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Latest Pictures: Adam Lambert with fans in Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam meeting with many fans in H.K.seems very friendly place.

Anonymous said...

Great pic of the always adorable Adam and his fans. Love Brian in the background with his tongue out. Naughty boy!


Anonymous said...

Clean platform:)

Lucky fans!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam just taking a subway like he is no one famous,what fun! They must be very respectful in China. He looks so gorgeous and the fans must be thrilled!

Anonymous said...

@8:08PM This is Hong Kong. It isn't China. It would be great to find what is Adam doing there for such a long time before MAMA

Anonymous said...

In a way, I think it's such a relief to just take the train without all the usual hassle and dazzle that Adam has to deal with. This HK train platform looks exactly like our MRT station, same type of train, platform. Adam looks pretty unfazed, relaxed. :)

Anonymous said...

was he caught eyesexxxing in the subway station? shame on u Lambert

Anonymous said...

LOL at Brian.

Anonymous said...

@8:08 pm, Hong Kong is part of China.

Leilani Aloha said...

Nice to see Adam has the " freedom " in HK to relax & enjoy the city. It's really exciting for me when I was last there Riding HK's fast awesome mass transit!!!
Great means to move around & we shop till we dropped!!! Adam'll have lots of fun as he loves shopping!!!
Over in Kowloon, often u'll see famous HK celebrities & Adam & glamily must ride the cable car all the way to the top!!! Cannot remember what it's called but what an awesome view of the city!!!

Adam looks happy, casual & friendly meet with fans:):):)

Anonymous said...

HK is kind of like NYC also full of celebrities, movie stars & people do leave them alone. Not so much paparazi like in crazy LA!!!

I arrived in NY at 6a.m, at the baggage counter, my nephew whispered to me that Joan Rivers's next to me & I said " oh why no paparazi?" He told me " this is NY, not LA, people let u be " which I thought was nice:) After all celebrities are humans 2:)

Anonymous said...

TMZ has celebrities from New York all the time caught on camera by the paps.

Anonymous said...

Hong Kong was a British Colony before it was handed over to China in 1997.
It is now referred to as Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China or HK SAR for short.
It may be under Communist China now but HK has a high degree of autonomy and has a different political system from Communist China and China promised before the handover to let HK stay as it is for the next 50 years.
The head of HK government is chosen by an Election Committee of 400 to 1,200 members and remains the same for the first 20 years of Chinese rule.

HK has several ‘best’ and ‘most’ ranking in the world as:
One of the world’s top financial centers.
One of the highest per capita income in the world and low flat tax of 15%.
Most vertical city in the world.
Best public transport network with traveling rate over 90%, the highest in the world.
Longest life expectancy of any country in the world from 2012.
Most number of billionaires per square meter (?).
Biggest horse racing in the world with regard to money exchange during races (in billions).
No.1 in Best Airports in the world.
No.10 in the Largest Airports in the world and to think, HK is just a dot in the world's map.

Top 3 Mcdonald’s in the world are all located in HK. Almost toppled as No.1 when the Berlin wall collapsed when the East Germans crossing to freedom tasted their first Big Macs for the 1st time.
Also the top Pizza Hut and KFC, (I just don’t remember what else).
Most expensive real estate in the world and highest commercial rental per square inch.
Most number of Roills Royces per square mile.
One of the most expensive cost of living in the world.

Some of the list here were at the time when my family lived there for years from the 80's and I believe HK has the highest cost of gasoline in the world then, I don’t know now.
Also during our time there, 3 of the Top Ten hotels in the world are in HK, but I'm sure the list has changed.
And the HK people are the most and well- travelled population in the world.

And according to UN and WHO, HK’s economic freedom, financial and economic competitiveness, quality of life, corruption perception, Human Development Index are all ranked highly as well.

HK is vibrant just like NY, it never sleeps while the landscape reminds one of San Francisco.
And you can find the most efficient people in the world in HK.
That's all I can think of but I'm sure the are more now that can be added to the list.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I live in Hong Kong, did not realise you would be here. whoahhhhhh. Hope u enjoy our city.

Anonymous said...

@ xyz.....JAK here......very interesting info about HK. I'm afraid I knew little about it. I remember it mostly as a very exotic movie location from the days when it was a British colony! I've always wished Adam had more time when he was world traveling to stay awhile in each city, he's usually flying in and out again so quickly. What a treat for the band.

HK fan said...


and its my home yay....for nearly 16 years . Thanks for all that info. I was just going to come and stick my oar in with a few comments.
HK is still very separate from China, we have our own laws, governing body, national flag, even our own national sports teams. Its still has a closed border with China, and you need visas and have to go through immigration.

as to the train's, yes Canadian, the trains, platforms and stations are all extremely clean, probably the best underground system in the world, with phone and wifi available at all points in the system, unlike the tube in London. And its called the MTR, short for mass transit railway, so very similar to your lam-my.
I can't believe Adam is standing on the samw station I have been on hundreds of times...why, oh why didn't I go that night:(
xyz, where abouts did your family live?
@Jenny Mayhew, where do you live in HK...we should meet up, how great it would be to meet up with another glambert.

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Anonymous said...

ANON 9:05 Thanks for the informative info re Hong Kong . I enjoyed it . As for Adam and his friends , I'm happy to see them enjoying themselves . Gorgeous Adam, goofy Brian, and smiley Tommy.

Anonymous said...

The pics were taken at 1am. That's early, if they were already going back to their hotel.

HK fan said...

yep 1am is early for HK, it truly is the city that never sleeps....I've been stuck in traffic queues that time of the morning!

Anonymous said...

Tommy had told a fan just a while ago that they are going out tonight. Assumedly they are heading to the bar

HK fan said...

more HK pictures

This an old one that I haven't seen, pretty cool shot

And if anyone wants to do some more voting, flecking records have always been very supportive of Adam

Nominate @adamlambert for Male Fashion Icon,Male Musician & Trespassing for song on Flecking Records Awards 2012 …

Anonymous said...

thanks HK

Anonymous said...

xyz and - HK Thanks for the interesting information from Hong Kong! What a pleasure to ride 24/7 with Adam and his followers .... HH.

Anonymous said...

HK Thank you for your pictures!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:05 I guess TMZ will have to change it's name from Thirty Mile Zone to Three thousand mile

Anonymous said...

give some views to Trespassing Official Lyric video on Youtube, please.TY

Anonymous said...

6:20I couldn't get thru to Flecking with that link. Do you have another one up your sleeve? thanks

Anonymous said...

There are tickets remaining for Adam's Jingle Ball December 14th in San Fran at The Warfield. Be there or be square.

Anonymous said...

HK fan,

First when we arrived, we lived at mid-levels to the right of the Adventist Hospital until the Tiannamen Square massacre in China which brought down cost of real estate, then were able to purchase a flat in Estoril Court (price now is 20x).
We moved to Nicholson Tower (at mid-levels) when it was new and sold it when recession was affecting real estate again.
Our home then was at the Convention Center right next door to Grand Hyatt, a 6 star hotel BTW.
My husband has business there so our family come and go.
But Im not traveling as often as I used to because of my anxiety (aging LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry HK fan, that's from me 8:47 post.


glitzylady said...

@xyz & HK fan
Thank you for all the info/pics of Hong Kong. I don't know a lot about it but it sounds like a city I'd love to visit!!! Especially right now...Glad Adam and the crew have time to get out and enjoy the city and themselves.

Anonymous said...


I know that 'Love Is A Many Splendored Thing' was shot in HK in 1955 and that memorable kissing scene of William Holden and Jennifer Jones at the beach of Repulse Bay.
The Repulse Bay Hotel was a beautiful old hotel that was demolished in 1982 to build an apartment complex.
But due to the outcry of old-timers for its historical value, it was built again as how exactly the old hotel looked with every detail even to the wooden toilet seat.
That's how cheap money is in HK.
But I think that an apartment complex surround it now.


Anonymous said...


Make it in your itinerary next time but make sure bring a lot of shopping money because it is a place for eating (considered one of the Top 3 in the world) and shopping, not at the usual worldwide chain stores, but at the night market in Mongkok would be exciting.
It's about a four block endless stalls on the streets of cheap stuff and the best designers' knock-offs.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, again that's me at 10:04am, glitzy lady.


Anonymous said...

wow Hong Kong sounds like a place I want to go to.

Anonymous said...

I see Tommy in the background:) So Cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Though HK is under China now, China's residents do not have the right of abode in HK nor are they allowed to enter the territory freely.
Only a daily quota of 150 Mainland Chinese with family ties in HK are granted a "one way permit"

Additional info to HK's 'best' and 'most' lists in the world as:

HK's education system is the 2nd best in the world.
Has most number of International schools (American, British, Swiss, German etc) per square area.

With 1,223 skyscrapers in HK, the city is at the top of world rankings.
For skyscrapers above 150 meters, HK has 294 at No.1, NY has 227 at No.2.
The ICC, the tallest building in HK, is 3rd tallest in the world (by height to roof measurement).
36 of the world's 100 tallest residential buildings are in HK.
HKBank’s HQ upon completion then, was the most expensive building in the world.

HK's skyline is often regarded to be the best in the world and has the biggest impact of all world cities.
HK harbor is considered one of the Top 3 in its beauty.

HK has the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world, the Mid-Levels escalator.
This escalator system transports people from the lower city to the mid-levels, no fares to pay nor any traffic congestion.

HK is the world's largest re-export centre & the world’s 11th largest trading entity.
It’s the world’s busiest airport for international cargo & the world’s 2nd busiest container port.

Its highly developed capitalist economy is ranked the freest in the world by the Index of Economic Freedom every year since 1995.
HK has one of the greatest concentrations of corporate headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region.

The HK Stock Exchange is the 7th largest in the world.
HK raised 22% of worldwide initial public offering (IPO) capital in 2009, thus the largest centre of IPOs in the world and the easiest place to raise capital.
HK ranked 2nd in the Ease of Doing Business Index.

HK ranks one of the most expensive city for expatriates.
HK is 4th in terms of the highest percentage of millionaire households with 8.5 percent of all households owning at least one million US dollars.
HK dollar is the 8th most traded currency in the world as of 2010 and has been pegged to US$ since 1983.


Anonymous said...

zyx, can you visit the city easily as a tourist? So glad Adam and Glamband got to go there.

Anonymous said...

@ xyz.....JAK here.....Now you've done it, sent me into a sweet sentimental journey! My first date with my husband was in Sept. of 1955, we saw Love Is A Many Splendored Thing! I cried so hard the last 10 minutes or so that as we came out into the lobby of the very ornate movie theater, my new guy steered me to a mirror and handed me a handkerchief....I had streaks of black mascara down my face like a zebra! (This was before waterproof mascara.) We both started laughing and that was it! He was mine forever from that moment!.....second date he brought me the record of the song by The Four Aces! It's "our" song.

BTW..I was so enchanted with Jennifer Jones wardrobe, I immediately recruited my mother and wore cheongsam dresses for a very long time...they suited my figure and I felt very exotic!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian! He is always making funny faces :)

HK fan said...

yes HK is very easy to visit as a tourist. Its also very easy to get around. Public transport is easy to use, the mtr especially, all announcemenst are in Chinese and English, as well as an easy to read map that lights up the next destination and which station to change at for another line, even lights up which side of the train to get off.
English is an official language, and all signs are in both languages.

the only time I lived in town was in Jordan, but have been in Sai Kung now for 11 years.

HK fan said...

p.s Poor Adam isn't getting nice weather, its very wet at the moment, and chilly. Its dropped 10since last week.

Anonymous said...


I've always wondered how beautiful you look as you mentioned before you're have the Ava Gardner look.
Elizabeth Taylor felt threatened only by Ava's beauty.
You're love story with your husband is so sweet indeed!


daydreamin said...

I hope all of your HK fans get to meet sometime! (Adam is making the world a smaller place.)

Anonymous said...


I'm glad HK fan has given you a reply.
Usually one can visit HK without a visa and stay for two weeks and apply for extension for another two weeks.
But if you get a visa, you can stay for a month and extend for another month.
HK is always crowded with tourists just like the streets of NY.

@HK fan

I used to drive to Sai Kung whenever I have guests to see the enchanting scenery then proceed to Fanling in the New Territories at the country club there. I'm sure you love Sai Kung.


Anonymous said...

@ xyz....No No No I never said I looked like Ava said I wanted to look like her!
I thought she was the most beautiful woman in films. She smouldered and sizzled!

Whereas my sizzle was minor league!
.......but my husband liked it!..JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK again....Coincidentally since we have been spending so much time in Asia with Adam....I have seen a few faces that resemble me slightly. When I was in college I did some modeling and I was hired because the agency felt I had a Eurasian look! Since I look like my Dad perhaps one of his Austrian
ancestors visited the ancient land of Cathay! That's a romantic thought!

Leilani Aloha said...

Wondering if Adam & Glamily have made it to the Peak in HK, one must do when visiting HK!
Quite exciting & scarry going up a super super STEEP hill on the ramp.
once on top =beautiful view!
LOL, feels like Adam's personal tourguide:)
wouldn't that be awesome,,,,,,,,,

HK fan said...

not a beautiful view this week, The Peak is shrouded in fog....

Anonymous said...

I love Brian. He's a riot on stage, too. He such a tiny guy and he has such a deep voice. I think he and Adam have a good creative symbiosis. They clearly get along very well, too.

Anonymous said...


Yes, Ava's beauty is smouldering and seduces.
Frank Sinatra found her irresistible he had to divorce his wife Nancy to marry Ava.
Though they divorced later, Sinatra never got over her.
I read that on her funeral, there was a bunch of roses with a love note signed Francis.
I don't understand why she married Mickey Rooney.
My mother said he might be short but he was such a big time in Hollywood.

Jennifer Jones passed as a Eurasian beauty in 'Love Is A Many Splendored Thing'.


Anonymous said...

@ xyz......Mickey Rooney WAS Hollywood! He was the #1 box office star in the WORLD 1939,40,41. Married Ava in 1942. He is 92 yrs. old now and still appearing in films. He has been on stage or on film for 90 years. He has 4 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He's in the Guinness book of world records...He wasn't always an admirable character but he's certainly been durable!....

Your mother was right, he was big time Hollywood!....JAK

Anonymous said...


WOW! 4 stars on Hollywood!
I know he was the biggest star during his time as you say he was Mr. Hollywood.
I just didn't get why, maybe because he was already old when I was aware of him and didn't get to see his movies or not interested even shown on TCM.
Maybe I try to watch next time when it's on.
