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Fan from Hong Kong tells her story of meeting ADAM LAMBERT!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 25, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 25, 2012

Joanne wrote about meeting Adam and Tommy on her blog!

CLICK HERE to read her story of meeting Adam!


Jadam NZ said...

Wow, Lucky Girl. If I was younger and lived in Auckland, nothing would have stopped me meeting Adam when he was in NZ.At my age though I dont think it would be appropiate to chase after him, darn it.

Anonymous said...

It must have been so exciting! I know I will meet this great and wonderful guy too someday. So happy for all the fans who have had that opportunity.

Anonymous said...

aww how cute she is. My mom would have been exactly like her mom GO GET HIM.

Anonymous said...

This girl must still be on cloud 9. Adam is so nice to his fans.

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. I know that everybody excited that PH and PopCush published the great reviews of Adam's promos and mentioned that he is only Diva on VH1 show! However, can you imagine reaction of all of these "Divas" who suppose to be on the Diva Show? I think Adam is gonna be in trouble after this show:D Again!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish that I was an interviewer at MTV or Much Music or any other music television channel. I wouldn't ask the same old questions to artists and talk about 3-year old and older events. I would concentrate on what's happening NOW for the singer, where he's performing, with whom, the soundchecks they have, the loving fan stories (that little girl in South Africa), future plans, etc.

Well, I just watched the stream of the MuchMore interview. I had high expectations because in his trailer for the show, the interviewer had mentioned that he would not concentrate on Adam's orientation. Well, guess what? He spent at least 30 minutes of the hour-long interview talking about it, like all the other North American interviewers.

Adam has talked about all that for so long. Must be SO fed up. But, I think it's up to him to let these interviewers know that HE HAS TALKED ABOUT HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND AI DAYS AD NAUSEUM AND WOULD NOW LIKE TO TALK ABOUT THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE!!!!

Anonymous said...

“AURA” Is Coming – and we need your help!


AURA. The word suggests glowing light, a halo, perhaps.
AURA is also the name of a tribute magazine being created by four inspired ADAM LAMBERT fans to celebrate the extraordinary connection, that incredible bond that exists between ADAM and his global fandom—and by extension, the remarkable network that has evolved among his fans worldwide.

Named for ADAM’s positive, energizing, inspirational inner and outer glow, AURA will capture his journey from post-Idol 2009 through year-end 2012, showcasing fan impact accounts and poetry.

Top 10 lists, firsts & favorites. . . tributes from business and entertainment leaders. . . career highlights, sexy stats, awards & honors.
Creative ventures inspired by ADAM, fans supporting his career and concerts, fans supporting fans and crashing websites, stunning photographs, remarkable illustrations, timelines, favorite tweets, quotable quotes, etc. will fill the pages of AURA.

How can you participate?

Anonymous said...

8:11 -- PopCr... is not mentioning that Adam is the only diva on the show and neither is PH. Now, you are distorting their articles. PopCr is saying that they love how Adam channels other divas like Ella Fitzgerald and PH only suggested that he may be the best diva that night.

Anonymous said...

that's right leave it up to the main man himself. I rather enjoyed the interview I never get bored listening to the AI or gay chatter I learn something new each time.That's how I roll.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:17 pm Is that what I missed? Well, then I don't feel so bad. Sometimes I wonder, would they even interview him if he weren't gay?

Anonymous said...

8:11 ohhhhhh please don't scare me. What kind of trouble? He didn't write the freakin articles.

Anonymous said...

great to see Adam on Canadian tv. Thanks MuchMore you guys did a good job. I hope you have him back soonish.

Anonymous said...

MAMA 2012 Awards livestream w ADAM LAMBERT

11-30-12 due to be on this YouTube Channel (Hong Kong, China.
Performance at the Korean Mnet Asian Music Awards/MAMA.
PreShow 5pm – 7pm. Show airs 7pm – 11pm local time.

Anonymous said...

Korean Joong Ang Daily - MAMA show to have shock and pop!

“In 2008, Big Bang member T.O.P unexpectedly locked lips with sexy diva Lee Hyo-ri during the show, which was then called the Mnet Korean Music Festival, while last year another “kiss performance” by 4Minute’s Hyun-a and Beast’s Hyunseung shocked their fans. As a “kiss performance” by two artists of the opposite sex has lost much of its shock value, the event’s organizer said during a press conference on Tuesday that this year there will be an “unprecedented performance between two men.””

Anonymous said...


@glam_alidol.@devenlane every year, mama had a female star ,and a male star kissing each other on stage. but someone said between male stars this year

@glam_alidol: @devenlane lol,many teenage k -pop fans like that.

@glam_alidol: @BulgieLuvsMe @devenlane yes,it’s a tradition

@glam_alidol: .@devenlane @BulgieLuvsMe i said this news,bc i saw some k-pop fans wanted adam to kiss their k-pop idol ,lol

@glam_alidol: … … they even have a poll on official mama site for fans @devenlane @hcluless@BulgieLuvsMe

Anonymous said...

@plumcomm has 4 extra tix for 12/8 NYC Cyndi Lauper w ADAM LAMBERT show.
$90.60 ea. Please tweet her if you would like them! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That MAMA show is starting to stress me out I will be glad when it is over. lol A potential of 2 billion people watching it. faint.

glitzylady said...

Recorded Livestream for Much Music Adam Lambert Interview. Streamed and recorded by @Islandgirljams

***The interview is up on Much Music website but only available in Canada..

We can watch outside of Canada here:

daydreamin said...

She is adorable. I am so excited for her and everyone lucky enough to meet him. I love what her mom said too!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I like the idea of the 'kiss performance' being part of Adam's performance. It would seem to me to be using him for his sexuality. Tacky. If it's a performance let two straight guys or girls do it. It's only acting.

Anonymous said...

@8:22- thanks for the info on Aura- great idea. I already have the book "on the meaning of Adam Lambert and was waiting for a follow up! Yeah.

Anonymous said...

9:47 it can be acting no matter who does it.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, so why call on the gay guy except for press.

Anonymous said...

It's called good TV.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand why Adam is going to Korea. Because it's the home of shipping and homoerotic fanservice. Adam must be thrilled. He can kiss Tommy again on stage. Ugh..

Anonymous said...

No 11:50, it's called exploitation.

Anonymous said...

call it what you want, actually no big deal to me.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows what he´s doing...intelligent guy...I´m not worried about his performance decisions:) twitter said he has a new tattoo..excited to find out what and where:D

Anonymous said...

ok he has to start picking on the other arm now. Aren't all his tatoos on the same arm?

Anonymous said...

He;s got tats on both arms. Wonder where th enew one is? The Aura book sounds cool.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah He sure does I forgot about some of his tatoos, lol That girl was very nice not to mention the hotel he was staying at, very nice girl.