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PopCrush: Which Singer Had the Best Halloween Costume of 2012?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 1, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 01, 2012

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Please vote for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Miley by a mile.

Anonymous said...

He's two points behind Miley now.

Anonymous said...

Situation right now:

Adam 36%
Miley 38.5%

C'moon Glamberts! LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam is catching up! I've been voting!


Anonymous said...

Adam by twenty thousand miles, because he dId it all himself, make up and all. Putting it together with pieces already in his costume wardrobe,maybe adding a piece are too! Doing it all himself, no stylist! Highly doubt that was the case, with many other's! Showing Adam talent, of course the resident trolls could never see that, or admit it!! Who cares, he did great job!! That was maybe adding a piece or two, wrong spelling, above! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam has a slight lead now....

As long as we're talking about voting let's not forget to vote, vote, vote for Adam on Peoples Choice Awards NOminations...earlier post said Friday is the last day to vote. We should write in Adam's name for Favorite Male, click "other" and write in. Also, for Favorite "other" and write in TRESPASSING. Let's all do our part, ok (you can vote over and over). Thanks to all :)


Anonymous said...

That's Favorite Male Artist


Anonymous said...

The ever creative "Adam Lambert" of course!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sue You are not a troll if you prefer someone else's costume. Adam always looks good, but his Halloween look is always a variation on same theme. I thought Miley's look was more creative. It's that simple. And no insult to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why does anyone care who has the best costume? It's a poll with Adam in it and we want him to win.

Anonymous said...

Adam's of course but Miley looks really good too. I voted for Adam but more importantly voting on Peoples Choice and requesting on radio!

Anonymous said...

Adam's ahead now! I know it doesn't mean a thing, except for our pride. It's good to let others know that we Glamberts are always there for our guy.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we Glamberts should show our support in any way and every way possible and get ADAM up front! Miley Cyrus does not need our help! Now also vote for the Grammys nominations for "Favorite Male Artist" and "Favorite Album"! It's very important for Adam's career. We would all feel so proud of ourselves if somehow we manage to get Adam nominated! So, come on, vote, vote, vote!

Anonymous said...

O.K. I need to go on a little rant and I feel comfortable here. So the couple weeks before Adam performed the Texas Tango in Dallas Trespassing made the top 5 at 5 on 102.9 Dallas just about every day. 102.9 is the station that sponsored the concert. Since the concert it has not made the top 5 once and I know we all must still be voting just as hard. So O.K. there are a lot of songs to chose from so at least can they play it during the day. NO,they play it right before midnight or in the wee hours of the morning.They have to know that having Adam at this concert was a huge draw and I feel like stations use him and toss him and his great music away. I may be overreacting but like I said this is safe place to let feelings out.Anyone else feel like me?

Anonymous said...

There's where I differ - I vote for Adam everywhere I truly believe he is the best, but I do not vote for him to win stupid polls that don't count anyway just out of blind devotion. That would be lying to myself. I can't and won't do that. I am fan not a fanatic. He is a wonderfully talented, handsome young person, charming and witty, I would be proud to have him as my son or as a friend he has brought joy to my life - but I don't believe in win at any cost.

Anonymous said...

Since I just had my say I hope it is a safe place to let feelings out and not be jumped on. I agree with you that Adam is used. Radio stations interview him cause it will draw attention and crowds and then don't play his music - foul!

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree, above post, do you have text no. For Dallas. I only have I phone, I will request. Doing other's you posted. Also New York hope alright with, there hurricane problem,s. really keep 20/20 up, please. All American radio stations ate user's! Could some of you request 99464, Huston, several times a day, please. I would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Also I am an Adam Lambert supporter, that will alway's be who I vote for, in any pole. I do like his costume, he did it all himself no stylist. Pretty positive she had one, Miley! What original about that costume every body and his brother did it, like Ga Ga last year, no originality at all! Adam loves Vampire's will alway's do them. He dresses up for Halloween, because it his favorite holiday, not for votes!! But, he got mine that it! 2.32. If you do not ever put name, it bother's me, just any name that u keep not change, thank's Sue

Anonymous said...

I will agree on one thing, Miley look a heck of a lot prettier in the face than NM!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:31pm

I've been voting on the Dallas station 102.9 daily (at least 15 votes per day) and I live in L.A. I do it because that station has him on the Instant Request 5@5 and they seem to play his music so I continue to vote daily. I'm sorry to hear they are only playing it late at night etc. but I will continue to request there to support him.

This week, it was suggested we focus on Z100 in NY because they added Adam to their Mediabase ONline Request Form (but only for 7 days). Due to the tragic storm, Sandy, I did not know if it was appropriate to request of a station in NY. Now, though, I think we should all focus on that station too because it is a very impt. station I'm told.

I try to keep up with all polls and especially the Peoples Choice Awards...Adam tweeted us about that one. So we have our work cut out for us but Adam is worth all the efforts IMO, right?


Urethra_Franklin said...

What the hell did she dress as? Ho-bag is her natural look!

Anonymous said...

@3:43 I can't find the text number for 102.9 Dallas and they almost never answer the phone. The top 5 at 5 song list is on the home page to the right. Click on Trespassing green arrow up and request. If you don't see it go back again,they sort of rotate the songs a few times. Also you can tweet them and they have Trespassing on their mediabase request form. You can vote as many times as you want for the top 5 at 5.Let's do this thanks!

Anonymous said...

On adamtopia daily news and information on the first page they have a list of stations to vote and polls. Even international ones. It is very informative.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Both Adam and Miley upped their game this year. Both winners! Diplomatic? Yes

Anonymous said...

Please vote now as much as you can for Adam's nominations "Fav Male Artist" and "Fav Album", tomorrow is the last day!

Anonymous said...

Very diplomatic, how did you get on this site? I fear for your life!

Anonymous said...

Do not worry 5.11 if you are not being hateful, and mean for no reason, that when we get defensive, not for no reason and the above poster know's that! Sue

Anonymous said...

Dressing up like NM is never a good idea for me! Why, oh why?

Anonymous said...

I have a question: who cares who wins???? Why can't we sometimes LET THE REAL WORL DECIDE?

Do you people even realize that our spamming usually does Adam more harm than good? We ruin every poll that is put out there...

Anonymous said...

maybe fans of both Miley Cyrus and Nicky Minaaj are voting for Miley...

Anonymous said...

maybe fans of both Miley Cyrus and Nicky Minaaj are voting for Miley...

Anonymous said...

maybe fans of both Miley Cyrus and Nicky Minaaj are voting for Miley...

Anonymous said...

I'm 5:58 and I agree with 3:37. I vote for Adam in everything I think he is the best at which usually means music (radio, awards, etc...).

Anonymous said...

Keep voting . . Adam is ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!Halloween poll . .

Anonymous said...

Adam might have a chance to win People Choice award if we all mobilize to vote for him. I read some where Demi Lovato won last years People Choice Award and she wasn't even nominated but her fans voted her in to win by writing her name on PC polls.

Are we all voting?

Favorite Male Artist, type Adam Lambert

Favortie Album, type Trespassing

Anonymous said...

@6:32 Will do,thanks for letting us know.

Adamluv said...

Thought Miley had the best costume. Wish Adam would change it up and maybe go in a different direction next year. But ultimately did vote for Adam because it's Adam!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Why waste your time and energy voting on this silly poll? Give it to Miley.
Move to voting on PEOPLE'S Choice if you really want ADAM the recognition he deserves.
He should not even be showing up so strongly here. Just find it so shallow!


Anonymous said...

Anybody ever hear "To thine own self be true?"

Anonymous said...

@ xyz - I <3 U

Anonymous said...

Sue - Just for U will comply and tag myself - space bar !

Anonymous said...

Can we multiple vote on this poll?? I've voted even if others think it's stupid. Nothing to do with Adam is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Of course Adam blew the Halloween costume out the water! BUT put the energy into calling those radio stations to get Adam on the airways. That is the ultimate.

Anonymous said...

Hey, voting on "meaningless" polls is fun. And guess what? Being a fan is supposed to be FUN, right? I think sometimes we forget that fact. It shouldn't be just worrying and angsting and gnashing our teeth and arguing. Bottom line, it's supposed to be FUN. And for me, voting on Adam's Halloween costume is FUN. Yes, I vote for the more important things, too, but come on, people, lighten up. It's not that deep.


Anonymous said...

DRG You reminded me that once this blog was fun, not so much anymore, I'm taking a break for awhile or forever. My best wishes to all the sane people.

Anonymous said...

if there were no other important polls, you all go ahead and keep voting here. But we have the People's Choice, where are your priorities? Geez!

tess4ADAM said...

I just voted @ this poll & ADAM is leading by 20% overall including Miley ... please update the tally!

There is a nasty article by a blogger who claims to have had an unpleasant encounter with ADAM at a recent event at the Wiltern which needs our attention. I left my opinion but I'm not counting on it being published ... I found it on Google ...

ADAM LAMBERT Fans Rightfully Rise Up Against Complaing Wiltern Journalist ... (total BS .. IMO)

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

I wrote one too earlier this evening. So far not showing up on the blog.

tess4ADAM said...

@glitzylady ...
I wasn't expecting mine to be published ... I just had to answer Danny Gokey's cousin @TG's post. I remember the incident so I called her & her ROTTEN relatives out on it. But Ms. Pick'nChoose Taub saw fit not to print it. Took me a long time to type it with one hand too. Wonder what I said that rubbed Taub the wrong way ... I didn't insult her. I've been watching a lot of ADAM vids on Ytube to keep from screaming ... I'm all calm again now. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM......JAK here

I, too, use Adam as a tranquilizer after reading blogs or comments that upset me. My current favorites are Feelin Good, Starlight, Map, Nirvana and Is This Love! I mellow right out....