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FAKE NEWS of The Day (Via Twitter)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 25, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 25, 2012

ENews on Twitter announced that Adam Lambert will be working with Lady Gaga for her next album ART POP which will be released in 2013. In less than an hour after this tweet, it has been confirmed by many fans that this is a fake news report because this twitter account is new and there's no source to this news.

So for those who came across this tweet on Twitter, this is not true!


Anonymous said...

wow I thought all the bored people were trolls on here. I guess they are spread out all over. Glad someone caught this. I can't believe stuff like that is allowed to happen on twitter, not a very professional place to me.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Adam is even mentioned in this bogus twitter kind of makes me feel good, because it shows that he's considered someone who will create a buzz. That's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

These type of people knows how to create frenzy especially if they involve the name Adam Lambert!:)

They know that Adams fans are passionate and loyal so they want some attention from us.

Adam is electrifying so be careful what u wish for!!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

so happy to read this is fake just like lady gaga

Anonymous said...

I just read a positive down right nice article about Adam from Perez Hilton! So the world should be shaking about now! I am convinced that this Dive thing will help Ad and his sales here, and will give people more of a scope of Adam real talent, and he is a spectacular talent, a mature man and talent not the boy 3 years ago that was still the a fabius talent ! pH even added the Diva ad's! country singers are rarely if ever popular anywhere but America, maybe a few! Sales are sales and Adam is doing well abroad, and just landed himself a major tv. Show, that he will do a great job on! Being negative never helped anything Ad will win out in the end! Pretty sure he will have a sales jump shortly after dec. 16 in America! That was Adam! The negativity referring to was on a previous post that just went off! Sur

Anonymous said...

That was sue, going to start calling myself sur, I always hit that!

Anonymous said...

It is very puzzling trying to figure out what kind of dysfunctional person would go to all the trouble to tweet that?? lol It takes all kinds.

Anonymous said...

Canadians and Canadian don't forget Adam is on your tube tonight !! Report back.

Anonymous said...

I know can't wait my dear!!!

I'll make a good meal tonight he!he! so

that everyone behaves accordingly...:)


Anonymous said...

@12:29 Ha I thought the same thing,wow PH actually wrote something positive toward Adam!

Anonymous said...

1.35 I normally do not read his venomous blog, something told me too this time! I almost went under with amazement, maybe my absolute hate for his ugliness got to him! LOL, It is hard to believe but PH may be human after all, finally regonizing Adam talent. I definitely will not get my hopes up, however! Sue

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton is complete slime. I don't care what he says about Adam.

Anonymous said...

PH is crazy about Adam. Sometimes he can't stop himself to write nice article about love of his life:)

Anonymous said...

PH is tricking us. Be cautious and don't fall for his trap. Maybe he lost his mojo and he is crying wolf.

The Dark Side said...

Her majesty isn't doing anything with Adam these days. Wonder how she will fare against all the boy band wonders? Should be interesting. I don't trust PH

Anonymous said...

I purposely did not read the article by PH! Although it's on my Google Home Page. I was sooo tempted but I thought, no, it's a trap to get hits again using Adam's name so no go.


Anonymous said...

Trust me I do not still have one bit of trust in PH. He will have to do a lot more to prove, he is human than that. But, it was nice for a change. fYI was a good album I like it, several songs the most. I like and love the new album every song in it is in most cases way better than what out there, he had excellent songs on this album. This is the se woman that trolls here all time, you do not like Adam great music go listen to whoever you want, let us be happy! Sue

donnaw said...

OMG!! You HAVE to watch this video...

Anonymous said...

@islandgirljams:My UStream for watching ADAM on In60 - MuchMoreMusic tonight!…

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for giving us the link to that YouTube clip.

They're actually going to make a movie out of those books???? They're mostly about sex so I wonder how long the movie is going to be????

Anyway, it's FANTASTIC that For Your Entertainment is used to accompany the video .... it's the perfect choice of song! However, there are people dissing the song so some positive comments are needed!! I've tried to comment but it tells me I have to open a channel before I can comment. HUH???? I only spend a small amount of time on YouTube so it's hardly worth it. Here's the link again:

Anonymous said...

I went to that 50 Shades of Grey YT link and I'm just wondering that they really hate the FYE song or maybe because it's Adam?
BTW, who is that Henry for the Christian Grey role?
There's also same trailer but with Matt Bomer and they all like him for the role of Christian Grey.
I actually love Matt for his looks but don't they know he is gay and with kids and not fit for that role?

Anonymous said...

TV Tonight: Five Worth Watching on Nov. 25

He’s not as big as Bieber, but anyone who watched Season 8 ofAmerican Idol won’t soon forget runner-up ADAM LAMBERT.
Since then, Lambert’s become famous around the world and the first openly gay artist to hit No. 1 on the Billboard album chart.
We’re told no subject is off limits in his talk with Matt Wells on ADAM LAMBERT:
In Sixty(MuchMore at 10pm.…

Anonymous said...

MAMA show to have shock and pop!
This year’s show will be broadcast in 13 countries with a total of TWO Billion potential viewers.

Links to watch the show:

Anonymous said...

@ 6:40 PM

The Henry is Henry Cavill an excellent actor from UK. He had one of the leading roles in the British mini series The Tudors.

And what do you mean Matt Bomer wouldn't fit the role of Christian Grey because he's gay? He's an actor he could act the part of a straight sadist. I doubt they will cast a REAL straight sadist for the part.
That's why they call it acting.

Anonymous said...

10:14 . . . Well, there could be an uproar if they choose a gay actor for the role of Christian Grey like if Adam is given a role like Christian Grey?

Anonymous said...

Adam is not an actor so that's not likely to happen.