling there just like FYE when the 3-year Trespassing anniversary comes round. Congratulations Adam !! On two beautiful pieces of art that touch minds and hearts! And your voice and singing flair take top prize really. I think if you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, it'll still be a hit. lol!

Anonymous said...

yep a passionate fan since AI and growing stronger everyday.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my my favorites from FYI are Aftermath, fever and Loaded Smile. TP are Underneath, Map and Pop that Lock.

Anonymous said...

Adam has brought me so much joy and a wild ride since FYE,well really before.It started with MaMa at his AI audition! When he says I Love You to us fans I know he really means it and I get all giddy. I hope Adam knows just how much we love him and appreciate his music and what a wonderful person and performer he is. Many more years of love!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I love Loaded Smile...his breathtaking alto / falsetto; Aftermath, definitely mine too! :)

Anonymous said...

FYI is still my favorite single of them all. I love the song And entire album. Time has really gone by quickly. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is tweeting Adam some love back.

Adamluv said...

Will always love this album the most since it was his first. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I ADORE Adam's FYI album and never tire of listening to it. Such a great variety of songs and the Trespassing album is much the same. My hubby loves the FYI album the most and hums along to it when I play it in the car .... and that says a great deal coming from him. :D

Anonymous said...

WOOPS!!! That should read 'the FYE album' - my bad!!!

Anonymous said...

I still love listening to FYE, I love all the songs but my favourite would have to be Sleepwalker, it still gives me chills even more so when Adam sings it live, just brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Aftermath and Sleepwalker are my faves too.

glitzylady said...

I love the entire FYE so much..and have so many great memories of the Year of Glamnation when Adam toured the world, singing the songs from his fabulous first album...Really a genius album especially when you consider that he pulled it together during the time he was touring with the Idol Tour.. Love the CD, and am in complete awe of his live performances. My fav live songs include For Your Entertainment, always a treat since he didn't include it in his GNT shows until the overseas ones..and toward the end of the US shows. So "Adam"..I always loved hearing and seeing Adam perform Sleepwalker live..And the song that gets me every time live is Broken Open. Stunning. It brings tears to my eyes even now, just to watch Suz526's youtube vid of his performance in Honolulu in Oct. 2010. I was 4th row center and I don't think I could breathe during this song. The night before, I was in the balcony and the woman next to me, a "casual" Adam fan, had tears streaming down her face, from the sheer beauty of his voice. His voice in the auditorium was unreal in its purity and beauty. He didn't sing it too often live, but when he did..It was simply OMG! Combine the lyrics, the Voice, and this vision of the gorgeous man himself..and well..I'm ready to do this all over again! (Now, about that Trespassing Tour, Adam!!!!! LOL!)

I just have to share this again: "Broken Open" from Suz526 Oct. 26th, 20110 Honolulu, HI

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert made me"want to listen to music again" and not just his. I became more aware of what of happening in the music world even though I don't necessarily like most of what I hear. Talent doesn't seem to count for much in the's the "circus atmosphere" surrounding the performance that seems to sell a record nowadays. WWFM is still my favorite song and I can identify it fromthe first guitar note. I was so glad that it at least received a Grammy nomination. For me, it is Adam's signature song. I do like the Trespassing cd and just wish that radio would give it a chance. Adam is becoming a global superstar because other countries love and support him and his music while he has to put up with all kinds of criticism and negativity here at home. He will have longevity in the music business while most of these untalented, self-indulgent young performers will fade into oblivion. Adam came onto the music scene as a more mature adult and gained a vast audience of fans who were also older and will continue to follow his career. The young performers with the tween/teen fans will lose them as they both grow older in a market where the next young act is right behind you pushing you out. Hopefully there will be another single released from Trespassing along with a video that will finally catch the attention of the listening audience.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert made me"want to listen to music again" and not just his. I became more aware of what of happening in the music world even though I don't necessarily like most of what I hear. Talent doesn't seem to count for much in the's the "circus atmosphere" surrounding the performance that seems to sell a record nowadays. WWFM is still my favorite song and I can identify it fromthe first guitar note. I was so glad that it at least received a Grammy nomination. For me, it is Adam's signature song. I do like the Trespassing cd and just wish that radio would give it a chance. Adam is becoming a global superstar because other countries love and support him and his music while he has to put up with all kinds of criticism and negativity here at home. He will have longevity in the music business while most of these untalented, self-indulgent young performers will fade into oblivion. Adam came onto the music scene as a more mature adult and gained a vast audience of fans who were also older and will continue to follow his career. The young performers with the tween/teen fans will lose them as they both grow older in a market where the next young act is right behind you pushing you out. Hopefully there will be another single released from Trespassing along with a video that will finally catch the attention of the listening audience.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Sorrty for the previous double posting.

Anonymous said...

Broken Open was a beautiful song but I have to say I do prefer Soaked, Adam always pours so much emotion into all his songs but this would have to be my favourite, plus WWFM, Sleepwalker, Aftermath. I first had the pleasure of seeing Adam perform at the Palaise Theatre in Melbourne, Australia and I've been a fan ever since. Later I was holidaying in LA and saw Adam live at Jimmy Kimmel where he was promoting his new album Trespassing, I met some lovely fans who made me feel very welcome and was so lucky to be in the front row at the centre of the stage, Adam performed NCOE,Trespassing,Broken English,Naked Love and Cuckoo. It was truly amazing, plus we got to see Adam and the band on stage doing their sound check before the concert and I also saw Sauli with Adam as they were leaving after the show. It was the high-light of my trip.

Little did I know he was planning to come to Australia soon after so I was fortunate to see him in Sydney and Melbourne, plus had the pleasure of meeting him in person where he signed my CD, he is so charming and easy to talk to and very down to earth their was nothing pretentious about him, he always takes his time to make his fans feel special. Can't wait to see him perform live again, If not in Australia, I may take another trip to see him overseas again.

Anonymous said...

Loved Sleepwalker live,so fierce. When Adam sang Soaked live it gave me chills and tears!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:44 A.M. You and @ glitzylady have hit upon my two favorites from the FYE album. Broken Open for it's soft yearning type of beauty and Soaked as the type of power ballad Adam's voice seems made for (should also say I include Time for Miracles..uuufff!)

@ glitzylady...thanks for the link, it still grabs at my heart!
When I heard Nirvana on TP album it gave me the same feeling. I love his dance tunes, especially if I can see him perform them, but....OH! album of ballads would be a dream come true!......JAK

Anonymous said...

I love all Adam's ballads, and let's not forget his new one Underneath, what an amazing job he did with this recently in SA. Once again chills and tears, no one else can match this type of talent. When I first became a fan of Adam's my son's couldn't understand why, that is until they took the time to listen to one of my recordings, well there not looking at me so strangely now, they were very impressed with Adam's vocal range and had to admit that he is way in front of any current artists that they usually listen too.

Anonymous said...

I'd love for Adam to sing one of these ballads that has been mentioned here in several of the postings on the VH 1 divas show or on any tv/entertainment show in the future where he makes an appearance. Any one of those beautiful, haunting melodies just gives you chills and cuts right to the heart. We all know the energetic and upbeat songs that he does, butthe power and beauty of his ballads is just mesmerizing. That's what makes him the best vocal talent in music today. For me, the choice would be Underneath

Anonymous said...

I think anyone who saw Adam Lambert on American Idol with his audition and was hooked from that first note is still a fan today and even moreso. From the finals of AI, to the tour, then to the release of FYE and that glitz and glam tour and now with Trespassing and the promo concerts, those fans are still with him. He has been my main entertainment musically also for these last three or so years and through this blogsite with the videos we have the opportunity to watch. We know more about Adam's career and life than the average person because we are interested in following the latest happenings not read about or heard on the entertainment shows. I am one happy fan, will continue to support him, and hope he will be around for many years to come making music and enjoying what he is doing. He is one amazing talent in addition to being articulate, charming, smart and humble. And that is a combination you don't seem to find in today's musical performers. Can't wait for the VH1Divas shows. It should be something special because of him.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough though I fell for Adam when he was on Idol and the Idol tour, I did not like the Glam Nation tour at all. Of course I watched every performance I could, because I liked Adam, I don't like glitz and glam. I'm glad it's in the past. I liked FYE and TP albums and love his live performances now. I am a fan for life, his stellar voice, charming personality and stunning good looks are too much to resist, or want to resist.

Anonymous said...

Like the poster above, I also did not like GNT, didn't like all the glitter, costumes and make-up. I have said before that if this Chapter 2 of Trespassing has been the one right out of Idol, he would not lose a lot of his fans during his run. All the glitter and make-up emphasized more what these people hated about the AMA, and didn't follow him. Well, I decided to follow him and no regrets. Love him.

V Camilleri said...

Can't get enought of Adam no matter what he weArs just got to love him. So addictive. A Beautiful Human!