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More Pictures From Hong Kong

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 24, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the stubble look.

Anonymous said...

Me too, Adam is so fierce and gorgeous and has the voice of an angel

Anonymous said...

Hey, Gini Santana, if you're reading this, why did you stop posting on the other site?
All the democrats over there run you off? lol

Anonymous said...

Well you lost me there 9:59 but I love these photo's. Adam is getting to meet the people and that's refreshing. Must be nice for him to have the freedom of walking around and not being noticed too much.

Hate to say it but I am praying for the day when he has such amazing success in China that he can't walk around like that. It would be so nice if he had that kind of success for a while, even if it meant that the had to have security.Something tells me he would handle it well.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:59 you're some piece of work. All class.

Anonymous said...

Could you be more specific 10:42? Do you even know what I'm referring to?